Buy Back PD - August 6 & 7, 2014 Agenda How can we support students in becoming scholars and life-long learners who acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning? 8am Check in and sign out with Ms. Mangandy 8am - 10am Discipline-Specific Investigations (see below) 10am - 12pm Department Time and/or Lesson Planning 1pm - 3pm Room preparation and first day set up Discipline-Specific Investigations History, Social Studies, Electives - Focus on Literacy and Inquiry The Stanford Historical Education Group (SHEG) website includes an excellent curriculum for U.S. and World History. The "Reading Like a Historian" curriculum provides lessons and strategies for engaging students in historical inquiry. The introductory page presents an interesting overview of the historical inquiry process, and each step includes a sample lesson (click on the links that are italicized in red, then under the photo, you can download or quick view lesson plans and resources). The Cognitive Apprenticeship lesson - Stamp Act Lesson Plan) - in particular, demonstrates how to model history text reading skills using the Think Aloud strategy. Consider how teachers might use this strategy to model the skills students need to read and understand other complex historical texts. On the left-hand column of this web page, links are provided for U.S. History and World History lesson plans. The "Reading Like a Historian" approach is useful for all history and social studies courses, as well as many elective courses. What kinds of historical documents (other than textbooks) might challenge students to think like a historian? What are common features of these texts? How do historians navigate, analyze, and evaluate these texts? How can teachers model the reading of other historical texts? Business & other elective courses - Focus on Literacy & Inquiry If literacy is relevant to experts in your field, the history exercise above might be useful. After reading through SHEG's "Reading Like a Historian" overview and looking at the Cognitive Apprenticeship/Think Aloud sample lesson, consider these questions: What kinds of complex texts (other than textbooks) would college students and experts in my discipline need to read? What are common features of these texts? How do experts navigate, analyze, and evaluate these texts? How can teachers model the reading of these texts? 1 Buy Back PD - August 6 & 7, 2014 Science - Focus on Science Literacy: NextGen Practice 8 One key commonality between Common Core and the Next Generation Science Standards is found in NextGen Science and Engineering Practices (Appendix F). In particular, Practice 8 - Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information - overlaps with many of the literacy expectations in Common Core. The NextGen Science and Engineering Practices may be found at the following website. On the left column, click on Appendix F: Science and Engineering Practices. A review of all eight practices may be useful; Practice 8 is on page 15. Considering that students must know how to read, analyze, and evaluate complex scientific texts, you may find it useful to review the Think Aloud strategy modeled in the following historical lesson. Under the photo, click on Download Lesson Plan or Quick View. How might science teachers use this strategy in reading, analyzing, and evaluating a scientific text? What kinds of science texts (other than textbooks) might challenge students to think like a scientist? What are common features of these texts? How do scientists navigate, analyze, and evaluate these texts? How can teachers model the reading of scientific texts? World Languages - Connections to Common Core Here is a resource, Aligning the World Language Content Standards for California Public Schools with the Common Core Standards, by Brandon Zaslow, Site Director of the Occidental College World Language Project (OCWLP). Art - Connections to Common Core The following website is useful for integrating art in ELA curriculum and might generate interdisciplinary collaboration with ELA and art teachers: 2 Buy Back PD - August 6 & 7, 2014 Mathematics – Common Core Instructional Shifts: Focus & Rigor The common core state standards define math expectations based on conceptual categories. It also offers possible suggestions of math courses. The California Department of Education has adopted these course suggestions. The instructional shift of focus includes an understanding of what specific content should be taught in each course and understanding that all content should not be treated equally. The instructional shift of rigor means equal balance between procedural knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and the application of both in a real world contextual setting. Instructional shift of Focus: Read the course descriptions for your subject areas. Consider the implications for your curricular planning (i.e. new content, major clusters of emphasis). Algebra I: Note: exponential functions and statistics & probability (correlation coefficient) Geometry: Note: Shift from Euclidean Geometry to Transformational Geometry Algebra II: Note: Consider LAUSD Algebra II (primarily excludes “+” standards) vs. LAUSD Advanced Math (includes “+” standards – trigonometry) Pre-Calculus: Note: Vectors, matrices, parametric and polar curves Calculus: Note: Relationship between differential and integral calculus LAUSD Curriculum Maps: Instructional shift of Rigor: Consider your curriculum and the following website to identify problems that create a “rigorous” exploration of a topic. Illustrative Mathematics Achieve the Core Mars Task Identify explicit professional development that is of interest to you. Physical Education - Connections to Common Core Even though this is an elementary school website, it includes lots of Common Core online resources that might be useful for high school PE teachers: 3 Buy Back PD - August 6 & 7, 2014 English - Focus on the Anthology Alignment Project Read about the Anthology Alignment Project on the following websites and consider its relevance in DMHS' English courses. At the end of the second link, there is information about how to join an EdModo group that discusses this project. The following website is useful for integrating art in ELA curriculum. This might be useful for English teachers and could generate ideas for collaboration with art teachers: In addition, consider how English teachers might support other content area teachers in promoting literacy across the curriculum. What are useful strategies and assessments for: o Using literature to engage students in an informational inquiry? o Reading and analyzing complex informational texts? o Evaluating sources of information? o Researching and synthesizing information from multiple texts? o Promoting inquiry discussions? o Organizing debates? o Taking notes? o Writing? o Creating and giving media presentations? If you are interested, The California Department of Education (CDE) and State Board of Education (SBE) are seeking reviewers to participate in the 2015 English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Instructional Materials Adoption of materials that are aligned to the California Common Core State Standards for ELA/Literacy and the ELD Standards adopted by the SBE. See Diana Lee for further information about how to apply. 4