REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) BENEFICIARY COUNTRY: Azerbaijan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation & Turkmenistan REFERENCE NUMBER: EOI/00069845/2009/03 DESCRIPTION: Senior Ecosystem-Based Management Consultant Caspian Sea Ecoregional Assessment: Development and Application of Ecosystem-based Bioresources Management (EBBM) Tools for the Caspian Sea UNCCS CODE: 573400 - Ecosystems DEADLINE DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF EOI: 12 November 2009 POSTING DATE: 27 October 2009 PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES & MAIN TASKS RESPONSIBILITIES: Leadership and guidance of overall EBBM process, including developing the Terms of Reference for the EBBM working group described above. Provision of technical expertise in building and applying critical EBBM models. Design and conduct training seminars for regional experts and government officials in the application of EBBM tools and processes. MAIN TASKS: Design and conduct a Caspian Ecoregional Assessment that links biodiversity conservation and fisheries management objectives through an ecosystem-based bioresources management approach. This activity will be implemented through the following three steps or similar steps to be refined and elaborated by the consultant: Step 1: Identify EBBM objectives, targets, conservation goals, and relevant threats and human uses. Identify EBBM Objectives: overarching aims and intended products from the effort (sustain fisheries, conserve biodiversity, etc) Select EBBM Targets (species, habitats) - primary focus of planning effort) Set Conservation Goals (How many of the targets are required to achieve objectives?) Identify Threats and Human Uses Relevant to EBBM UNOPS - EUO IW Cluster Midtermolen 3 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 3546 7660 Fax: +45 3546 7501 E-mail: Step 2: Design, oversee and conduct biodiversity and fisheries information review to build QA, geographically linked database for EBBM. A) Caspian biodiversity review. Conduct a desk-based comprehensive Caspian-wide review of biodiversity assessments and literature to evaluate the present state of knowledge of the full spectrum of Caspian biodiversity (species, habitats, ecosystems) by known population sizes, status/condition, and location. This work will draw extensively upon previous CEP reviews and assessments of national and regional databases as well as biodiversity and contaminant data made available by petroleum company surveys. B) Caspian fisheries review. Conduct a desk-based comprehensive Caspian-wide review of assessments and literature on target commercial fish species (kilka, herrings, mullet, kutum, sturgeon) and their associated Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUF) and Essential Fish Habitat (EFH)1. Note: A and B above will build upon the biodiversity data gathered by CEP and CEP partners (e.g. the fisheries research institutes in the Caspian region and the Caspian International Seal Survey or CISS) and will involve synthesizing information available in the published and unpublished literature. Targeted field studies co-funded by partners may also be required to supplement this data. Step 3: Develop spatial databases and establish analysis units to support spatial analysis and modeling. Building upon A, B above. Compile geographically linked data on anthropogenic impacts (areas of lesser and greater fishing effort, areas with higher/lower levels of pollution) and existing designated land-uses (e.g. protected areas; oil platforms). Information gathered in A/B above should be location specific if possible and recorded in 500/1,000 ha planning/mapping units. This activity will build on CEP mapping, including IMAPS and Coastal Sensitive Sites Inventory. Step 4: Operationalize bioresources-based ecosystem modeling tool based upon the above work and information. Generate and apply EBBM “Ecopath/Ecospace” model to in order to provide insights into the structure and dynamics of the Caspian’s aquatic/marine ecosystem. 1 - Ecopath/Ecospace is innovative for its ability to represent complex ecosystems using relatively simplified equations and smaller data requirements in order to obtain an accurate picture of the entire ecosystem. These simplified requirements are what have allowed Ecopath to be applied to so many marine ecosystems and what makes it particularly appropriate for the Caspian Sea. - TA and training will enable Caspian scientists to create an ecological pathway model utilizing “Ecopath/Ecospace” software, a fisheries-based ecosystemmodeling tool, in order to help stakeholders begin to understand better the complex biological inter-relationships of the Caspian ecosystem. - The “Ecopath/Ecospace” model will be used to investigate energy flow through the Caspian food web focusing on: a) limited number of commercially significant species; b) functional groups of top predators; c) producers (phytoplankton), All waters and substrates necessary to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding or growth to maturity. UNOPS - EUO IW Cluster Tel: +45 3546 7660 Midtermolen 3 Fax: +45 3546 7501 2100 Copenhagen E-mail: Denmark consumer (zooplankton), planktivorous fishes (herrings, kilka) and a broad aggregate of non-commercial fishes (gobies). - The effects of fishing and eutrophication on the Caspian Sea ecosystem will be investigated using a dynamic mass-balance model Ecopath with Ecosim. A balanced model is built using several ecological groups including bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton, protozoa, ctenophores, medusa, fishes and Caspian Seal. The 3 fish groups are representative of the dominant species in each category. These are kilka, for the planktivores, herrings, salmon, inconnu representing pelagic predators, and sturgeon, kutum in the demersal fish group. Step 5. Select Sites: generate and apply site selection model. Utilizing open access Marxan modeling software, this model will produce priority site selection scenarios and input these scenarios into a fisheries-based ecosystem modeling approach. Based upon Steps 1 and 2 and 3 above, provide TA and training to Caspian stakeholders to enable them to: - Identify priority conservation areas, in particular spawning, feeding and nurseries grounds for demersal species like sturgeon, using software tools that allow the combination of information on species, habitats, ecosystems and threats to the Caspian environment with marine fish targets and fishing effort. This allows for biodiversity and fishery objectives to be jointly accounted for within a single decision support system. EBM will aim at preserving and, where appropriate, rebuilding the reproductive capacity of the target resources and their recruitment. - Input these site-selection scenarios into a fisheries-based