June 28-July 4, 2015 Our Father’s Church Gather & Serve Wednesday Worship: 7 p.m. ourfatherschurch.org Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. OFLC Week at a Glance For complete calendar, visit ourfatherschurch.org Sunday, June 28 o Worship: 9:30 a.m. o Restless Book study: 11 a.m. Monday, June 29 o Stewardship Ministry Mtg.: 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 30 o Centering Prayer: 9 a.m. o “It’s Just Coffee”: 9:30 a.m. o Bible Study: 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 1 o Worship: 7 p.m. o Book Study: following Worship Saturday, July 4 o Man Meeting (Cancelled) Looking Ahead Thursday, July 9 o Widow/Widowers Mtg.: 4 p.m. (River Inn. Bar & Grill) Wednesday, July 15 o Alley Sale at Love INC (Delano) Sunday, July 19 o Quarterly Meeting: 11 a.m. Friday, July 24 o Rockford Movie in the Park: at dusk July 27-31 o SonSpark Labs (VBS) August 7-9 o Rockford River Days Friday, August 14 o Outdoor Movie at OFLC: Dusk Sunday, August 30 o Sunday Brunch Cruise: 11:45-2 p.m. o Twins Game: 1:30 p.m. Flowers on Alter are given by Mike and Pam Hoekstra. In honor of their Anniversary as well as Birthdays. Spiritual Message This past week I encouraged you to take Jesus with you this summer. Having a friendly paper reminder of Jesus is a fun way to center summer activities. What about when things are not fun? What about when it seems the whole world is falling in on you? It is then the most important to remember that Jesus is with you to help, guide and put you firmly on solid ground. “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” Psalm 40:2 During Pastor Jon’s sabbatical we are blessed that individuals have accepted the invitation to leader Worship. This Sunday, Norie Chandler Siers will be bringing the message and next Wednesday Cathy Jones. Please pray as these lay leaders dwell in the scriptures and listen to hear where God is leading us this week. Communion will be served next on Sunday, July 5 and Wednesday July 8. Join the OFLC Team! We are hiring a part-time Administrative Assistant. For more details or if interested, please contact Glenda at (763) 477-6300 or glenda@ourfatherschurch.org OFLC is seeking a Worship Volunteer Coordinator. If you enjoy details, time management, and are a great communicator we would appreciate your help. The new Worship Volunteer Coordinator would work closely with Stewardship and Worship Teams to help create a new system that will better serve OFLC. Please contact Sarah at (651) 503-9706. * NEW * OFLC Volunteer Flower Coordinator position Do you love to beautify the church and love flowers in the Sanctuary? OFLC is seeking a Volunteer Flower Coordinator. Responsibilities include confirming orders and delivery of weekly flowers as well as coordination of seasonal flowers. If interested, please contact a member of the Worship Committee or Glenda in the office at 763-477-6300. WHE Co-Coordinator Position Opening: We are looking for a generous heart to help coordinate the WHE Newsletter with Diane Dorrel. If interested or more details, please contact Glenda at 763-477-6300 or Amy at 612-237-3884. LOVE INC is looking for donations or volunteers. Delivering bedding, provide new pillows or other bedding. We are in current need for Queen Comforters and sheet sets, as well as XL twin sheets. Contact Laurie Hanson at 763-477-4834 or laurie.hanson90@gmail.com for more information. Lunch Box Fever Needs You! Volunteer today: Prepare/deliver meals, donate money or non-perishable food items, or sponsor a child. Contact Marilyn (763) 477-4110 or visit ourfatherschurch.org to sign up. OFLC MOPPETS is looking for teachers! The lesson for each meeting is prepared ahead of time for you. If you are interested in volunteering during the 2015-16 MOPS season. For more information, contact Renee at (612) 616-2721. Contacts: Pastor Jon Rhodes pastorjon@ourfatherschurch.org Pastor Cathy Jones (Pastoral Intern) cathyjones@ourfatherschurch.org Glenda Banken, OFLC Administrator glenda@ourfatherschurch.org Tiffiney Biorn, Communication Intern Communication@ourfatherschurch.org SonSpark Labs (VBS) July 27-31 from 9 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. During the last week of July, we will be meeting daily at OFLC for VBS. Children who will be entering preschool through 5th grade Fall 2015 are welcome. There is a suggested donation of $10 per child and $30 max for a family. Registration forms can be found in the black rack in the hallway or on our website. Questions, contact Sarah at (651)503-9706 Love INC Annual Fundraiser Invitational Calling all Golfers! Join us Sunday, July 19 at 2 p.m. at Pioneer Creek Golf Course in Maple Plain. To Register go to loveincheartland.org or contact Laurie Hanson (763) 972-6547 Help us make more quilts! We are in need of funds to purchase 3 new sewing machines. In addition, while much of the fabric we use for quilt tops is donated, we need to purchase materials for quilt backs and quilt batts. Find us on GoFundMe.com/x8grztg to donate & read more. Happy Birthday in July! Trevor Lofstedt, Don Solorz, Matt Dorrel, Patricia Vraspir, Jaden Solaja, Tony Ertman, Mia Haugen, George Heiderman, Kathleen Baccam, Ed Bies, Amber Evans, Janet Olfert, Connie Anderson, Zackary Fox, Jan Janos, Kelly Miller, Jess Vraspir, Joseph Gaupp, Garrett Dornsbach, Kathleen Dvorak, Logan Eisentrager, Carol Plantz, Bruce Ternes, Jeff Ayres, Ruth Johnson, Brad Tostenson, Bobby Johnson, Gail Swanson, Sally Moen, Sean Baken, Tammy Jarvi, Mackenzie Mendex, Nick Schendel, Bailey Bartel, Ken Lunderby, Lauryn Vraspir, Barb Bies Delores Setula, Jake Allen, Myron Neilson, Kaylin Gruber, Shane Grutsch, Janet Stein, Maurice Melchert, Katy Sutton, Rick Sutton, Jude Worline, Juanita Melchert, Megan Johnson, Christopher Smolak, Milee Schendel, Andy Jones, Alexander Byers, Carlie Nesenson, Nicholas Schultz, Benjamin Birznieks, Sarah Dahl, Kelli Janos and Landon Wurm. Perhaps you sent a lovely card, or sat quietly in a chair. Perhaps you sent a floral piece, if so we saw it there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, as any friend would say. Perhaps you were not there at all, just thought of us that day. Thank you for all your kindness and prayers as we reflect on the life and passing of my brother, Guy. – Glenda Banken & Family Office Hours Mon. – Thurs. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (763) 477-6300 Twins Game Twins vs Houston Astros Sunday, August 30 at 1:10 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Tickets are $15 and transportation is provided. Sign-up on the Women's Ministry bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. The RiverWorks Thrift Store We are looking for help. No experience is required; we will train you. Please call the store at (763) 477-5480 if you are able. This is a great opportunity for families to serve together! Paperback Book Drive for Overseas Deployed Military OFLC is collecting donated 'paperback' books for overseas deployed military. Please drop off the donated books in the marked box in the fellowship hall and they will be collected on Wednesday evenings through July 29th. If questions, please contact Kerri at klhe1960@gmail.com. RiverWorks Food Shelf Help your community members in need by donating Mac & Cheese for the month of June. Meals on Wheels Drivers are needed for July It takes only 90 minutes and provides a service to the residents of the Rockford area. Sign-up calendar is on the bulletin board. If you would like to help but have not driven before, we will train you. Call Shirley at 477-6760 for information. To learn more about upcoming events, visit Ourfatherschurch.org or scan this QR.