Please be aware that this is a draft program speakers and time will be subject to change. Tentative program 9-10am Sessions 10am1pm Lunch 1-2pm Tuesday 22 April Wednesday 23 April Thursday 24 April Friday 25 April Saturday 26 April Keynote: TBC Keynote: Damon Salesa Keynote: Emelda Davies Free Time Casula Powerhouse PostGraduate Focus Session 1 Casula Powerhouse Search for Stability Populations on the move Activism in the Pacific Performance / performing Pacific Futures Archaeology Now Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Archaeology Now PostGraduate Focus Session 2 Casula Powerhouse Search for Stability Sessions 2-5pm Performance / performing Evening 6-7pm Sydney Ideas Keynote: Stewart Firth Pacific futures Focus on West Papua: 5-6pm AGM 5-6pm Tony Heorake, Archaeology Now 5-6pm Sydney Ideas Panel: War in the Pacific, 1914-1918 Tuesday 22 April 2014 9 to 10am: Keynote speaker TBC 10 to 1pm: Concurrent sessions Search for Stability Joanne Wallis, The Pacific: from ‘arc of instability’ to ‘arc of opportunity’ Sue Ingram, Assessing stability through a political settlement lens: Bougainville and Timor-Leste compared Helen Hill, Timor-Leste and Globalization – Costs and Benefits of Links with the Pacific Islands region Scott Robertson, New Caledonia, France and the Problem of Citizenship Kerryn Baker, Is there a ‘Pacific model’ of quota adoption? The roles of local and external actors in gender quota campaigns in the Pacific Islands region Performance/performing: Capturing performance Linda Barwick (University of Sydney) Andrew Moutu (National Museum & Art Gallery, Papua New Guinea) Mandy Treagus (University of Adelaide) Tom Dick (The Planet Spins group) 1 to 2pm: Lunch 2 to 5pm: Concurrent sessions Search for Stability Michael Leach, Timor-Leste: Prospects for stability beyond the era of international peacekeeping Gordon Peake, More Jakarta, Less Juba: The Influence of Indonesia on police development in Timor-Leste Andrey Dalmado, Displacement and Nationalism among the East Timorese in West Timor, (Australian National University) Lia Kent, The legacy of Indonesian military sexual relationships: an issue for TimorLeste/Indonesian relations? Pyone Myat Thu, Cross-border Relations and Return in a Timorese Village Performance/performing: Performing Raymond Blanco (National Aboriginal Islander Skills Development Association) Diane Loasche (University of New South Wales) Elizabeth Bonshek (Canberra University) Michelle McCarthy (University of Bergen) Gregory Howard (University of Victoria) 6 to 7pm: Sydney Ideas Keynote, Stewart Firth Wednesday 23 April 2014 9 to 10am: Keynote speaker Damon Salesa, Pacific Futures, (University of Auckland) 10am to 1pm: Concurrent sessions Populations on the move Sarah Mecartney (UN-Habitat) Helen Lee (La Trobe University) Irene Paulsen (University of Victoria) Jennifer Feng and Sean Anderson (University of Sydney) Jenny Bryant (University of Otago) Luke Craven (University of Sydney) Rachel Smith (University of Manchester) Kirstie Patrou (University of Sydney) The Future in the Past: knowledge, politics, compensation Michael Davis (University of Sydney) Miranda Johnson (University of Sydney) Ian Fry (Australian National University) 1 to 2pm: Lunch 2 to 5pm: Concurrent sessions Planning for a New Future: education, health and environmental issues Alexandra McCormick (University of Sydney) Elke Mitchell (University of Melbourne) Nick Conner (Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW) Afternoon panel: Travelling, anchoring: shared and place-based approaches to pacific Studies A collaborative workshop convened by the Pacific Studies Program from the University of the South Pacific, Australian National University, Victoria University, Wellington, and University of Hawaii, Manoa. 5 to 6pm: AGM – All conference participants are encouraged to attend. Thursday 24 April 2014 9 to 10am: Keynote speaker Emelda Davies, Recognition for Australian South Sea Islanders, (Australian South Sea Islanders) 10am to 1pm: Concurrent sessions Archaeology now: Solomon Islands & Island Melanesia Tim Thomas The archaeology of Tetepare Island, (University of Otago) Johannes Moser The lithic inventory of the flint-knapping workshop 'Apunirereha', Malaita, Solomon Islands, (German Archaeological Institute) Peter Shepherd, (University of Auckland) Melissa Carter, (University of Sydney) Natalie Blake, Pamua, (University of Sydney) Tim Denham, Australian National University Robin Torrence & Jim Specht, The role of historical linguistics in the interpretation of the archaeological past in the Pacific, (Australian Museum) 1 to 2pm: Lunch 2 to 5pm: Concurrent sessions Archaeology now: Written and Spoken Word in Pacific Archaeology Matthew Kelly, Archaeological Recording of World War Two Military sites in PNG: Opportunities and Problems, (AMBA) Steve Brown, Landscapes/seascapes of bombing: the case of Bikini Atoll, (University of Sydney) Jeremy Ash, Missions in Torres Strait, (Monash University) James Flexner, (Australian National University) Annika Korsgaard, (University of Sydney) Martin Gibbs, Spanish in the Solomon Islands Chris Ballard, The Once and Future Chief: A biography in multiple registers for Roi Mata of Efate, (Australian National University) David Roe, Pitcairn Island, (Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority) Matthew Spriggs, Australians in paradise: Thomas G. Thrum, John F.G. Stokes and archaeology in Hawaii at the turn of the twentieth century, (Australian National University) Community forum: Focus on West Papua 5 to 6pm: Keynote speaker Tony Heorake, Archaeology Now, (Solomon Islands National Museum) Friday 25 April 2014 10am to 1pm: Post-graduate focus session 1 1 to 2pm: Lunch 2 to 5pm: Post-graduate focus session 2 5 to 6pm: Sydney Ideas Panel War in the Pacific, 1914-1918 Saturday 26 April 2014 9am to 5pm: Trip to Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Casula, NSW. Transport to Casula is included in the conference registration cost.