As of Dec2014 Utah State University Administrative Supervisory Concentration Program INTERNSHIP The Administrative Supervisory Concentration (ASC) Program at Utah State University integrates rigorous academic course work with school-based internship experiences to meet the requirements established by the Utah State Board of Education for licensure of school administrators and leaders. The integrated nature of the internship experiences throughout the ASC Program curriculum is intended to accomplish two goals: 1) the immediate immersion of the student in the real world of school leadership while studying the various concepts, theories, and practices examined in the academic coursework; and 2) the spread of the state-required internship over a longer period of time, thus easing the burden that otherwise is created when the required 450 hours of internship experience are attempted during one or two semesters only. Student Responsibility Arranging internships is the responsibility of the student. The student must initiate and follow through with all contacts, permissions, applications, and approvals required by the student’s school, school district, and the ASC Program before accruing internship hours beyond those associated with specific assignments in program courses. Students will complete steps 1 through 5 (below) as part of TEAL 6940 during the first semester of enrollment in the ASC Program, and step 6 throughout the time enrolled in the program. 1) Carefully review the internship requirements and assignments (this document). 2) Make immediate contact with the assigned university supervisor. 3) Arrange with the school district’s human resource office (if required by the school district) to participate in an internship experience. 4) Arrange with the principals of the schools (at least one school must be other than the student’s school of employment) to be mentors during the internship experience. 5) Develop the internship objectives plan in concert with the mentor principal(s) and the university supervisor. 6) Complete the internship experience, document the experience as required, and submit the required reports and documentation to the university supervisor (see next page). a) Hours may be completed as approved by the university supervisor and the mentor principal(s) and in compliance with internship requirements (see Attachment A). Students register for the internships under two course numbers TEAL 6930 and TEAL 6940. TEAL 6940 is a variable credit course taken in two semesters: 3 credits during the first semester along with TEAL 6080 and 1 credit during the last semester along with TEAL 6930. TEAL 6940 includes the completion of practicum experiences concurrently with several courses. Because the work of these assignments immerses the students in the central work of school leadership, students receive credit for hours of internship per course by completing the specific assignments related to each of the identified courses. See the Internship Experiences List and Internship Summary Report for specific internship hours associated with courses. TEAL 6930 is taken at the end of the program, and includes a weekly, on-line seminar that consolidates the internship and course experiences. TEAL 6930 also requires assignments, which draw on the student’s internship experiences, as well as completion of the portfolio, the culminating project for the program. Students may complete all internship hours before registering for TEAL 6930, and hopefully students will have done so or be very close to completing all internship hours. As of Dec2014 Overview of Internship Forms (Available at: Form When Due To Whom Submitted Informational only Internship Experiences List List of preferred internship experiences and indicates which are fulfilled by course assignments. Internship Objectives During first semester of TEAL 6940. Completed in counsel w/ university supervisor and mentor principal(s) and considering Internship Experiences List University supervisor District Internship Application (if required by the local district). During the first semester of TEAL 6940, and BEFORE accruing internship hours other than those associated with assignments in TEAL 6080, 6050, and EDUC 6540. District Human Resources Director or designee; and copy to university supervisor if he/she is required to sign the district’s form. Two-Week Progress Report Every two weeks while working on internship hours, even if no internship hours are completed during the 2-week period. University supervisor End of Internship Report At the completion of the internship. The form is completed WITH and signed by the mentor principal(s). University supervisor Internship Summary Report Summary report is completed twice: Once when 200 hours have been accumulated; and Then at the end of the internship when all 450 hours are completed. University supervisor NOTE: Not available through USU. Intern is responsible to contact the district human resource office and complete the form as required. As of Dec2014 Attachment A: Internship Requirements An administrative license from the Utah State Board of Education requires an internship. Internship is defined as an approved, supervised, clinical experience in school administration and leadership consisting of: 1. Time: 450 hours (Utah Administrative Rules R277-505-4 B 1-4) a. A minimum of 200 hours in a school setting, working with a properly licensed principal and teachers, as well as students, school staff, parents, and school patrons; i. At least 150 hours of the 200 hours must be in concentrated blocks of time (at least 3 hours in length) during the regular school day when the students are present; and b. An additional 250 hours in an approved educational setting, e.g. school district office, state office of education, private or charter school, alternative school, night school, or other approved education entity. Interns may accrue these hours at any time after being approved for internship experiences (see Attachment G) by USU and the student’s school district (if the district requires district approval). c. Important note: Students are given credit for hours of internship by completion of assignments in several courses within the ASC Program toward the requirement of 1.a.i above, whether or not the assigned work actually takes the number of hours specifically credited to that assignment. The university trusts the integrity of the students in not reporting hours spent on the assignments as regular internship hours. At the same time, if the actual completion of the assignment takes more hours than allocated, the additional hours can be reported as regular internship hours. d. Students must accrue a total of 450 hours through all internship experiences. 2. Experiences: (Utah Administrative Rules R277-505-4 B 5-8) a. Some experience in a school other than the school where the intern is employed as a teacher and at the other level (elementary or secondary). USU requires 100 hours at the other level; b. Some experience with extracurricular activities; and c. Some experiences to demonstrate or acquire knowledge of: i. Understanding the school community; ii. Understanding the school culture; iii. Managing a safe, efficient learning environment; iv. Collaborating with families of diverse students; v. Supporting ethics and fairness within the school setting; and vi. Participating in the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural contexts surrounding the school. d. USU note: Practically speaking, activities addressing the requirements of 2.c. above are many and varied. It an attempt to help interns and mentor principals consider the possibilities, the Internship Experiences List (see the website listed above) has been developed. As you develop your internship objectives plan with your university supervisor and mentor principal(s), include as many of the activities listed on that list as possible.