MorePower 6.0 for t-test of Means, z-test of Proportions, and Simple

MorePower 6.0 for t-test of Means, z-test of Proportions, and
Simple Correlation
Jamie I. D. Campbell
University of Saskatchewan,
Department of Psychology
The power estimates used in these
routines are all based on the Campbell and
Thompson (2002) procedure for calculating
power for the t-test. Equation 1 solves for tβ,
which is the t value under the alternativehypothesis distribution corresponding to d
relative to tα, the rejection criterion under
the null hypothesis. The quantity d is the
effect size in original units and its divisor
(the denominator in Equation 1) is the SE of
d. The probability that t is greater than tβ is
the power to reject the null hypothesis for a
given α level for a one-tailed test or α/2 for a
two-tailed test. Equation 1 can be rearranged
to solve for sample size (n) or effect size (d)
(see Campbell & Thompson, 2002) and this
capacity is built in to MorePower.
The probability value entered or appearing in the Power field of MorePower
corresponds to the upper tail of the tβ distribution. For two-tailed tests, the probability
associated with the lower tail usually is trivial from a practical standpoint, but the calculator displays power for the combined upper
and lower tail probabilities in the main output window. Probabilities for the central tdistribution are calculated using the BETAI
algorithm for the incomplete beta function
presented in Sprott (1996, p. 105).
This document is supplementary to Campbell and Thompson (2012), which provides a
complete introduction to MorePower 6.0
and takes the reader through a series of examples to illustrate its application to
ANOVA. The focus here is on the other
analysis types handled by MorePower 6.0,
which includes routines to calculate sample
size, effect size, and power for one or two
sample t-tests of means, z-test of binomial
proportions, and simple correlation. For the
t-tests of means, MorePower 6. 0 also calculates Bayesian posterior odds for the null
and alternative hypotheses based on formulas in Masson (2011) and graphical confidence intervals based on formulas from Jarmasz and Hollands (2009). MorePower 6.0
is available at
Power Calculations
This research was supported by a grant
from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Address
correspondence to Jamie Campbell, Department of Psychology, University of
Saskatchewan, 9 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK, Canada, S7N 5A5 (phone 306966-6664, fax 306-966-1959. This version
of the document created June 1, 2012.
t   t 
Jamie I. D. Campbell
This approach does not compute exact power because it uses the central tdistribution to represent both the null and
alternative hypotheses. Unlike the null hypothesis distribution, the alternative hypothesis is more precisely characterized by a
noncentral t-distribution that is skewed, with
skewness decreasing as df increases (Cumming & Finch, 2001). For this reason,
MorePower’s power calculations for t may
be slightly conservative relative to exact
power when df are relatively small. The
ANOVA option in MorePower can be used
to compute exact probabilities for two-tailed
t-tests because the t-test corresponds to an
ANOVA with one two-level factor. The
non-central F-distribution used by MorePower to compute power for ANOVA does
not simply extrapolate to one-tailed t-tests.
For purposes of comparison, Table 1
presents exact power for values of t ranging
from .5 to 4.5 for df = 5, 15, and 45 with
centrally-computed power in brackets when
the two do not agree to at least two decimal
places. The two power estimates generally
agree to two decimal places when power ≥
.80 or df ≥ 45 and, with the exception of
very small df, the non-central correction
amounts to only 1 or 2%. Consequently,
MorePower’s approximate power estimates
for t are accurate enough for many practical
applications in psychological experiments.
Furthermore, the approximation based on
central t is computationally efficient and has
no practical limits with respect to calculation
of sample size, unlike the ANOVA sample
size routine that is limited to a maximum of
2500 per cell. In the output window after
each calculation, power is displayed to two
decimal places, including both upper and
lower tail probabilities for two-tailed tests.
Upper-tail power for these tests is displayed
to five digits in the Power text field because
this more precise quantity is required by the
algorithms to limit rounding error.
Table 1
Comparison of computed power for the t-test
from non-central and central distributions
Degrees of Freedom
.07 (.06) .08 (.07) .08
.13 (.10) .16 (.14) .16
.23 (.17) .29 (.27) .31
.37 (.30) .46 (.45) .50 (.49)
.52 (.48) .65 (.64) .69
.67 (.66) .80
Note. Two-tailed power rounded to two decimal places. Calculation based on central t
distribution in parentheses (if different from
non-central distribution).
t-test of the Difference Between two Means
The MorePower interface for t-tests
is generally the same as that for the
ANOVA, except the Design Factor and Effect of Interest sections are preset to one fact
with two levels and greyed out. MorePower
provides the same flexibility as for the
ANOVA to solve for sample size, effect size
(eta2, t or difference), or power. The user
may select between a one-sample or twosample t-test and a one-tailed or two-tailed
test. To illustrate MorePower for the t-test of
two independent means, the following duplicates the example of the corresponding
test for G*Power in Faul et al. (2007, p.
178). We want the sample size for a onetailed test with α = .05 and power = .95 for a
medium effect size with Cohen’s d = .5.
Cohen’s d is related to η2 by the relation
Cohen’s d = 2 ⋅ f = 2 ⋅ √𝜂2 ÷ (1 − 𝜂2 ) (see
MorePower 6.0 Supplementary Documentation
Cohen, 1988, p. 276); consequently the corresponding η2 = .059 (medium effect size =
.06 in terms of η2). Click the radio button for
a two-sample t-test and select Sample in the
Solve For section. The Sample field is
cleared and highlighted with a light blue
background. Click the left Alpha radio button to select a one-sided test (α is .05 by default), enter power, and η2, then click the
Solve button. The required total sample size
of 176 appears in the Sample box (see Figure 1), which agrees with G*Power 3.
