Call for Presentations: 2015 Indigenous Men`s / Women`s Gathering


Call for Presentations: 2015 Indigenous Men’s / Women’s Gathering


2015 Indigenous Men’s / Women’s Gathering

DEADLINE IS OCTOBER 24, 2014 at 4:00 p.m.


Ninogad “Knowledge of Men Full of Wisdom “ Ninox sala” Knowledge of

Women Full of Wisdom

Amma Sah! You are invited to submit a presentation for the Indigenous Men’s Gathering or the

Indigenous Women’s Gathering – this invitation is extended to Indigenous men, women, Elders,

Spiritual leaders, Scholars, Researchers, Policy and Practitioners, Teachers, Administrators,

Knowledge holders and leaders.

Date of Conference:


Online Submissions:

May 4 & 5, 2015 Indigenous Men’s Gathering

May 6 & 7, 2015 Indigenous Women’s Gathering

Victoria BC.

Click this link for Online Presenters FORM

The Conferences aim to provide opportunity for dialogue, knowledge sharing, conversation and discussion about the important topics listed in the four interconnected themed areas with an overarching theme of leadership and mentorship and to empower and inspire. The Conference seeks dynamic, innovative and ground breaking training programs, workshops, services, projects, research including thesis and doctoral dissertations.

Keynote Speakers: Indigenous Women’s Conference is Dr. Cindy Blackstock and Kim Baird

Keynote Speakers: Indigenous Men’s Conference is Dr. Lee Brown and Phil Lane Jr.

Haa’mii’yaa, Gilakas’la

Marcia Dawson,

Indigenous Innovations Consulting

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Call for Presentations: 2015 Indigenous Men’s / Women’s Gathering

Four Interconnected Themes

Themes / Focus Areas: MEN’S GATHERING

Indigenous Men in Leadership: Approaches and emerging issues in:

- providing mentorship and leadership for Indigenous men;

- empowerment of indigenous men in various leadership roles (traditional/cultural or

political such as chief/council/boards or community leader) or various sectors

(non-profit, business, sports, media, arts)

- overcoming challenges and adversity in leadership;

- traditional and contemporary roles of Indigenous men;

- role of culture and elders in men’s leadership;

- role of men in shaping laws, and policy for community in various areas (such as treaty,

child welfare, health, education, early childhood development, community


 Strengthening and Valuing Men: approaches in programs, services, initiatives specifically for men

- Promising Practices (Best Practices)

- Ground-breaking practices or resources/initiatives

- Cultural Practices in services, programs and initiatives specifically for Men.

Men’s Health, Wellness and Wellbeing:

- men’s health

- men’s healing

- holistic men’s wellness

- physical fitness for men

- mental health; emotional and spiritual wellbeing

- diet and nutrition for men

Breaking The Cycle: Presentations, papers, research, discussions, dialogue and workshops addressing issues related specifically to Indigenous men

- stereotyping Indigenous men,

- marginalizing Indigenous men (such as employment, education, sports, etc.)

- domestic violence, family violence, lateral violence

- fatherhood and parenting, child custody, child support

- addictions , debt, financial literacy and financial wellness

- impact of child welfare, Indian residential school, racism, poverty, colonization,

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Call for Presentations: 2015 Indigenous Men’s / Women’s Gathering

Themes / Focus Areas: WOMEN’S GATHERING

Indigenous Women in Leadership: Approaches and emerging issues in:

- providing mentorship and leadership for Indigenous women;

- empowerment of indigenous women in various leadership roles (traditional/cultural or

political such as chief/council/boards or community leader) or various sectors

(non-profit, business, sports, media, arts)

- overcoming challenges and adversity in leadership;

- traditional and contemporary roles of Indigenous women;

- role of culture and elders in women’s leadership;

- role of women in shaping laws, and policy for community in various areas (such as

treaty, child welfare, health, education, early childhood development, community


 Strengthening and Valuing Women: approaches in programs, services, initiatives

specifically for women

- Promising Practices (Best Practices)

- Ground-breaking practices or resources/initiatives

- Cultural Practices in services, programs and initiatives specifically for women.

Women’s Health, Wellness and Wellbeing:

- wo men’s health

- women’s healing

- holistic women’s wellness

- physical fitness for women

- mental health; emotional and spiritual wellbeing

- diet and nutrition for women

Breaking The Cycle: Presentations, papers, research, discussions, dialogue and workshops addressing issues related specifically to Indigenous women

- stereotyping Indigenous women, impact of colonization on women

- marginalizing Indigenous women (such as employment, education, sports, etc.)

