NOTICES for Sundays 25th October and 1st November 2015
We welcome everyone today especially any visitors. Please make yourselves known to the Leadership Team and
sign our visitors book. Please join us for refreshments after worship, we look forward to meeting you.
Sunday 25th October
10.45 am`
Alternative worship led by Revd Mike Shrubsole at the Trinity
Church. Mike will begin the series from the Compass book focusing on ‘Glimpses of God’.
6.00 pm
Bible Society Service at Trinity Church. Led by Revd Mike Shrubsole
on behalf of Churches Together in Ringwood and District and the
Bible Society. Please come and join with the local churches in this
annual celebration of the Bible Society.
Sunday 1st November
10.45 am
Morning Worship at Trinity Church led by Miss Caroline Churcher
Sunday 8th November
10.45 am
Remembrance Sunday Parade Service with Communion at Trinity
Led by Revd Mike Shrubsole. We welcome the local Scouts who
us on this occasion.
All are asked to be seated by 10.45 so the
worship can begin promptly. The Scouts will join the Town Parade
and everyone is invited to the Memorial Ground at 12.00 noon.
MONDAY LUNCHES at Trinity 12.00 noon. Open to all – just come along Cost £4.00
Coffee served in the Foyer from 11.00 am. A warm welcome awaits.
‘Monday Lunch’ is a very successful and appreciated activity provided by the church for the
community. There are many people involved – we have a good team who come and serve on
Monday BUT the setting up and laying up of the tables, which happens on Sunday before worship
and after if needed, has increasingly been done by one person. We need to increase the team
willing to do this otherwise Monday Lunch is in jeopardy. Please don’t think this is a message for
someone else – it might just be for you – please turn up and help, thank you.
BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP meets at Wesley Centre on the second Monday evening of each
month at 7.30. Next meeting Monday November 9th at 7.30pm. See Lorna Auty or Brian Walters
for more information. This is an open meeting for anyone who would appreciate this support.
TRINITY GUILD meets at Trinity 2.30 pm. Nov 3rd – ‘a fascinating afternoon’ with Jeanette. Nov 17th
– Trevor and Doreen Wood are sharing their ‘Adventure in America’ All welcome
COFFEE MORNING at Wesley Centre 10.30 am to 12.00 noon, all welcome, just drop in for a chat.
This is a great opportunity to have fellowship in a relaxed atmosphere.
LITTLE LAMBS PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP meet at Trinity Centre 10.00am – 11.30am.
School term time only
PRAYER MEETING for Pastoral Concerns – meets once a month – 10.00am Trinity Vestry – to pray
for concerns within and connected to the church fellowship. Next meeting – Thursday 26th Nov
MUSIC and SINGING GROUP Meets twice a month – 7.30pm Wesley Centre. If you are interested
in joining, please contact – Pauline. Next practice will be 19th November – please note not 5th.
ROCK MUSIC SCHOOL – a weekly opportunity for young people to gather together to enjoy music
and learn about the Christian faith - 4.00 – 6.00 pm at Wesley Centre.
Choir now meets regularly on a Sunday but there will be an extra practice on Friday 20th Nov at
7.30pm – see notice re Choir overleaf for complete listing of rehearsals.
Prayer is an important part of our Christian Life - We invite you to prayerfully use the notices and Travelling
Together in your personal prayers. Prayers from the vestry prayer book and the vestibule board are also used in
worship. A new pastoral prayer letter is available from David Daniels. Please remember there is a church
prayer chain – first point of contact is Louise Shrubsole – 01425 473407. Issues are dealt with in a confidential way.
Evelyn Burt:- A Celebration of her Life - 2.30pm Monday 26th October 2015 Trinity United Church, Ringwood. This
thanksgiving service conducted by Revd Mike Shrubsole and the choir will be singing. All are invited to attend.
Evelyn Burt was a well-known and well-loved school teacher, organist, choir leader, church secretary and Sunday
school teacher. Friends are invited to a service with her family to celebrate her life and all that she meant to people
here in Ringwood. (Evelyn's funeral service was held in Southsea on 29/09/2015)
TRINITY CHOIR - rehearsals at Trinity at 9.45am on Sunday Nov 1st, 8th, 15th 29th and Dec 6th, 13th, 20th with extra
Christmas rehearsals at 7.30pm on Friday 20th Nov and 10.00am on Saturday 12th December. New members
always welcome - please see Lesley if you are interested in joining permanently or would just like to be involved
in the Christmas music.
TRAVELLING TOGETHER - Please begin thinking ahead for articles for the November December Issue –
contributions by 15th November. John would appreciate receiving articles and photos of events that happen in the
church plus another reminder for photos for the front cover – come on all you budding creative people!
Yes – Christmas is coming - Charity Christmas Cards Pauline Sunderland will be selling Christmas Cards in aid of
Action for Children each Sunday from 1 November in the Trinity Foyer. Also she will have a stall at the Greyfriars
Charities Coffee Morning on Friday 6 November from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. Christmas Charity Gifts – there are
some catalogues available in the foyer promoting Charitable giving from a variety of organisations.
T.R.I.N.I.T.Y. – Together, Renew, Inspire, Nourish, Inform, Transform, You.
We held a successful launch event, and we had a very good response to the distribution of the ‘Compass’ small
group study material. On Sunday 25th October Mike led an introduction to the first session in the book entitled:
‘Glimpses of God’. The small group meetings are now ready to launch. 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, or 2nd and 4th
Wednesdays, look suitable for most people. Please speak to Mike if you would like a third option. Sessions will start
at 2.30pm, either in Trinity Church or Trinity Vestry, depending on numbers. Please see the separate sheet with
details of the sessions and dates and leadership.
At Trinity United Church we are ready to advertise the following vacancy Part time Bookkeeper/Office Assistant.
Trinity United Church, Ringwood runs two busy Centres which are much in demand for community group hiring.
We need a well organised bookkeeper and office assistant to help with the smooth running of the finances and
administration of our Centres. Applicants must be sympathetic towards the aims, objectives and ethos of a
Christian work environment. We need someone who can use Quickbooks to prepare accounts and invoices. A
friendly, welcoming, personality will be essential in our busy reception office. Part time, 4 hours a week, £12.00
per hour, plus occasional overtime to provide cover for the Centre Manager.
Application forms and further details are available from: By post: Mrs Pauline Sunderland, Trinity United Church,
Christchurch Road, Ringwood BH24 1DH; By Email: ; By telephone: 01425 478510
Closing date for applications: 30th October. Proposed interview date: 16th November
Please keep an eye on the noticeboards – we are receive a lot of information about events in our local Methodist
and URC churches as well as interesting events in the town churches and town. It is not possible to detail all here.
RECEIVE E-MAILED COPIES OF FORTNIGHTLY NOTICES – if you would like a copy of the notices emailed to you - please email
Louise your email address – it will only be used for this purpose.
Items to be included on the next notices Sunday 8th November to be emailed to Louise or left in the
folder in the office by Wednesday 4th November. Thank you.