Digital Agenda Week of 8/11-8/15 Español 1 Check In/Do Now

Digital Agenda
Week of 8/11-8/15
Español 1
Check In/Do Now:
Monday/Tuesday: How was your weekend? ¿Cómo pasaste el fin de semana? (3-5 sentences)
Wednesday: Write a formal greeting with the following information in Spanish :
It is 8:00 a.m.
You greet a male teacher and ask how he is.
He responds happily then asks you how you are
You respond in a very positive way. He says goodbye.
You say goodbye.
Thursday/Friday: How many letters are in the English alphabet? What are the vowels? What are the consonants?
¿Cuántas letras hay en el alfabeto inglés? ¿Cuáles son las vocales? ¿Cuáles son las consonantes?
Essential Question (s):
 How do formal and informal conversations in Spanish differ from conversations in English?
 What is the difference between the Spanish Alphabet and the English Alphabet?
 How are cognates useful when learning a new language?
Standard(s) from Instructional Guide:
WL-A.1.1: Students address discrete elements of daily life.
B.1.2 Students interpret written, spoken or signed (ASL) language.
B.1.1 Students engage in oral, written or signed (ASL) conversations.
B.1.0 Students use formulaic language (learned words, signs [ASL] and phrases)
D.1.2 Students identify similarities and differences in the orthography, phonology or ASL parameters of the languages they know.
E.1.0 Students use language in highly predictable common daily settings.
Student Objective (s):
Monday/Tuesday: Students will finish presentations on the benefits of being bilingual. Students will be introduced to technology rules and
procedures. Students will be introduced to informal and formal greetings in Spanish. By the end of the lesson students will be able to engage in an
oral and written formal conversation in Spanish.
Wednesday: Students will be introduced to the Spanish Alphabet and Vowels. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the
differences between the Spanish and English Alphabet and will be able to pronounce the Spanish Alphabet accurately.
Thursday/Friday: Students will learn about Spanish- English cognates and how they are useful when learning a new language. At the end of the
lesson students will be able to read and recite a poem by José Martí and be able to identify cognates to infer meaning of the poem. Students will
continue to practice greetings independently.
Assessment and Student Reflection:
Monday/Tuesday: Do-Now, Notes, written narrative with greetings, Exit-Slip.
Wednesday: Do-Now, Notes, Alphabet practice activity, Exit-Slip
Thursday/Friday: Do-Now, Notes, Cognates Activity, Reading comprehension questions for poem, Exit-Slip, E-Studio Activities.
Monday/Tuesday: Do-Now, Presentations on the benefits of being bilingual, Technology rules, Video opener on greetings, PowerPoint on
Greetings, Exit-Slip.
Wednesday: Do-Now, Alphabet PPT, pronunciation of alphabet, Exit-Slip.
Thursday/Friday: Do-Now, Cognates PPT, Poem introduction, comprehension questions and Exit-Slip.
Monday-Tuesday: Students will take notes
on greetings powerpoint and watch video
Wednesday: Students will take notes on
alphabet powerpoint and practice
pronunciation of the Spanish alphabet.
Thursday-Friday: Students will take notes on
cognates powerpoint. Students will complete a
practice activity, introduction to poem and
comprehension questions.
Monday-Tuesday: Students will use a
self-created narrative(s) to use formal
greetings and have a short conversations
with four classmates.
Monday-Tuesday: Students will watch a
short video clip on greetings:
Wednesday: N/A
Thursday-Friday: Students practice
reciting Poem, and will create their own
poem using Spanish-English cognates.
Students will create a short narrative(s)
to introduce themselves to others.
Students will work on practice
activities for greetings.
Wednesday: Students will complete an
alphabet activity to assess their their learning.
Students will watch a practice video on
Students will complete:
Preliminary Actvities A (A-D) in quia
 Complete worksheet on cognates.
Extra time: