Behavior Classroom (BIC)

5th Grade BIC
Behavior Intervention Class
BIC is a program being piloted this year by our 5th grade teachers, special area teachers and
administration. It has come to our attention in the last few years that 5th graders as a whole present
more disruptive and lax academic behaviors than any of our other grade levels. In an attempt to ready
students for middle school we are using this academic isolation classroom approach to assist in
correcting such behaviors. A BIC period will be held daily from the beginning of lunch, lasting through
recess and special area time and will be monitored by a special area teacher and/or administrator.
Students assigned to the BIC classroom will eat lunch there, complete necessary assignments then
return to homeroom at the end of the day to be dismissed by 2:25. Students assigned to BIC will not
miss academic instruction time, missing only social times with peers and special area. Students may be
assigned to the BIC classroom for the following reasons:
*Missing homework
*Incomplete or poorly completed assignments
*Disruptive behavior
*Consistent failure to follow class/school rules
While in BIC, students will be expected to correctly and neatly complete a current academic assignment.
In order to be dismissed from BIC students must:
*turn in the completed assignment
*write a reflection on their behavior
*have the BIC Parent Awareness form signed and returned to the BIC classroom before
8:15am the following day.
Failure to comply with the above will result in an additional stay in BIC.
Students may be assigned to the BIC classroom for a total of three separate offenses. Parents will
receive a phone call and/or email regarding each BIC assignment as well as be expected to sign and
return the BIC Parent Awareness Form. The first BIC assignment will be for one BIC period, the second
for two and the third for three. Each stay in BIC will be well documented. After three BIC assignments,
students will automatically be referred to school administrators for out of school suspension and/or
parent conference.
We hope this fully explains our BIC program and that you will support our efforts in trying to improve 5th
grade academic and behavior expectations. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your
child’s teacher by email or phone between 1:30 and 2:15 pm. We are looking forward to a great year!