Riverwood Elementary Behavior Matrix


Riverwood Elementary

Optional School





Table of Contents


Arrival/ Attendance











Dress Code

Eagle Eyes

Eagle’s Nest

Early Dismissal

Field Trip


Health Policy


ID Badges

Lost & Found


Open Enrollment

Optional Program


Phone Use

Progress Report

Signature Page

Site Based Decision Making Council

Student Safety

Tennessee Dept. of Education

Textbooks, Library Books and



Volunteers/Parent Organization





































Families and Friends,

Welcome to the beginning of a great new school year. This handbook was designed to guide you while your child is with us. Read it carefully. Our Family Handbook contains information about our policies and procedures that you and your child must know to have a successful school year.

If at any time you have questions, comments or concerns about our school, call or schedule an appointment to talk with me in person. You can call the school at 416–2310. If I am unavailable at the time, leave a message and

I will return your call as soon as possible.

I look forward to working with you and with your children.

Rita White, Principal

Riverwood Elementary School

Our Beliefs

We believe that the learning needs of students should be our school’s primary focus when making decisions and setting policies.

We believe that all students are capable of reaching proficiency or beyond on standardized tests.

We believe that meaningful input, support, and cooperation between parents, teachers, students, and our community are vital in advancing our school’s mission when making decisions and setting policies.


We believe the use of data is essential in matching our student’s needs with current research-based practices.

We believe that all children are able to learn when engaged in creative, meaningful work that recognizes and responds to their differing learning styles.

We believe that caring for the needs of the whole child, physically, socially, emotionally, and intellectually is essential for meaningful learning to occur.

We believe that safe, clean, attractive, comfortable, and nurturing environments for students and teachers convey value, worth, and respect to both learning and teaching.

We believe that a wide variety of authentic assessment is essential for students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding.

We believe that challenging, yet attainable academic and social expectations stimulate learning and personal growth.

We believe that mutual respect between teachers and students creates a caring community in which diversity is valued and positive involvement and individual responsibility thrive.

We believe that commitment to ongoing, engaging, professional growth enables teachers to be as enthusiastic about teaching as they expect their students to be about learning.

Common Mission

The mission of Riverwood Elementary is to prepare all students to reach proficiency or higher; and to develop critical thinkers who are able to read with understanding, write with purpose, and speak with clarity. By integrating content area studies with literacy, young learners grow into effective problem solvers. By differentiating instruction to meet individual needs, we are empowering students to become productive, knowledgeable citizens who are capable of making responsible choices throughout their lives.

Shared Vision

The vision of Riverwood Elementary is to foster a vibrant, caring learning community that prepares students to reach their fullest potential by developing their confidence and the initiative necessary to take risks and assume ownership of their learning and their lives.



Students should arrive at school between 7:45 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. daily. The doors of the school open at 7:30 a.m. for students eating breakfast. Students arriving at school are not supervised until 7:30 a.m. Students who arrive at school before 7:30 a.m. will be placed in before school care and charged a $5 drop in fee and a $10 registration fee for the first occurrence. For each additional occurrence, there will be a charge of $5. All students enter school through the front center doors. To ensure safety and the learning of school wide procedures, we ask that parents do not escort their children to classrooms after the first week of school.


Tennessee State law requires that all children between the ages of six (6) and seventeen (17) attend school. Regular and punctual

attendance is imperative. Higher academic achievement occurs when students attend classes regularly. Optional students may not accumulate more than 15 absences, early dismissals or tardies (combined).

Steps To Follow When Absent:


Parent or guardian must write an excuse indicating the date, days of absence, reason for absence, and include his or her signature.


Submit the excuse to the homeroom teacher within 2 school days of the student’s return.


Ask for make-up assignments.


Be aware that assignments that are not made up could be reflected in academic grades.

Excused Absences


Illness or hospitalization of student. (Anytime a student is out for 3 or more consecutive days, a doctor’s statement will be required.

After the accumulation of 10 days, all absences will require a physician’s statement to be excused.)


Death or serious illness in the immediate family


Validated court appearance of the pupil


Recognized religious holiday / event

Pupils shall be permitted the opportunity to make up all work and tests missed as a result of an excused absence. Work and tests must be made up by the end of the reporting period. If a pupil fails to make up the work and tests, their deficiencies shall be averaged with the other grades.

Unexcused Absences

Unexcused absences will be treated as truancy. A student who accumulates 5 days of unexcused absences will be given notice to attend a

Student Attendance Review Team meeting with the school administration at which time a plan will be set in place to help with future attendance. After 10 unexcused absences, notice will be given to attend a meeting with the Truancy Department at the North Precinct and possible court appearance. All unexcused absences are reported to Juvenile Court. Class work or tests will not be made up in the event of unexcused absences. A student who is absent from school or class without permission will be considered truant and will be subject to disciplinary actions. Anytime a student is out for 3 or more consecutive days, a doctor’s statement will be required. After the accumulation of 10 days, all absences will require a physician’s statement to be excused.


Students reporting to homerooms after 8:00 a.m. are marked tardy and must have a tardy slip from the office. Tardy students must be accompanied into the building and must be signed in by an adult. Tardiness will be excused only if the student presents a doctor’s note.

