Project 11 Identification, Properties, and Synthesis of an Unknown Ionic Compound Michelle Pryce Chemistry 101 Laboratory, Section Instructor: Sabina Maskey 12 October 2007 My signature below indicates that this document represents my own work. Excluding shared data, the information, thoughts, and ideas are my own, except as indicated in the references. Abstract: This paper describes the process of indentifying by name and by properties an unknown ionic compound, and also synthesizing at least 2 grams of the compound once the identification was made. The compound was identified as potassium sulfate by first identifying potassium as the predominate cation and sulfate as the predominate anion. In addition the compound was mixed with several potential solvents to determine if the compound was soluble. in water. It was determined that the compound was only soluble Once a solution of the unknown compound was made, its pH as well as its conductivity was tested. It was concluded that the pH was relatively neutral and that it was indeed a conductor of electricity. A solid sample of the unknown was burned to observe if the flame displayed any coloration and the flame did display a low intensity pale violet color. In addition, tests were conducted to determine if the compound made any precipitate and if so, with what other product. Once the compound was identified as potassium sulfate, an attempt was made to synthesize potassium sulfate from potassium hydroxide and sulfuric acid. The attempt was successful as 3.1 grams were made out of a possible 3.5 grams. Introduction: The goal of the laboratory project was to 1) identify an unknown ionic compound, 2) discover as many physical and chemical properties of the compound as possible, and 3) devise two syntheses of the compound, and compare them for cost effectiveness, safety, and potential yield of the compound (Cooper, 117). It was important that the compound be indentified correctly so that the neighborhood landfill can be clean-up appropriately with the least amount of harm done to the environment now and in the future. Results: Table 1, Physical Properties Appearance of compound Smell Density Cylindrical small white crystalloid, double sided pyramid, hard No smell 2.66 g/L Melting Point Molar Mass 1067-1072 C 174.26 g/mol Table 2, Solubility Properties Solvent Soluble? Color of Solution NaOH HCl Toluene Acetone H2O Partially soluble No No No Yes Cloudy, clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Table 3 Analysis of Anions Known Anion Expected Result if anion present Results Conclusion Chloride Solid white precipitant No reaction Not present Nitrate Brown ring at top of solution, increase in temp No reaction Not present Sulfate Milky, white precipitate Milky, white precipitate formed Present Acetate Cloudy white fruity smell No reaction Not present Carbonate Bubbly effervesce No reaction Not present Iodide Purple color in solution No reaction Not present Table 4 Analysis of Cations Ammonium Test Solution Results 1mL of 6M Na OH to 1mL of solution Smell: none detected pH: no change (neutral) Table 5 Flame Test Test # Color change if any Intensity 1 Reddish purple Low/medium 2 Pale violet Low 3 Pale violet Low Table 6 pH test Test # 1 (orange) 2 (orange) Results Bright yellow Bright yellow Table 7 Conductivity Test Voltmeter Reading Conductor? 0.678 Yes 0.675 Yes 0.679 Yes Table 8 Gravimetric Analysis Sample Mass of dry sample Mass of precipitate Total mass Unknown 1 0.491g 0.018g .509g Unknown 2 0.504g 0.010g .497g Unknown 3 0.487g 0.013g .517g Unknown 4 0.474g 0.017g .491g Unknown 5 0.501g 0.015g .516g Discussion: The unknown compound was composed of white, tubular, cylindrical crystals. The compound had the physical properties as described in Table 1. Solubility tests indicated that the compound dissolved completely in water and only partially in sodium hydroxide as indicated in Table 2. Solubility, even partially, in sodium hydroxide, which is a strong base, indicates that the compound must have some acidic properties. The solution was tested with pH paper to determine its pH. According to the pH paper, the solution was almost neutral, which indicated a relatively weak acid. Tests were conducted in order to determine which anion was present in the compound as indicated in Table 3. Since the solution produced a milky white precipitate it was determined that it could be either acetate or sulfate, but since it produced no smell as would be expected if it were acetate, it was concluded that the anion present was sulfate. Then test were conducted to determine which cation was present along with the sulfate. Table 4 indicates that when 1mL of 6M NaOH was mixed with 1mL of a the unknown solution it produce no detectable odor. solution was tested with pH paper. In addition the NaOH/unknown Two separate tests, Table 6, indicated a color change from orange to bright yellow on the pH paper leading to the conclusion that the solution was in fact neutral. The results of the flame test to indicate the presence of certain cation are summarized in Table 5. Test 1 produced a low to medium intensity reddish violet flame indicating possible presence of calcium or potassium. Since this test was inconclusive, it was repeated. intensity pale violet flame indicating that potassium was present. Test 2 produced a low The test was repeated one more time to confirm that potassium was the cation present. Test 3 produced the same results as test 2 leading to the conclusion that potassium was indeed the cation present. The solution was then tested for conductivity by placing the leads of the voltmeter into the solution. The readings on the voltmeter were 0.678, 0.675, and 0.679 as presented in table 7 indicated that it was a conductor of electricity. After identification was made, an attempt was made to synthesize