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Funded and supported by
In cooperation with
Developed and offered by
Write and Present a Winning Project Proposal
Workshop (2 - 3 June 2015) & Coaching
cewas, the Swiss-based international centre for business development in the water sector, offers a
tailor-made training and coaching in writing and presenting winning project proposals in
cooperation with the Swiss Bluetec Bridge and the Swiss Water Partnership.
Background & Context
Water is a vital resource for human and economic development.
Yet, between 1.8 and 3 billion people use a drinking water source
that is contaminated or otherwise not acceptable. There are also 2.5
billion people without access to improved sanitation and of these,
one billion have to practice open defecation.
The Swiss Bluetec Bridge strives to accelerate sustainable access
to quality water for people at the base of the social pyramid (“BoP”)
in developing and emerging countries. Twice a year, the Swiss Bluetec Bridge
launches a competitive call for proposals from Swiss small- and medium-sized
enterprises (SME) and start-ups that own innovative technologies, processes or
services and are willing to adapt them to the specific needs of under- or
unserved customers in BoP markets. Successful applicants receive financial
and technical support to test their business model in the field and get ready for
the roll-out of their technology with private financial support. The Swiss Bluetec
Bridge covers up to 50% of the costs of the proposed project, with a maximum
© A. Ammann
contribution of CHF 250,000.-, in the form of a zero-interest refundable loan.
© A. Ammann
This initiative is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Benefits to Training Participants
You need more than a great idea to get funding. In today's competitive business environment, your
ability to write and present powerful proposals could make the difference between life and death of
your business. A business proposal is therefore one of the critical documents an entrepreneur
must know how to write and present.
Upon completion of the training, you will have:
 a good knowledge of the Swiss Bluetec Bridge’s role as a platform that strives to accelerate
sustainable access to water for economically poor people in rural areas and small towns in
developing and emerging countries.
 a complete working knowledge of how to prepare, write and present a winning project proposal.
 a head start in applying for financial and technical support from funding agencies such as the
Swiss Bluetec Bridge.
Proposal Writing and Presenting Workshop
Funded and supported by
In cooperation with
Developed and offered by
Dates & Venue
2 - 3 June 2015: Training “Write and Present a Winning Project Proposal”(@ cewas, Willisau)
11 June 2015: Coaching session 1 (@ cewas, Willisau)
25 June 2015: Coaching session 2: (@ cewas, Willisau)
2 July 2015: SWP event “Entering BoP Markets”: (@ Eawag, Dübendorf)
13 August 2015: Coaching session 3: (@ cewas, Willisau)
Target Audience
This business development training and coaching is ideal for start-ups and SME focussing on
technical water innovations in general and, in particular, for those intending to apply for financial
and technical support from the Swiss Bluetec Bridge, and therefore wish to expand their
proficiency in writing and presenting winning project proposals. The training and coaching is held in
The (subsidised) cost for attending the business development training and the three coaching
sessions is CHF 450.- per person.
Benefit from a reduced combined fee for attending both the cewas training and coaching
“Write and Present a Winning Project Proposal” and the SWP event “Entering BoP
Markets”. Detailed information on an attractive package price will be made available soon.
You will receive confirmation of participation and be invoiced upon receipt of your application.
Contents Overview
Training (2 - 3 June 2015) and coaching “Write and Present a Winning Project Proposal”:
 Addressing application procedures and selection criteria
 Preparing a winning project proposal
 Understanding the value and service delivery chain
 Business model development
 Developing key elements of the project proposal
Event “Entering BoP Markets” (2 July 2015):
 Opportunities, challenges and constraints related to market entry and scale-up in BoP markets
 Promising approaches, tools and best practices to overcome obstacles
 Exchange ideas and experiences between participants
Contact & Info:
Mr. Martin Wafler
Ettiswilerstrasse 24
6130 Willisau, Switzerland
+43-(0)1-9619450 ext. 30
Proposal Writing and Presenting Workshop
Funded and supported by
In cooperation with
Developed and offered by
Application & Registration
To take full advantage of the offered training and coaching, participation of two or more persons
per company is advised.
Please email this application form duly completed to Mr Martin Wafler (
before 26 May 2015.
Personal contact
First Name
Family Name
Personal information of additional company members that will participate in the
business development training
First Name
Family Name
First Name
Family Name
Company information
Full Name of Company
Nature of Business
ZIP Code
Company Webpage
Number of Employees
Year Founded
Proposal Writing and Presenting Workshop
Funded and supported by
In cooperation with
Developed and offered by
Short description of the business idea
Short description of target market and sales potential
All applications and documents will be handled strictly confidential.
Proposal Writing and Presenting Workshop