TKAM Packet - Reading Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1:
To Kill a Mockingbird
Chapter Questions
1. Why does Harper Lee talk about the Finch family history in chapter one?
2. What is the mood of the first chapter? How does Harper Lee achieve this mood?
3. What is the point of view of the novel?
4. Cite details which establish the setting of the novel.
5. Contrast Dill’s family situation with the Finches’.
Chapter 2:
1. Describe Miss Caroline? How does she represent what Harper Lee believes is wrong with
the educational system?
2. Why does Scout explain Walter Cunningham’s situation to Miss Caroline?
Chapter 3:
1. Draw a Venn diagram comparing Jem and Scout.
2. Draw a Venn diagram comparing Burris Ewell with the other children.
3. What is the advice Atticus gives to Scout?
Chapter 4:
1. What is learned about Jem and Scout from their different reactions to the pennies in the
2. What characteristics are revealed about children in general through the Boo Radley
Chapter 5:
1. Why is Miss Maudie Atkinson an important character in the novel?
Chapter 6:
1. What is significant about Jem’s decision to return to the Radley place alone? What is the
outcome of his return?
2. Who does Nathan think is responsible for the night’s disturbance? Does the town
question his accusation? Why is this important?
Chapter 7:
1. Who fills the knot-hole up? What reason does he give? What do you think the real reason
2. Why is it significant that Jem had been crying?
Chapter 8:
1. How do people react to the fire at Miss Maudie’s house?
2. What characteristics does Miss Maudie show following the fire?
Chapter 9:
1. What can you conclude about the character of Atticus from his defense of Tom Robinson?
2. Draw a Venn diagram comparing Aunt Alexandra and Atticus.
3. How does Atticus hope to prevent Jem and Scout from catching the disease of most people
in Maycomb?
Chapter 10:
1. What does the mockingbird symbolize? Explain.
2. What are the effects of the chapter’s main events on Atticus, Jem, and Scout?
Chapter 11:
1. What causes Jem to strike out against Mrs. Dubose?
2. What do we learn about Mrs. Dubose’s illness? Why does Atticus admire her?
3. What does Jem gain from his experience with Mrs. Dubose?
Chapter 12:
1. How have Jem and Scout’s relationship changed?
2. What do Jem and Scout learn from going to church with Calpurnia?
Chapter 13:
1. Draw a Venn diagram comparing Atticus and Aunt Alexandra.
Chapter 14:
1. How does Jem break a code of childhood?
2. Draw a Venn Diagram. Contrast Dill’s home life with Scout’s at this point in the novel.
Chapter 15:
1. Draw a Venn Diagram. Contrast the two groups Atticus faces.
2. Why does Jem follow Atticus to town?
3. What does Scout say to the group at the jail that makes them leave?
Chapter 16:
1. Why does Scout cry after returning home from the jail?
2. How does Jem’s treatment of Scout show his maturity?
3. What is the turnout like for the trial?
4. What does Scout learn about why Atticus is representing Tom Robinson?
Chapter 17:
1. What does Atticus attempt to establish through Heck Tate’s testimony?
2. What does Atticus attempt to establish through Bob Ewell’s testimony?
Chapter 18:
1. Describe Mayella’s testimony.
2. What surprising information do we learn about Tom?
Chapter 19:
1. Describe how Scout begins to empathize with Tom and Mayella during Tom’s testimony.
2. Draw a Venn Diagram comparing Atticus’ and Gilmer’s presence in the courtroom.
3. Why is it significant that Dill gets sick in the courtroom?
Chapter 20:
1. Who is Dolphus Raymond? What lesson do the kids learn from him?
2. What does Dolphus Raymond say about Dill?
3. What is Atticus actually condemning in his closing remarks to the jury? What does Atticus
ask the jury to use when deliberating?
Chapter 21:
1. How does Scout know the verdict before it is read?
Chapter 22:
1. What happens that finally defines Jem as an adult? What symbolic incident occurs to
reiterate this?
2. What hope and what fear are expressed at the end of the chapter?
Chapter 23:
1. What does Atticus say about the outcome of the trial?
2. Give examples of Jem’s continuing maturity.
Chapter 24:
1. What is ironic about the missionary circle’s conversation?
2. Why did Tom try to escape?
3. What do we learn about Aunt Alexandra?
Chapter 25:
1. Describe how Tom Robinson is a mockingbird.
2. Describe the mood at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 26:
1. Describe Miss Gates.
2. Why is Jem unable to speak about the trial without becoming angered?
Chapter 27:
1. What three incidents is Ewell a part of?
2. What funny event occurs with Misses Tutti and Frutti’s furniture? How does it affect the
Chapter 28:
1. List as many events that foreshadow the attack on Jem and Scout.
Chapter 29:
1. What has Boo done in the past that would makes his rescue of Jem and Scout believable?
Chapter 30:
1. Why does Heck Tate protect Boo? What does this tell us about his character?
2. What do Atticus and Scout realize about justice?
3. Discuss Scout’s comment about the mockingbird in relation to Boo Radley?
Chapter 31:
1. How does Scout show she has learned, “You never really understand a person until you
consider things from his point of view –until you climb into his skin and walk around in