Tardies follow the procedures for unexcused absences. Optional students may not accumulate more than 15 absences, early

dismissals or tardies.




School-wide Discipline Philosophy Statement

The relationships nurtured within our school community are the foundation of our school-wide discipline plan. Our school community provides preventative approaches that are proactive, positive methods for addressing challenging behavior before it occurs. We recognize that when parents and teachers work together for positive discipline children will be successful. We believe all behavior serves a purpose and must be viewed as a means to meet individual needs. Behavior challenges are treated as opportunities to teach acceptable behaviors.

Whether preventative or reactive in nature, we preserve the dignity and self-worth of each person in our school community.

We have simplified our Behavior Goals so that all students, families, and members of our school community, can learn that at Riverwood

Elementary we CARE about and take CARE of each other. Riverwood Elementary Behavior Goals : CARES


C aring A lways, Be R espectful E veryday and Be S afe

We have created a matrix that details what these goals look like in various locations throughout the school. These are simply a few examples that you can share with your children as you help them to make the right decisions each day.

Riverwood Elementary Behavior Matrix


Classroom *Help a friend with a task

*Think of others first

*Help keep the classroom clean

*Listen to others when they speak

*Pay attention

*Take care of materials

*Follow all procedures

*Walk away from arguments

*Tell an adult about any problems


*Stay with your teacher

*Watch your step

*Walk at all times

*Quickly pick up spilled items

*Keep hands and feet to yourself





*Always throw trash away

*Keep hands off of the walls

*Be as quiet as possible

*Clean up your space

*Help your friends

*Tell the cafeteria staff how

much you appreciate them

*Include everyone in activities

*Take care of equipment

*Share equipment

*Clean up behind yourself

*Let an adult know if a student is ill

*Alert an adult when something is

out of order

*Listen closely to the speaker

*Applaud to show your appreciation

*Say “hello” to the bus driver as you enter

*Say “good-bye” and “thank-you” as you leave

*Walk to the right

*Give classmates personal space

*Listen to the teacher for directions

*Say “please” and “thank-you”

*Pay attention to the adults

*Practice good table manners

*Stay in your place in the line

*Line up when the teacher calls

*Play games with respect for others

*Keep the playground neat and clean

*Always give others their privacy

*Pick up unused paper/trash

*Wait you turn

*Remember to flush

*Come in quietly

*Sit in your assigned seats

*Only speak when it is appropriate

*Stay seated so others may see

*Follow the bus driver’s directions

*Keep your area neat and clean

*Use open windows to get fresh


*Stay within the teacher’s sight

*Stay away from danger

*Walk away from conflict (Tell an adult)

*Use supplies respectfully

*Report any misconduct

*Walk away from conflict

(Tell an adult)

*Keep feet and other objects out of aisle

*Stay in your seat

*Stay with your teacher

*Use your inside voices

*Keep all objects out of the aisle

*Stay in your seat

*Give others their personal space

*Avoid conflicts (Tell an adult)


Disciplinary Actions

Riverwood Elementary will follow the SCS Student Code of Conduct. The student code of conduct is given to every parent. Teachers will review the Code of Conduct throughout the school year. Additional copies are available in the school office or on line at www.scsk12.org.

There is a signature page on the Code of Conduct for the student and parent to sign. Please review the Code of Conduct with your child first before providing a signature.

Cell Phones and Electronics

Your child is permitted to bring a cell phone to school as long as it remains off and in the student’s backpack. Toys and all other handheld electronic devices should not be brought to school. If brought to school, these items can be lost or easily broken. The school is not

responsible for theft, or damage. If your child would like to bring an item to share with his/her class, you must contact the teacher in advance to determine if the teacher will allow the item to be brought to school for sharing. If these items are brought to school without proper notification from the teacher, the items will be confiscated. Confiscated items will be returned to the student’s parent/guardian within

72 hours during a conference with a teacher or administrator


We realize that birthdays are major events in the life of a child. We request that you celebrate your child’s birthday by purchasing a book to donate to your child’s classroom library in his/her honor. There will be no classroom or cafeteria birthday parties, no cupcakes, balloons or flowers.

Parents please do not send invitations to school or distribute them in the classroom. The school will not accept or sign for deliveries for students at school.


Supplies may be purchased at the bookstore every morning from 7:45 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.


Bus transportation is a privilege. Improper conduct will result in having this privilege denied. Only regularly scheduled students are

allowed to ride buses. Your child will be placed on the bus each afternoon unless you notify the teacher in writing 24 hours in advance.

Each student is required to carry a bus pass to ride the bus. All kindergarten and first grade students are required by Shelby

County Schools guidelines to have an adult place them on the bus and meet them at the bus stop each day after school. Any student who does not have a bus pass will not be allowed to ride the bus to or from school. Students who are new to SCS will receive a white temporary bus pass that will allow admittance to ride for one week. Parents and students are required to sign a transportation agreement stating that both parties will follow SCS guidelines for riding the bus. Bus students must follow the Riverwood Behavioral Goals during arrival, dismissal, and time spent riding on the bus.

