Chemistry Cook Off Information Packet

You probably have a favorite dish you like to eat. Have you ever thought about the
CHEMISTRY involved in creating it? This is your opportunity to learn to cook that
favorite dish and to discover the chemistry that goes into it. If there are mitigating
circumstances that prevent you from participating, see me within three days of
today so that we can make other arrangements.
The Chemistry Cook-Off presentations will take place in class on:
Friday, November 20.
Use the following guidelines:
1. Prepare an entrée or dish (can be more than one to meet project
requirements) of your choice that shows evidence of both physical and
chemical changes.
2. You will prepare and eat the food at home, with adult supervision.
3. You will document the process of cooking and collect evidence with a digital
camera. You will explain the chemistry behind what you are creating to your
4. You will write your recipe in a digital document with an ingredient list,
detailed and orderly step by step directions, with measurements in English
and metric units. (Chapter 3 if you need help)
5. Use the rubric to guide your project. The recipe, digital pictures, and
research will be imbedded in your multimedia presentation.
6. Include a list of ingredients found in your recipe and identify each as pure
substances or mixtures. Examples: salt is a pure substance because it has a
chemical formula. Flour is a mixture because it does not have a chemical
formula. (Chapter 2 if you need help)
7. You will conduct independent research and document this research on digital
notecard templates. Your research MAY include the following topics and is
not limited by this list:
a. Maillard Reaction
b. Brine
c. Single verse Double Action leavening agents
d. Fermentation
e. Gelling process
f. Denaturing of proteins
g. Curdling
h. Thickening agents like corn starch
i. Change in pH
j. Density
k. Foam
l. Coagulation
m. Gluten Formation
n. Marinating
Chemistry Cook-Off at Home Affidavit and Evaluation (10 pts.)
Student Name________________________________________________
period ___________
Name of Recipe_________________________________________________________________________
Physical Changes that occurred in preparing this food.
(Your child will verbally explain, you list and write what they tell you below)
Chemical Changes that occurred in preparing this food.
(Your child will verbally explain, you list and write what they tell you below)
Pure substances found in this recipe are:
(Your child will verbally explain, you list and write what they tell you below)
____________________________________________________(Child’s name) cooked
___________________________________________________(Recipe) by himself/herself
on ________________________ (date) with little or no help. All food was handled carefully
and safely with special consideration for refrigeration and cleanliness.
On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being superb, our family found this food to be
Parent/guardian signature____________________________________________________
Chemistry Cook-off Assessment Questions
These questions will be given as an assessment once all students have presented on
Tuesday, November 24.
1. Give an example of a chemical and physical change from your recipe.
2. How did you decide if a chemical reaction took place or if a physical change
took place? Was it through observation or research? Give an example of
each from your recipe.
3. Using what you know about substances and mixtures from chapter 2, explain
how you can decide if a component listed on your food label is a pure
substance or a mixture. Provide three examples of pure substances and
three examples of mixtures that you noticed as you were completing this
By the time you are done with your project you should be able to answer these
questions. If you cannot answer these questions, do some additional research or
come to academic assistance on Tuesday at 6:00 am or Thursday after school until
4:00 pm.
Helpful research sites:
Wiki sites are not academic references.
Project Timeline
Project kick off October 13th
Independent research, cooking, & pictures Oct 14 – Nov 16
Registration for Animoto and Intro to Animoto Nov 17
Assembly of multimedia presentation Nov 18 and Nov 19
Presentations in class Nov 20, 23, 24