Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices AgriFood Skills Australia Limited ABN: 56109612356 10 – 12 Brisbane Avenue BARTON ACT 2600 PO Box 5450 KINGSTON ACT 2604 P: (02) 6163 7200 F: (02) 6162 0610 E: With the exception of the AgriFood Skills Australia logo, any material protected by a trade mark and where otherwise noted, all material presented in this document is provided under a Creative Commons Atribution-Share Alike 3.0 Australia licence. The details of the relevant licence conditions are available on the Creative Commons website ( as is the full legal code. The document must be attributed as the AgriFood Skills Australia ACMSUS201A Trainer Guide. This project is supported by the Australian Government through the Clean Sustainable Skills Package. 2 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Contents SECTION 1: Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Purpose of this Trainer Guide ....................................................................................................... 4 1.2 What are skills for sustainability? ................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Resource use ................................................................................................................................. 4 SECTION 2: Preparing to train and assess ............................................................................................... 5 2.1 Designing a meaningful learning experience ................................................................................ 5 2.2 Diversity of learners ...................................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1 Reading, writing and numeracy skills – reasonable adjustment ........................................... 5 2.3 Assessment guidance .................................................................................................................... 5 2.3.1 Principles of assessment ........................................................................................................ 6 2.3.2 Rules of evidence ................................................................................................................... 6 SECTION 3: Training delivery guidance ................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Activities and workplace project trainer guidance ....................................................................... 8 3.2 Assessment activities .................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Example delivery plan ................................................................................................................. 10 Topic 1: Environmental sustainability ........................................................................................... 10 Topic 2: Tools for sustainability .................................................................................................... 11 Topic 3: Legislation ....................................................................................................................... 12 Topic 4: Sustainability improvements........................................................................................... 13 Evidence plan and record ..................................................................................................................... 14 3 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices SECTION 1: Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this Trainer Guide This Trainer Guide has been developed by AgriFood Skills Australia to support embedding of skills for sustainability in Training Packages. The Trainer Guide together with the Unit Learner Guide will support VET practitioners to effectively deliver skills for sustainability in the animal care and management sector and in particular, assist with delivery of Unit ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices from the Animal Care and Management Training Package. The Trainer and Learner Guide can be down loaded in PDF and Microsoft Word versions from the AgriFood Skills Australia website (; they can be used as is or can be customised to suit your particular learner or cohort. 1.2 What are skills for sustainability? Skills for sustainability (also known as green skills), are the technical skills, knowledge, values and attitudes needed in the workforce to develop and support sustainable social, economic and environmental outcomes in business, industry and the community. (Green Skills Agreement, DEEWR, 2009) Competencies for sustainability have been designed to equip companies and their employees with the knowledge and skills to operate in a world that is increasingly using up natural resources faster than they can be renewed and therefore operating in an unsustainable manner. Learners undertaking this Unit are required to demonstrate their ability to participate in environmentally sustainable work practices. 1.3 Resource use Information on environmental sustainability is constantly changing so research skills are essential to ensure the currency of information. Trainers are encouraged to undertake their own research prior to delivering training in this Unit to ensure the information is current. 4 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices SECTION 2: Preparing to train and assess 2.1 Designing a meaningful learning experience It is important to make the learning experience meaningful by providing an appropriate context for the activities. A learner is more likely to engage with training when the activities sit within their world of experiences. 2.2 Diversity of learners The animal care and management industry covers a diverse range of sectors. Trainers may need to tailor training to cater for: vocational students trainees or new employees with little or no industry experience employees completing training on-the-job employees extending their skills and knowledge to prepare for high level job responsibilities employees with previous industry experience or qualifications seeking recognition of their skills. Learners may need to complete the Unit: as face-to-face formal classroom based learners as on-the-job trainees using a mixed mode of class attendance and on-the-job training as remote learners. 2.2.1 Reading, writing and numeracy skills – reasonable adjustment Trainers may make reasonable adjustment to the training to accommodate learners with special needs, where this does not interfere with the standard of the outcome. 