Breast Cancer Awaren..

America’s Most Wanted- Breast Cancer Awareness Month
In 2013, an estimated 1,660,290 people will be diagnosed with cancer. That is
more than the entire population of Philadelphia.
Of those diagnosed, 232,340 are projected to be diagnosed with breast cancer.
The chances of women having invasive breast cancer in their lifetime
approximately 1 in 8.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. NBCAM promotes
awareness and empowerment, not just throughout the month, but every day of
the year so that one day the numbers of diagnosis and death may decrease.
Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer behind skin
cancer. Education and prevention are the key to not being part of the statistic.
With early detection, the 5-year survival rate is 98%. If you could stop breast
cancer before it progressed, would you?
By educating yourself on the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, you can save
yourself (or a loved one) from having to fight a treacherous and scary battle.
Although it is more common in women, men can also develop breast cancer.
Breast cancer is an invasive disease where malignant cells can attack and
invade the tissue in the breast, and surrounding tissue. If you notice anything
unusual, do not panic or self-diagnose. A lump in the breast does not
automatically mean cancer. However, do not hesitate to have it, or any other
changes, investigated by a healthcare professional.
Symptoms of breast cancer may include:
 Lump or thickening of tissue in or around breast or underarm area
 Nipple tenderness
 Persistent breast pain, discomfort or unusual tenderness
 Change in skin texture or change in pore visibility (similar to orange peel
 Nipple discharge (clear or bloody)
Performing self-breast exams regularly and paying special attention to any
changes can help you detect breast cancer right away. Getting a mammogram is
also essential to early detection as it can see a breast lump even before it can be
felt. Women over 40 should get an exam every 1-2 years and women under 40
should consult a healthcare professional to determine whether a mammogram is
needed. If the mammogram results are abnormal, additional tests can be
Creating an early detection plan and knowing the signs of breast cancer can
save your life.
Other ways to reduce your risk are:
 Maintaining a healthy weight
 Staying physically active
 Eating a balanced diet with vegetables and fruits
 Do not smoke
 Limiting alcohol consumption
 Conducting monthly breast self-exams
 Scheduling clinical breast exams
 Getting a mammogram if needed
Reduce others’ risks by educating them about awareness and prevention.
For more information check out the resources and facts provided by National
Breast Cancer Foundation.
October is not just the month for orange and black. It’s the month of pink.
#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #SavetheTatas
Think Pink! Cute ways to wear your pink in support for Breast Cancer
Awareness. #Accessorize #NBCAM
*Instagram/Pinterest Opportunity* (Collage/Photos showing different ways
to wear pink throughout the month- encourage followers to share and
#NBCAM etc.)
MYTH: Men cannot get breast cancer. Find out more!
#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #BCAM #MensHealth
300,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. Don’t be part
of the statistic #BreastCancer #Prevention
It’s the month of The Big “C.” Breast Cancer #GetInformed. Don’t let your
loved ones fall prey to cancer #Prevention
Think you know about breast cancer? Test your knowledge with the Top 10
#Myths of Breast Cancer. #Truths #NBCAM
Save a life, 39,840 women will die of breast cancer in 2013. Stay informed
about the signs and inform others #NBCAM
How do you show support for Breast Cancer Survivors? Tweet Hashtag #NBCAM for National Breast Cancer
Awareness Month!
*(Also a good Instagram/Pinterest Opportunity- with interaction)*
Know an inspirational breast cancer survivor? Share their story in 140
characters with hashtag #NBCAM for National Breast Cancer Awareness
The Breast Cancer #Myths and #Facts, do you know the
Procrastination is Cancer’s “Breast” friend. Get checked today! #NBCAM