Disciplinary Actions for Bus Conduct

In the event that your child does not follow the rules of conduct for the bus given by Shelby County Schools, the following steps of discipline will follow:

1 st Offense

2 nd Offense

3 rd Offense

4 th Offense

Written notice

Parent conference/phone call

3 day bus suspension

Loss of bus privileges

*Please understand that the above steps depend on the severity of the misconduct.


Lunch and Breakfast Prices

Elementary lunch






Free for all Memphis City School students


Please prepay for your child’s lunch. You can find the prepay link on our webpage and on the PTO webpage. If you cannot pay online, please pay weekly. Dealing with daily lunch money robs our students of valuable instructional time.

Cafeteria Conduct

All students in the school share the cafeteria. It is to be kept clean and at a comfortable noise level. Each class will be responsible for cleaning and picking up paper under and around tables and trashcans. Students are expected to maintain the following behavior:

 Respect all adults, and other students

 Remain quiet in the lunch line

 Engage in quiet conversations at the lunch table

 Remain seated

 Practice appropriate table manners

 Keep eating area clean

*Because of dietary restrictions and allergies, students are prohibited from sharing food.

Shelby County Schools does not allow students to charge food. If your child is on Reduced or Full Pay Lunch and your child does not have lunch money, your child will be served an alternate meal.


Below are arrival and dismissal safety guidelines. Please read and adhere to these guidelines to ensure safe arrival and dismissal of your children and our students.

Arrival Safety Guidelines:

 Students may come in the front entrance at 7:40 a.m.

 Turn off radios and cell phones (no calling or texting) once on the campus.

 Vehicles are to remain in the center lane for student drop off (do not block fire lane)

 Pull all the way forward to the safety officer at the end of the drive (3 rd awning).

 Students are to exit only on the right side of the vehicle.

 Make sure your children are ready to exit when the vehicle stops.

 If you park in parking spaces, you must escort your child across the street. Do not park in reserved spaces.

 Car tags must be visible on the rear view mirror/visor at all times.

 Help your child/ren learn their car rider number.

Dismissal Safety Guidelines:

 Students will be out front ready for dismissal at 3:10 p.m.

 Turn off radios and cell phones (no calling or texting) once on the campus.

 Vehicles are to remain in the center lane for students drop off (do not block fire lane)

 Pull all the way forward to the safety officer at the end of the drive (3 rd awning).

 Students are to enter only on the right side of the vehicle.

 You may pass on the left if your children are loaded. Please be cautious.

 If needing to enter the school, park in the visitors’ spaces (do not park in the pickup lane)

 Car tags must be visible on the rear view mirror/visor at all times.

 If you do not have your car tag number, park in the visitor space, go into the office and purchase a car tag. Car tags may be picked up between 7:30- 8:00 a.m. or after dismissal is completed in the afternoon. ($5 cash each)

 If your children are not picked up by 3:30, they will be taken to after school care. There is a one time registration fee of $10 and a

$15 drop-in fee each time, per child.

 Help your child/ren learn their car rider number.


Regular parent school communication is essential for successful learning. Riverwood Elementary welcomes your active participation in your child’s education. The school phone number is 901-416 –2310. Please call us with your questions and concerns. The school also has a web page on the Shelby County Schools web site. Check the web site for the monthly calendar, announcements and upcoming events, and a link for


your child’s teacher or class blog. The school publishes a monthly newsletter and calendar that are posted on our web page and sent home the first Wednesday of each month.

Family Communication Folders

All parents should receive a green Family Communication Folder every Wednesday. The folder contains monthly calendars and newsletters, a weekly teacher newsletter, a Home Study Guide, and a report on social skills. If your child does not receive a weekly folder please notify Ms.



Students and parents of Riverwood Elementary are encouraged to work with the teachers and administrators to resolve problems that may arise.

Grievances must be addressed immediately after learning about the event or problem. All matters should first be discussed with the appropriate classroom teacher. If all parties are not satisfied, a conference with an administrator may be requested. Schedule an appointment so that we can serve you in a timely manner.


Parent-teacher conferences are encouraged and may be initiated by the parent or teacher. Two parent-teacher conference days are scheduled by the Board of Education each year. Any other times you would like to meet your child’s teacher, an appointment needs to be scheduled before or after school or during the teacher’s planning time. Drop-in visits take the teacher away from the instructional time. If you would like to observe your child’s classroom, you must have prior approval from the principal or the classroom teacher. No observations

and /or conferences will be conducted without and appointment. All visitors having extended contact with the students will be asked to complete a background check. Visits are not permitted if their duration or frequency interferes with the delivery of instruction or disrupts the normal school environment.

Teacher Conferences

Teachers have times during the week when conferences can be scheduled. Please respect our students’ instructional time and schedule all conferences in advance. To request a conference, leave a message for the teacher on our voice mail system. If the teacher has not returned your call within 48 hours please notify the office staff. Teachers will not be called to the phone to talk to a parent during instructional time.

