JOB DESCRIPTION ORGANISATION Parliament of the R.S.A DIVISION Legislation and Oversight SECTION Language Services UNIT Hansard Reporting / Translation / Interpreting JOB TITLE Language Practitioner RESPONSIBILITY OF JOB Responsible for providing a hansard reporting, interpreting and translation service to Parliament QUALIFICATIONS (MINIMUM) SCHOOL Matric POST SCHOOL Relevant degree / diploma: Languages None STATUTORY REQUIREMENT JOB DESCRIPTION SUMMARY JOB TITLE Language Practitioner RESPONSIBILITY OF JOB Responsible for providing a hansard reporting, interpreting and translation service to Parliament KEY PERFORMANCE AREA SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS COMMENTS 1. Interpreting 2. Reporting 3. Translating 4. Indexing 5. Terminology development 1. Proficiency in English and one other official language 2. Good planning skills 3. Interpersonal Skills 4. Computer literacy 5. Typing and/or word-processing skills 6. Good communication skills 7. Ability to work under pressure 8. Willingness to work long hours A Language Practitioner must be able to work independently in executing the responsibilities of the job JOB CONTENT KEY PERFORMANCE AREA (WHAT) 1. Interpreting ACTIONS (HOW) Prepares for daily sittings by studying relevant documentation (Order Papers, Question Papers, Bills, etc) and prepared speeches, if available Listening to a live speech through earphones and, whenever and as soon as the speaker has formulated a complete idea in the original language (whether in a word, phrase or sentence), using own proficiency in the target language to express that idea in the target language by speaking into a microphone 2. Reporting Prepares for daily sittings by studying relevant documentation (Order Papers, Question Papers, Bills, etc) Notes designation of Presiding Officer, Order of the Day in progress, Member(s) speaking Requests notes/documentation from Members when necessary Transcribes takes ensuring: A balance between speed and accuracy The importance of consulting reference lists, dictionaries and other relevant documents to ensure consistency The technical layout requirements, and Judging when to deviate from the Member’s actual words Where necessary, send takes and notes to Language Practitioner in other language 3. Translating Uses own proficiency in the target language to express the content of the original text in the target language, either by dictating into a dictaphone or by typing Refers to Dictionaries, especially bilingual dictionaries, phrase dictionaries, preposition dictionaries and technical dictionaries for the correct terms, spelling and expressions Hansard uniformity guidelines for consistency in style and format, and Documentation relevant to the text, especially Minutes of Proceedings, Bills, Reports and Explanatory Memoranda for the correct references Consults experienced Language Practitioner’s when references do not offer solutions to translation problems 4. Indexing Scans Hansard proofs and records relevant information and appropriate column numbers regarding Proceedings The deliverer of a speech The topic of a speech and The salient points of a speech (for subject index of annual bound volumes of Hansard) Judges under which item in index to record proceedings and speech subjects, or creating such an item if it does not exist. Prepares the contents index of the weekly soft-cover edition of Hansard. Updates lists of Cabinet members Office-bearers of Parliament Members of Parliament, indicating resignations, deaths, replacements and change of surnames, as well as the province represented State of parties in the Houses of Parliament, and Principal officers of Parliament 5. Terminology development Contributes to setting language and orthography standards Undertakes and / or participating in research for terminology development (especially for the indigenous languages) Consults with Language Practitioner’s at provincial legislatures, state departments and in the media; with national and provincial language boards; and with linguists at tertiary institutions