CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY A Study of Power Distribution to Cities Technical Communication Course Group A3: Engström Peter, Fredholm Andreas, Göransson Martin, Göthe Hampus 2010-11-08 Figure 1: Picture of the power grid that supplies the cities of the island with power. A Study of Power Distribution to Cities 2 1 2 3 CONTENT Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Background .................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Problem definition ....................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Power distribution ................................................................................................ 4 2.2.2 AC/DC ................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.3 Environmental considerations ............................................................................. 5 2.2.4 Grid components .................................................................................................. 5 2.3 Project scope ............................................................................................................... 5 2.4 Report structure .......................................................................................................... 5 Methods and materials ....................................................................................................... 6 3.1 4 Results ................................................................................................................................. 6 4.1 5 Approach...................................................................................................................... 6 HVAC/HVDC comparison ............................................................................................. 7 4.1.1 History/Introduction ............................................................................................ 7 4.1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of HVDC compared to HVAC transmission ........ 7 4.1.3 Economical aspect regarding HVAC/HVDC .......................................................... 8 4.1.4 Environmental and Health concerns regarding HVAC/HVDC .............................. 8 4.2 Voltage levels ............................................................................................................... 9 4.3 Cable dimensions ....................................................................................................... 10 4.4 Grid components ....................................................................................................... 10 4.4.1 Transmission lines .............................................................................................. 10 4.4.2 Transformers ...................................................................................................... 11 4.4.3 Short circuit breakers ......................................................................................... 11 4.4.4 Lightning protection ........................................................................................... 11 4.4.5 High-Voltage breaker ......................................................................................... 11 4.4.6 Smart grids ......................................................................................................... 11 Discussion.......................................................................................................................... 13 5.1 AC/DC......................................................................................................................... 13 5.2 Voltage levels ............................................................................................................. 13 5.3 Environmental considerations ................................................................................... 13 The Forest ......................................................................................................................... 14 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities 3 6 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 15 6.1 7 Further study ............................................................................................................. 15 References ........................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 4 2 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities INTRODUCTION In the modern western society, the generation and distribution of electric power is essential for the daily life. As populations increase, so must the electric power grid as an important part of every developed infrastructure. The intention of this report is to suggest a model for a specific part of an electric power grid, located on an island. The motivation is to develop a model which optimizes distribution efficiency and at the same time minimizes cost and environmental impact. 2.1 BACKGROUND Electric power is usually distributed with help of overhead transmission lines which are attached to electricity pylons. Underground cables are used as well, even though their use is very limited due to the considerable higher cost. From the power generation facilities, the power is distributed along high voltage lines, reaching up to 800 kV depending on country. Eventually, the power will be transformed down to a usable voltage level which in European homes is 230 V. For a safe maintenance and long life span, the grid is equipped with devices, serving different functions like lightning- and short circuit protection. 