Speaking Self-Evaluation Beginning of Semester Speaking Self-Evaluation End of Semester Answer honestly based on your habits related to speaking Spanish. You may check more than one answer. Where did you make progress? What’s your next step forward? 1. I respond to comprehension questions I show my response silently. I indicate when meaning is unclear. I give one-word answers. I give phrase and short sentences. I speak in sentences 1. I respond to comprehension questions I show my response silently. I indicate when meaning is unclear. I give one-word answers. I give phrase and short sentences. I speak in sentences 2. I add my ideas to discussions I generally wait for others to contribute. I suggest ideas, but often in English. I suggest ideas, using some Spanish. I suggest ideas using almost only Spanish. 2. I add my ideas to discussions I generally wait for others to contribute. I suggest ideas, but often in English. I suggest ideas, using some Spanish. I suggest ideas using almost only Spanish. 3. Out of class use of Spanish I have taught someone else some Spanish I listen to songs so I can sing along I find ways to speak Spanish out of class. I greet or talk to classmates in Spanish I talk in Spanish with native speakers I meet 3. Out of class use of Spanish I have taught someone else some Spanish I listen to songs so I can sing along I find ways to speak Spanish out of class. I greet or talk to classmates in Spanish I talk in Spanish with native speakers I meet 4. Retells of in-class stories and material I can retell what happened using English. I can retell in some Spanish, some English. I can retell in Spanish, but it’s choppy. I can retell in fairly clear Spanish 4. Retells of in-class stories and material I can retell what happened using English. I can retell in some Spanish, some English. I can retell in Spanish, but it’s choppy. I can retell in fairly clear Spanish 5. Pronunciation It’s hard to understand my Spanish Occasionally my pronunciation gets in the way I am understood easily by sympathetic speakers I am easily understood by native speakers 5. Pronunciation It’s hard to understand my Spanish Occasionally my pronunciation gets in the way I am understood easily by sympathetic speakers I am easily understood by native speakers 6. Communication I think I am still in the “Silent Period” I cannot yet speak without a lot of stress. I get general ideas across when I speak. I need time to think about what I want to say I get ideas across clearly enough I feel pretty comfortable speaking Spanish I find myself thinking in Spanish at times I express myself confidently, with only occasional errors that don’t hinder communication. 6. Communication I think I am still in the “Silent Period” I cannot yet speak without a lot of stress. I get general ideas across when I speak. I need time to think about what I want to say I get ideas across clearly enough I feel pretty comfortable speaking Spanish I find myself thinking in Spanish at times I express myself confidently, with only occasional errors that don’t hinder communication.