Tver state university department of past






The present Regulations govern the activities and procedures for the organization of admission to the Tver State University's Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies.

1. Field of application

The present Regulations are intended for members of the Admissions Committee, as well as staff, structures and divisions of the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher

Professional Education Tver State University.

2. Main Provisions

2.1 The TSU Admissions Committee is formed to facilitate admission to the Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies, receive applicants' documents, and carry out entrance tests and enrollment procedures.

2.2 If the situation so requires, amendments can be made annually to the Admissions

Committee Regulations, with the document approved by the TSU Academic Council.

2.3 TSU, at its own discretion, develops and approves Admission Regulations to the

Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies, which do not contradict the for Training

Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel within the System of Post-graduate Professional Education.

2.4 The Admissions Committee composition is approved by TSU's rector who is the chairman of the Admissions Committee. The chairman of the Admissions Committee leads the activities of the Admissions Committee and is fully responsible for fulfilling the set admission quota.

2.5 The TSU Admissions Committee is comprised of:

- deputy chair-person, vice-rector for scientific work

- faculty deans;

- the Head of the Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies

2.6 The Head of the Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies is in charge of organizing the work of the TSU Admissions Committee related to admission, keeping records, as well as the personal admission of applicants.

2.7 An Admissions Committee's term of appointment is one year.

2.8. During the rest of the academic year, it is the vice-rector for scientific work who reviews documents about the transfer of post-graduate students to TSU from other institutions of higher education and within the University itself, as well as applications for restitution in TSU, based on a post-graduate student's personal application, and after co-ordination with a department and academic adviser.

2.9 In order to take entrance tests, subject examination-boards are formed of the most experienced and qualified of the TSU teaching staff.

Heads of respective chairs are registered as chair-persons for examinations boards in a specific field.

2.10 If necessary, chairpersons' deputies of subject examination-boards can be assigned.

2.11 Chair-persons of subject examination-boards are responsible for:

- preparing materials for entrance tests, submitting them for approval to the Chairperson's Deputy of the TSU Admissions Committee;

- exercising leadership and systematic control over work done by members of subject examination-boards;

- participating in the consideration of appeals;

2.12 Appeal committees are formed for the period when entrance tests are conducted, and their composition is approved by the Rectors' order, and their powers are determined by respective provisions.

3. Admissions Committee work and records management protocol

3.1 Organization of the Admissions Committee work and records management should provide observance of individuals’ rights and the requirements set out in the Regulations for Training Scientific and

Pedagogical and Research Personnel within the System of Post-graduate Professional Education.

3.2 The work of subject examination-boards is recorded in departmental minutes, which are signed by chair-persons or their deputies.

3.3 Decisions of the Admissions Committee and subject examination-boards are made by majority-vote (assuming no less than 2/3 of the approved members are available).

3.4 The Head of the Admissions Committee prepares in advance various informational materials, letter-heads of necessary documentation, and the composition of subject examinationboards, as well as chooses venues for conducting entrance tests, formalizes information materials and samples of how applicants are to fill out documents, and provides conditions for storing documents. following:

3.5 Before the beginning of document-submission, the TSU Admissions Committee announces the

No later than June 20

- number of funded places for admission to the Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies in each field of study (specialty); applicants;

- information regarding availability of halls of residence and the amount of places for non-resident

- an applicant contract sample for fee-paying places.

4. Document-Submission Protocol

4.1 Submission of documents to the Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies continues from July 10 until September 1.

4.2 Admission to the TSU Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies for basic educational programs of higher professional education requires the following documents:

- copy of first page of passport;

- certified copy of a Diploma of higher professional education and a supplement to it

(citizens that received education abroad, including citizens of CIS countries, should submit a copy of respective Diploma, as well as a copy of a certificate which certifies the equivalence of documents issued by foreign countries to a Diploma of higher professional education in the

Russian Federation, issued by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science);

questionnaire (personal data sheet);

list of published research papers, and an academic adviser’s review;

applicants without published research papers are to submit a report (15-20 pages) on their chosen specialty with an academic adviser's opinion;

document certifying a pass in qualifying examinations for the Candidate degree (assuming the applicant has taken the given examinations);

potential academic adviser interview report;

Faculty Council or State Examinations Committee recommendations (for those who graduating this year).

4.3 Citizens with a Specialist or Master's degree Diploma can be admitted to the

Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies.

4.4 A document of personal data is filed for each applicant; all submitted documents and entrance tests results are kept in it (including an extract from any reports from the Appeals Committee of the institution of higher


Applicants' personal data files are kept at TSU six months, beginning at the time of document-receipt.

4.5 A document certifying receipt of documents is given to an applicant when he/she personally submits the documents.

4.6 Applicants consciously submitting forged documents to the TSU Admissions Committee bear responsibility specified by Russian Federation legislation.

4.7 Rules for submitting and considering appeals against entrance tests results are regulated by the Appeals Regulations.

5. Protocol for admission to fee-paying places

5.1 Admission to places for fee-paying studies in each field of study and specialty is carried out according to a set admission quota within numbers determined by a license.

5.2 For admission to places of fee-paying study, relationships between TSU and a legal entity or a person are regulated by a contract.

