May 2013 Newsletter - Macedonia United Methodist Church

5/10 Nina Brown
5/11 Caroline Pridmore
5/12 Drew Pridmore
5/18 Linda Shirley
5/25 Billy Brown
10:30 A.M.
4:45 P.M
7:00 A.M.
VBS is coming in July! See Abby Rushing to
volunteer to teach or help. Planning meeting
will be announced soon.
14837 Highway 69 N, Northport, AL 35475
SUN 5/5
SUN 5/12
THU 5/14
MON 5/27
SUN 6/2
SUN 6/9
“The Church on the Lake”
Macedonia United Methodist Church
5/24 Chris & Bev Shinstock
5/29 Bobby & Cathy Hagler
“The Church on the Lake”
Rock Stone, Pastor
14837 Hwy 69 N, Northport, AL 35475
205.339.6360 (Office)  205.792.3301 (Cell)  205.339.6610 (Fax)
2 0 13
Welcome Home! That is something that we might hear a lot in a couple of days as
we celebrate Homecoming May 5 here at Macedonia UMC, “The Church on the Lake.”
Homecoming while not just a southern tradition is something that seems to be more
popular in the south. It is however a tradition that seems to be falling by the way side.
Like many traditions that were popular over the past several decades it seems to be losing
it’s popularity. That is not the case, at least not at this time, for Macedonia as we are
preparing for the return of those family members who have moved away but still enjoy
coming back “home” on this special Sunday, the first Sunday in May. Perhaps one of the
things that bring everyone back year after year is the thought of all the wonderful food that
will be spread out over the tables once the service is over. Like any time that we have a
gathering where food is involved there will be enough food to feed everyone there and
many, many more. I like to just stand back and watch people as they try to decide what
they want to put on their plate and let me tell you sometimes the decisions are very hard to
make. It is after you have eaten a plateful (or maybe two) when you realize there are now
more deserts that can be eaten waiting on your arrival. Getting hungry yet? Come join us
this Sunday and I promise you will be welcomed “home” as you see old friends and family
that perhaps you haven’t seen in a while. And if the food and hospitality wasn’t enough to
get the day started we will have Chosen Witness with us again for our worship service.
Chosen Witness has become a Macedonia favorite and we have had them with us on
several occasions. They were here last year for Homecoming and several people wanted
them back again this year. So we are excited about Homecoming 2013 for Macedonia with
the morning showcasing Chosen Witness in concert and then a great time of fellowship
with outstanding food to close out the day. Don’t miss out; make your plans right now to
be with us May 5, 2013 for Homecoming.
If you haven’t had an opportunity to come by the church this spring then let me say
you have missed out on some of God’s beautiful art work as the Prayer Garden has been
absolutely breath taking. The box roses along with the azaleas were just amazing while in
full bloom. I say were because the azaleas have already bloomed and the blooms have
fallen away. That is the only complaint I have about that plant, it is so beautiful while in
full bloom but the bloom just doesn’t stay with us long enough. (Ok, I am getting off my
soap box now) The Prayer Garden is still very beautiful as I said the box wood roses are
in full bloom and will be for several months. The greenery along with the trees down
around the property makes for such an amazing place for so many types of worship
experiences. We have had numerous weddings, life celebrations, worship services of many
types not to mention the times that people just come for a quiet place to pray and have a
haven from the busy life we all live. Certainly the anchor for the lake property is the
WoW service that we have every Sunday morning at 8:30. Worship on the Water is
beginning to make a name for itself as we have been worshiping in this format since April
of 2008. If you are on and around the lake look for our WoW banners and give us some
input. There is one that everyone should be able to see and I think read from the Highway
69 bridge. If you are traveling north on 69 look to the right as you cross the bridge, I think
you will be slightly surprised with what you see. Again, let us know if you see our banners
and help spread the word about WoW.
While I type this edition of “The Rock Pile” I am anticipating a full spring and
summer of activity here at Macedonia UMC, “The Church on the Lake.” Plans are coming
together for our VBS that will be in July. Between now and then we have an opportunity to
minister as there will be more weddings here on the lake property. We will continue to
open our doors to any and all we are longing for a place to belong and be loved. Our call is
to be the hands and feet of Christ and as such we will continue to reach out to those who
feel helpless and hopeless for whatever reason. And as we reach out we shall always reach
inward as we lift up and encourage one another. Until next month; continue to Believe, be
Blessed and become a Blessing. Shalom
Prayer Requests: The Lost and Unchurched, Our Homebound:
Elsie Guy, Bobbie Morrow, Joe Robertson, Corendene Rushing,
Betty Weissinger, Susan Shirley, Evonne Brown, Duffy Hagler,
Joe Ed Brown, Jack Hagler, Carolyn Gunter, Eloise Medders,
Frank Landry, Elvie Darden, Jewel Walters, Sara Lee, Mandy
Latner, Jack & Naomi Brown, Nellie Ray, Peggy Atkinson,
Charlie Smelly, Troy Turner, Linda Smelly, Darlene Hall, David Hall, JB Hall, Willie Turner,
Barbara Woods, Shelby Brown, Shelly Cleckler, Debbie Medders, Jeanette Sellers, Mark
Davis, Faye Kirkley, Rhonda Poe, Becky Hess, Dalton Ingram, Julia Blazer, Melissa &
Stephanie Coleman, Bobby Walker, Kim O’Leary, Barbara Fergenson, Braige Rushing,
Averee & Olivia Farley, Brenda Lafoy, American Leaders, Military, Our Nation, Our
Worship on the Water
Sunday School
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Sunday Evening Worship Service
Wednesday Night Bible Study
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Cemetery Association
Sunday May 5th is Homecoming Sunday and is traditionally our cemetery decoration day. The
Cemetery Association provides for the perpetual care and upkeep of our cemetery. If you would
like to make a donation to the Cemetery Fund you may do so by dropping it in the Offering on
Sunday or you may mail a check to the church. Checks should be made out to Macedonia UMC
with “Cemetery” written in the memo area. If you have any questions or comments about the
cemetery you may contact Gary Rice, president or Valeria Brown, secretary/treasurer.
Missions Team
The Semi-annual Missions Fundraiser will be held immediately following Worship Service on
Sunday, June 9. Missions will be sponsoring a Baked Potato Bar accompanied by a variety of
salads and homemade desserts. There is no charge for this dinner, but a love offering will be taken
up to help support the increasing need for missions and evangelism outreach programs.