Supplementary Material—Selected details of the numerical method and its implementation The combination of boundary conditions imposed on the faces of the reduced unit cell was outlined in the body of the paper. The reduced cell is shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Fig. 3 represents the cell for a normal band with u = 0, while, for u 0, the front and back faces the unit cell take the form of a parallelogram as shown in Fig. 2. The designations of the surfaces and edges to which the boundary conditions are applied are the same in both cases. Based on the explanations given earlier, we illustrate the specification of the boundary conditions for the reduced cell with respect to the initial configuration for only several of the boundary surfaces. The others are prescribed in a similar manner. For Surface-Top, the conditions are u x u x tan , x L x tan , x x . u1 x10 , L20 x10 tan u , x30 1 x10 1 , 2 10 , L20 x10 3 10 , L20 x10 u 30 2 30 3 20 10 tan u 2 , u 30 For Edge-Top-Left/Edge-Top-Right u L u L tan , x L L tan , tan , x u L , L L tan , x 0. u1 L10 , L20 L10 tan u , x30 1 L10 1 , 2 3 10 , L20 L10 10 , L20 L10 u u 30 2 20 10 2 u u 30 3 10 20 10 30 For Edge-Bottom-Middle, u1 0,0, x30 0 and u2 0,0, x30 0 . For Surface-Back, u3 x10 , x20 ,0 0 ; while for Surface-Front, u3 x10 , x20 , L30 L30 3 . Note that in these equations, xi0 refer to the coordinates of the surface nodes, and Li0 to the halve edge lengths of the unit cell (see Fig. 2) in the undeformed configuration. The additional displacement rates of the top surface of the cell, 1 and 2 , emerge by enforcing continuity of tractions across the (top and bottom) interfaces between the outer blocks and the cell: the expressions for the force increments exerted by the blocks on the top surface of the unit cell, F1 and F2 , are given in (14). The following method is used to impose this force continuity with the code ABAQUS [50]. A dummy node M, which is not attached to the unit cell, is created with displacement rates u1M and u2M , and 1 and 2 are coupled (i.e., forced to be the same) to the corresponding displacement rates of this dummy node, i.e. 1 u1M and 2 u2M . In order to apply F1 and F2 , two additional nodes are created, N1 and N2, which are connected to node M via two springs (CONN2D2 elements of the ABAQUS element library), see Fig. 3. The extra nodes can be regarded as being attached to the upper block such that the incremental point forces applied to the top surface of the unit cell through these springs read: F1 AT N11 sin c u1N1 u1M , F2 AT N 22 cos c u2N2 u2M , (A-1) where c is the stiffness of the springs. To solve the equations in (A-1) containing multi-point constraints, an ABAQUS user subroutine is written (see MPC subroutine in [50]), by using which ABAQUS iteratively determines 1 the values of u1N1 , u1M 1 , u2N2 and u2M 2 corresponding to the prescribed values of F1 and F2 . It is worth emphasizing that only displacements boundary conditions are applied to the unit cell as shown in the equations above; F1 and F2 are used by the ABAQUS user subroutine to simply determine the values of 1 and 2 . It has been verified that the convergence of the results has no dependence on the stiffness c of the springs. However, as discussed in detail in [54] the smaller the spring constant c the more rapidly the iterations converge in ABAQUS: in this study c = 6 10-26 EL0 is used, where E is the Young’s modulus of the base material of the cell (see Section 3), and L0 is the halve edge length of the cubic unit cell employed in this study. A FORTRAN code has been written to run the ABAQUS calculations with a flow chart of the code given in Fig. A-1. After evaluating the quantities needed for imposing the boundary conditions, the code writes an ABAQUS input file and runs the ABAQUS job. Calculations are performed in several successive steps using restart files. At each step, the FORTRAN code updates the boundary conditions, prepares an ABAQUS restart-input file, runs the ABAQUS job, and joins the results-file (.odb file in ABAQUS terminology) of the new calculation with the main results-file which includes the results of all the previous steps. Each new step corresponds to a succeeding calculation with updated boundary conditions. ABAQUS further divides each step into a number of increments to find a converged solution. In Fig. A-1, G is an integer that is used to define the step size: the change in the predominant axial strain in the outer blocks in one step is related to G through E22 G 105 . The initial value of the parameter G, G0 (see Fig. A-1), can be taken as large as desired (G0 = 2000 is used in this study). If ABAQUS is not able to find 1 and 2 iteratively for the assigned G value, i.e. if the step size is too large, a new value of G is assigned: Gnew = int (k G), where the function “int” gives the integer part of the number and k < 1 (k = 2/3 is used in this study). The post-processing of the main results-file is performed with an ABAQUS-Python script (see [50]). The evolution of the volume-averaged stresses and strains in the unit cell, the forces acting on the surfaces of the unit cell, the orientation angle of the band are all calculated by using this script. The volume-averaged stress components are calculated by looping over all elements: e I k k ij v , ij e 1 k 1 C V P where P is the total number of elements, I is the number of integration points in an element (I = 8 for C3D8, which is the element used in this study, see [50]), ij and v are, respectively, the local Cauchy stress and volume values at the corresponding integration point, and V C is the total volume of the unit cell at the current configuration. 2 Fig. A-1. Flow chart for the numerical scheme. INPUT PARAMETERS CALCULATE THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS PERFORM THE FE CALCULATION ITERATIONS FOR DO NOT CONVERGE ITERATIONS FOR CONVERGE FIRST LOCALIZATION: SWITCH THE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS END OF CALCULATION References 54. 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