5.3 The contract is concluded after entrance tests have been passed.

5.4 The contract comes into force after receiving Admissions Committee recommendations for enrollment to TSU.

6. Protocol for foreign citizen admission

8.1 F oreign citizens of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyz

Republic are admitted to TSU on an equal basis to citizens of the Russian Federation as much for places financed by the government budget (within the set quota), as for fee-paying studies.

(Letter of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education as of 21.12.2001 No.14-51-751).

8.2 Foreign citizens, except those from countries listed in paragraph 1 of the present

Regulations, coming to the Russian Federation pursuing studies, are admitted to TSU according to the rules set out in the ‘Procedure for the Admission and Tuition of Foreign

Citizens at Russian Federation State Institutions of Higher and Secondary Education at the

Expense of Federal Budget Funds’ approved by the Russian Federation Higher Education

State Committee Decision No.5 of April 10, 1996 (registered by the Russian Federation

Ministry of Justice No.1149 of August 08, 1996) and by the “Procedure for Admission to

Russian Federation State Institutions of Higher Professional Education (Institutions of

Higher Education) established by Federal Executive Authorities” approved by the Order of the Russian Ministry of Education No.50 as of January 14, 2003 (registered by the Russian

Ministry of Justice No.4169 as of February 06, 2003).

8.4 Foreign citizens are admitted to government-funded places only with a directive issued by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

8.5 Foreign citizens can be admitted to TSU, within the admission quota set by the license, for places on a directly contractual basis between TSU and a legal entity or a person paying tuition fees on terms determined by the TSU Academic Council at the suggestion of the

Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies.

8.6 In compliance with the Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation No.

957 as of August 26, 1999 ‘On the Approval of the Agreement with the Government of the

Republic of Belarus, the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the

Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Russian Federation about Mutual Recognition and Equivalence of Educational Documents, Academic Degrees and Titles’, citizens of these countries can be admitted to TSU without submitting a certificate of equivalence of the following state-issued educational documents.

8.7 The aforementioned educational documents should be translated into Russian.

Translation text may be certified (at the discretion of the document's holder) by:

- a Russian notary public;

- a Russian Federation consulate in the country which issued the educational document;

- a consulate in the Russian Federation of the country which issued the educational document;

7. Protocol for enrollment

7.1. Enrollment to the Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies is conducted on the basis of entrance exam results after they are finished, and ends no later than 10 days before classes start.

7.2. Enrollment of applicants to funded places, to additional places by paying tuition fees, and to target places, are carried out separately.

7.3. Unenrolled applicants that successfully have passed entrance tests are permitted to participate in the competition for governmentally financed places.

7.4. Enrollment orders on the basis of the competition's results are published on the Admissions Committee's information board.

8. Admissions Committee's Report

8.1 The Admissions Committee work is completed at the Admissions Committee's meeting, during which the Head of the Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies comes forward with a report on the entrance test results, and announces a list of applicants that have successfully passed the competition.

8.2 The Admissions Committee, by vote, makes the enrollment decision for the

Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies (by majority vote), and pronounces a decision for the preparation of an enrollment order.

8.3 The Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies prepares an enrollment order which is approved by the Rector.

8.4 To revise the Admissions Committee's work, the following report documents are to be considered:

- Admissions Regulations to the TSU Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies;

- documents confirming the admission quota;

- orders approving the composition of the Admissions Committee, subject examinationboards, and appeals committees;

- reports drawn up by subject examinations boards;

- entrance test schedule;

- applicants' personal data files;

- Appeals Committee reports;

- lists of those recommended for enrollment;

- enrollment orders to the Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies.

9. Admissions Committee records management

9.1 Admissions Committee records management is organized by the Head of the

Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies.

9.2 All important activities carried out by the Admissions Committee are reflected in reports.

9.3 An executive secretary, or, on his/her instruction, a technical secretary, conducts accounts and proper custody of the Admissions Committee documents in compliance with the File


9.4 Destruction of documents arising during the Admissions Committee's activities, after the retention-period has expired, as determined by the File Register and the present Regulations, is carried out on the basis of the TSU Expert Committee's conclusion. The fact that a document has been destroyed is to be recorded.

10. Normative references

10.1 External normative documents:

– the redaction in force of the Russian Federation Law ‘On Education’ as of June 10, 1992

No. 3266-1;

– the Federal Law ‘On Higher and Post-graduate Professional Education’ as of August

22, 1996 No. 125-FL;

– the Federal Law ‘On Personal Data’ as of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FL;

– the Russian Federation government decree ‘On Approval of Standard Regulations for an Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (Higher Education Institution)’ as of

February 14, 2008 No. 71;

– the Order of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science ‘On Approval of Standard Regulations regarding Affiliated Branches of Federal State Educational Institutions of

Higher Professional Education (Higher Education Institution)’ as of December 1, 2005 No. 297;

– the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science Order ‘On Approval of

Procedure for Admission of Citizens to Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Education that have State Accreditation’ as of October 21, 2009 No. 442;

– the Russian Federation government decree ‘On Approval of Regulations for Rendering

Paid Educational Service’ as of July 5, 2001 No. 505

10.2 Internal documents in force:

– the Statutes of the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional

Education Tver State University;

– the Admission Regulations to the Department of Post-graduate and Doctoral Studies of the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Tver

State University;

– The Appeals Committee's Regulations;

– the list of fields of study (specialties) for which TSU announces admission in compliance with the license for conducting educational activity.