The principal’s job is to ensure high quality education for all students. It is imperative that the principal monitors and adjusts the instructional program to excel all students’ learning. In order to do this, the principal visits the classrooms and works with teachers during the instructional hours of 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Conferences with the principal should be requested through the office. Please call 901-416-2310 to request a conference time with the school principal.


Riverwood Elementary Professional School Counselors help children when problems get in the way of their happiness and ability to do well in school. Counselors work with children in classes, small groups or individually to help them adjust to school, practice good study skills and work habits, improve communication skills, learn to cooperate, solve problems, make good choices and prepare for future careers. Our school counselors also provide support for children who are experiencing academic difficulties, health conditions, behavioral issues or personal concerns which are affecting their ability to be successful. Contact Mrs. Carmichael (901-416-9629) or Ms. King (901-416-2969) for more information. Students may be referred for services by parents, teachers, and school administrators or by the students themselves.


Every student at Riverwood Elementary must have a dismissal plan on file. If you are going to change your daily procedure you must send the

change in writing to the teacher the day before the change. The office will not change a student’s dismissal plan. All changes must go through the homeroom teacher. To ensure safety, students are dismissed daily from Riverwood staff. For student safety, we do not allow any students to stand unsupervised outside of our building to wait for rides or for other students to pick them up to walk home.


Car Riders: At 3:10 p.m. we will begin loading your children into cars according to the numbers assigned to family car tags. Please work with your child so that they know their car rider number. This will make dismissal run smoothly for everyone.

Walkers: Students who walk home are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Siblings will walk home together. Only students who live in Cordova the Town will be dismissed from the Dexter Lane entrance. Due to safety concerns, students will not be allowed to wait on transportation. Only students that live in the walking zone will be allowed to be walkers.

Any child remaining at 3 :30 p.m. will be placed in Eagle’s Nest/after school care at the parent’s expense. Each child placed in after school care will result in a $15 drop in and a $10 registration fee. The first occurrence will be a charge of $25 (including registration

and drop in fee); each additional occurrence is a $15 charge per child.


Riverwood students are required to wear uniforms at school. Students must wear uniforms daily unless you are notified in writing by the school.

Students will wear clothes to school that are comfortable and appropriate for the school environment. Shorts may be worn in hot weather but the principal and teacher reserve the right to disapprove dress that attracts too much attention or is not appropriate. Shorts, skirts and jumpers must be knee-length. Parents will be called to bring a change of clothing when dress is considered inappropriate. The school will follow SCS Student Code of Conduct in administering consequences for failure to comply with SCS Uniform Policy. Students are not allowed to wear hats/caps in the building. The administrative rules and regulations state that shoes with rollers/wheels are prohibited.

Riverwood Elementary has adopted the following uniform dress code for all our students:

Colors for top: white, navy –hunter green shirts may be worn if they are purchased at Riverwood Elementary.

Acceptable styles include: Polo or golf-style shirts, Oxford, button-down shirts, turtle necks and white blouses with Peter Pan collars.

Colors for Bottoms: Tan, or navy– Riverwood encourages students to wear tan because it allows students to maintain a cleaner appearance throughout the day. Acceptable styles include: shorts, pants, skirts, jumpers or dresses.

Outer Wear: Cardigans, sweaters, light jackets or vests may be worn; however, they must be SOLID white, light blue or navy. Heavy coats may not be worn during the school day. No denim material may be worn. T-shirts worn underneath a shirt must be white.

Please Note:

*Tights or knee high socks must be SOLID white, navy or black.

*Tennis shoes, loafers, shoes with a back strap (no higher than an inch and a half)

*Shirts should be tucked in with a belt

The policy prohibits all students from wearing clothing, apparel or accessories that denote a student’s membership in or affiliation with any gang associated with criminal activities. The revisions also state that principals have authority to place restrictions on the Basic Uniform for safety reasons including gang-related activity.

EAGLE’S NEST (Extended Day Program)

Riverwood Elementary provides an Extended Day Program for our students. The program offers safe, enriching, quality care for children. It is designed for working parents during the hours children could possibly be unsupervised at home. We will provide opportunities for children to participate in arts and craft activities, indoor and outdoor games, enrichment classes, computer and library access. We also provide excellent tutoring services and time is set aside daily for completion of homework. During homework time your child will receive help with assignments as needed. Snacks are provided daily. The program operates under the inspection and approval process of the Tennessee State Department of

Education using the standards and licensing procedures approved by the State Department of Human Services. The program is $40 dollars a week with a $5 discount for each additional sibling. DHS vouchers are accepted. All fees are tax deductible. Programs available include before care, after care, and scheduled abbreviated school days. Program information is available in the main office. Any child left at school after 3:30 will be placed in after school care, at the pa rent’s expen se. The After Care cost is a $10.00 registration fee and a daily drop in fee of $15.00. Before

Care cost is $10 registration and $5 drop in fee. Please contact Mr.Sanders for additional information regarding the program.



It is very important to have your children at school on time and to remain until school is dismissed. Frequent tardiness/absences and early dismissal may interrupt your child’s daily lesson plans and cause him/her to miss important instructional time. It is required that your child attend 6.75 hours daily in order to be counted as a full day. We do not allow early dismissal after 2:30.