2.3 Assessment guidance Unit assessment must be relevant to workplace operations (or a simulated environment that replicates workplace conditions) and satisfy all of the requirements of this Unit. Assessors must ensure the assessment process and outcome is consistent with the Dimensions of Competency: task skills task management skills contingency management skills job/role environment skills. 5 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices 2.3.1 Principles of assessment All assessments carried out by RTOs are required to demonstrate compliance with the principles of assessment. When you are planning evidence, keep in mind that assessment must be: Fair – candidate is fully informed and participates in and consents to the process. The individual needs of the student are taken into account and the process is agreed by all parties. Flexible – assessment must allow flexibility in terms of how, when and where competency is attained. Reliable – assessment methods and procedures must ensure that competency standards are applied consistently and that any assessor would judge competency in the same way on the given evidence. Valid – assessment is valid when the process assesses what it claims to assess, this refers to the process rather than the evidence itself. 2.3.2 Rules of evidence The rules of evidence are closely related to the principles of assessment. The provision of a comprehensive assessment tool will ensure that the following rules are met: Authentic - an assessor must be assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the candidate’s own work. Current – competency requires demonstration of current performance, the evidence collected establishes the ability of the candidate to demonstrate competence in the present. Sufficient - relates to the quality and quantity of evidence assessed. It requires collection of enough appropriate evidence to ensure that all aspects of competency have been satisfied and competency can be demonstrated repeatedly. Supplementary sources of evidence may be necessary. Valid – evidence is valid when it relates directly to the competency being assessed and addresses the four Dimensions of Competency. Assessment activities may be group-based, work-based, project based, self-paced, action learning based, conducted by distance or e-learning and/or involve practice and experience in the workplace. Project-based learning and assessment may be particularly appropriate for this Unit. Types of evidence that may be used to demonstrate competence include: written and/or oral assessment of candidate’s required knowledge observed, documented and first-hand testimonial evidence of candidate's application of practical tasks simulation exercises that reproduce normal work conditions third party evidence workplace documentation a portfolio. 6 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices SECTION 3: Training delivery guidance ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices is a Unit within the Preventative Biosecurity Skill Set and a Core Unit in the following ACM10 Animal Care and Management Training Package Qualifications. ACM20110 Certificate II in Animal Studies ACM30110 Certificate III in animal Studies ACM30210 Certificate III in Animal Technology ACM30310 Certificate III in Captive Animals ACM30410 Certificate III in Companion Animal Services On completion learners will be able to: Access, interpret and comply with a range of environment/sustainability legislation and procedural requirements relevant to daily responsibilities. Identify and report on current resource usage measurements and inefficiencies identified and suggest opportunities for improvements. Follow organisation information to participate in and support an improved resource efficiency process and report as required. Identify and report environmental hazards/risks in the workplace and suggest opportunities for improvements. 7 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices 3.1 Activities and workplace project trainer guidance Learning Activity 1: What is your ecological footprint? Use this as an introduction exercise into the concept of calculating the cost of resource use. Although this is a self-paced activity where calculations are completed for the learner it is a useful introduction to other activities where you may need to assist learners in using numeracy skills to complete some basic calculations (such as counting and volume and weight estimates). Learning Activity 2: Ways to go green Use this exercise to encourage learners to think about simple actions that can be undertaken to improve environmental sustainability at work. Although the Unit does not cover suggestions for improvement in resource use until the last section of the Learner Guide, by encouraging learners to think about simple ideas and concepts that they may already be aware of earlier, it will help prepare them to look for more specific work relevant improvements for later assessment tasks. Learning Activity 3: Non-compliance These case studies have come from the NSW EPA. Legislation and regulations may be slightly different in each State/Territory so you may need to update these case studies to make them more relevant to your learners. The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 Storing and handling liquids case study, Learning Activity 4: Green building tour If a tour of the building in Melbourne is not possible, there are several resources on the ACF website that explain how the building was re-furbished. You may know of other buildings that are closer to your learners. See: ACF website 60L building, Sydney City Sydney 2030 Blueprint, Castleford Veterinary Clinic, SA, Learning Activity 5: Health impacts of resource use The workplace project is designed to be completed in the workplace with learners working with their supervisor or mentor. If learners do not have a current workplace, you will need to work with learners to make other arrangements such as providing a simulated workplace or organising a work experience placement. Learning Activity 6: Role play Design scenarios that are relevant to the level of job responsibility and workplace type for each learner so that learners can practice interpreting information to: identify a potential breach of environmental sustainability regulations or codes of practice identify inefficient resource use report findings and suggestions verbally to workplace supervisor. The tactics that learners may need to develop relate to their ability to: prioritise issues that have health and welfare impacts understand legal consequence use assertive language skills to report information and offer solutions. 