Miss Coen, 9th grade World History Unit 3, Chapter 13: The

Miss Coen, 9th Grade World History
Unit 3, Chapter 13: The Renaissance and Reformation
NAME: ____________________________
God Save The King!
When Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Boleyn, he didn’t
only end up with a new wife – England got a new queen and a new religion! But like her
predecessor, Anne was not around forever. As we’ve been learning, Henry had not one, not
two, nor even three wives, but six. Each time Henry wanted a new wife, he had to come up
with a reason to get rid of the current wife. Each of these wives had a slightly different fate
as Henry came up with ways to end the marriages. For example, Henry divorced Catherine
of Aragon and sent her far away from court – and her daughter, Mary.
Your task is to go on a quest to find out who each of Henry’s unfortunate queens were, and
why they matter in the greater scope of world history. Being a queen to Henry VIII was not
a fairytale – some of these queens’ reigns ended on the chopping block at Tower Green. You
will select ONE of Henry’s queens and examine her life. As you investigate your selected of
Henry’s queens, answer the following questions about who she was, why Henry wanted to
get rid of her, and how her marriage to the king ended. Remember that His Majesty does
not take kindly to those who question his actions, so be careful in your quest! You never
know who might be watching…
Your Queen (circle ONE):
Catherine of Aragon
Anne of Cleves
Anne Boleyn
Jane Seymour
Kathryn Howard
Katherine Parr
First, let’s set the scene. Find an image of each of the following places, and a
location. Once you have both of those, draw a dot on the map below to show where each
location is, and label the dot with the number that corresponds to each location.
Globe Theater: Located in London, South Bank
2 Miss Coen, 9th grade World History
Unit 3, Chapter 13: The Renaissance and Reformation
1. Tower of London
2. Greenwich Palace
3. Kimbolton Palace (if you are investigating Catherine of Aragon)
4. Hever Castle (if you are investigating Anne Boleyn)
5. Wulfhall (if you are investigating Jane Seymour)
6. Bletchingley Palace (if you are investigating Anne of Cleves)
7. Chesworth House (if you are investigating Kathryn Howard)
http://primeresidential.wordpress.com/2012/06/14/chesworth-house-denneroad-horsham-west-sussex-7000000/ (interestingly, this house is currently for
8. Snape Castle (if you are investigating Katherine Parr)
Miss Coen, 9th Grade World History
Unit 3, Chapter 13: The Renaissance and Reformation
Introducing his most glorious Majesty, Henry VIII! Watch the following
video and examine the following links to get an idea of the man your queen was married to
and then answer the following questions.
Henry and his wives: a music video
His Most Royal Majesty: a biography
In Defence of the Seven Sacraments: the document that made Henry Defender of the Faith
Formularies of Faith: the document that outlined the new Church of England, written by
1. Who was Henry VIII?
2. How did the Tudors come to the throne in England?
3. What can we deduce about Henry’s character based on our investigation so far?
4 Miss Coen, 9th grade World History
Unit 3, Chapter 13: The Renaissance and Reformation
Now, time to investigate your queen! Answer the following questions about
your queen using the hyperlinked sites to investigate. Additionally, please include one
image of your queen. Be careful! The PBS sites are not actual images of queens but
rather actors!
Catherine of Aragon:
Anne Boleyn
Jane Seymour
Anne of Cleves
Kathryn Howard
Katherine Parr
1. Where was she born?
2. Who were some important members of her family?
3. Write a short summary of her life before she married Henry VIII.
4. How did she meet Henry VIII?
5. When did she become queen? Where was she crowned? How long did her reign as
Queen of England last?
Miss Coen, 9th Grade World History
Unit 3, Chapter 13: The Renaissance and Reformation
6. Write a short summary of her marriage to Henry. Include the following questions,
but do not limit yourself to only these questions! Did they have any children? Was
she Protestant or Catholic? Can we assume that she and Henry had a happy
7. How did her marriage to Henry VIII end?
8. What was her legacy? (e.g., why is she still important?)
9. If you were a member of the royal court during your queen’s reign, would you have
supported her? Why or why not?
10. Write 3 other interesting facts you learned about your queen.
6 Miss Coen, 9th grade World History
Unit 3, Chapter 13: The Renaissance and Reformation
As you do this assignment, you never know what may be happening in the court of Henry
VIII! Cardinal Woolsey may stand in your way and prevent you from investigating Anne
Boleyn. The Pope may refuse to grant Henry a divorce from Catherine of Aragon and thus
hold up the investigation of any questions beyond number 2. An investigation into the lives
of the queens while at court may occur at any time – Henry is paranoid about adultery. You
may be sent to the Tower, pending a criminal investigation and thus forcing you to take a
time out from your quest! Always watch your back – His Majesty does not take kindly to
those who offend him, and you never know what may offend him next!
God save the King!