James 5:1-12 - South Bay Mission Church

Sunday, January 25, 2015
Speaker: Pastor Tim Lee
Name: ______________________________
James 5:1-12
Sermon Outline
Intro: What is another way we can have patience/endurance during trials?
Topic: How can the “_________________ of the Lord” help us in trials?
It can help us when we know why “coming of the Lord” results in __________________.
a. What is our attitude towards the return of Jesus?
b. What does “coming of the Lord” result in?
It can help us when we know what makes us _______________ this world so much.
a. The 2 areas where the American Dream influences us:
i. How we make money:
ii. How we spend our money:
b. How can we know if God is our main source of security and beauty?
Conclusion: What are the 3 signs James gives us to show how we lack
patience/endurance during trials?
Main Point: “Coming of the Lord” gives us _______________ to endure trials when we love
____________ more than this world.
South Bay Mission Church
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Speaker: Pastor Tim Lee
Name: ______________________________
James 5:1-12
Community Group Discussion Questions
Beyond the Message
1. Do you think Christians look forward to and get excited about Christ’s return? Why or
why not?
2. What are some things people in America live for and aspire to? What is their ultimate
goal in life?
Into Our Lives
3. Pastor Tim talks about the difference between saving and hoarding. Which of the
descriptions can you relate to, and what might they reveal about your dependency
on money?
Saving or Hoarding?
In a consumer-oriented society, the benefits of saving are often lost in the quest for instant gratification, conspicuous
wealth, and fearful hoarding. James’s warnings are not against saving money. He is combating the kind of selfish
hoarding that affects not only the person, but everyone else in that person’s life.
Benefits of saving:
Demonstrates good stewardship of resources provided by God
Makes a person able to respond to the needs of others
Assumes that God sometimes provides for people through other people
Is responsible preparation for tomorrow
Promotes wise spending decisions
Dangers of Hoarding
Fosters a sense of earthly security and independence from God
Promotes a sense of superiority over others
Assumes that what a person gains is only for that person’s benefit
Is irresponsible indulgence for today
Promotes impulsive spending decisions
South Bay Mission Church
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Speaker: Pastor Tim Lee
Name: ______________________________
4. James gives us 3 signs that show our lack of patience in life. Which of the following
can you relate to?
a. Unhappy (miserable) due to seeking security and beauty in this world only.
b. Blame others during trials.
c. Compromising integrity during trials.
5. Do you think you are enduring trials by putting your hope in Jesus’ return? Why or
why not? What makes it hard for you to do so?
6. Prayer: What keeps you from putting your hope in Jesus? Repent of the specific ways
in which you are putting your hope in earthly things and ask God to continually
convict you of your sins that keep you from looking to Jesus. Pray that you would live
daily with an expectation for Jesus’ return so that you would endure trials with
patience and joy.
South Bay Mission Church