ecosystem model (Ecospace) to inform decision making across biodiversity conservation and fishery production objectives. Step 6. Finalize final products and presentation to stakeholders for discussion. Finalize the ecoregional assessment, ecosystem modeling, site selection, and fisheries management tools. Send draft around region for regional peer review for final ecoregional assessment report. Secure commitments from five Caspian states for continuing the EBBM process and implementing specific recommendations. Crosscutting activity steps 1-5: Capacity building for EBBM. In each of the steps, capacity building must be built in. Each mission to the region should include a robust “training while doing” element that is designed to measure “before and after” improvement in awareness and knowledge of key EBBM issues. Expected Procurement Components PRIMARY DELIVERABLES 1) Caspian Ecoregional Assessment (English, Russian, Farsi?): - The database that includes all spatial data and information on fisheries statistics, environmental conditions, stock assessments that can be shared. Specific information describing decision support, including the tools and input files necessary to examine alternative options. The final ecoregional assessment report with a complete description of the effort including priorities and priority sites that were identified. UNOPS - EUO IW Cluster Midtermolen 3 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 3546 7660 Fax: +45 3546 7501 E-mail: Indicator: Final Eco-regional Assessment technically cleared by the CTA in consulation with Tehran Convention Interim SecretariatStrengthened Capacity Capacity building generally refers to efforts to nurture and apply the capabilities of people and institutions at various levels. Work under this consultancy will focus on beginning to build the necessary human and informational resources to do management at ecosystem scales. A critical deliverable from this consultancy will be measured improvement in knowledge or ability w/respect to EBM – this means designing simple tests or quizzes to assess EBM knowledge and ability before hand and after the training event and at the beginning and at the end of the process. Indicator: % improvement in knowledge of EBBM as measured through before and after quizzes associated with each training and with the overall process (first and last meeting). 2) Changed Practices This is another critical deliverable – tangible, changed practices or behavior on the part of key institutions in the region. This deliverable must drive the more detailed design of how this work will be conducted. For example, the following question should be discussed and answered at the first regional meeting under this consultancy: “How can counterparts show in tangible and measurable terms that their agencies recognize the importance of EBM, and are utilizing the tools generated by them with the help of this sub-contract?” Indicator: To be determined at First Regional Meeting. Among the possibilities: Caspian Aquatic Bioresources Commission endorses the Ecoregional Assessment. National Fishery management agencies endorse Ecoregional assessment and primary recommendations. National environmental authorities endorse Ecoregional assessment and primary recommendations. Tehran Convention applies specific recommendations to its multi-year work plan. 5. Key Considerations: Much thought should be given in the recommendations with respect to how to progress from data poor to data rich EBBM (e.g. facilitated by greater understanding of how ecosystems respond to alternative fishing strategies. EBM should be tailored to the management capacity available in the Caspian region and should allow for sequential improvements. How can the region transition to EBBM (compensation for fishers, etc…)? What have other countries or regions done to fix their degraded fisheries and bioresources? Contractor should collaborate closely with the project’s work to create a unified environmental monitoring program for the Caspian in order to ensure that the EBBM work supports the long-term monitoring program. 6. BUDGET: Total Cost approx: UNOPS - EUO IW Cluster Midtermolen 3 2100 Copenhagen Denmark 95,000 (including travel) Tel: +45 3546 7660 Fax: +45 3546 7501 E-mail: Special Procurement Conditions and Additional Information UNOPS invites suppliers capable of providing the consultancy services in above category to submit their expression of interest. In order to be considered as a potential supplier, interested enterprises should submit their Expression of Interest including the following information: - brief presentation of your enterprise including number of staff, turnover, years in business - reference list demonstrating your qualifications for participating in this possible upcoming bidding process - other requirements, if any (e.g. client specific requirements stated in the agreement with the client) - contact information (full name and address, country, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, website and contact person) The Expression of Interest and accompanying documents must be received by UNOPS no later than 12 November 2009 on the address below. Suppliers may submit the EOI online by clicking the “EOI” link for this opportunity on “Current business opportunities” on, register and enter the data into the EOI form and then click “submit”. Alternatively, Expressions of Interest can be sent by e-mail or fax (max. 10 pages) to the contact person below. Please indicate Ref. No.: EOI/00069845/2009/03 on all submissions. This call for Expression of Interest does not constitute a solicitation. UNOPS reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the EOI and/or solicitation process. UNOPS also reserves the right to require compliance with additional conditions as and when issuing the final solicitation documents. Submitting a reply to a call for EOI does not automatically guarantee receipt of the solicitation documents when issued. Invitations to bid or requests for proposals and any subsequent purchase order or contract will be issued in accordance with the rules and procedures of UNOPS. UNOPS Contact Information EUO IW Cluster UNOPS Midtermolen 3 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Attn: Fredrik Lindhe, Portfolio Assistant Tel: +45 3546 7518 Fax: +45 3546 7501 E-mail: For companies not registered with the UN Global Marketplace it is recommended to do so. The UN Global marketplace is a database of active and potential suppliers available to all UN and World Bank procurement personnel, and is the main supplier database of more than 20 UN organizations. To register click on Registration drop down and select “Supplier Registration” on UNOPS - EUO IW Cluster Midtermolen 3 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 3546 7660 Fax: +45 3546 7501 E-mail: