2016 Student Terms and Conditions

As part of the Centenary Commemorations of the 1916 battles on the Western Front, the ACT
Government is proud to announce the ACT Chief Minister’s ANZAC Spirit Prize 2016 (Prize).
Up to two winning students, accompanied by two teachers, will represent the Australian Capital
Territory (Territory) on a funded study tour of France and Belgium. The group will visit a number of
key battlefields on the Western Front, including historic battlefields of France and Belgium where the
Australians fought, and Australian war cemeteries and memorials of that region. The group will attend
the centenary commemorations of the Battle of Fromelles and Pozières. The winning student/s will be
considered ambassadors for the Territory and they will promote the ACT Chief Minister’s ANZAC Spirit
Prize. For full details of the Prize, please refer to the Prize terms and conditions. Information about
the Prize is also available at http://www.det.act.gov.au/act.
The Prize is open to Territory students enrolled in years 9 or 10 in 2015, who meet the eligibility
criteria. Previous applicants for the Prize may re-apply, provided that they have not won the Prize.
The Prize is administered by the ACT Education and Training Directorate (Directorate).
In 1916-18 the main theatre of war for Australia moved from Gallipoli to the Western Front
(France and Belgium). Amidst the devastated landscape of the Somme battlefields Charles Bean,
Australia’s official First World War correspondent and historian, conceived the idea to preserve the
story of Australians in the First World War. Charles Bean wrote the Official History of Australia in
the War of 1914-1918. His dream resulted in the building of the Australian War Memorial in
Compose an original creative response that explores one or more of the themes from Charles
Bean’s quote:
“What these men did nothing can alter now. The good and the bad, the greatness and smallness of
their story will stand. Whatever of glory it contains nothing now can lessen. It rises, as it always will
rise, above the mists of ages, a monument to great-hearted men; and for their nation a possession
Cited in Coulthard, R 2014, Charles Bean - If people really knew: one man’s struggle to report the
Great War and tell the truth, Harper Collins, Sydney, NSW. p. 382.
By submitting an entry for the Prize the student, and their parents/carers, are deemed to have read
and fully consented to these terms and conditions (Terms).
1. The Prize opens at 9.00 am Monday 12 October 2015 and closes 4.30 pm Friday 5 February 2016.
1. The winning student/s will fly, together with two accompanying Territory teachers (see
“Accompanying Teachers” section below), economy class on a study tour of France and Belgium
(Study Tour). The expected travel dates are between 1 July 2016 and 31 July 2016.
The Prize includes three meals a day, and accommodation in a minimum of three star-rated
hotels in France and Belgium. The winning student/s and the accompanying teachers will be
accommodated in separate hotel rooms - there will be no shared room accommodation.
The Directorate will supply the winning student/s with promotional clothing, which must be
worn whenever possible while on the Study Tour and at any official ceremony or function
associated with the Prize.
The Territory requires that the winning student/s obtain travel insurance for the duration of the
Study Tour and will reimburse the winning student/s up to $AUS120 towards their travel
insurance. Evidence must be provided of the travel insurance obtained.
If, for any reason, a winning student is unable to attend the Study Tour on the expected dates
specified in these Terms, that student forfeits the Prize. In such circumstances, the Territory
reserves the right to award the Prize to another student and, if deemed appropriate, maintain or
change the accompanying teacher(s) to accompany the replacement student on the Study Tour.
While the Territory will make reasonable efforts to provide the Study Tour as stated in these
Terms, it reserves the right to cancel or make alternative arrangements to the Study Tour,
including based on safe travel advice, such as that provided by the Commonwealth Department
of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The Prize cannot be transferred or exchanged.
Unless otherwise stated in these Terms, the costs and expenses associated with redeeming the
Prize are the responsibility of each winning student’s parents/carers. Such costs include, but are
not limited to, the costs of passports and visas associated with travel to the intended
destinations, spending money, immunisations and insurances.
1. The winning student/s will be accompanied by two teachers nominated by the Directorate in
its absolute discretion. The Directorate may consult with the Principal/s of the winning
student/s schools in relation to the selection of teachers. In entering the Prize, the student
acknowledges that the nominated teachers may not be from their school.
2. The nominated teachers will supervise and accompany the winning student/s for the duration
of the Study Tour and any activities associated with the Study Tour, including:
(a) undertaking a duty of care role for the winning student/s
(b) providing support and mentoring for the winning student/s
(c) assisting winning student/s to resolve any travel, social or personal difficulties that arise
(d) seeking medical or other assistance on the winning student/s behalf, if necessary.
1. Entry is open to students who meet all of the following criteria:
(a) are studying in year 9 or 10 in 2015
(b) are enrolled at a school within the Territory, or are registered with the Directorate for
home education under the Education Act 2004 (ACT)
(c) are Australian citizens or hold a valid Australian permanent resident visa
(d) hold, or will hold, a current passport with a minimum of seven months validity as at 31 July
2016, which enables the student to safely travel to the destination and transit countries
and re-enter Australia, and any necessary visas
(e) are available to travel anytime between 1 July 2016 and 31 July 2016 to France and
Belgium including Pozières, Villers-Bretonneux and Ypres
(f) noting the activities intended for the Study Tour, are able to sustain themselves physically
and emotionally for the duration of the Study Tour, including having the ability to engage
in extensive travel, self-manage a healthy diet and undertake extensive walking tours of
war cemeteries and key battlefields
(g) have not previously won the Prize, or a similar or equivalent prize in another Australian
State or Territory
(h) are not immediate family members of a member of the judging panel
2. It is the responsibility of the student and their parents/carers to satisfy themselves that the
student meets, or will, prior to the date of departure, meet all of the eligibility criteria set out
above, prior to entering the Prize
3. There is no entry fee for the Prize
4. Each student may only submit one entry. Group entries will not be accepted
1. Each entry must comprise the following:
(a) Prize entry
(b) rationale
(c) bibliography.
