Sylabus przedmiotu/modułu kształcenia Nazwa przedmiotu/modułu

Sylabus przedmiotu/modułu kształcenia
Nazwa przedmiotu/modułu kształcenia:
Nazwa w języku angielskim:
Wykład monograficzny:
Basic Issues in Modern English Lexicology
Monographic lecture
Basic Issues in in Modern English Lexicology
Język wykładowy:
Kierunek studiów dla którego przedmiot jest oferowany:
Jednostka realizująca:
Filologia sp. Anglistyka
Instytut Neofilologii i Badań Interdyscyplinarnych
Rodzaj przedmiotu /modułu kształcenia(obowiązkowy/fakultatywny):
Poziom modułu kształcenia(np. pierwszego lub drugiego stopnia):
Rok studiów:
Liczba punktów ECTS:
Imię i nazwisko koordynatora przedmiotu:
Dr hab. Prof. Liudmila Liashchova
The aim of the course is to acquaint the students with the main
concepts and issues in the field of Modern English Lexicology.
Students get acquainted with the universal ways of naming and their
peculiarities in English. They acquire the ability to analyze the
Założenia i cele przedmiotu:
semantic, morphological and derivational structure of English words,
pay special attention to their etymology, and thus predict their use in
speech and avoid the native language interference as one of the
major sources of lexical mistakes.
A student has an extended knowledge of the English language, history and
culture of the English language countries, mainly, Great Britain and the USA.
He/she is competent in major lexical semantics and derivational morphology
research methods, knows the principles of the organization of the English
He/she uses in speech advanced level special terminology in linguistics,
lexicology, derivational morphology and etymology.
Efekty kształcenia He/she is aware of the history and recent advances in the field of lexicography
and is able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice of learning and teaching
the English vocabulary.
On the basis of the acquired theory a student is able to read special literature in
the field making his/her own critical judgments. He/she is able to carry out an
independent research, develop, formulate and present their results. A student is
equipped with knowledge and skills to provide further independent learning in the
field of lexical semantics theory and practice of learning and teaching the English
Forma i typy zajęć:
A student understands the need for lifelong learning and deepening the acquired
knowledge and improving the gained skills.
Wykład (30h) – studia stacjonarne
Wykład (15h) – studia niestacjonarne
Requires knowledge of the basic issues of linguistics, presented
during the course 'Introduction to Linguistics ", “General Linguistics
Wymagania wstępne i dodatkowe:
and Modern English Linguistic Theories”, “Sociolinguistic
foundations of English”.
Treści modułu
1. Modern English Lexicology: object, aims and methods of study.
2. Lexicon emergence: Categorization and naming. Universal ways of
naming. Motivation and demotivation of names.
3. Borrowing as a way of naming in English. Etymological survey of the
English vocabulary.
4. Morphological naming: Word formation in English. Derivation (prefixation
and suffixation). Compounding. Conversion. Minor Ways of wordformation.
5. Lexical-semantic naming: Lexical semantics. Lexical naming. Polysemy.
6. Naming by of word-groups. Phraseology.
7. English lexicon as structure and system: Hyperonymy, hyponymy,
troponymy. Synonymy, antonymy. Syntagmatic sense relations.
8. British and American Lexicography,
9. Cross-linguistics vocabulary differences. Lexicological practice.
10. Review of the studied material.
Literatura podstawowa:
1. Lipka, L. English Lexicology. Tübingen, 2002.
2. Halliday, M.A.K.., Yallop, Colin. Lexicology: A short introduction. –
London, New York: Continuum, 2007.
3. Leshcheva, L.M. Words in English / Лещёва Л.М. Слова в английском
языке. - Лексикология современного английского языка/(На англ.
языке): Минск, 2002.
Literatura dodatkowa:
1. Lexikologie /LEXICOLOGY: An International Handbook on the Nature
and Structure of Words and Vocabularies. – Ed. by Alan D. Cruse, Peter
Rolf Lutzeier. – Berlin – New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 2002.
2. Lexicology: Critical Concepts. – In 6 vol. – Ed. Patrick W. Hanks. –
Abingdon: Routledge, 2007.
3. Лещёва Л.М. English Vocabulary and a Guide to Its Learning. Minsk,
Planowane formy
Content is presented in the form of a lecture designed for information
(presentation / explanation of key concepts and theses) and the nature of the
problem-conversational (common data analysis, problem solving,
generalizations and conclusions). The lecture will be assisted with
multimedia techniques.
Sposoby weryfikacji określonych efektów kształcenia osiąganych
przez studenta:
Forma i sposób zaliczenia:
Test końcowy
Zaliczenie na ocenę