ALAMO COMMUNITY COLLEGES Core Curriculum Effective Fall 2009 45-48 Credit Hours Several options of courses are available to fulfill a specific category in the Core Curriculum; however please plan carefully the course(s) you plan to take based on long-term goals. Consideration should be given to specific certificate/degree/program requirements here at the Alamo Community Colleges and for the university to which you plan to transfer (if applicable). 10 Communication 6 credit hours/2 courses ENGL 1301 and 1302 11 Communication 3 credit hours/1 course SPCH 1311, 1315, 1318, or 1321 20 Mathematics 3-4 credit hours/1 course See list 30 Natural Science 7-8 credit hours/2 courses See list 40 Humanities 3 credit hours/1 course See list 41 Additional Humanities 3-4 credit hours/1 course See list 50 Visual/Performing Arts 3 credit hours/1 course See list 60 History 6 credit hours/2 courses See list 70 Government 6 credit hours/2courses GOVT 2301 and 2302 or GOVT 2305 and 2306 80 Social and Behavioral Sciences 3 credit hours/1 course See List 90 Institutionally Designated Option 2 credit hours Kinesiology/Dance (See List) Note: Approved by ACCD Board of Trustees 2/25/09 Core Curriculum Course Selection List for 2009-2010 Note: Students completing a course that is listed as on option in more than one Core Curriculum Category can only “count” that course toward one category. 10 - Communication ENGL 1301 ENGL 1302 6 credit hours/2 courses Composition I Composition I 11 - Additional Communication 3 credit hours/1 course One course from the following: SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication SPCH 1315 Public Speaking SPCH 1318 Interpersonal Communication P a g e |1 SPCH 1321 Business and Professional Speech 20 - Mathematics 3-4 credit hours/1 course One course from the following: MATH 1314 College Algebra MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences I MATH 1325 Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences II MATH 1332 Contemporary Math I (Math for Liberal Arts) MATH 1348 Analytic Geometry MATH 1350 Fundamentals of Mathematics I for Teachers MATH 1351 Fundamentals of Mathematics II for Teachers MATH 1414 College Algebra MATH 1442 Elementary Statistical Methods MATH 2318 Linear Algebra MATH 2320 Differential Equations MATH 2412 Precalculus MATH 2413 Calculus I MATH 2414 Calculus II MATH 2415 Calculus III 30 - Natural Science Two courses from the following (at least one of which must include a lab): ANTH 2301 Physical Anthropology ASTR 1303 Stars and Galaxies Lecture ASTR 1304 Solar System Lecture with ASTR 1104 Solar System Laboratory ASTR 1370* Introductory Astronomy with ASTR 1170* Introduction to Astronomy Laboratory ASTR 1371* Principles of Astronomy BIOL 1308 Principles of Biology BIOL 1322 Introduction to Nutrition BIOL 1371* Nutrition for Today BIOL 1406 Biology for Science Majors I BIOL 1407 Biology for Science Majors II BIOL 1408 Biology for Non-science Majors I BIOL 1409 Biology for Non-science Majors II BIOL 1411 General Botany BIOL 1413 General Zoology BIOL 2106 Environmental Biology Laboratory BIOL 2301 Anatomy and Physiology I P a g e |2 7-8 credit hours/2 courses BIOL 2306 BIOL 2370* BIOL 2389 BIOL 2401 BIOL 2402 BIOL 2404 BIOL 2406 BIOL 2416 BIOL 2420 BIOL 2421 CHEM 1305 CHEM 1105 CHEM 1307 CHEM 1107 CHEM 1311 CHEM 1111 CHEM 1104 CHEM 1312 CHEM 1112 CHEM 1405 CHEM 1412 GEOG 1301 GEOG 1171* GEOG 