NAME _______________________ Cycle 4 Language Study Guide Week 1 (February 23 - 27) Homework Literature – Read the selection provided each night as background for Animal Farm. You must take notes in the form provided and be prepared to answer questions about the reading the next day. ____1a. Wednesday __________________________________________________________________ ____1b. Thursday ____________________________________________________________________ Classwork ____2a. Editor-in-Chief #15 “Let the Chips Fall” 7th ____2b. EIC #31 “Armchair Adventure” 8th Diagramming/Grammar: Check and correct your work. Two (2) diagramming sentences per week; and two (2) grammar follow-up lessons. Unit/Lesson _________________________________________ ____3b. Tuesday ____3c. Wednesday ____3d. Thursday Word Elements: Level 1 Book A ____4a.Page 17, Focus: duct, vol ____4b. Choose 5 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. ( sentences are written in cursive) Level 2 Book B ____4a.Page 31 Focus: micro ____4b. Page 32 Focus: arch ____4c. Choose 8 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. (sentences are written in cursive) Vocabulary: _____5a. 10 vocabulary words ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ _____5b. Vocabulary word assessment _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ NAME _______________________ Cycle 4 Week 2 (March 2 - 6) Homework Novel - For homework: Read the pages indicated for your novel and answer the questions in complete sentences. Adequate information must be included in your responses. DUE Animal Farm ____7a.Monday v - xxiii ____7b.Tuesday Chapter 1 pg. 25 - 34 ____7c.Wednesday Chapter 2 pg. 35 - 44 ____7d.Thursday TBA Classwork Daily Language Drill ____9a. Editor-in-Chief #16 “Plane Scary” 7th ____9b. EIC #32 “Mopping Up” 8th Diagramming/Grammar: Check and correct your work. Two (2) diagramming sentences per week; and two (2) grammar follow-up lessons. Unit/Lesson _________________________________________ ____10a. Monday ____10b. Tuesday ____10c. Wednesday ____10d. Thursday Word Elements: Level 1 Book A ____11a.Page 18 Focus vers, vert ____11b. Choose 5 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. (sentences are written in cursive) Level 2 Book B ____11a. Page 33 Focus: crac ____11b.Page 34 Focus: meter ____11c. Choose 8 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. (sentences are written in cursive) Vocabulary: _____12a. 10 words NA ____ 12b. Week 1 typed sentences - corrected NAME _______________________ Cycle 4 Week 3 (March 9 - 13) Homework Literature: Novel - Novel - For homework: Read the pages indicated for your novel and answer the questions in complete sentences. Adequate information must be included in your responses. DUE Animal Farm ____13a. Monday Chapter 3 pg. 45 - 53 ____13b. Tuesday Chapter 4 pg. 54 - 60 ____13c. Wednesday Chapter 5 pg. 61 - 72 ____13d. Thursday TBA Classwork Daily Language Drill ____15a. Editor-in-Chief #17 “Pinto Show” 7th ____15b. EIC #33 “Letter to Madagascar” 8th Diagramming/Grammar: Check and correct your work. Two (2) diagramming sentences per week; and two (2) grammar follow-up lessons. Unit/Lesson _________________________________________ ____16a. Monday ____16b. Tuesday ____16c. Wednesday ____16d. Thursday Word Elements: Level 1 Book A ____17a.Page 19 Focus loqu, nom ____17b. Choose 5 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. (sentences are written in cursive) Level 2 Book B ____17a. Page 35 Focus: gram ____17b.Page 36 Focus: phobia ____17c. Choose 8 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. (sentences are written in cursive) Vocabulary: _____18a. 10 words ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____ 18b. Week 3 Vocabulary Word Assessment NAME _______________________ Cycle 4 Week 4 (March 16 - 20) Internships – March 23 – 26 March 27 – half-day, final Internship interview March 30 – Spring Break Homework Novel - For homework: Read the pages indicated for your novel and answer the questions in complete sentences. Adequate information must be included in your responses. DUE Animal Farm ____19a. Monday Chapter 6 pg. 73 - 83 ____19b. Tuesday Chapter 7 pg. 84 - 97 ____19c. Wednesday Chapter 8 pg. 98- 113 Classwork Daily Language Drill ____21a. Editor-in-Chief #18 “The Wright Stuff” 7th ____21b. EIC #30 “An Educational Trip” 8th Diagramming/Grammar: Check and correct your work. Two (2) diagramming sentences per week; and two (2) grammar follow-up lessons. Unit/Lesson _________________________________________ ____22a. Monday ____22b. Tuesday ____22c. Wednesday ____22d. Thursday Word Elements: Level 1 Book A ____23a.Page 20 Focus manu, vor ____23b. Choose 5 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. (sentences are written in cursive) Level 2 Book B ____23a. Page 37 Focus: phil ____23b.Page 38 Focus: hypo ____23c. Choose 8 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. (sentences are written in cursive) Vocabulary: _____24a. 10 words NA ____ 24b. Week 3 typed sentences - corrected NAME _______________________ Cycle 4 Week 5 (April 6 - 10) Homework Novel - For homework: Read the pages indicated for your novel and answer the questions in complete sentences. Adequate information must be included in your responses. DUE Animal Farm ____19a. Monday Chapter 9 pg. 114 - 126 ____19b. Tuesday Chapter 10 pg. 127 - 139 ____19c. Wednesday Review ____19d. Thursday TBA Classwork Daily Language Drill ____20a. EIC Review Diagramming/Grammar: Check and correct your work. Two (2) review diagramming sentences per week; and two (2) grammar review lessons. Unit/Lesson _Review ____21a. Tuesday ____22b. Wednesday ____23c. Thursday Word Elements: Level 1 ____29a.Complete page 21 Focus: enni, later ____29b. Choose 5 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. (sentences are written in cursive) Level 2 ____29a. Complete page 39 Focus: cycl, klept ____29b. Choose 8 words and write an original sentence for each word which conveys the meaning without using its literal definition. (sentences are written in cursive) Week 6 (April 13 - 17) Exam Week / Projects/ Portfolio Homework: any unfinished assignments Assessments: ____31a. Social World Exam ____________% ____32a. Natural World Exam ___________% ____33a. Independent Research Paper (must ____35a. Grammar Exam ________% include all required work) ____34a. Novel Exam _________% Week 7 Immersion (April 20 - 24) April 25 - Saturday School (8 am until noon/fee charged)