English I reading rubric - Fort Thomas Independent Schools

Name __________________________________________
Date _______________ Class ______
Pre-AP English I
Text Analysis Rubric
little or no focus on analyzing
how the text uses literary
devices and rhetorical strategies
to create meaning; may respond
to the task with unrelated,
inaccurate, inappropriate
mostly inaccurate reading of the
passage and task; several
1: weaker focus on analysis; more
inaccurate reading of the passage
and task; significant
misunderstandings throughout
insufficient focus on analyzing
how the text uses literary devices
and rhetorical strategies to create
mostly superficial, literal reading
of the passage and task; may
misunderstand several portions of
the passage and/or task
3: weaker focus on analysis; more
literal reading of the passage and
task; more significant
commentary does not
sufficiently explain how literary
devices and/or rhetorical
strategies create meaning in the
text but may provide vague
generalizations or merely list
literary devices or rhetorical
strategies; may attempt to
summarize or paraphrase but
does not succeed; lack of
commentary; may demonstrate
mostly inaccurate ideas
insufficient or incorrect text
evidence; may refer to the
passage explicitly or implicitly
1: less sufficient, perceptive,
accurate commentary and evidence
commentary may attempt to
explain how literary devices
and/or rhetorical strategies create
meaning in the text but is mostly
insufficient in development,
literal, and/or inappropriate; may
summarize or paraphrase the text
instead of discuss the purpose
and/or effect of the literary
devices and/or rhetorical
strategies; may demonstrate
several inaccurate ideas
may identify some appropriate
text evidence to support analysis;
text evidence may replace
commentary; may refer to the
passage explicitly or implicitly;
commentary is mostly quoted
rather than blended
3: less sufficient, perceptive, accurate
commentary and evidence
general focus on analyzing how
the text uses literary devices and
rhetorical strategies to create
meaning; some lapses in focus
generally accurate reading of the
passage and understanding of the
task; may misunderstand portions
of the passage and/or task
commentary attempts to explain
how literary devices and/or
rhetorical strategies create
meaning in the text but may be
superficial, limited in
development, inconsistent and/or
uneven; portions may summarize
or paraphrase instead of discuss
the purpose and/or effect of the
literary devices and/or rhetorical
strategies; may demonstrate some
inaccurate ideas
some appropriate, sufficient text
evidence supports analysis but
may be limited or uneven; may
refer to the passage explicitly or
implicitly; attempts to blend
evidence with commentary
focus on analyzing how
the text uses literary
devices and rhetorical
strategies to create
accurate reading of the
passage and
understanding of the
7: stronger focus on
analysis; more insightful
reading of the passage
commentary explains
how literary devices
and/or rhetorical
strategies create
meaning in the text;
sufficiently developed
discussion of the
purpose and/or effect of
the literary devices
and/or rhetorical
appropriate, sufficient
text evidence supports
the analysis; refers to
the passage explicitly
or implicitly; blends
evidence with
sufficient development
7: more thorough,
complete, or insightful
commentary and/or evidence
strong focus on analyzing
how the text uses literary
devices and rhetorical
strategies to create
insightful, accurate
reading of the passage
and understanding of the
9: especially full, convincing
focus on analysis; more
perceptive reading of the
especially convincing,
thoroughly developed
commentary explains
how literary devices
and/or rhetorical
strategies create meaning
in the text; especially
insightful, persuasive
discussion of the purpose
and/or effect of the
literary devices and/or
rhetorical strategies
convincing text evidence
supports the analysis;
skillfully refers to the
passage explicitly or
implicitly; fluidly blends
evidence with
9: particularly convincing,
perceptive commentary and/or
thesis is missing,
lacks the purpose of
analysis, or may
demonstrate little
understanding of the
random organization
lacks transitions
introduction is
missing or does not
engage the reader
conclusion is missing
or does not discuss
anything from the text
of significance
1: less focused and/or
developed thesis; less
unified, coherent
organization, less engaging
introduction and/or
thesis may suggest analysis of the text but
lacks focus; may depend on literal ideas
only; may present vague, confusing ideas
lapses in organization; major breaks in
unity and coherence
few effective transitions
introduction attempts to engage the reader
but is mostly unsuccessful and/or too brief
conclusion may attempt to discuss the
significance of the literary elements,
rhetorical devices, and/or text but is
mostly unsuccessful; may attempt to make
connections within or beyond the passage
but is mostly unsuccessful; may depend
only on summary of the thesis or ideas
already presented
3: less focused and/or developed thesis; less
unified, coherent organization, less engaging
introduction and/or conclusion
unsuccessful use of voice
1: more generic voice
and/or less appropriate for
an academic purpose
incorrect structures
throughout; immature
1: more incomplete and/or
simplistic structures; more
incorrect or ineffective
word choices throughout
1: more simplistic,
imprecise word choices
generic voice presents the writer’s ideas; may
not be academic at numerous points
3: more generic voice and/or less appropriate
for an academic purpose
mostly complete sentences; little variety of
structures and length; may attempt more
complex structures but does not maintain
control; errors interfere with communication
3: more incomplete and/or simplistic
structures; more errors
simplistic, imprecise, vague, awkward, or
inappropriate word choice throughout
3: more simplistic, imprecise word choices
mostly appropriate voice that presents
the writer’s point of view; some lapses
acceptable, appropriate diction;
noticeable lapses into simplistic,
imprecise word choice
acceptable, appropriate diction;
perhaps some lapses
7: more precise word choices
lack of control in
1: weaker control
inadequate, immature control of correctness that
begins to interfere with communication
3: less consistent control
some control of correctness; errors do
not interfere with communication
controlled relative to length
and complexity
7: more control
thesis attempts to establish and
maintain the general purpose of
analysis; may lapse in focus; may
depend on literal, general ideas
mostly logical organization; lapses
in unity and coherence
some simplistic transitions
introduction attempts to engage
the reader with some success
conclusion attempts to discuss the
significance of the literary
elements, rhetorical devices,
and/or text; attempts to make
connections within or beyond the
passage; may summarize the thesis
or ideas already presented
some control and variety of structures
and length; errors do not interfere with
sufficient thesis
establishes and maintains
the purpose of analysis;
goes beyond literal
logical, coherent
organization throughout
logical transitions
introduction engages the
conclusion sufficiently
discusses the significance
of the literary elements,
rhetorical devices, and/or
text; makes connections
within or beyond the
7: more thorough, complex
thesis; more unified, coherent
organization; more engaging
introduction and/or conclusion
appropriate academic voice
that presents the writer’s point
of view
7: more distinct voice
control and variety of
structures and length
7: more complex structures
for the writer’s purpose
mature, sophisticated,
convincing thesis
establishes, maintains, and
enhances the purpose of
complex, subtle
organization enhances
unity, coherence, and
varied, subtle transitions
throughout enhance
introduction skillfully
engages the reader
conclusion skillfully
discusses the significance
of the literary elements,
rhetorical devices, and/or
text; makes insightful
connections within or
beyond the passage
9: more persuasive, insightful
thesis; more careful, subtle
organization; more
sophisticated, insightful
introduction and/or conclusion
engaging academic voice that
presents a distinct, unique point
of view and enhances the essay
mature control; variety of
structures, length, and
complexity enhances meaning
9: more mature, sophisticated
sentences contribute to an
impressive style
accurate, rich, or precise word
choice enhances meaning
9: more mature, sophisticated
word choice contributes to an
impressive style
control of correctness enhances
9: more mature, sophisticated
control contributes to an
impressive style