
Ancient Greek Art
Art is the creation of beauty or in other words a form of style. It would be interesting to know
where art has begun, who started art in ancient Greece, and what did Greeks most likely do for
art. Greek Art started from 700 BC. It has mainly five forms,
Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Pottery, and Jewelry
making. Though, the two most likely things that were made
were pottery and sculpture. Greek people enjoyed all kinds
of art, but they were especially famous for their pottery.
Greek pots were used for carrying water, eating and
drinking. Sculptures were made to represent Greek Gods,
Heroes, events, Mythical Creature’s, and Greek Culture in
general. (Sculpture and Art in Ancient Greece)
‘’like shooting a fish in a barrel’’
The ancient Greeks did sculpture and painted
pots. The Greeks loved to sculpture, it took more than
a century to create a life size sculpture. A sculpture is
a solid figure and was made out of stone, marble,
limestone, clay, ivory, or bronze. Wood was also
commonly used but due to its delicate nature few
examples have survived. Pottery was usually made out
of clay. The clay used to make the pottery was easily>.
found throughout Greece. Although the finest clay was Attic clay, it had a high content of iron
that gave it a red-orange color with a gleam. Attic clay was one of the best clays to use for
pottery. Pots were used to carry water, and for drinking and eating. (Greek Sculpture; Ancient
History Encyclopedia, Greek Pottery)
Ancient Greek Art has had an enormous influence on Modern day art. The Roman
Empire art was largely copied from Ancient Greece. Alexander the Great’s journey began
several centuries of exchanging between Greek, Central Asian and Indian cultures, introducing
Greco-Buddhist art, farther than Japan. “High technique standards of Greek art inspired
generations of European artists.” Some artists worked in more original styles than others.
(Minoan Art)
In conclusion, ancient Greek Art has had a big influence on the modern world today. The
two most important art forms that were made in ancient Greece were pottery and sculpture.
People like to do art because it helps them express themselves in different ways. Sculpture and
pottery were important in ancient Greece and are still today. (Greek Pottery, Greek Sculpture)
Work Cited:
"Greek Pottery." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.
"Greek sculpture." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.
"Minoan Art." Sculpture and Art in Ancient Greece. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2014.
Picture Cited:
o "Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel...." : Ancient Greece (pt. 5). N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb.
2014. <>.
o "Stamnos." Pottery. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.