2.2 PROBLEM DEFINITION The problem is to supply efficient electrical distribution to City B and City E through lines 6 and 4 as shown in figure 1 and figure 2. 75% of the power derives from renewable sources and the remaining 25% is nuclear power. Figure 2: Zoomed in section of figure 1. The task is to determine voltage levels, power lines/cables etc. so the cities' power requirements are satisfied, at the same time considering economical and environmental aspects. 2.2.1 POWER DISTRIBUTION The major issue is to supply the cities B and E with the power they require, using part 4 and 6 of the power grid. Part 4 is playing the role as main power supplier while part 6 acts as a backup, should part 4 malfunction. To supply city B and E the power lines need to be able to transmit at least 430 MW. To achieve the desirable power levels the transmission lines need to be sized and built with respect to a lot of different aspects. Which voltage level is going to be used for the most effective transmission, considering inductance, resistance and capacitance? 5 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities When the voltage requirement is known, the dimensions of the cables have to be determined in order to minimize losses due to resistance. Higher voltage levels give less power loss due to the relation in Ohm's law, meaning higher voltage equal less ampere. 2.2.2 AC/DC Use of AC or DC in the grid is a major question that needs to be answered. The advantages and disadvantages of both types of currents must be considered when calculating operation and cost efficiency. In other words, when is the respective type of transmission preferable? 2.2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS The power transmission must be adapted to the environment it is passing through, which makes it important to determine the use of either overhead power lines or regular cables. From point E to B there are no obstacles in specific. From city B to C there is a lake, 6 km in width, where the transmission line is supposed to cross. From city A to B a dense forest poses an obstacle for the lines and a solution needs to be found. What is the most efficient way to deal with these environmental obstacles? Is it necessary to compromise cost for less environmental impact? 2.2.4 GRID COMPONENTS This is in a way connected to the previous question. Considering environmental aspects is essential in the decision of grid components. When is cable or overhead power lines most desirable considering economical and environmental aspects? What other components are needed for the grid´s maintenance and function? Which types of transformers are going to be used? What kind of lightning protection and voltage breakers are needed? 2.3 PROJECT SCOPE The scope of this project is too limited to the transmission lines 4 and 6. No considerations have been made concerning power generation and distribution to other cities than B and E. The construction and maintenance of the transmission line towers will not be discussed as well. 2.4 REPORT STRUCTURE Initially, the approach taken to deal with the problem in question is introduced (section 2). The report then continues with a presentation of the results acquired (section 3) and a discussion regarding them (section 4). At last, the conclusion will be exposed (section 5), presenting a solution of the problem regarded by this report. 6 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities 3 METHODS AND MATERIALS 3.1 APPROACH In order to solve the problem of power distribution on the island, the first step taken was to study the facts and principles of electrical power engineering. A search commenced for appropriate information, mainly on the Internet, but literature recommended from the teachers was provided as well. When enough information was found it was read and compiled. For the first draft the text was not constructed as a scientific report but instead the facts and information acquired were presented in a list form. The purpose of the first draft was to display the group’s progress for the course teachers, to display the amount of information acquired and thus there was no need of a scientific form. After receiving the teachers critique concerning the first draft, the group began reconstructing the text to fit a more formal context. It was adapted after the teachers’ suggestions, and more information was found to fill in the gaps in the first draft. Until then, the report had been written with the different aspects of the problem regarding power transmission as just a body, with every aspect under its own headline. Now, the assignment was to divide the bodies and transfer the different parts to their appropriate headline. E.g. there was a headline named "Transmission lines" covering the results, discussions and conclusions regarding the subject. The headline´s text was divided and the different parts were put under the major headlines "Results", "Discussion", "Conclusion" etc. The last two weeks, before the hand in of the second draft, was totally devoted to create a report written in a proper scientific form. The handouts received from classes regarding the framework of a report were studied and pursued to follow their recommendation. A few problems, like transmission line resistance, required some simple calculations for a reach of conclusion. Those calculations were almost the last to be made, using some basic formulas, mainly because it was found easier to perform them when it was known exactly what had to be calculated. The last effort was spent making a layout. The different fonts, reference systems and table of contents of the example reports handed out were studied and finally the group tried to create something equally competent. 7 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities 4 RESULTS DC to AC for commercial and industrial use. AC has the advantage that it does not need any converting. 4.1 HVAC/HVDC COMPARISON There is several different ways to configure a DC system, from simple backto-back to the more commonly used bipolar system where two converter stations are connected by bipolar conductors with its own ground. There is also a system called multi-terminal HVDC transmission where you have more than two stations that you either connect in series or parallel. (1) (2) 4.1.1 HISTORY/INTRODUCTION The first generator ever made was a DC generator; hence the first power transmission line used DC. Although DC was superior to AC in almost every aspect, DC lost the battle to AC. Mainly because transporting AC was easier and the voltage levels were easier to transform. When the motor was introduced in industries the DC had no chance since motors only work with AC. Hence, the commercial users had to adapt to the industries. This is the main reason for AC dominance over DC although DC is still better than AC when it comes to several aspects due to its economical, technical and environmental advantages. Although with a very high station cost DC is rarely used at shorter distances. Of these two, AC transmission systems is the most commonly used system, but DC systems are sometimes preferred over AC, especially at longer distances where AC have problems. For example, resistance in conductors is much higher AC systems compared to DC. This is because of the "skin effect" that AC causes. Basically this means that the density of the conductor is greater on the surface then at the core. Therefore the current tends to flow in the "skin" causing the effective resistance to go up. When using High voltage DC transmission systems there is three basic parts to consider. The first is a converter station to convert the AC to DC for transportation. Secondly, the transmission lines, third, a second converter to once again convert 4.1.2 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF HVDC COMPARED TO HVAC TRANSMISSION The following list of advantages and disadvantages is taken from (1). Advantages Greater power per conductor. Simpler line construction. Ground return can be used. Hence each conductor can be operated as an independent circuit. No charging current. No Skin effect. Cables can be worked at a higher voltage gradient. Line power factor is always unity: line does not require reactive compensation. Less corona loss and radio interference, especially in foul weather, for a certain conductor diameter and rms voltage. Synchronous operation is not required. Hence distance is not limited by stability. May interconnect A.C systems of different frequencies. A Study of Power Distribution to Cities 8 Low short-circuit current on D.C line. Does not contribute to short-circuit current of an A.C system. Tie-line power is easily controlled. Disadvantages Converters are expensive. Converters require much reactive power. Converters generate harmonic, require filters. Multiterminal or network operation is not easy. 4.1.3 ECONOMICAL ASPECT REGARDING HVAC/HVDC When choosing HVDC or HVAC it is very important to factor in the economical aspect since they are different between the different transmission methods. In order to compare cost between AC/DC all costs must be compared, main system elements, capital cost, labor, converter terminals, filters and so on. The main difference is between HVAC and HVDC is the HVDC station, it costs more than 4 times than the station of a HVAC system. This is a big deal when electricity is transmitted shorter distances rather than long. Although with HVDC being more efficient when transferring electricity there is a break-even distance. There is also cheaper to build transmission lines for HVDC because you only need two conductors instead of three conductors due to the three phase system that HVAC uses. The break-even distance for overhead power lines occurs between 500 km to 800 km as illustrated below (1). (2) Figure 3 This graph illustrates the break-even point for costs when using HVAC and HVDC transmission. (1) 4.1.4 ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH CONCERNS REGARDING HVAC/HVDC RADIO, TV AND TELEPHONE INTERFERENCE There are several components and phenomena that cause interference in different frequency spectrums in power lines. Transient over voltages, corona discharges and converters etc. That makes it important to use electromagnetic shielding of the valve halls. For a HVDC transmission lines