Field trips are planned experiences that provide students with insight, information, and knowledge that constitute an extension of the regular classroom instruction. Each field trip shall be supervised by school personnel at a minimum of one adult for every twenty children, so that good discipline is maintained. There are cases where the classroom teacher may advise greater supervision. Signed parental permission forms must be obtained for each student. In an emergency situation, a faxed or e-mailed permission slip will be accepted if received before 8 a.m. All parents must complete an approved MCS Volunteer form to participate in the field trips. There will be NO REFUND on fieldtrips.

When students pay for field trips, any debt owed to the school will be collected from any monies paid to the school. All fees must be paid in cash. The school does not accept checks.

For safety reasons, we may ask the parent to accompany the child on the fieldtrip if he/she is experiencing behavior difficulties.


Parents will be notified in cases of illness and / or injury. PARENTS MUST KEEP THE SCHOOL UPDATED ON ANY CHANGES IN


A child, whose illness requires that the child be sent home, will be given appropriate attention and supervision until the child’s parent or other authorized person arrives. A child with uncontrolled diarrhea or vomiting will be provided care apart from the other children until the child’s parent or other authorized person arrives. If symptoms of contagious or infectious diseases develop while the child is in school, he/she shall be placed in an area away from other children until the child’s parent or other authorized person arrives. Any child who has a temperature of

100 or more must be picked up. A child must be free of fever for 24 hours before returning to school.

Students will not be allowed to remain at school if one or more of the following exists:

 If the illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in school

 If the illness results in greater need for care than the staff can provide without compromising the

health, safety, and supervision of the other students

To return to school after the following, the child must bring proof of treatment to the office.

Oral temperature of 100 degrees or greater

Child must be free of fever for 24 hours before returning to school

Chicken pox (Child should be excluded until blisters are scabbed over completely)

Hepatitis A (Child should be excluded until one week after jaundice appears or one week after the

illness started and fever is gone)

 Pink Eye (Child is excluded until treatment has begun and discharge has stopped)

 Undiagnosed Generalized Rash

Head Lice (Child is not to return to school until nits, lice and eggs are no longer present)

Measles (Child should remain at home until four days after the rash appears)

Mumps (Child should not return for nine days or until swelling subsides)

Ringworm (Child should not return to school until treatment is started and lesion is covered)



Homework is defined as meaningful and quality work assignment to students that is intended to be completed during non-instructional hours.

Your child will receive a report of progress each week. Our homework is individualized to meet the needs of each child. Your child will get assignments for you to work on together that will help your child master skills that need more practice.

Each child will have a reading log in his/her homework folder. The reading log is part of your child’s homework folder. Reading for 15-20 minutes a night is the recommended time to improve your child’s reading ability.


If your child should lose any articles, he/she is to report the loss to the classroom teacher. There is a lost and found shelf in the cafeteria hallway. Please label all coats, caps, and book bags to make identification easier. All articles of clothing or other items not claimed at the end of each semester will be donated to charity each semester.


Only medications that absolutely must be given during the school hours should be brought by a parent or guardian to the office. .Students receiving medication at school must follow these guidelines:

 All medication must be brought immediately to the Main Office by the parent/guardian.

 Medication must be in the original container with a pharmacy label, and must have the student’s name, amount of dosage, and

frequency/time of dosage.

 Approved possession of a student’s own prescription medication during the school day is limited to life threatening conditions.

 Medication may only be dispensed through the office or clinic (EPI pens and inhalers are exempt).

 The desired plan for usage of EPI pens is for the parent to provide 2 pens, one will be kept in the school office, and one will be kept in the student’s classroom. Aspirin, Tylenol, cough drops and other non-prescriptions items will not be given to children during school

hours. School personnel will not administer shots or injections. Medicine that is to be taken three times daily does not need to be administered at school. It can be given before and after school and at bedtime.


Students on Open Enrollment/Choice Transfer or Administrative Adjustment Transfer must meet the criteria each school year in order to receive a Renewal for the 2014-2015 school year. You will not be granted a Renewal of Open Enrollment/Choice or Administrative

Adjustment Transfer for the following reasons:

 The student has accumulated any combination of 15 or more unexcused absences from school or class,

tardies to school or class, or early dismissal from school or class.

 The student has a combined total of four in school suspensions, suspensions of one to three days (1-3), or

disciplinary referrals to the office.

 The student has at least two suspensions of four to ten days (4-10) for any reason.


Requirements for the Optional Program at Riverwood Elementary:

Applicants to Riverwood’s optional program must submit Application for Optional Schools and a copy of the most recent comprehensive report card, which must have all A’s and B’s in current grade level subjects or receiving all meeting or exceeding standards marks.

Satisfactory grades in special subjects, work habits, conduct and attendance (including promptness to school) are required. A total of more than 15 absences, tardies, and/or early dismissal is considered unsatisfactory.


First and second grade applicants will be required to take admittance tests at Riverwood Elementary. No other test will be considered. We will accept a score of 70 th percentile for first grade applicants and a score of 70 th percentile in Reading AND Mathematics for second grade applicants.