8 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices 3.2 Assessment activities Assessment Activity 1: What do you know about sustainability? This activity is an ice breaker to start class interaction and identify current understanding of the topic and develop information gathering skills. The final glossary of definitions and terms can be used to confirm the learner understands sustainability principles. Assessment Activity 2: Chemicals in the workplace This activity aims to introduce learners to less obvious challenges to environmental sustainability. By understanding potential pollutants in the workplace learners can appreciate their impact and support the use of less toxic alternatives if they are available. The challenge in many sectors of animal care and management are the biosecurity considerations where hygiene is essential to minimise the risk of the spread of disease. Assessment Activity 3a: Identify resource use in the workplace Measurement of resources may include tasks like: checking utility bills for water (if on mains), electricity, gas comparing the number of items purchased (e.g. reams of paper, bags of feed, disposable items such as syringes) over a given period. Most animal care and management workplaces will include two major work areas: the administration area (with similar resource management issues to many other office environments) the animal care and management area (where additional concerns relating to biosecurity, maintenance of animal and environmental diversity are also to be considered). You will need to assist learners in their identification of environmental resource issues to ensure they include all relevant factors for their workplace. Assessment Activity 3b: Measure resource use in the workplace This activity will require careful preparation and assistance from the trainer to ensure successful completion as there will be a range of workplace relevant experience and numeracy skills within the learner group. It may be useful to visit a workplace first to complete a resource audit as a group activity to discuss findings. The other challenge will be to provide real workplace audit opportunities for learners who may not be currently working in the animal care industry. This activity could be completed during a work placement with the cooperation of the employer. Assessment Activity 4: Legislation Assist learners to develop their research skills in regard to legislation. Assessment Activity 5: More sustainable work practices This assessment activity builds on assessment activity 3a and 3b Assessment Activity 6: Sustainability improvements in the workplace If learners are not currently in a workplace you could use work placement or a simulation activity to complete this assessment, as long as it reflects a realistic animal care and management related workplace. 9 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices 3.3 Example delivery plan Topic 1: Environmental sustainability At the end of this topic learners will be able to: Access and interpret a range of environment and/or sustainability issues relevant to daily responsibilities. Assessment method/s: Participation in discussions. Participation in learning activities and group work. Completion of Assessment Activity. Topic Introduction Method and content - - Defining sustainability - - - Resource/activity reference Opening and Learner introductions Course Structure and Assessment requirements (Progressive Learning Record, and Activities) Structure (this topic) and Assessment requirements - Group discussion/ice breaker on learners current understanding of environmental sustainability concepts Explore issues (global/local) raised Group brainstorm on impact of each issue Glossary builder, set up list and maintain throughout unit work to define terminology used in sustainable resource management Watch videos and class discussion on other sustainability issues raised Read sustainability section of Learner Guide Group brainstorm on impact of environmental sustainability and resource management issues on business - - - - - Closing Learner version Unit of Competency document Assessment requirements and timing Unit program/timetable Learner Guide Reference documents for RTO learner requirements, RPL/RCC application process and learner assistance contacts Whiteboard or other recording media for summarising class ideas Butchers’ paper and pens or other recording media for group reporting Data projector and internet connection or other video relay equipment Remote learner communication device (if required) Assessment Activity 1: What do you know about sustainability? Videos: Sustainability explained through animation and Working towards sustainability Assessment Activity 1 update brainstorm activity and glossary Recap and Content for next topic 10 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Topic 2: Tools for sustainability At the end of this topic learners will be able to: Identify and measure resource usage. Assessment method/s: Participation in discussions. Participation in learning activities and group work. Completion of Assessment Activities. Topic Introduction Defining and identifying business sustainability practices Ecological footprint Method and content - - Tools for sustainability - Identifying and measuring resource use - Closing - - Opening Recap on previous topic areas and questions Section 2 and 3 of Learner Guide - Issues related to the impact on business Types of improvements that can be undertaken in your home and workplace to improve sustainability Class discussion Read ecological footprint information Class activity Examples of ways of identifying and measuring impact of resource use Video and class discussion Methods that can be used to minimise the impact of resource use Completion of Learning Activity 2 Site visit or guest speaker To view/hear about the types of resources and methods used to measure resource use Class practice in calculating resource use e.g.: o Counting disposables use o Estimating volumes of water, power & other utilities use o Calculating km driven in vehicles o Checking for pallet and other returnable items not returned o Listing chemical use Recap - update glossary Content for next session (any pre-work) Due date for assessment activities reminder and options for assistance Resource or activity reference - - - - - Learning Activity 1: What is your Ecological footprint? Action Planner for Horses Properties or similar reference Learning Activity 2: Ways to Go Green Video 10 Ways to Go Green