P PA AU U LL S SC CH HE ER RR RE ER R II N NS ST T II T TU UT T –– S SA AF FE ET TY Y S SH HE EE ET T Ring SR SINQ SLS other D Deeccllaarraattiioonn LLiisstt ooff H Haazzaarrddoouuss S Saam mppllee//TTaarrggeett M Maatteerriiaall aanndd E Exxppeerriim meennttaall E Eqquuiippm meenntt ((oonnee ffoorrm f o r e a c h i t e m / e x p e r i m e n t ) m for each item/experiment) Title of Experiment: Experiment Number (if known) Instrument / Beamline Date of Experiment (if known) SAMPLE TARGET Toxic name of substance chemical formula form of material amount of material size of material container/sealing: transport: by user [ ] removed: by user [ ] / to from powder [ ] liquid [ ] solid [ ] shipped separately [ ] stored at PSI [ ] no [ ] / yes [ ] , specify: ingestion [ ] inhalation [ ] other [ ] , specify: other [ ] already at PSI [ ] disposed off by PSI [ ] skin contact[ ] eye contact [ ] contact person: P. Hasler Already radioactive: Activation expected: Bio. Hazard no [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] yes [ ] activity: activity: Bq isotopes: Bq isotopes: IAEA supervision [ ] IAEA supervision [ ] contact person: A. Fuchs no [ ] / yes [ ] , specify: contact person: K. Ballmer Reactive: no [ ] / yes [ ] , specify: inflammable: [ ] explosive: [ ] in contact with: air [ ] water [ ] Equipment during transport/experiment/storage: magnetic field Tesla pressure kbar, m^3 heating K, Watt cryogenics K, coolant thin window X-ray kV laser , W high voltage kV other: Other Safety Aspects: corrosive: [ ] heat [ ] other: contact person: P. Hasler contact person C. Wernli S. Bondt P. Hasler Ch. Geiselhart L. Simons A. Fuchs T. Lippert W. Fleischmann Y. Loertscher transp. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] exp. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] storage [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] no [ ] / uncertain [ ] / yes [ ], specify contact person: Y. Loertscher I confirm that the information above is correct as well as to respect all safety regulations valid for PSI. Date: E-Mail: Signature: Please return this form (include attachments if necessary) not later than 3 weeks prior to the experiment to: W. Bertl (Ring: High Energy), E. Morenzoni (SR), J. Schefer (SINQ), M. Wang (SLS) page 1/2 Document1 P PA AU U LL S SC CH HE ER RR RE ER R II N NS ST T II T TU UT T D Deeccllaarraattiioonn LLiisstt ooff H Haazzaarrddoouuss S Saam mppllee//TTaarrggeett M Maatteerriiaallss aanndd E x p e r i m e n t a l E q u i p m Experimental Equipmeenntt IInnffoorrm maattiioonn S Shheeeett Telephone/Telefax: +41 (56) 310 xxxx E-Mail: firstname.name@psi.ch Post Office: 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Telephone Switch Board: +41 (56) 310 2111 Questions? Safety Contact Persons: Toxicants, Reactivity Radioactivity X-Ray Thin Windows Biological Hazard High Voltage Magnetic Fields Laser Cryogenics Fire Safety Cranes, Elevators, Hoisting Devices Pressurized Systems Transport dangerous goods General Return Form to: Ring-Experiments (High Energy Experiments) SR-Experiments SINQ-Experiments SLS-Experiments other Name Building Phone FAX Hasler, Peter Fuchs, Albert Fuchs, Albert Simons, Leopold Kurt Ballmer Fleischmann, Wilhelm Wernli, Christian Lippert, Thomas Geiselhart, Christian Bächli, Alois OFLB/005 WBGA/C36A WBGA/C36A WMHA/B24 OFLC/102 OKWA/998 OFLD/006 OFLB/U110 WKSA/101 OFLC/U105/ 2842 4487 4487 3501 4165 2366 2357 4076 4531 2037 Reinhard, David Bondt, Silvio Zimmermann, Ulrich OKWA/999 OKWA/999 OFLC/U107 5448 2952 4262 2384 2309 Loertscher, Yves (safety of.) OFLC/U104 2350 2309 Bertl, Wilhelm OFLC/007 3651 5230 Morenzoni, Elvezio Schefer, Jurg Wang, Meitian Loertscher, Yves (safety of.) WLGA/017 WHGA/244 WSLA/215 OFLC/U104 3670 4347 4175 2350 3294 3294 5292 2309 2309 2309 3717 4417 2309 2688 4586 5166 PSI-Phone-Directory: http://cgi.web.psi.ch/pb/ Forms for Download: http://services.web.psi.ch/safety/dokumente/safety_sheet/safetysheet.html page 2/2 Document1