Grades 3 to 5 must score at or above the 70 th percentile on the TCAP in the Reading/Language Arts subtest or its equivalent and the

Mathematics subtest or its equivalence.

Final approval is contingent upon review of the student’s final report card.

To remain in the optional program, students must maintain the listed requirements for grades, conduct, work habits and attendance. All optional students must have fewer than 15 tardies and absences. Transportation to Riverwood Elementary is the responsibility of the parents.


All payments being made to the school must be made in cash. Riverwood Elementary does not accept personal checks. All payments made to the school must be receipted. All money is due in by 8:30 a.m. Teachers and office staff will not be able to stop during the day to take money and write receipts. All debts owed to the school must be paid in full before payments can be made for supplemental activities (field trips, etc).


Students will only be allowed to use the phone if they are sick. Students will not be allowed to use the phone to call for forgotten homework, permission slips, or supplies.

Teachers will not be called to the phone to talk to parents during instructional time. Parents must leave a message on the voice mail system.

The office telephones are for emergencies only; students should check with a secretary in the office before calling and must have a pass from a teacher requesting that the students be allowed to use the telephone. Urgent messages will be delivered to students; students will not be called from class to receive telephone calls.


When your child enrolls at Riverwood Elementary you automatically become a member of our PTO. Our PTO is a vital part of our school and organizes the opportunities for parents to volunteer in the school. Volunteer forms are available in the office. Our PTO also has a

Facebook page for parent questions.


Grades Kindergarten

Monitoring and reporting the performance of students in grades Kindergarten will be based on student progress toward expectations and academic standards.

Grades 1-5 Letter grades (A, B, C, D, and F) will be used to report student progress in the academic subjects of Reading, Composition,

Grammar, Spelling, Mathematics, Sciences, and Social Studies. E, S, N, and U will be used to report student progress in all special subjects and for first grade Science and Social Studies.


Academic (Grades 5)

A = 93-100

B = 85-92

C = 75-84





D = 70-74 Poor but passing-Intervention required

F = 0-69 Failure-Failure to meet expectations-intervention required

State Law requires that the TCAP Achievement Test count as 15% of the final average.

CONDUCT (Grades PreK-5)

E=Excellent, G=Good S=Satisfactory N=Need Improvement U=Unsatisfactory

Conduct grades are based on behavior and shall not be deducted from scholastic grades. Similarly, academic performance may not form the basis for conduct grades. Conduct will be communicated weekly in your child’s Wednesday Folder.


Progress reports are sent out every three weeks within the nine weeks grading period. Please review the progress report in your child’s

Wednesday folder. All notifications are to be signed and returned to school the following day. There should be no surprises on a report card. In an event that you do not receive a Wednesday Folder from your child, please call the school the following school day at 416-2310. A list of reporting periods can be found on the MCS web page.


Safety drills are conducted according to recommended procedures. If parents or other visitors are at school during a drill, they will be expected to participate.

 Fire Drills are conducted monthly and are unannounced

 Tornado Drills are conducted twice yearly

 Earthquake Drills are conducted twice yearly


Riverwood Elementary participates in School Based Decision Making. The governing body is comprised of two parents, two teachers, one para-professional, one community representative, the MEA representative and the PTO president.

The body exists to facilitate the improvement of academic achievement, student attendance, and student safety. Its purpose is to provide a process to ensure the participation of those directly concerned with students.



At Riverwood Elementary positive social interaction is taught daily as part of The Responsive Classroom. Students learn to resolve conflicts creatively in ways that show respect for all involved. Harassment and bullying are not tolerated. Students are taught to stand up for others and report any situation that is uncomfortable. Reports of bullying will be investigated and handled according to the SCS Code of Conduct.

Students may report bullying incidents to their classroom teacher or any other trusted adult in the school. Students may also leave concerns in the mailbox by the tree in the main hall or email RiverwoodSprout@gmail.com.


Riverwood Elementary Optional School will be happy to work with any custodial parent in custody situations if that parent provides a certified

copy of the court order. A school can deny a non-custodial parent access to the child only if a copy of the custody agreement signed by a

judge is on file in the child’s permanent record folder.

In case of parents who are separated but no custody agreement has been reached, the school can deny access to one parent only if a

restraining order is in effect and a copy is on file in the child’s permanent record. With no restraining order, both parents have a right to name others who may come to check the child out from school.

Parents, we encourage you to inform your child’s teacher and school administration when there is a custody issue.

In the instance of custody arrangements, if the non-custodial parent would like to receive a copy of school reports, they will need to provide the teacher with a stamped, self-addressed envelops.


Please be advised that Riverwoood Elementary is not a supervised visitation site. We do not have staff to supervise visits. Our staff will not be involved in custody disputes. If our staff feels the child is endangered, we are required by law to report the belief to the Department of

Child Protective Services.


Please help us keep our students safe by being careful with technology and social media. If using media that includes your child, please remember that other students’ images should not be used. Be mindful that there are instances where students may be involved in custodial issues, protection services, or other programs and that each student/family has the right to privacy.