Each of these is discussed in greater detail below. Their weighting is also noted.
Additionally, the student must submit a completed entry form signed by the student’s
Prize Entry (60%)
2. The student must submit an original, creative entry in one of the following formats:
(a) an original artwork, such as a painting, sculpture, textile or photographic display, no larger
than 2 metres x 2 metres
(b) media/digital presentation recorded as a playable CD or DVD, to be no greater than 3
minutes in duration
(c) an original musical or instrumental composition, recorded as a playable CD or DVD, to be
no greater than 3 minutes in duration
(d) a poem, script or short story, of no more than 1,000 words, submitted in hard copy.
3. The entry should:
(a) be researched, planned and designed by the student
(b) geographically and historically correct, with a focus on the battles of the Western Front in
(c) demonstrate a complexity of ideas
(d) be based on two primary reference sources (see “Bibliography” section below)
(e) address the task without the rationale.
Rationale (30%)
4. The student must submit a rationale, of no more than 500 words:
(a) explaining how their entry addresses the task
(b) explaining why the relevant medium was chosen for their creative entry
(c) demonstrating an understanding of the sacrifice made by Australians during the battles of
the Western Front in 1916
(d) explaining how their choice of primary sources relate to their entry.
Bibliography (10%)
5. The student must submit a bibliography, using the Harvard system of referencing, available at
6. The student must cite two primary sources (with at least one being from the Australian War
Memorial’s collection), plus at least four additional sources used.
7. If a reference is taken from Wikipedia, or similar, the citation must include the actual source
material used in the article. For example:
Bean, C 1941, The Story of ANZAC from the Outbreak of War to the End of the First Phase of the
Gallipoli Campaign, May 4, 1915. Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918. Volume
1 (11th ed.). Brisbane: University of Queensland Press, p. 152. In: ‘Landing at ANZAC Cove’
[Internet]. Wikipedia. Available from:
[accessed 6 May 2014].
1. Entries must be submitted in hard copy by 4.30 pm on Friday 5 February 2016 to:
Project Officer
ACT Chief Minister’s ANZAC Spirit Prize 2016
Hedley Beare Centre for Teaching and Learning
51 Fremantle Drive
2. Late and/or emailed entries will not be accepted.
1. The Directorate will determine the composition of the judging panel.
2. The judging panel (or its nominee) may make such enquiries in relation to entries as it deems
3. The judging panel may disqualify any student that it considers, in its absolute discretion, has
not fully complied with these Terms. However, errors and omissions may be accepted at the
judging panel’s discretion.
4. The judging panel may also disqualify any entry from the Prize that it deems offensive/
5. The judging panel’s decision on the winning entries, and any matter in connection with the
Prize, will be final. The judging panel’s decisions may not be appealed for any reason
1. Winners are expected to be announced in March 2016. The winning student/s will be
contacted via telephone in the first instance and then by formal letter. Unsuccessful students
will be notified via email.
1. The winning student/s must:
(a) provide a written report to the Directorate, on return from the Study Tour. The Directorate
will provide guidance to the winning student/s about the required structure and content of
this report
(b) be available, both before and after the Study Tour, to participate in promotional activities
such as being interviewed and photographed, filmed and attending and speaking at
functions (see “Participation in Promotional Activities” section below).
1. In submitting an entry for the Prize, the student:
(a) warrants that they have obtained all consents and permissions necessary for the purpose of
submitting their entry to the Prize, including in relation to the use of images of people;
(b) grants to the Territory a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty free licence to use the entry for
non-commercial purposes, which may include promotional purposes in relation to future
Territory prizes, events and initiatives; and
(c) must ensure that the Territory’s use of the entry in accordance with these Terms will not
infringe the privacy or intellectual property rights of any third party.
2. The student, and their parents/carers, indemnify the Territory against any loss or damage
suffered by the Territory as a result of any claim of infringement of intellectual property rights,
or privacy.
3. The Directorate will arrange for entries to be returned to the schools of participating students
within three months of the Prize closing time.
4. The Territory will not be liable for any accidental damage or loss to entries, including during the
transport of the entries back to schools.
1. Any personal information provided with, or included in an entry, will be stored, used and
disclosed in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2014 (ACT) and the Directorate’s
privacy policy, which can be found here:
2. The Directorate collects the personal information of students and their parents/carers for the
purpose of conducting the Prize, for educational use in schools, promotional purposes and for
internal purposes, such as reporting. Personal information that is collected may be held for an
indefinite period for the above purposes.
3. The Directorate may also disclose personal information about the winning student/s and their
parents/carers to other government authorities, including the Commonwealth Department of
Foreign Affairs and Trade, for the purpose of conducting the Prize and/ or the Study Tour (in
compliance with best practice for overseas travel).
By entering the Prize, each winning student agrees to participate in promotional and media
activities in relation to the Prize and future Territory prizes, events and initiatives. This may
include the publication of the name, age, year level, and school of winning student/s, and being
interviewed, filmed and photographed.
1. The winning student/s grant to the Territory a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty free licence to
use such publications, audio, footage and photographs/ images for non-commercial purposes,
including for promotional purposes in relation to the Prize, and future Territory prizes, events
and initiatives.