this value is about 40 dB (μV/m) for 0.5 MHz, 300 meters from the conductor, compared with HVAC values of 50 db (μV/m). In this aspect HVDC is also better than HVAC. (1) CORONA DISCHARGES Corona discharges occurs when a fluid on a conductor ionizes because the strength of an electrical field have exceeded a certain point, and is not strong enough to cause complete electrical discharge or arcing. This process creates noise and produces Ozone that is a dangerous gas for people and the environment. This is a problem for both HVAC and HVDC systems because of the already high pollution of ozone cities have. Ozone A Study of Power Distribution to Cities 9 naturally has a concentration of approximately 50 ppb (parts per billion) in clean air, while in cities this value may reach 150 ppb. When the value reaches about 180-200 ppb it becomes health risk for people, so it is important to keep these values down. (1) (3) TRANSIENT OVER VOLTAGES Transient over voltages is a problem, basically it is a peak voltage that can reach up to three times the crest voltage in the conductor for HVAC systems but only 1.7 times for HVDC. Voltage peaks is very dangerous for machines and devices so it is crucial that they are correctly handled, so they do not cause any damage. (1) (4) ELECTRIC FIELDS EMF is not proven to be dangerous but still is a sensitive topic and not to be taken lightly. There is ongoing research and much public debate on how this affects humans. The voltage levels in lines 4 and 6 depend on how much power city B and E need. The cities need 430 MW to operate at the moment but to be able to develop the lines must be able to transmit approximately 500 MW. As seen in table 3 the voltage required to reach 500 MW is between 345 kV and 500 kV. Therefore 400 kV will be used to achieve this in both line 4 and 6. 400 kV power lines are used in many countries power grid, including the Swedish grid. (5) To calculate the current level in the power lines the equation is used. The losses in the lines can easily be calculated by a similar equation: . The equations above display that the use of a higher voltage level decreases the current level, resulting in a lower power loss. Using an even higher voltage will increase the cost to construct and maintain the cables, which will be unfavorable in an economical aspect. Everything that is conductive and gets electrically charged emits a EMF field. Potential effects of EMF vary widely on Intensity and frequency. And since power lines is a big source of EMF, it is something that should be taken into consideration. In this aspect HVDC is superior due to the fact that it does not use steady-statedisplacement that HVAC uses. (1) (2) = short-circuit current [kA] during time . = short-circuit current rating during 1 second. See the 1 second value in Table 1 for the conductor and in Table 2 for the metal screen. NOISE A transformer is the main source of noise. The converter transformers that is a must for HVDC operation is approximately 10 to 20 dB higher than regular transformers. In this aspect, noise is the only limiting factor for future and existing HVDC lines. (1) (2) 4.2 VOLTAGE LEVELS = short-circuit duration (sec) (6) (7) A Study of Power Distribution to Cities 10 Table 1 (relevant parts from Table 14 (6). Max short-circuit current on the screen during 1 s, kA. lighter and cost approximately three times less than copper. (8) Table 3 Some common voltage levels and their natural load. Aluminium conductor Aluminium conductor mm 65°C 90°C 1600 166 151 per mm2 0.104 0.0945 Cross section Voltage 132 230 345 500 700 43 130 300 830 1600 (kV) Natural load (MW) Table taken from (1) Table 4 Resistivity and density of some metals. Material Table 2 (relevant parts from Table 15 (6). (20°C) Max. short-circuit current on the screen during 1 s, kA. Metallic Metallic screen screen cross temperature section, mm before the short-circuit Metallic screen temperature before the short-circuit Copper screen 50°C 70°C 95 16 15 per mm2 Cu 0.165 0.153 4.3 The cable dimension depends on which material is used as the conductor in the power lines. The most common conductors used are aluminum and copper. According to table 4, silver has the better resistivity than both aluminum and copper but it is also heavier and more expensive, and is therefore not used. Aluminum is approximately three times Density Kg/m3 (20°C) Silver 1,59·10-8 10 500 Copper 1,6730·10-8 8 960 Aluminum 2,6548·10-8 2 698 Iron 9,71·10-8 7 874 Information in table 4 is taken from (9) 4.4 CABLE DIMENSIONS Resistivity Ohm/m GRID COMPONENTS 4.4.1 TRANSMISSION LINES There are two main types of electrical transmission lines, overhead power lines and ground cables. The clearly dominant type is the overhead power line, and one of the major reasons is economical since the cost for cables is 15 to 45 times the cost for overhead power lines. However, ground cables may be preferable to use on a few occasions. In vicinity of cities, cables might be used on an esthetic base and when crossing larger water masses there are no viable options other than using cables. 