TYPE YOU TITLE HERE Scientific Word Vocabulary

Science News Article RUBRIC
Name: __________________________________
Mrs. Clarici Science Class Period _______
Date: ___________________
Science News Article Rubric
DUE DATE: October 3, 2012 Article Approved?___________
1. Source of article – newspaper--
magazine --website (circle one)
2 pt
2. Title of source (magazine or web address): ____________________________________________
5 pt
3. Title of article: _______________________________________________________________
3 pt
4. Date of article: __________________________________________________________________
(must be less than 1 year ago)
2 pt
5. What area(s) of science does this article involve? (circle all that apply)
Environment Genetics (inherited traits, DNA RNA)
Biology(living things)
Botany (plants)
Meteorology (weather)
Microbiology(viruses, bacteria, fungi)
5 pt
Psychology (mind)
Zoology (animals)
Geology (Earth)
Astronomy (Space)
6. List FIVE scientific word definitions from the article.
30 pt
a. Use context clues from the article to define. (10 pt)
This is what you think it means - in your own words.
b. Quote the sentence from the article (for each word). (10 pt)
The word must be in the complete sentence used in the article.
c. Write appropriate definitions from a dictionary for each word.
This is the definition from the dictionary. (10 pt)
7. Summary: (1st paragraph must be indented)
 Summarize the news article.
 Include summary, when news happened and where news happened.
30 pt
8. Impact: (2nd paragraph must be indented)
 How does this news impact people, animals, or the environment?
 What does it make you think about?
20 pt
9. Original Rubric attached
2 pt
10. Oral Presentation of News Article Summary to class (brief)
1 pt
Points will be taken off for: incorrect spelling lack of neatness
May be neatly handwritten in blue or black pen,
or typed (black ink) using a basic font 10 (if possible- Century Gothic font)
completed in pencil ? = - 2 pt
Late ? = - 5 points/day
100 pt possible ---Your Total: _________
Scientific Word Vocabulary:
1. __________________
a. Use context clues from the article to define. This is what you think it means - in your own words.
b. Quote the sentence from the article. The word must be in the complete sentence used in the article.
c. Write appropriate definitions from a dictionary for each word. This is the definition from the dictionary.
2. __________________
a. Use context clues from the article to define. This is what you think it means - in your own words.
b. Quote the sentence from the article. The word must be in the complete sentence used in the article.
c. Write appropriate definitions from a dictionary for each word. This is the definition from the dictionary.
3. __________________
a. Use context clues from the article to define. This is what you think it means - in your own words.
b. Quote the sentence from the article. The word must be in the complete sentence used in the article.
c. Write appropriate definitions from a dictionary for each word. This is the definition from the dictionary.
4. __________________
a. Use context clues from the article to define. This is what you think it means - in your own words.
b. Quote the sentence from the article. The word must be in the complete sentence used in the article.
c. Write appropriate definitions from a dictionary for each word. This is the definition from the dictionary.
5. __________________
a. Use context clues from the article to define. This is what you think it means - in your own words.
b. Quote the sentence from the article. The word must be in the complete sentence used in the article.
c. Write appropriate definitions from a dictionary for each word. This is the definition from the dictionary.
Summary: (1st paragraph must be indented)
Opening sentence
(name of article , source)
When did this event occur?
Where did this event occur?
Who is the article about?
How did the event occur? What happened that caused the event to occur? Use details.
Other important Facts to include
Closing sentence--
Impact: (2nd paragraph must be indented)
Opening sentence-How does the event in the article impact people?
How does the event in the article impact animals/environment?
How does the event in the article impact the world?
What do you find interesting about the article?
Make a connection to the article. It can be to science class, social studies, a book you have read, etc.
What questions do you have about the article?
How does the article make you feel? Why? Explain.
Closing sentence