LP 13 Marriage and Marriage Theories

Sociology: Marriage: Unit II
Grade Level:
Overview- . The selection of one's mate, the rearing of one's children, the protection of and
distribution of personal property, and the decision to end a marriage are not strictly personal
issues. Historically, sociologists have analyzed the reasons and impact of marriage on society and
look at this institution in a variety of ways.
Do Now(s):
Do you think that marriage is
necessary? Explain. Now, do you
see yourself as married someday?
Did this differ from your first
Teacher Objectives
SWBAT: Analyze the different roles marriage has played
throughout history. Investigate different sociological
theories about marriage, identify and compare different
typologies and compare and contrast the different types of
marriages .Discuss the role of alternative lifestyles,
cohabitation, gay marriage, and household arrangements
in U.S. society and reflect on how the possibility of
marriage may play a part in your life in the future.
Understand the types of communication in marriages and
the cycles of human relationships.
They Do:
Choose three celebrity couples and identify
what “type” of marriage they have.
Choose three couples you know and identify
what “stage” of marriage they are in.
I do: Handouts on families, notes and discussion on types
of marriage, theories and theorists and the cycle of
marriage and relationships
(“What did we learn?”)
Theories: Functionalist, Interactionist, Marxist,
Feministic, , Polygamy, Alternative.
We do: Analzye readings on types of marriages
Prepared By:
L. Korpics 12/9 to 12//13/11
Performance Standards Addressed. ASA: American Sociology
Association Pre-College Board Prototype for AP Sociology
Courses. UK Revision Sociology Open Curriculum.
Understand the definition and types of marriages in the world
and in history. Describe the role of marriage in a legal,
sociological and emotional context.
Student Guide
Some sociologists suggest the family is the
best organizational basis for society.
4 functions of the family: sexual, reproductive,
economic and educative (socialization).
Primary socialization – the teaching of
societies shared norms and values, and the
stabilization of adult personalities – the family
provides an arena for adults to let off steam
then return calmly to the outside world. The
family is seen as a means of social control
and reproduces capitalist society.
Materials Needed
Text: “Sociology: HOLT.
Readings: Marriages – A sociological
Nontraditional Marriages
Typology of Marriage “400 Studies”
Cohabitation and Being Single
The 1950’s Marriage in America
Activity: Celebrity Marriages
TEST: Families: Dec. 13th.
PROJECT: To be handed out