11 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities The cross-section dimension of the lines depends on the voltage and current they are required to withstand. The transmission lines dealt with in this report are required to endure 1250 A and 400 kV. (10) 4.4.2 TRANSFORMERS Transformers are an absolute necessity for the use of electrical power in homes and industry. They transform the electricity from the transmission lines to a higher or lower voltage, so that it can be used for general usage. For example, you use several transformer stations to lower the voltage in the transmission lines coming from the power plant. In Sweden, the voltage is transformed down from the hundreds of kV in the transmission lines to the 230 Volts used in homes. (11) 4.4.3 SHORT CIRCUIT BREAKERS Short circuit breakers are essential in a power transmission net. They are used for protection against short circuits and power surges. When they occur, the breakers task is to break the connection between the power lines. When breaking the lines, it sometimes occurs that the current continues to flow in an arc between the breaking points. The arcs temperature can exceed 50,000 °C and obviously, it is lethal for anyone coming close. If there were no short circuit breakers in the net, then, if a short circuit would occur, it would result in massive currents, with potential to destroy the lines, stations and transformers (12) (13) overhead shield wires and surge arresters. Overhead shield wires are the main protection for stations and for overhead transmission lines in areas with high lightning activity. They are wires usually placed above the phase conductors. The backside with shield wires are the almost 10 percent higher line construction cost and energy waste due to induction from the power lines. They are quite effective though, offering a 95% protection rate against lightning strikes. Surge arresters are constructions connected across insulators at high risk locations along a transmission line, e.g. towers etc. Their function is to minimize power interruption due to lightning strikes. Early models were made of porcelain and were very heavy. They were hard to mount on power-lines and towers and there was a risk for falling porcelain. But nowadays, when they have gotten lighter and smaller, they are a viable option to overhead shield wires. They have a very high rate of success and do not induce voltage, thus saving energy. (14) 4.4.5 HIGH-VOLTAGE BREAKER High-Voltage breakers are used as a kind of on and off switch to isolate high voltage electrical equipment. This is mainly for the purpose of maintenance, so that personal safely can access power lines and equipment. It´s breaking procedure works similarly to the short circuit breaker, but is controlled manually, while the short circuit breaker breaks automatically. (12) (13) 4.4.4 LIGHTNING PROTECTION 4.4.6 SMART GRIDS There are mainly two types of lightning protection for wires and power stations, The main problem with electricity is that it cannot be stored efficiently. Hence, all 12 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities electricity must be used at the same time as it is produced. This has as a consequence, that the energy production must be generated after energy consumption assumptions. Sometimes this may not be in correlation with the actual consumption, leading to either energy wastage or a lack of energy. So, to manage this problem, there has been a development of smart grids, which function is as a kind of regulating terminal. Sensors are placed at key locations to feed the system with data of consumption and production of electricity. This makes it possible to regulate the in- and output from the power stations. Smart grid systems also give the opportunity to prioritize "green" energy over fossil and nuclear energy. For instance, when windmills are producing energy the grid always uses that "green" energy instead of energy produced from less green sources like fossil fueled power plants. Compared to the presently used transmission conductors, the smart grid is far more advanced. Today power transmission is a one-way transport from the power plants to transmission lines and, lastly, the consumers. The smart grid system relies mostly on reusable power sources, which quite often are geographically spread out. This makes it necessary for the smart grid to be able to direct the transmission to the consumers. The reliability of "green" sources can be seen as a disadvantage. When the grids are overloaded, it might be necessary for the consumers to cut down on their consumption, creating interruption for people watching TV, working on computers etc. (15) (16) (17) 13 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities 5 DISCUSSION 5.1 AC/DC AC offers a better rate of efficiency than DC and is thus economically favorable. DC is a more efficient way of power transmission during normal conditions only at distances greater than 600 km. Since the longest distance to consider, part 6 of the grid, only is 160 km, AC would be the most favorable choice. DC has an advantage over AC considering underwater transmission performance, especially over distances longer than 30 km. This is an interesting property, since a lake is crossing part 6 of the transmission grid. The said lake is only 6 km in width, which makes the transformation from AC to DC and back again less cost effective than using AC all the way. 5.2 VOLTAGE LEVELS Transmission line 4 and 6 must each be able to transfer 500 MW. A higher voltage level produces a higher level of efficiency, thus saving money. We are going to follow the Swedish standard in voltage levels for the net backbone, using 400 kV over the transmission lines connecting the cities. 