Students using technology or social media inappropriately will be given appropriate consequences as outlined in the SCS Student Code of



Answers to many questions and additional helpful information may be obtained from the State Department of Education by calling 1-888-212-

3162 or visiting http://www.state.tn.us/education/speced/index.htm

Legal Services Division/ Division of Special Education Phone # 615-741-2851

West Tennessee Regional Resource Center Phone # 731-421-5074

Child Advocacy Groups:

The ARC of Tennessee http://thearctn.org/ 1-800 – 835 – 7077

Support Training for Exceptional Parents http://www.tnstep.org

or 901- 756-4332



Textbooks and library books will not be allowed to go home until a parent has signed the Textbook Rules form.


Students and parents are responsible for all textbooks, library books, and materials used or issued during the current school year.


Parents must pay for all lost or damaged items.


All students owing fines will have their final report card held in the office and will not be allowed to register the following school year until the fines are paid.

Policy for Damaged Textbooks

Schools are required to collect appropriate damage fees from any pupil or guardian for abuse or improper care of textbooks. Principals will have the authority to impose the same sanction for damaged textbooks as is outlines in the policy for lost textbooks.


Riverwood Elementary Optional School Notice of Schoolwide Title I Program Eligibility and NCLB Status 2012 - 2013

Riverwood Elementary Optional School qualifies to receive federal funds under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Title I, Part A for this school year.

This funding enables us to consolidate and use funds under Title I, together with other federal, state and local funds, in order to upgrade our entire educational program.

You will receive notices and information throughout the year to keep you informed about the progress of your child and the status of our school in ensuring that all of our students meet high academic standards. Each summer, our state releases a report on the progress our schools. This report identifies whether schools have made “Annual Measureable Progress” (AMO) – a simple yes or no grade, based on a complex set of measurements. To make

AMO, each school must achieve targets: areas of test participation and performance measured across subgroups of students (grouped by such categories as race, language proficiency, and disability). In addition schools must meet attendance targets. If just one subgroup misses just one target, an entire school does not meet AMO. We are extremely pleased to announce that Riverwood Elementary is listed as a school “in good standing”, having met all

Tennessee AMO guidelines for the 2011-2012 school year.


Annual Title 1 Meeting will be held on October 6th at 5:30p.m. , it will be followed by our Open House at 6p.m.

Title I Parents' Right-To-Know

No Child Left Behind Law please be aware that as a parent you have the right to request :

..... a teacher's professional qualifications, licensure, grade/s, certification, waivers, degree status, fields of

endorsement, previous teaching experience

..... a paraprofessional's qualifications

You will be provided with information regarding:

..... the level of your child's achievement in each of the State's academic assessments

..... public school choice, supplemental services and additional involvement opportunities if our school should be

identified as in need of school improvement

..... transfer to another school within the district if your child is a victim of a violent crime at school

.... your child being taught four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not classified as highly qualified

Riverwood Elementary Optional School Student/Parent/School Compact

This compact has been jointly developed and agreed upon by students, parents and staff as a way to promote positive working

relationships and a shared commitment to improving academic achievement for all Riverwood students.

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I want my child to achieve. Therefore I will encourage and support his/her learning by doing the following:

 Let my child know that I think school is important

 Insure that my child gets plenty of rest each night, attends school regularly, and on time

 Encourage my child to verbalize his/her problems and misunderstandings and support the school in maintaining proper behavior

 Establish a daily time and place for homework, maintain the necessary supplies, and review assignments regularly

 Read contents of Friday Folder weekly, sign and return with any necessary comments

 Read to and with my child every day

 Join the Parent Organization and attend parent conferences, meetings, and school functions regularly

Stay aware of what my child is learning and doing by visiting and/or volunteering in the classroom/school

Provide proper uniforms and materials necessary for school each day

 Make an effort to establish a positive relationship and ongoing communication with my child’s teacher

Student Agreement

It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore I will strive to do the following:

 Show a positive attitude toward school daily

 Respect all persons and materials at school and act accordingly

 Get plenty of rest each night and attend school regularly and on time

 Come to school each day with the necessary tools for learning

 Participate in all classroom activities and complete assignments

Observe regular study hours at home and complete and return homework assignments

Wear the correct school uniform daily

 Take responsibility for my actions and grades

Teacher Agreement

It is important that my students achieve. Therefore I will strive to do the following:

 Demonstrate respect and commitment to all of my students

 Provide a classroom environment responsive to the differing needs of my students

 Make sure every student experiences some type of success daily

 Maintain high expectations and plan challenging and meaningful activities that lead toward academic growth

 Provide appropriate homework assignments that match my students needs

 Communicate with parents frequently about their child’s successes and challenges through conferences, calendars, newsletters, progress reports and Friday Folders

 Participate in professional development that enables me to teach more effectively

 Encourage parents to visit, volunteer, and participate in our classroom

 Provide necessary guidance to parents so they can help their child to succeed


School/Principal Agreement

It is essential that we work together for students to achieve. Therefore I will strive to do the following:

 Provide a safe, nurturing environment that allows for positive communication between teachers, parents, and students

 Ensure all students, parents, and staff are treated with respect

 Demonstrate enthusiasm and involvement with students, parents, and staff

 Communicate Board of Education expectations to parents and the surrounding community

 Provide high quality instruction of the MCS curriculum in a supportive and effective learning community that enables students to meet the state’s academic achievement standards

 Plan and implement professional development opportunities that meet the needs and strengthen the skills of parents and staff

 Provide parents with reasonable access to staff and encourage them to become an active part of the Riverwood community

by visiting, volunteering, and observing in their child’s classroom

 Hold annual parent/teacher conferences to discuss this compact and how it relates to their child’s academic achievement

Riverwood Elementary Optional School Family Engagement Plan

The 2011- 2012 Riverwood Elementary Family Engagement Plan was developed jointly with parents to establish expectations for parental involvement and to define the commitment of the school toward providing parents with the skills and information necessary to help their children achieve academic excellence.

