Indistar-and-CAP-Steps - Central Point School District #6

Indistar and School Improvement
Steps to Developing Your Comprehensive Achievement Plan (CAP)
 Identify a School Improvement Team that will be responsible for writing the CAP
o Administrator(s), a representative cross-section of staff, parents, others from school or
community, etc. Site Council Teams work well as an already established team.
 Meet with the Federal Programs Administrator for an overview of the Indistar Tool
o Receive Indistar training via Christine, Todd, SOESD and/or ODE
o Login in at and review/explore features of the tool
o Enter your team information and school demographics
 Carefully review the 5 Key Areas of Effectiveness and the 34 indicators categorized under each key
area (attached)
o 5 Key Areas of Effectiveness
o 34 Indicators
 Complete the school’s Self-Assessment of current practices: STEP ONE
1) Determine which indicators will be assessed and by whom. The assessment includes:
a. Degree to which an indicator is being implemented
b. How important this particular indicator is to the school
c. How difficult the indicator will be to implement
2) Determine the method by which the Self-Assessment will be administered
3) Gather data from sub-groups engaged in the Self-Assessment, if any
4) Enter the data (a, b and c above) into Indistar
 Complete the school’s Self-Assessment of current practices: STEP TWO
o Using Indistar, document the current level of implementation for each of the 34 indicators.
If an indicator is fully implemented, provide a description of evidence/data that was used to
confirm its routine application in the school and how these efforts will be sustained.
Worksheets designed to assist the team with this step are located under “worksheets” on the
Navigation Toolbar in Indistar. Indicator Assessment worksheet
 Complete the school’s Self-Assessment of current practices: STEP THREE
1) Review the Self-Assessment when considering which indicators to include in the CAP
2) Review additional data to use during this consideration process, such as:
o OAKS, easyCBM, AimsWeb, SBAC and other student assessment data for “all”
students/sub groups
o Student behavior/school climate data
o Attendance/tardies data
o Surveys (staff, student, parent)
o Parent communication/involvement data
o Curriculum and instruction
o Professional development
NOTE: you will be asked to describe your process for analyzing data when determining objectives on
which to focus. Attached are Data Collection and Prioritization and Data Analysis worksheets you can
use to help guide you in the data collection process, if you like.
Indistar and School Improvement
Steps to Developing Your Comprehensive Achievement Plan (CAP)
3) When deciding on which indicators to include, reference the assessment score as a guide, by
multiplying the priority score x opportunity score. The higher the product of these two numbers,
the higher the indicator’s priority and the easier it is to implement. In addition, thoroughly consider
additional data you have collected, analyzed and prioritized (you may have used the resource
worksheets provided)
Note: The inclusion of all indicators “not fully developed” is not required. Including 2-3 indicators is
 Develop the Comprehensive Achievement Plan: STEP ONE
Indicators/Objectives: Indicators are behavioral statements that “indicate” that an effective practice is
routinely exhibited. Indicators are used to assess an effective practice’s current level of implementation.
When an indicator is assessed as not fully implemented, it becomes an objective toward which planning
and implementation are directed. Indicators included in the CAP will be considered objectives as the team
begins developing the plan.
1) Thoroughly describe what each objective, in the plan, will look like when it is fully developed.
Worksheets designed to assist the team with this step are located under “worksheets” on the
Navigation Toolbar in Indistar. Developing a Plan worksheet
2) Create a series of tasks, for each objective, that will lead to full implementation. Be sure to include
tasks for gathering and analyzing the information needed to show evidence of full
3) Assign a team member to manage and monitor your work toward each objective.
4) Assign a target date by which each objective will be complete or become routine.
 Address the following supplemental questions and upload to Indistar. Documents can be uploaded on
Indistar’s home page by clicking on the “Document Upload” icon. See attached for the ODE
supplemental question form. Supplemental Questions form
Comprehensive Needs Assessment:
Describe how the school has completed a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school based
on information, which included the achievement of children in relation to the state academic content
standards. The summary should include information from multiple measures of data from all five key
areas of effectiveness –student achievement, district and school structure and culture, teaching and
learning, educator effectiveness, and family and community involvement. The data should be crossanalyzed to identify the needs of educationally disadvantaged students. The Indicator Crosswalk can be
used as a reference when responding to this question. Indicator Crosswalk handout
Family & Community Involvement:
Please describe how parents are informed of their school’s participation in Title I and its requirements. In
addition, describe how parents are informed of their rights and opportunities to be involved. In your
response, please provide the date of your annual Title IA meeting.
On-going Plan to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Plan
Please describe how the school will monitor the implementation and effectiveness of your CAP. How has
the district provided ongoing support for the implementation of the school’s plan. In addition, describe
how the district annually reviews the school’s plan and provides feedback.
Indistar and School Improvement
Steps to Developing Your Comprehensive Achievement Plan (CAP)
NOTE: The CAP must be accessible to accessible to stakeholders. This can be accomplished by:
 Guest login for Indistar
 Pdf download, print and post
 Pull as a Word document
 Present during annual Title I meeting
Idea: make a 2-page summary of the plans “big ideas” and then refer families to some of the more detailed
bullets above.
It must be in multiple languages, if applicable to your shake holders
All Title schools must have a current CAP (using Indistar) by fall of 2015-2016. The CAP cycle is currently
under review by the Oregon Department of Education.
Monitoring and Evaluating Your CAP:
 The CAP should be consistently monitored with Indistar updates occurring at least 2-3 times,
annually. Updates should reflect progress toward task completion, including adjustments/additions
of individual tasks, timelines, case managers, etc.
 Under “reports” in Indistar, there are a variety of simple reports that can be printed to assist in
monitoring your plan.
 Under “where are we now?” an easy to read line graph will depict your school’s progress toward
task completion!
Once all tasks for a particular objective have been completed, a description of what the objective looks
like, now that it is fully implemented, must be completed in Indistar.