Lesson Plans Name: Deana Spencer Date: 4-21-14 through 4-25

Lesson Plans
Name: Deana Spencer
Date: 4-21-14 through 4-25-14
Grade: 2/3
Subject: Reading/Writing/Language Arts/Spelling
Core Content:
2.RL.1, 2.RL.3, 2.RI.1, 2.RI.10, 2.RF.4, 2.L.4
3.RL.1, 3.RL.3, 3.RI.1, 3.RI.10, 3.RF.4, 3.L.4
I can use strategies to figure out the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
I can comprehend while reading with accuracy and fluency.
I can read and understand informational texts.
I can ask and answer questions about the text to show my understanding.
I can describe how characters behave and think in a story.
Common Core- Daily Skill Practice
Reading BlockReview high frequency words- using powerpoint/flash cards, etc…
(Pg. 280G teachers edition)- Warm up with the Morning Message. As we write the message we
will work on punctuation and capital letters. We will then read the message together. Students
will then be asked to identify high frequency words within the morning message.
Sharing Literature- I will read aloud “Mouton’s Impossible Dream” pg. 280H Teachers Edition
Introduce Phonics: r-controlled vowels: air, are
Transparency 172: r-controlled vowels: air, are
Apply Phonics- Students will identify r-controlled vowels from transparency 172.
Practice Book pg. 83
Introduce Spelling words- give pretest
Practice Book. Pg. 84
Send home list of spelling words and vocabulary words for the week.
Transparency 173- Student Model Personal Narrative
Transparency 174- See, Give, Saw, Gave
Buckle Down- Lesson 5- Don’t Forget the Details (Overhead- whole class)
Common Core- Daily Skill Practice
Reading BlockReview high frequency words- using powerpoint/flash cards, etc…
(Pg. 280O teachers edition)- Warm up with the Morning Message. As we write the message we
will work on punctuation and capital letters. We will then read the message together. Students
will then be asked to identify high frequency words within the morning message.
Sharing Literature- I will read aloud “Abuelita’s Lap” pg. 280P Teachers Edition
R-controlled vowels: air, are
Apply Phonics- Read a Poem (ask students to listen for words that have the –r controlled vowels)
Practice Book pg. 85
Review Spelling Words: Build words with air, and are
Clap out the letters to the spelling words
Spelling Book. Pg. 95
Access prior knowledge- preview/predict
Students will Define Vocabulary Terms- check understanding using questioning methods
Read pg. 280-281 aloud and discuss vocabulary
Vocabulary- Transparency 175
Practice Book- pg. 86
Transparency 176- Make Inferences
Preview/Predict for our Story of the week “Abuela”
Read aloud and discuss using questioning “Abuela” - Guided Comprehension. As we read we
will complete a story web (Transparency 177)
Transparency 178- Descriptive paragraph
Practice Book- pg. 87
Computer Lab- Lexia/Study Island
Common Core- Daily Skill Practice
Reading BlockReview high frequency words- using powerpoint/flash cards, etc…
(Pg.271D teachers edition)- Warm up with the Morning Message. As we write the message we
will work on punctuation and capital letters. We will then read the message together. Students
will then be asked to identify high frequency words within the morning message.
Sharing Literature- I will read aloud “Mouton’s Impossible Dream” pg. 301E Teachers Edition
R-Controlled Vowels: air, are
Apply Phonics- students will dictate the sentences written on the board and then draw a picture
to represent the sentence.
Review Spelling words- State the generalization, review words with -er and -est, review the
high-frequency words
Spelling Book. Pg. 96
Review Vocabulary- Sentence Strip Clues, Word Structure Clues
Students will reread “Abuela” in small groups
Using the Think/Pair/Share method answer Think and Respond questions on pg. 298
Language Practice – Handout
Writing Connection- “Abuela”
-Buckle Down- Lesson 6: Tell Me a Made-Up Story (Overhead- whole class)
Computer Lab: Lexia/Study Island
Common Core- Daily Skill Practice
Reading BlockReview high frequency words- using powerpoint/flash cards, etc…
(Pg. 303C teachers edition)- Warm up with the Morning Message. As we write the message we
will work on punctuation and capital letters. We will then read the message together. Students
will then be asked to identify high frequency words within the morning message.
Sharing Literature- I will read aloud “Abuelita’s Lap” pg. 303D Teachers Edition
r-controlled vowels- air, are
Reading book- pg. 304-305 Words with air and are
Practice Book- pg. 88
Spelling Bee
Spelling Book. Pg. 97
Matching Words with Definitions.
Listen to the story on CD.
For Homework Re-read “Abuela” and answer guided Comprehension Questions from handout
Practice Book pg. 89
Short Answer Prompt- “Abuela”
Language Handbook- pg. 155
Computer Lab: Lexia/Study Island
Common Core- Daily Skill Practice Quiz
Reading BlockReview high frequency words- using powerpoint/flash cards, etc…
(Pg. 305G teachers edition)- Warm up with the Morning Message. As we write the message we
will work on punctuation and capital letters. We will then read the message together. Students
will then be asked to identify high frequency words within the morning message.
Review Phonics: Suffixes: -ing, -ly
Practice Book pg. 90
Spelling Test
Reading Test
Language Arts Quiz
Alexia Reading Activities/Handouts (small groups)
Buckle Down- Lesson 7 Stories from Long Ago (Overhead- whole class)