1371* GEOG 1372* GEOG 1172* GEOL 1301 GEOL 1304 GEOL 1104 GEOL 1305 GEOL 1345 GEOL 1401 GEOL 1402 GEOL 1403 GEOL 1404 PHYS 1110 PHYS 1305 PHYS 1307 PHYS 1401 PHYS 1402 PHYS 1405 PHYS 1407 PHYS 1570* PHYS 2425 PHYS 2426 PHYS 2570* P a g e |3 Environmental Biology Fundamentals of Pathology Academic Cooperative for the Biological Sciences Human Anatomy and Physiology I Human Anatomy and Physiology II Human Anatomy and Physiology Environmental Biology Genetics Microbiology and Pathology Microbiology Introductory Chemistry Lecture I Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I Introductory Chemistry Lecture II Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II General Chemistry Lecture I General Chemistry Laboratory I Chemical Calculations General Chemistry Lecture II General Chemistry Laboratory II Introductory Chemistry I General Chemistry II Physical Geography Physical Geography Laboratory Introduction to Weather Introduction to Climate Weather and Climate Laboratory Earth Sciences I Historical Geology Lecture with Historical Geology Laboratory Environmental Geology Lecture Oceanography Earth Sciences I Earth Sciences II Physical Geology Historical Geology Introductory Physics Lab Introductory Physics I Lecture Introductory Physics II Lecture General Physics I General Physics II Introductory Physics I Introductory Physics II Mechanics, Heat and Waves University Physics I University Physics II Electricity and Magnetism 40 - Humanities 3 credit hours/1 course One course from the following: ARAB 1411 Beginning Arabic I ARAB 1412 Beginning Arabic II ARAB 2311 Intermediate Arabic I ARAB 2312 Intermediate Arabic II CHIN 1411 Elementary Chinese I CHIN 1412 Elementary Chinese II CHIN 2311 Intermediate Chinese I CHIN 2312 Intermediate Chinese II ENGL 2307 Creative Writing ENGL 2308 Creative Writing: Topics ENGL 2311 Technical Writing ENGL 2322 British Literature I: Anglo Saxon through Neoclassical ENGL 2323 British Literature II: Romanticism to the Present ENGL 2326 Native American Literature ENGL 2327 American Literature I: Precolonial through the Romantic Period ENGL 2328 American Literature II: Realism to the Present ENGL 2332 World Literature I: Antiquity through the Renaissance ENGL 2333 World Literature II: Neoclassical to the Present ENGL 2341 Forms of Literature ENGL 2342 Introduction to Literature and Literary Criticism ENGL 2351 Mexican American Literature ENGL 2370* Studies in Literature ENGL 2372* The Literature of Mexico in Translation ENGL 2373* The Bible as Literature ENGL 2375 Literature for Children and Adolescents ENGL 2378* Women's Literature ENGL 2379* Introduction to Science Fiction FREN 1300 Beginning Conversational French I FREN 1310 Beginning Conversational French II FREN 1411 Elementary French I FREN 1412 Elementary French II FREN 2311 Intermediate French I FREN 2312 Intermediate French II GERM 1300 Beginning Conversational German I GERM 1310 Beginning Conversational German II GERM 1411 Elementary German I GERM 1412 Elementary German II GERM 2311 Intermediate German I GERM 2312 Intermediate German II HIST 2321 World Civilizations I HIST 2322 World Civilizations II HUMA 1301 Introduction to the Humanities I HUMA 1302 Introduction to the Humanities II HUMA 1305 Introduction to Mexican-American Studies HUMA 1315 Fine Arts Appreciation HUMA 2319 American Minority Studies P a g e |4 HUMA 2323 ITAL 1311 ITAL 1312 ITAL 1411 