potassium sulfate. Potassium hydroxide and sulfuric acid were combined to produce potassium sulfate and water. It was calculated that 3.5g of potassium sulfate could be made using 2.24g of potassium hydroxide and 1.96g sulfuric acid. It actually, 3.1g of potassium sulfate was made after the excess water was evaporated giving a 88.6% yield. Conclusion: It was concluded that the unknown ionic compound (#18) was potassium sulfate by identifying the presence of potassium (cation test, flame test, ammonium test, and conductivity test) and sulfate (anion test). It was further concluded that the pH was relatively neutral, that the unknown solution conducted electricity, and that the compound was only completely soluble in water. Experimental Procedure: Solubility Test (Qualitative) A small amount (2 scoops) of the unknown compound was added to 5mL of the solvent in a test tube. The tube was shaken to allow for dissolving. After shaking the tube for approximately thirty (30) seconds, the tube was observed to see if any of the solid had dissolved. The solvents used were distilled water (1), acetone (2), toluene (3), sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (4), and hydrochloric acid (HCl) (5). The unknown compound was completely soluble in water and partially soluble in sodium hydroxide. The water solution remained clear with the dissolved compound in it. The sodium hydroxide solution turned cloudy, and the remaining solvents remained clear with the unknown compound non-dissolved at the bottom of the tube. it was deduced that the unknown compound was an ionic compound. From this test Solubility Test (Quantitative) A small amount (500mg) of the unknown was added to 20mL of water contained in an Erlenmeyer flask. The flask was heated and a watch glass was placed on top of the flask and the solution was cool. allowed to dry, and weighed. The solution was cooled, The mass of the dry filter was 0.463g and the mass of the dissolved solution was 0.613g meaning that that mass of the dissolved compound was 150 mg. Flame test: A clean nichrome wire was heated by flame. A small amount of the unknown compound was placed on the loop at the end of the wire. then heated by the Bunsen flame. The color of the flame was then compared to the table on pg 63 of the laboratory manual. A reddish-violet flame was produced in the first test indicating the presence of either calcium or potassium. determined to be inconclusive. The sample was This test was The test was repeated two more times for a total of three times to ensure the veracity of the results. The pale purple low intensity flame of tests two and three allowed for the belief that the unknown compound contained potassium. Ammonium Test One ml of 6M NaCl was added to one (1) ml of the unknown solution. If a detectable odor was present, it would have indicated that an ammonium ion was present, but since the mixture had no odor, it was concluded that the unknown compound did not contain ammonium ions. Anion Test Twenty four (24) ml of water and 6 scoops of unknown salt were mixed together in a beaker and were shaken to form a solution. The resulting solution was then evenly divided into six (6) test tubes to be mixed with various known solvents to determine the presence of certain anions. to test tube 1. A small amount of silver nitrate (Ag[NO3]) was added If chloride was present, a solid white precipitate should have developed, but since there was no reaction, it was concluded that chloride was not present in solution. For the next test, a small amount of sulfuric acid [H2(SO4)] was added to the solution in test tube 2. was floated on to the mixture. Then a small amount of iron sulfide [Fe(SO4)] If a nitrate was present the expected reaction would have produced a brown ring at the junction of the two liquids. one mL of 6M HCl In test tube three, (hydrochloric acid) and one mL of BaCl2 (barium chloride) was added to one mL of the unknown solution . The presence of the sulfate ion was indicated by the formation of a solid white precipitate. In test tube four, one mL of carbon tetrachloride and chlorine water was added to the unknown solution. The presence of the color purple would have indicated the presence of the iodide ion, but since there was no reaction, it was determined that iodide was not present in solution. In test tube five, 6M HCl was added drop by drop to the solution. the solution was examined for effervescence. Since the solution did not effervesce, it was determined that carbonate was not present in solution. In the final test tube, six, one drop of concentrated sulfuric acid was added to the solution. ethanol was added. After each drop, The solution was heated in a water bath. Then one mL of If a fruity smell had been present, it would have indicated the presence of acetate, but since there was no fruity smell present, it was determined that acetone was not present in solution. pH Test A solution of the unknown mixture was made. conductivity. A voltmeter was used to determined The leads of the voltmeter were placed in solution, and the reading was measured as shown in Table 7. Synthesis of Potassium Sulfate After determining what the unknown compound was, the next goal was to synthesize at least 2 grams of it. By using potassium hydroxide (KOH) and sulfuric acid (H2[ SO4]), potassium sulfate (K2[SO4]) and water (H2O) were made. The water was boiled off leaving only potassium sulfate. 2KOH + H_2SO_4 K_2SO_4 + H_2O It was determined 2.244g of potassium hydroxide and 1.96g of sulfuric acid would produce a theoretical yield of 3.5g of potassium sulfate. It the actual synthesis of potassium sulfate, a total of 3.1g was made giving a 88.6% yield. References: Cooper, M M. Cooperative Chemistry Laboratory Manual. 3rd edition, 2005. Periodic Table of the Elements. SparkCharts. 2002. ‘Potassium Sulfate’