Application form

Pro Helvetia Johannesburg and
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Ant funding application form
(Supporting mobility, collaboration & dissemination
of creative work across Southern Africa)
January 2016
About Ant funding 1. Introduction
Pro Helvetia Johannesburg, the liaison office of the Swiss Arts Council for Southern
Africa, acts as a funding body, advisory body, and co-producer of cultural (exchange)
events in Southern Africa or Switzerland.
Pro Helvetia Johannesburg has been mandated to manage funds made available by the
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The mandate stipulates that
these funds should be used towards arts and culture projects within Southern Africa.
A core focus of this mandate is to encourage exchange and collaboration in or between
countries /regions within Southern Africa.
Pro Helvetia Johannesburg supports cultural organisations and individuals who are
professionally active in the field of arts and culture.
2. Projects that qualify for Ant Funding
The primary focus of Ant funding is to assist in the distribution of new and existing
works to a broader Southern African audience and to enable transnational
collaboration and sharing of knowledge and expertise. Projects will be supported for up
to a maximum of ZAR60 000.00/US$ 5000 and applicants are encouraged to seek
additional funding from other sources.
Projects should meet the following criteria to be eligible to apply
 Funds should be used towards arts & culture projects within Southern Africa
(Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar,
Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Seychelles,
Tanzania (including Zanzibar), Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe).
 Projects which provide increased public exposure of high quality contemporary
work across national borders (e.g. presentation of an Angolan work in South
Africa and Zimbabwe); AND / OR
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Projects which involve or promote exchange and collaboration in or between
countries within Southern Africa.
AND / OR Projects which involve the sharing or transfer of skills between
professionals across the region.
All projects should be completed by end November 2016.
3. Projects that do not qualify for funding
Commercial or profit-oriented projects
Training of non-professionals
Formal education programmes or course fees
Video/film production (though we could consider supporting content research
or development for digital/on-line distribution)
Book printing (though we could consider supporting content research or
development, or audience led dissemination)
Generally artists’ fees are not covered, but can be considered in exceptional
4. Application Procedure
Applications must be made using this Application form
Completed applications must be emailed to Pro Helvetia Johannesburg at:
Your emailed application should include the words “ANT project application
JANUARY 2016” in the subject line.
Submit applications by Friday, November 13, 2015, for projects that will be
completed during the course of 2016, no later than end November 2016.
We regret no applications by post will be accepted.
Application outcomes will be announced on or before Monday, November 30,
5. After applying
Applications received are screened and assessed by Pro Helvetia Johannesburg. The
final outcome of applications is dependent on approval by the management of Pro
Helvetia Johannesburg, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
regional office.
Receipt of applications will be acknowledged by email. Please ensure to follow up via
phone or email should you not receive an acknowledgement email within 3 days after
deadline date. Only fully completed (digital) applications in the format detailed below
will be processed.
The information on your application form becomes an integral part of the contract in
the event of your application being successful.
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Pro Helvetia Johannesburg and
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Ant funding Application form
Please provide all information requested below.
Section A: Applicant details
Applicant’s Title, Name and Surname [individual, AND organisational details if
Title of Project for which you seek funds:
Project contact person(s) and contact details [email address, mobile number with
country code]:
Land line with country code:
Mobile number with country code:
Website (URL):
Category: Ant Funding 2016
Art discipline (i.e. dance, literature, visual arts):
In which country(ies) and city(ies) will the project take place?
In which country(ies) and city(ies) do the project participants / does the project come
List all project partner(s) with full addresses):
Starting date of project:
Projected completion date:
Who produces the project?
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Section B: Project Description
Please describe your project activities fully, including the aims/objectives and explain
how they will be met, and by whom. Provide short biographies of the major partners
and/or participants to demonstrate ability and experience. Be sure to show how your
project is directly relevant to the primary aim of Ant Funding, which is to assist in one
or more of the following:
 the distribution of new and existing works to a broader Southern African
audience across national borders
 transnational collaboration and
 sharing of knowledge and expertise across national borders.
Please also include details of invitations/expressions of interest from the host and/or
organising partners that will be involved in the distribution activities. (i.e. if you wish
to perform in a festival, there must be an official confirmation of the inclusion of your
work on the programme, or at least an expression of interest, from the festival
Please provide information where possible, about who the work is aimed at and how
you will target this/these audience/s.
This section should not be longer than 5 pages.
Section C: Budget and Financial Information
Please provide the full project budget in Excel format and indicate all other funding
sources that you may have to cover this budget. Clearly indicate how much is being
requested from SDC/Pro Helvetia. The maximum funding per project available from
Ant Funding is ZAR60,000.00 (US$5,000.00). The amount awarded will depend on
the individual needs of the project.
Please note that we approach assessment of budgets bearing in mind that this
funding is modest in scale. Please ensure that your budgets are constructed with the
following in mind:
 We will not support per diems greater than R320 / US$25 per day per person
 Accommodation costs addressed by Pro Helvetia should not normally exceed
R750 / US$63 per person per night
 Travel and Insurance choices should be modest
 Marketing and Publicity choices should be modest
 Generally artists’ fees are not covered, but can be considered in exceptional
The budget can be developed in ZAR and / or US Dollars.
The rate of exchange between ZAR and US Dollars should be noted clearly.
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Section D: Amount requested from Ant Funding
Amount requested from Ant Funding:
Section E: Agreement of Applicant
Please read and sign acceptance of the following agreement:
We/I [insert your name and name of organization here] have read and understand the notes
and instructions attached to this application form, and in the event of this application being
successful, we/I agree to abide by the conditions on which the grant is made available by the
Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development, through Pro Helvetia Johannesburg,
according to the contract, which will be issued.
We/I accept that the decision of the Pro Helvetia Johannesburg authorities with respect to
this application is final, and that no further correspondence or discussion will be entered into
once the decision has been communicated to us/me.
We/I confirm that the information contained in the application form is true and correct.
Place and date .......................... .........................................................................................
Signature of applicant .........................................................................................................
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