ITAL 1412 ITAL 2311 ITAL 2312 JAPN 1311 JAPN 1312 JAPN 1411 JAPN 1412 JAPN 2311 JAPN 2312 LATI 1311 LATI 1312 LATI 2311 LATI 2312 PHIL 1301 PHIL 1304 PHIL 2303 PHIL 2306 PHIL 2307 PHIL 2321 SGNL 1301 SGNL 1302 SGNL 2301 SGNL 2302 SPAN 1300 SPAN 1310 SPAN 1342 SPAN 1411 SPAN 1412 SPAN 2311 SPAN 2312 SPAN 2313 SPAN 2315 SPAN 2316 SPAN 2317 SPAN 2321 SPAN 2323 SPAN 2324 World Cultures Beginning Italian I Beginning Italian II Elementary Italian I Elementary Italian II Intermediate Italian I Intermediate Italian II Beginning Japanese I Beginning Japanese II Beginning Japanese I Beginning Japanese II Intermediate Japanese I Intermediate Japanese II Beginning Latin I Beginning Latin II Intermediate Latin I Intermediate Latin II Introduction to Philosophy Introduction to World Religions Introduction to Logic Introduction to Ethics Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy Philosophy of Religion American Sign Language I American Sign Language II American Sign Language III American Sign Language IV Beginning Conversational Spanish I Beginning Conversational Spanish II Voice and Diction Elementary Spanish I Elementary Spanish II Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II Elementary Spanish I (for Spanish Speakers) Spanish for Heritage Speakers II Career Spanish I Career Spanish II Introduction to Hispanic Literature Latin American Literature and Culture Spanish Culture 41 - Additional Humanities 3-4 credit hours/1 course One course from the following: ENGL 2307 Creative Writing ENGL 2308 Creative Writing: Topics ENGL 2311 Technical Writing ENGL 2322 British Literature I: Anglo Saxon through Neoclassical P a g e |5 ENGL 2323 ENGL 2326 ENGL 2327 ENGL 2328 ENGL 2332 ENGL 2333 ENGL 2341 ENGL 2342 ENGL 2351 ENGL 2375 HIST 2321 HIST 2322 HUMA 2319 PHIL 2306 SPAN 2312 SPAN 2321 British Literature II: Romanticism to the Present Native American Literature American Literature I: Precolonial through the Romantic Period American Literature II: Realism to the Present World Literature I: Antiquity through the Renaissance World Literature II: Neoclassical to the Present Forms of Literature Introduction to Literature and Literary Criticism Mexican American Literature Literature for Children and Adolescents World Civilizations I World Civilizations II American Minority Studies Introductions to Ethics Intermediate Spanish II Introduction to Hispanic Literature 50 - Visual and Performing Arts 3 credit hours/1 course One course from the following: ARCH 1301 History of Architecture I ARCH 1302 History of Architecture II ARCH 1311 Architecture, Society, and Culture ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation ARTS 1303 Art History I ARTS 1304 Art History II ARTS 1316 Drawing I ARTS 2316 Painting I ARTS 2326 Sculpture I ARTS 2341 Art Metals I ARTS 2346 Ceramics I ARTS 2348 Digital Art I ARTS 2356 Photography I (fine arts emphasis) DANC 1305 World Dance DANC 2303 Dance Appreciation DRAM 1310 Introduction to the Theatre (Theater Appreciation) HUMA 1311 Mexican-American Fine Arts Appreciation HUMA 1315 Fine Arts Appreciation MUSI 1306 Music Appreciation MUSI 1310 American Music 60 - History HIST 1301 HIST 1302 P a g e |6 6 credit hours/2 courses United States History I United States History II Or HIST 2327 HIST 2328 Mexican-American History I Mexican-American History II Or A student may take one United States History course and one