English 6 August 13-17. 2012 Radford Grammar Grabs Monda y Xxxxxxx (1st day packet for core 1 only) Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Write the “I can statement” Get out your grammar grabs from Tuesday, Label this one as Wed. 815-12 and write below the one from yesterday. Copy and add commas where needed: I can use commas in a series. 1.. We are going to the grocery store to get cookies soup eggs and butter. 2. Don't forget to empty the trash vacuum the carpet and wash the windows. Get out your grammar grabs from Wed., Label this one as Thurs. 8-1612 and write below the one from yesterday. Copy and add commas where needed: Copy: I can use commas in a series. Copy: If a sentence has three or more items or phrases the items or phrases are separated by commas. Copy the following sentences , add commas where needed: 1. Lucy Edmond Peter and Susan are characters in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. 2. Some people like pepperoni sausage and cheese on pizza. 3. For class, please bring a pencil paper Reminder, put your grammar grabs in the grammar grab section of you binder, tomorrow you will write the grammar grab for Thurs. on the same I can use commas in a series. 1. Skateboarding, motocross, and horseback riding are some of my favorites sports. 2. It's time to do your homework do your chores and practice the piano. Reminder, put your grammar grabs in the grammar grab section of you binder, tomorrow you will write the grammar grab for Thurs. on the same paper., On Friday the grammar will be turned in for a grade. I can use commas in a series. Review: if needed http://www.compasslearningodys sey.com/sample_act/34lang_conf usion.html 1. Carlos wants to visit Paris Italy Germany and China. 2. My favorite colors are turquoise copper bronze and emerald. 3. I like to go hiking fishing swimming and camping during summer. Your grammar grabs should ALL be on the same paper, if not, put your papers together and make sure your name is on ALL of the papers. Leave grammar grabs on your desk for me to take up later. English 6 August 13-17. 2012 Radford Vocabulary Xxxxxx (1st day packet for core 1 only) notebook school planner and a book to read. Reminder, put your grammar grabs in the grammar grab section of you binder, tomorrow you will write the grammar grab for Wed. on the same paper., On Friday the grammar grabs are turned in for a classwork grade. Copy and answer (if you can, leave blank if you are not sure) 1. ____a mammal or something you use in baseball 2. _____a place to visit or something you must do with a car paper., On Friday the grammar grabs will be turned in for a grade. Copy and answer (if you can, leave blank if you are not sure) 1. _____to see if something is correct or used to make payment 2.___a person’s name OR something that is owed Smartboard activity Smartboard activity English 6 August 13-17. 2012 Radford Main Lesson I can explain and follow class proced ure, rules, and routine s. Student proced ures, routine s, rules , lockers, bus number s, etc 1st day packet for core 1 only Student will NOT 3. ______A “Cinderella” dance or something that bounces I can explain and follow class procedure, rules, and routines. Review: Student procedures, routines, rules , lockers, bus numbers, etc 1. Copy classroo m rules, procedu res, consequ ences 2. Review syllabus 3. Organize binder I can explain and follow class procedure, rules, and routines. I can Identify the elements of a story, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme. I can explain the role or job of each element. I can Identify the elements of a story, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme. I can explain the role or job of each element. Review: Student procedures, routines, rules , lockers, bus numbers, etc 1. Define Literary elements using the interactive notetaking method (add a picture, make it personal) a. setting b. introduction c. rising action d. climax e. falling action f. resolution or denouement g. conflict i. character j. plot k. analyze l. conclusion m. inference Take notes about story elements and the key role of each element in the development of a story. Read and complete a guided reading sheet about story elements. Read a story, identify setting, characters, rising action, conflicts, falling action, and resolution. English 6 August 13-17. 2012 Radford Free Reading (student choice) Homework Homework is subject to CHANGE! Please check student’s planner and/or my website. Thank you. switch to core classes today Student choice Any forms signed and returne d Bring a book to read n. theme Student choice Student choice Student choice Student choice Any forms signed and returned Bring a book to read Study literary elements, (flashcards are a very useful tool to study voc.) Bring a book to read, Study literary elements, quiz Tuesday. Organize materials as needed for school Bring a book to read Study literary elements, quiz Tuesday.