Director Application - Alberta Golf Association

May 15, 2015
Alberta Golf Association
Application for Nomination
To the Board of Directors
Thank you for your interest in applying to join the AG Board. By doing so, you are making a commitment to
community service. As a Director, you will be asked to comply with the Board of Directors Responsibilities (see
attached), attend regular board meetings and serve on one (or more) board committee (Finance, Audit and Risk
Management, Nominating, Governance, or Human Resources and Compensation).
Alberta Golf was incorporated in 1912 and continues today as a non-profit organization whose mission is reflected
in the Association’s Strategic Plan . The Board of Directors transitioned from an Operations Board to a Policy
Governance Board in 2012. The focus of a Policy Governance Board is strategic planning and direction. It directs
the organization’s work by approving policy and monitoring its impact. To effectively do this, Alberta Golf needs a
strong, dedicated volunteer Board of Directors.
You can expect to spend 2 hours per committee meeting as well as attend regular quarterly board meetings, special
board meetings as required and the Association’s Annual General Meeting. Generally speaking, a commitment of
approximately five to eight hours per month (for reading, preparation and meeting attendance) will meet your
obligations to the Board. New members will be required to attend an orientation with Alberta Golf. Attendance at
the 3 day board retreat held each year is required. Ongoing training and development assistance is available to all
board members. For further information please see the attached Board of Directors Responsibilities, Board
Recruitment Information Sheet and Year at a Glance. If you can make this commitment to become a board member,
please submit the attached application form either electronically or on paper.
In summary, the selection process is as follows:
1. Complete the Application Form and return to the Chair of the Nominating Committee, care of the Executive
Director / CEO at Alberta Golf. If you have a prepared “resume” and would like to attach it, you are more than
welcome to do so. Information already on the resume need not be duplicated.
2. Obtain two written letters of reference. They may be obtained from your club President, General Manager,
Head Professional, club board member, a current or past Alberta Golf Director or volunteer, from an organization
on whose Board you have served as a member or from another reliable source. Please advise your reference that
they can expect to be contacted in connection with this application.
3. Once your application has been reviewed, you will probably be requested to answer some additional questions
electronically and meet with an interview panel.
4. Please note that we only require one or possibly two new members of the Board each year. If your application is
selected for Nomination this year, you will be required to attend the Annual General Meeting which is to be held
early in December.
5. If your application is not selected at this time, you will be contacted to determine if there are any other areas
of interest in the organization that are available.
If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Thank you for your interest.
Chair, Nominating Committee
May 15, 2015
Alberta Golf Association
Application for Nomination to the Board of Directors
Full Name:
Home Address: _________________________________________________________
Home _________________________ Fax _________________________
Personal Email Address: ____________________________ Cell _________________________
____________________________Business Address: __________________________
Office_____________ Fax (if you prefer not to use email):_____________________
Business Email Address (if different from earlier)____________________________________
Golf Club or League to which you belong or golf course you primarily play out of:___________________
1. In fifty words or less highlight your work experience, education and professional development:
2. List the Boards on which you currently serve, and provide dates of such service: ____
3. List the Boards on which you have served in the past, including dates and reason for leaving:
4. List any other volunteer activities and your involvement:
5. (A) Please indicate your level of knowledge, skill and experience for each of the following categories.
Board Role
Strategic Planning
Investment Expertise
Alberta Golf Programs and Services
Corporate/Business Planning
Governance / Board Experience
May 15, 2015
Human Resources /ED Performance
Policy Development
Risk Management/Assessment
5. (B) In a short paragraph, summarize one accomplishment that illustrates those skills that you have indicated as
6. In a short paragraph, describe your interests with the Alberta Golf Association. If you are already a volunteer
with Alberta Golf, please provide a brief history of your involvement.
7. Record other pertinent information you wish to share with us
Alberta Golf Association
Statement of Qualifiers
A director shall be
(A) Eighteen years of age or older
(B) A resident of the province of Alberta
2. No current employee of the Alberta Golf Association shall be eligible for election or appointment to the
Board except as provided for in the Association By-Laws.
3. No member club shall be represented by more than 2 Directors on the Board of Directors
4. No Director may be elected as a Director or Officer unless they are and continue to be an adult member of
a Category I or II Member Club (which includes the Public Players Club - PPvC) or a designated
representative of a Category III Member Club.