Mexican-American History course as long as the combination consists of a Part I and a Part II. Or HIST 2301 Texas History And HIST 1302 or HIST 2328 United States History II Mexican-American History II 70 - Government GOVT 2301 and GOVT 2302 6 credit hours/2 courses American/Texas: National and State American Government: Problems & Policies OR GOVT 2305 and GOVT 2306 National Government State Government 80 - Social and Behavioral Sciences One course from the following: ANTH 2302 Archaeology ANTH 2346 General Anthropology ANTH 2351 Cultural Anthropology COMM 1307 Introduction to Mass Communications COMM 2300 Media Literacy CRIJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRIJ 1307 Crime in America ECON 1301 Introduction to Economics ECON 1303 Consumer Economics ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics P a g e |7 3 credit hours/1 course ECON 2302 ECON 2311 GEOG 1300 GEOG 1302 GEOG 1303 GEOG 1304 GEOG 1305 GOVT 2304 GOVT 2311 GOVT 2378* HIST 2301 HIST2311 HIST 2312 HIST 2313 HIST 2314 HIST 2321 HIST 2322 HIST 2323 HIST 2327 HIST 2328 HIST 2381 PSYC 2301 PSYC 2302 PSYC 2306 PSYC 2307 PSYC 2308 PSYC 2311 PSYC 2314 PSYC 2315 PSYC 2316 PSYC 2317 PSYC 2319 PSYC 2371 PSYC 2372 PSYC 2389 SOCI 1301 SOCI 1306 SOCW 2361 Principles of Microeconomics Economic Geography and Global Issues Principles of Geography Cultural Geography World Regional Geography Geography of Middle America Geography of North America Introduction to Political Science Mexican-American Politics American Government: Introduction to International Relations Texas History Western Civilization I Western Civilization II History of England I History of England II World Civilizations I World Civilizations II Eastern Civilization Mexican-American History I Mexican-American History II African-American History General Psychology Applied Psychology Human Sexuality Adolescent Psychology I Child Psychology Adult Psychology Lifespan Growth and Development Psychology of Adjustment Psychology of Personality Statistical Methods in Psychology Social Psychology Abnormal Psychology Theories of Learning Academic Cooperative Introduction to Sociology Social Problems Introduction to Social Work 90 - Institutionally Designated Option DANC 1110 DANC 1111 DANC 1112 DANC 1113 DANC 1122 DANC 1123 DANC 1128 P a g e |8 Tap I Tap II DANC Practicum I DANC Practicum II Folk I Folk II Ballroom I (2 credit hours) DANC 1129 DANC 1133 DANC 1141 DANC 1142 DANC 1145 DANC 1146 DANC 1147 DANC 1148 DANC 1149 DANC 1150 DANC 1151 DANC 1152 DANC 1153 DANC 1154 DANC 1201 DANC 1212 DANC 1213 DANC 1241 DANC 1245 DANC 1247 DANC 1251 DANC 1252 DANC 1301 DANC 1305 DANC 1345 DANC 2110 DANC 2111 DANC 2112 DANC 2122 DANC 2123 DANC 2141 DANC 2142 DANC 2145 DANC 2146 DANC 2147 DANC 2148 DANC 2149 DANC 2150 DANC 2151 DANC 2152 DANC 2153 DANC 2154 DANC 2212 DANC 2213 P a g e |9 Ballroom II Country and Western I Ballet I Ballet II Modern Dance I Modern Dance II Jazz Dance I Jazz Dance II Ballet Folklorico I Ballet Folklorico II Dance Performance I Dance Performance II Spanish Ballet I (Flamenco) Spanish Ballet II (Flamenco) Dance Composition Dance Practicum I Dance Practicum II Beginning Ballet Modern Dance I (Dance and Movement Improvisation) Beginning Modern Jazz Dance Dance Performance Workshop I Dance Performance Workshop II Dance Composition I World Dance Introduction to Dance Tap III Tap IV Dance Practicum III Folk III Folk