Hawkesbury City Council Sustainability website Assessment Activity 3a: Identify resource use in the workplace Assessment Activity 3b: Measure resource use in the workplace Learner Guide Glossary 11 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Topic 3: Legislation At the end of this topic learners will be able to: Access, interpret and comply with a range of environment and/or sustainability legislation and procedural requirements relevant to daily responsibilities. Identify and report environmental hazards/risks in the workplace. Assessment method/s: Participation in discussions. Participation in learning activities and group work. Completion of Assessment Activities. Topic Introduction Method and content - Hazards associated with workplace resources, part one - Legislation, regulation, codes of practices & policy statements - Non-compliance - Closing - Opening Challenge oral quiz - review of previous session Definition of ecological footprint - examples of industry footprint and resource use Learner Guide Section 3 and 4 Research activity Use references in the resource kit and other sources to identify environmental hazards in a range of animal care workplaces Learner Guide Section 4 Research definitions: differences between legislation, regulation, codes of practice Brainstorm examples of how regulations affect animal care workplaces after reading section 5 content Research legislation for Assessment Activity 4 Research for relevant legislation related to animal care workplaces Case study - Review case studies and discuss consequences of non-compliance with regulations Look for relevant animal care examples in addition to Learner Guide content Recap - update glossary Difference between legislation, regulation and voluntary codes/policies Assessment due date reminder, options for assistance Content for next session (any pre-work) define the 4 R’s Resource or activity reference - Assessment Activity 2 Chemicals in the Workplace - Glossary Assessment Activity 4: Legislation Reference materials for legislation - Learning Activity 3: Non-compliance Environmental protection participants manual - Glossary 12 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Topic 4: Sustainability improvements At the end of this topic learners will be able to: Identify and report on current resource usage measurements and inefficiencies and suggest opportunities for improvements. Follow organisation information to participate in and support an improved resource efficiency process and report as required. Identify and report environmental hazards/risks in the workplace and suggest opportunities for improvements. Assessment method/s: Participation in discussions. Participation in learning activities and group work. Completion of Assessment Activities. Topic Introduction Why make improvements? Method and Content - Health impacts, part two - Investigating the environmental improvement options Reporting sustainability improvements or breaches - Participating in workplace sustainability practices Closing - - - Opening Recap on previous topic areas and questions Group brainstorm What are the advantages of improving resource use efficiency? Visit or on line view - ACF 60L Green building in Melbourne. If not possible to visit here look for local options or view online walk thru of ACF building Research Biosecurity issues with animal and human interaction Identify guidelines and procedures relevant to workplace Learner Guide section 5 Read content and group brainstorm to identify potential resource use improvements relevant to animal care workplaces Role play Learners to practice reporting verbally to workplace supervisor o resource use inefficiencies o possible breaches in environmental management regulations Group discussion Ways the learner can contribute to improving workplace sustainability Resource or Activity Reference - - Learning Activity 4: Green building tour ACF 60L Green Building resources on materials, furnishings etc. Learning Activity 5: Health impacts of resource use Zoo biosecurity manual Qld Health infection control guidelines - Assessment Activity 5: More sustainable work practices - Learning Activity 6: Role play - Trainer to develop scenarios relevant to workplace and job responsibilities - Assessment Activity 6: Sustainability improvements in the workplace Recap Sustainability principles Assessment Activity 6 due date and options for assistance to complete any outstanding activities or parts of the workplace project 13 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Evidence plan and record RTO/Business Unit of Competency ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Name of candidate Performance criteria Activity/evidence (from column 3 of Assessment Summary Guide) Method of collecting evidence LEGEND: K=written, O=observation, S=simulation, 3P=third party, WD=document, P=portfolio, Other (specify) Date evidence due Outcome C/NYC Comments Element 1: Identify current resource use 1.1 Workplace environmental and resource efficiency issues are identified. 1.2 Resources used in own work role are identified. 1.3 Current usage of resources is measured and documented using appropriate techniques. 1.4 Workplace environmental hazards are identified and reported to appropriate personnel. - Assessment Activity 1 Assessment Activity 2 (K) Assessment Activity 3a (P or S) Assessment Activity 3b (O, P or S) Assessment Activity 6: Sustainability improvements in the workplace (O, 3P) - Assessment Activity 4 (O, 3P) - Assessment Activity 5 (O) Element 2: Comply with environmental regulations 2.1 Procedures are followed to ensure compliance with relevant environmental regulations. 2.2 Breaches or potential breaches of relevant environmental regulations are reported to appropriate personnel. Element 3: Seek opportunities to improve resource efficiency and reduce environmental hazards 3.1 Organisation plans to improve environmental practices and resource efficiency are followed. 3.2 Suggestions are made for improvements to workplace practices and resource efficiency. - Assessment Activity 6 (O, 3P) - Assessment Activity 3b (O, P or S) 14 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices I agree to the Evidence Plan and timeline Name Signature Candidate Employer Mentor/Trainer Assessor Gaps in evidence requiring review: The Learner Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices contains a list of references and web links. 15 Trainer Guide ACMSUS201A Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices THIS IS THE FINAL PAGE OF THIS DOCUMENT. 16