Parental Commitment

Riverwood parents will act as advisors, resource persons, and coordinators in the following ways:

 Supporting our school’s efforts to maintain a safe and respectful environment

 Encouraging their child to solve conflicts peacefully

 Supporting our school’s efforts to help their child achieve academically

 Assisting their child with homework and special projects

 Providing frequent and meaningful attention to help their child reach their full potential in school and in life

 Maintaining ongoing communication including attending parent/teacher conferences

 Actively participating in parent organizations, School Based Decision Making Council,other committees and trainings

 Responding to memos, surveys and questionnaires expressing their ideas and/or concerns

 Using their talents and resources to enhance Riverwood’s instructional program

 Becoming Riverwood Elementary School supporters and advocates within their community

NCLB Commitment

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires that Riverwood parents, administrators, staff, and community members work together to plan for and insure high quality academic programs in the following ways:

 Making parents and community members aware of NCLB and Riverwood’s participation in state and federal programs

 Providing timely information to families about program and policies administered under NCLB guidelines

 Encouraging parents to observe and volunteer in the school’s programs and classrooms

 Providing parents with ongoing, current student information and progress reports

 Soliciting ongoing feedback and suggestions from parents on decisions relating to the education of their children

 Providing parents with copies and explanations of the Family Engagement Plan and Parent/Student/School Compact

 Assisting parents in understanding Riverwood’s school curriculum, assessments used to measure student progress, and

the proficiency levels students are expected to meet

School Commitment

Riverwood Elementary will encourage families to become meaningfully engaged in their child’s education by doing the following:

 Inviting all parents to annual meetings (at flexible times) to inform them of NCLB and Title I requirements, the school’s participation in Title I, and the rights of parents to be involved in the school

 Conducting regular and flexible parent meetings, to keep parents informed of current events and issues, timely progress reports, and parent/teacher conferences

 Involving parents in jointly developed revisions of the School Improvement Plan, Family Engagement Policy, Parent/School

Compact and other documents and programs relating to their child’s academic instruction

 Eliminating language barriers for limited English proficiency parents by providing written and verbal communication in their primary language if necessary

 Encouraging parents to meet the challenges of raising happy, successful children by offering diverse parent trainings and workshops, based on parental needs

 Providing a Family Resource Center with a lending library of books, videos and materials to be checked out and used at home to support in school learning

 Distributing Parent/Student Handbooks, Family Engagement Plans and Parent/School Compacts and acquiring appropriate signatures


 Listening to those we serve, our parents and our students, to help gain insight into the hearts, minds and cultures of our families and use this information to develop and administer programs and policies that positively affect our student’s school



Parents and other visitors are welcome to visit our school. All visitors must report to the office. Visitors must wear a visitor badge or name tag issued by the office.

Visits to individual classrooms during instructional time are permitted only with approval of the principal and teacher. Such visits are not permitted if their duration or frequency interferes with the delivery of instruction or disrupts the normal school environment. Visits should be prearranged with the teacher.

Parents and parent designees, who come to school to sign children out and remove them from school, must report to the office. Students will not be released to parents from the classroom.


Parents or guardians are encouraged to join and become active participants in the Riverwood Elementary Parent Organization. This group provides needed resources and coordinates voluntary efforts of parents, guardians, and others. Please sign up for volunteer activities and membership at the registration table in August or contact the school or Parent Organization or more information.


Parents, please initial all statements after you read through them and return this page to your child’s teacher within five (5) school days.

_____ I understand the benefits, responsibilities and penalties outlined in the Riverwood Elementary School Student

/Parent Handbook.

_____ I have read the Riverwood Health Policy and will abide by the provisions of the policy.

_____ I understand that my child will be held accountable for the behavior and consequences outlined in the

Student/Parent Handbook and the SCS Student Code of Conduct and the Riverwood Elementary Behavior Plan at school and at all school-sponsored or related activities regardless of time or location.

_____ I understand that if I object to my child reciting The Pledge of Allegiance or if I have other objections to procedure or curriculum I must give the objections in writing to the Principal.

_____ I realize that SCS policy requires that all volunteers complete a Volunteer Registration Form. To ensure the safety of Riverwood Elementary students, background checks may be required.

Print Student’s Name: ______________________________________________

Student’s Signature: _______________________________________________

Print Teacher’s Name: ______________________________________________

Print Parent’s Name: _______________________________________________

Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________________

Date: __________