IV Ballet III Ballet IV Modern Dance III Modern Dance IV Jazz Dance III Jazz Dance IV Ballet Folklorico III Ballet Folklorico IV Dance Performance III Dance Performance IV Flamenco III Flamenco IV Dance Practicum III Dance Practicum IV DANC 2246 DANC 2251 DANC 2252 DANC 2301 DANC 2303 DANC 2325 DANC 2389 KINE 1101 KINE 1102 KINE 1103 KINE 1104 KINE 1105 KINE 1106 KINE 1110 KINE 1111 KINE 1112 KINE 1113 KINE 1115 KINE 1120 KINE 1121 KINE 1122 KINE 1123 KINE 1124 KINE 1125 KINE 1126 KINE 1127 KINE 1130 KINE 1131 KINE 1132 KINE 1133 KINE 1134 KINE 1135 KINE 1136 KINE 1140 KINE 1150 KINE 1153 KINE 1154 KINE 1156 KINE 1160 KINE 1161 KINE 1162 KINE 1163 KINE 1167 KINE 1168 P a g e | 10 Modern Dance IV Dance Performance Workshop III Dance Performance Workshop IV Problems in Dance Dance Appreciation Anatomy and Kinesiology for Dancers Academic Cooperative Aerobics I Cardio Combo I Cardio Kickboxing I Hi-Lo Aerobic Dance Latin Cardio Dance Step Aerobics I Basketball I Basketball II Flag Football I Soccer I Volleyball I Badminton I Bowling I Disc Golf I Fencing I Fencing II Golf I Racquetball I Tennis I Chi Gung I Pilates I Self Defense Tai Chi I Tai Chi II Tai Chi Broadsword I Yoga I Camping & Backpacking I Aquatic Conditioning I Lifeguard Training Swimming I Water Aerobics I Ballet I Ballet Folklorico I Ballroom I Country and Western I Folk I Jazz I KINE 1169 KINE 1170 KINE 1171 KINE 1172 KINE 1173 KINE 1175 KINE 1176 KINE 1177 KINE 1178 KINE 1179 KINE 1180 KINE 1182 KINE 1183 KINE 1184 KINE 1238 KINE 1301 KINE 1304 KINE 1305 KINE 1306 KINE 1308 KINE 1333 KINE 1321 KINE 1322 KINE 1331 KINE 1338 KINE 1346 KINE 2101 KINE 2103 KINE 2106 KINE 2110 KINE 2115 KINE 2120 KINE 2123 KINE 2124 KINE 2125 KINE 2126 KINE 2127 KINE 2130 KINE 2131 KINE 2133 KINE 2134 KINE 2135 KINE 2136 KINE 2140 P a g e | 11 Modern Dance I Spanish Ballet I (Flamenco I) Tap I Dance Performance I Dance Performance II Adaptive Physical Conditioning I Cardio Boot Camp I Core Training Jogging I Physical Conditioning I Spin Bike I Walking I Walking/Jogging I Weight Training I Concepts of Fitness and Wellness Foundations of Kinesiology Personal/Community Health I Personal/Community Health II First Aid Intramurals and Officiating Rhythm Skills: Creative Movement for the Classroom Coaching I Coaching II Physical Education for Elementary Education Majors Concepts of Fitness and Wellness Drug Use & Abuse Aerobics II Cardio Kickboxing II Step Aerobics II Basketball III Volleyball II Badminton II Fencing III Fencing IV Golf II Racquetball II Tennis II Chi Gung II Pilates II Tai Chi III Tai Chi IV Tai Chi Broadsword II Yoga II Camping & Backpacking II KINE 2147 KINE 2148 KINE 2149 KINE 2150 KINE 2154 KINE 2156 KINE 2160 KINE 2161 KINE 2162 KINE 2167 KINE 2168 KINE 2169 KINE 2170 KINE 2172 KINE 2173 KINE 2175 KINE 2176 KINE 2178 KINE 2179 KINE 2180 KINE 2182 KINE 2184 Skills Analysis-Individual Activity Skills Analysis-Dual Sports Skills Analysis-Team Sports Aquatic Conditioning II Swimming II Water Aerobics II Ballet II Ballet Folklorico II Ballroom II Folk II Jazz Dance II Modern Dance II Spanish Ballet II (Flamenco) Dance Performance III Dance Performance IV Adaptive Physical Conditioning II Cardio Boot Camp II Jogging II Physical Conditioning II Spin Bike II Walking II Weight Training II *Unique Needs Courses. Check with your transfer institution to verify acceptance of courses. P a g e | 12