Bayes Factor (BF), and the posterior odds
pBIC(Ho|D) and pBIC(H1|D), while the following two lines report information about the
Jarmasz and Holland’s (2009) graphical
confidence interval (see Campbell &
Thompson, 2011, for details about the
Bayesian analysis and graphical confidence
intervals). The mean difference (d) in original units is presented based on Equation 1
using the quantity provided in the Variability section, the standard error of the difference, and the margin of error for the 95%
confidence interval of the mean difference.
Finally, the output includes the one-tailed
test of the null hypothesis that the mean difference is 0 (observed t-value and significance level) and the critical value of t for
this test.
t-test for Simple Correlation
Click the r button under the analysis
section to select power analysis for the correlation coefficient, r (see Figure 2). The
sample size, effect size and power calculations for r are identical to those for the t-test
of means with effect size specified in terms
of η2. This follows from the fact that η may
be considered a generalization of the Pearson r and similarly η2 a generalization of r2
(Cohen, 1988, p. 280). In MorePower, the
correlation coefficient r is squared and processed as η2. The application of the t-test
follows from the relation t = r/((1-r2)/(n-2)).
The Effect Size scroll bars remain enabled
but the defaults (r in the upper field and t in
the lower field) should be maintained for
analysis of correlation. The Variability section is greyed out but displays S = 1. This is
because the calculator requires that a variability be specified, although the specific value does not affect the results in this case because error variability is implicit in η2.
Figure 1. MorePower sample size calculation for the two-sample t-test
The output window displays additional information, including the observed or
requested power and total sample, followed
by eta2 and Cohen’s d. The next two lines
present the Bayesian analysis, including
ΔBIC (dBIC in the display), the calculated
Jamie I. D. Campbell
Figure 2. MorePower sample size calculation for the simple correlation.
Figure 3. MorePower sample size calculation for one sample binomial proportion.
z-test of Binomial Proportions
Equation 1, but substituting z for t. For the
one-sample case the variance of the difference (sd2 in Equation 1) is based on the nullhypothesis proportion and computed by P0⋅
(1 - P0). For the two-sample case, the difference variance is given by P0⋅ (1 - P0) + P1⋅
(1 - P1). Select the one-sample binomial option. Enter a sample size in the Sample field,
specify the null (P0) and alternative (P1)
proportions, and click Solve to calculate the
corresponding power. The output window
displays the approximate power to twodecimal places, standard error of the difference between proportions, and the odds ratio, a measure of effect size calculated as
(P1 / (1 - P1)) / (P0 / (1 - P0)). The total N is
also displayed, followed by the z-test of the
binomial null hypothesis (observed z and
If z-test of proportion is selected in
the Analysis section, the Effect Size section
is replaced by the Binomial Hypotheses section (see Figure 3). MorePower performs
one- or two-tailed hypotheses tests for one
or two-sample binomial proportions, and
calculates sample size, effect size, and power estimates in relation to these tests. The
one-sample case refers to comparing an observed proportion (P1; e.g., proportion of
heads in 10 flips of a coin) to a nullhypothesis proportion (P0; e.g., the expected
proportion of heads is .5). The two-sample
case refers to a comparison of binomial proportions in two independent groups of observations. Calculation of power is based on
MorePower 6.0 Supplementary Documentation
significance level) and critical value of z.
Solve for sample size or effect size by selecting the corresponding button under Solve
For. A continuity correction can be made to
adjust for using a continuous distribution (z)
to approximate the distribution of a discrete
variable (the binomial event). The continuity
correction for the difference (d = P0 - P1)
expressed in terms of np (i.e., the expected
number of binomial “successes” in n trials)
is z = (n ⋅ d - .5) /√(𝑛 ⋅ 𝑝 ⋅ 𝑞), where q = 1
- p. In terms of p, therefore, z = (d - .5 / n)
/√(𝑝 ⋅ 𝑞/𝑛). Click on the Continuity Correction check box to apply this correction to
the specified or calculated difference in proportions: Difference - .5/N, where N is the
total sample size.
Cohen, J. Statistical power analysis for the
behavioral sciences, 2nd ed., New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Inc., 1988.
Cumming, G., & Finch, S. (2001). A primer
on the understanding, use, and calculation of confidence intervals that are
based on central and noncentral distributions. Educational and Psychological
Measurement, 61, 530–572. doi:
Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A. G., &
Buchner, A. (2007). G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program
for the social, behavioural and biomedical sciences. Behaviour Research Methods,
Jarmasz, J., & Hollands, J. G. (2009). Confidence intervals in repeated-measures
designs: The number of observations
principle. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 124–138. doi:
Masson, M. E. J. (2011). A tutorial on a
practical Bayesian alternative to nullhypothesis significance testing. Behavioral
Sprott, J. C. (1996). Numerical recipes and
routines in BASIC. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Campbell, J. I. D., & Thompson, V. A.
(2002). More power to you: Simple
power calculations for treatment effects
with one degree of freedom. Behavior
Research Methods, Instrumentation,
and Computers, 34, 332-337. doi:
Campbell, J. I. D., & Thompson, V. A.
(2012). MorePower 6.0 for ANOVA
with Bayesian Analysis and Graphical
Confidence Intervals. Behavioral Research Methods. Advance online publication. doi: 10.3758/s13428-012-0186-0