5.3 TRANSMISSION LINES Considering the higher cost of underground cables, the main part of the power distribution is going to be through overhead power lines. On two occasions, across the lake and in the vicinity of the cities, are cables going to be used. The lake, 6 km in width, makes it impossible to use overhead power lines, and they are very impractical and ugly to use in a city. The esthetic aspect has been found more important than cost in this case. Insulated wires are going to be used when the transmission lines are built through the dense forest. This is to avoid short circuit from falling branches and debris. The material used for the conductor is aluminum, since it is cheaper and lighter then copper. The cable drawn across the lake is going to be a XLPE-type cable, since the material has many advantages. It is maintenance-free, has low electrical losses and is environmentally friendly. 5.4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS Concerning the lake, the alternatives are to build an underwater power line or to build overhead power lines around the lake. The forest poses other difficulties but have similar solutions. You can either build transmission lines around the forest or clear a path through it. The added cost of clearing a path large enough to construct an overhead power line would be less than building around the forest. THE LAKE While DC is normally preferred for submarine cables, the distance does not make it economically worthwhile in our situation due to transformation costs. The distance across the lake we have to take in consideration is very manageable for AC, which is a major concern when using AC for submarine cables. (18) 14 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities THE FOREST In order to create a clear path through the forest for the power lines there is a number of issues that needs to be addressed. The first concern that needs to be addressed is the width of clearing around the power lines for a reliable transmission. Another important issue is the maintenance of the area around the power-lines, there should never be any trees tall enough to fall on top of the power-lines to break them or create a short circuit. There should be no tree vegetation around the power line area and about 6 to 10 meters around it. An additional area of about 20 meters should be pruned to create a less dense area to make it more reliable and easier to maintain. When pruning said area, pine trees should be saved over leaf trees because of the fact that pine trees are less damaging to the power-lines. If the pruning has been done properly there should be little concern for another major action to the pruned area for about 2 decades. While the owner of the forest is responsible for the maintenance, free help is available from the energy distributor in order to assure a safe felling of the trees and to prevent the distribution form failing. (7) 15 6 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities CONCLUSION Considering the purpose of this report, to optimize the power distribution with minimal environmental impact and cost, some conclusions can be made. It is preferable to use AC rather than DC, in both an economical and distribution efficient view. Due to the larger cost, use of underground cable is limited to just a few occasions; at the bottom of the lake part 6 of the grid is crossing and in the vicinity of the cities. The voltage of the transmission lines has been chosen to 400 kV, according to Swedish standard values. This voltage level is ideal for the power lines in question as it decreases power loss compared to lower voltages, deliver the power the cities require and at the same time leaves room for a future increase of load as the population expands. The environmental impact derived from the transmission lines should not pose a problem. The disforestation and building of a power line through the forest could be a concern, but it has to be remembered that the area affected is limited and the impact on animal life is acceptable. The cable dimension is set to be 1600 mm2, according to the document “XLPE Land Cable Systems” (6) The inductance for the cables used has been estimated to 0.38 mH/km and the capacitance has been estimated to 0.20µF/km according to the XLPE Land Cable Systems document (6). Even though expensive, some grid components are essential. Thus, the transmission lines will be equipped with short circuit breakers, high voltage breakers, transformers in the vicinity of the cities and overhead shield wires. 6.1 FURTHER STUDY Some aspects not dealt with in this report could be the target for further study. The building of transmission line towers is such an aspect. The generation of electromagnetic fields is another topic worth exploring, especially the fields health impact on humans and wildlife. 16 7 A Study of Power Distribution to Cities REFERENCES 1. Meah, Kala. Comparative Evaluation of HVDC and HVAC Transmission Systems. 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