- domestic violence, family violence, lateral violence

- motherhood and parenting, child custody, child support

- addictions, debt, financial literacy and financial wellness

- impact of child welfare, Indian residential school, racism, poverty, colonization,

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Call for Presentations: 2015 Indigenous Men’s / Women’s Gathering

Presentation Options:


Panel - maximum of 3 people, 90 minutes in length


Presentation – maximum of 2 people, 90 minutes in length


Workshop – maximum 2 people, 90 minutes


You may apply to present to both Men’s and Women’s Gathering however a separate proposal application/submission is required and applicable registration fees.

Accepted Submissions:


Presenters can confirm/accept offer to present on or before October 28, 2014.


$200.00 honorarium will be provided per workshop.


All presenters are required to pay for their own travel, meals and accommodation.


1 st Presenter registration is free on the day of the presentation. If you would like to attend the remainder conference events and workshops, registration fee of $100 is required for the 2 nd day.


2 nd and 3 rd Presenters or Panelists are required to register for the conference $200.00

(regular rate $575).

Deadlines and Timelines:

August 11, 2014 Call for Submissions

October 24, 2014 Last day for Submissions, due at 4:00 p.m. via e-mail or click here to submit Online Presenters FORM

October 28, 2014 Final day for Presenters to confirm/accept offer to present

November 1, 2014 Early Bird Registration Begins.

Presenter registrations close at 4:00 p.m.

January 15, 2015 Regular Registration Opens

(early bird rate closed)

April1, 2015 Final Registration Opens

(regular rate closed)

April 15, 2015 All Registration Closed

Please use the form and submit to:

by October 24, 2014 at 4:00 pm.

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Call for Presentations: 2015 Indigenous Men’s / Women’s Gathering

2015 Indigenous Men’s / Women’s Gathering

Presenter Submission Form

Due October 24, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. to

Contact Person: Click here to enter text.


Click here to enter text.

Telephone: Click here to enter text.

FAX Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

Click here to enter text.

Postal Code Click here to enter text.

Which Conference Are You Proposing to Present to?

☐ Indigenous Men’s ☐ Indigenous Women’s

Type of Session (Please Check  Only 1)

☐ Panel ☐ Presentation ☐ Workshop

Which Conference Theme does this session apply to? (please Check only 1)

☐ Indigenous Men in Leadership ☐ Indigenous Women in Leadership

☐ Strengthening & Valuing Men ☐ Strengthening & Valuing Women

☐ Men’s Health, Wellness & Wellbeing ☐ Women’s Health, Wellness & Wellbeing

☐ Breaking the Cycle (men) ☐ Breaking the Cycle (women)

Who Should attend/Which Sector Does this session target?

☐ health ☐ early years ☐ front line practitioners ☐ political

☐ child & family ☐ justice ☐ policy makers / analysts ☐ other____

☐ education ☐ culture & language ☐ supervisors / administrators


People in Session

Click here to enter text.

Equipment Required

(please note: additional fees apply for lap top

Data Projector (PowerPoint)


Lap Top Computer


People in Session

Click here to enter text.

computer & internet, it is highly recommended you bring your own laptop )

☐ Internet

☐ Table

☐ Chair/s __________

Room Set Up: ☐ table half-rounds ☐ table rounds ☐ full circle – chairs only

☐ half circle ☐ u-shape ☐ theatre

Do you have any accessibility needs? If yes, please list Click here to enter text.


Will there be any cultural ceremonies conducted? If yes, please provide special instructions Click here to enter text.

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Call for Presentations: 2015 Indigenous Men’s / Women’s Gathering

Session Title: Click here to enter text.

Session Outcomes: What will participants learn?

Outcome 1: Click here to enter text.

Outcome 2: Click here to enter text.

Outcome 3: Click here to enter text.

Summary Description of Session – maximum 200 words

Click here to enter text.

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Call for Presentations: 2015 Indigenous Men’s / Women’s Gathering

Biography 1 – name & bio of first presenter/panelist (maximum 100 words)

Click here to enter text.

Biography 2 – name & bio of second presenter / panelist (maximum 100 words)

Click here to enter text.

Biography 3 – name & bio of third panelist (maximum 100 words)

Click here to enter text.

Haa’mii’yaa, Gilakas’la

Marcia Dawson

Indigenous Innovations Consulting

1758 Bay Street Victoria BC V8R 2C1

Tel: 250.590.9190 Fax 250.590.5658 E-mail:

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