Supplementary material Calculation of resistance cost values Given the paucity of empirical movement or dispersal data available for Australian amphibian species, we used literature and expert opinion to parameterise resistance surfaces. Literature sources relating to the movement ecology or habitat preferences of the focal species within the MDB were included in the resistance model, in addition to global amphibian studies involving resistance values. These sources were used to rate individual landscape units on a consistent rating scale by their movement difficulty relative to hypothetically optimal movement terrain. Ratings were based on an integration of the species’ ability or willingness to cross a unit, physiological costs incurred during crossing, and any risks of mortality associated with a unit (Zeller et al. 2012). An exponential ratings scale was used with each rating step indicating a relative increase of two times the resistance to movement of the previous step. This resulted in a possible range of values between 1 (optimal movement terrain) and 128 (severe restriction to movement or barrier). The maximum value of 128 was selected to provide a range of possible resistances consistent with the magnitude of previous studies (e.g. Compton et al. 2007; Greenwald et al. 2009; Lenhardt et al. 2013), and to provide a more conservative estimate of movement potential than would be generated using the very large resistance values (e.g. 10,000) used in some studies to completely exclude the possibility of movement (e.g. Decout et al. 2012). Literature ratings were combined by assigning sources high weightings for quantitative resistance values, or low ratings for qualitative movement or habitat descriptions (Table 1, 2). Studies pertaining to closely related species believed to display similar movement behaviour and habitat requirements (Limnodynastes tasmaniensis and Crinia signifera) were also included in the model, but assigned lower weightings (Wassens 2010). To increase the local relevance of parameter values and ensure that the resulting model reflected the full range of landscape heterogeneity present across the MDB, six researchers with a combined 130 years of research or field experience with the focal species and study area were also invited to complete an expert opinion survey. Experts were presented with an identical list of landscape units, and asked to assess each unit’s resistance to movement as well as their certainty in this value. Certainty data were combined with weighted species-specific years of experience (weighting of 1 for 0 to 10 years’ experience, 2 for 10 to 20 years, 3 for 20+ years) to provide an overall confidence weighting for each survey unit. Weighted literature and expert ratings were then combined by trimming extreme values (Compton et al. 2007; Zeller et al. 2012) before taking a weighted mean of the remaining values, resulting in conservative resistance cost values which incorporated literature- and expert-specific uncertainty (Table 3). 1 Table 1. Values used to weight literature resistance to movement ratings. Weightings depended on how taxonomically related the focal species of a study was to L. fletcheri or C. parinsignifera (i.e. species, genus, order, or class level), the geographic location of the study area (i.e. MDB, Australia, or global) and the type of study (with highest weightings being assigned to studies with published resistance to movement values). Studies on Studies on Studies on Studies on Studies on Studies on focal species focal species same genus same genus Anura order Amphibia class MDB study area Australian study area MDB study area 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.25 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.25 0 2.00 1.00 0.50 0.25 0 0 Quantitative habitat studies 1.00 0.50 0.25 0 0 0 Qualitative habitat descriptions 0.50 0.25 0 0 0 0 Least-cost or circuit theory resistance values Quantitative movement or connectivity studies Qualitative movement or connectivity descriptions Australian Global study study area area Global study area 2 Table 2. Literature used to develop resistance to movement ratings for C. parinsignifera and L. fletcheri. Literature Focal species Hazell et al. (2004) C. parinsignifera Study species relevance Study area Study type C. parinsignifera (species) MDB C. parinsignifera (species) MDB C. parinsignifera (species) MDB C. parinsignifera (species) MDB C. parinsignifera C. parinsignifera (species) MDB Hazell et al. (2001) C. parinsignifera C. parinsignifera (species) Australia Lauck (2005) C. parinsignifera C. signifera (genus) Australia Mac Nally (1985) C. parinsignifera C. parinsignifera (species) Australia Wassens (2010) C. parinsignifera C. parinsignifera (species) MDB Anstis (2013) C. parinsignifera C. parinsignifera (species) Australia Cogger (2014) C. parinsignifera C. parinsignifera (species) Australia C. signifera (genus) MDB C. signifera (genus) Australia C. parinsignifera C. signifera (genus) Australia Smith et al. (2007) C. parinsignifera C. signifera (genus) Australia Ocock et al. (2014) L. fletcheri L. fletcheri (species) MDB L. fletcheri (species) MDB L. fletcheri (species) MDB Healey et al. C. parinsignifera (1997) Jansen and Healey C. parinsignifera (2003) Mac Nally et al. C. parinsignifera (2009) Ocock (2013) Smallbone et al. C. parinsignifera (2011) Canessa and Parris C. parinsignifera (2013) Parris (2006) Healey et al. L. fletcheri (1997) Jansen and Healey L. fletcheri (2003) Ocock (2013) L. fletcheri L. fletcheri (species) MDB Amey and Grigg (1995) L. fletcheri L. fletcheri (species) Australia Wassens (2010) L. fletcheri L. fletcheri (species) MDB Anstis (2013) L. fletcheri L. fletcheri (species) Australia Cogger (2014) L. fletcheri L. fletcheri (species) Australia L. tasmaniensis (genus) MDB L. fletcheri L. tasmaniensis (genus) MDB L. fletcheri L. tasmaniensis (genus) MDB L. fletcheri L. tasmaniensis (genus) Australia Smith et al. (2007) L. fletcheri L. tasmaniensis (genus) Australia Anura (order) Global Anura (order) Global Amphibia (class) Global Amphibia (class) Global Hazell et al. (2004) L. fletcheri Mac Nally et al. (2009) Smallbone et al. (2011) Parris (2006) Decout et al. (2012) Lenhardt et al. (2013) Compton et al. (2007) Greenwald et al. (2009) L. fletcheri & C. parinsignifera L. fletcheri & C. parinsignifera L. fletcheri & C. parinsignifera L. fletcheri & C. parinsignifera Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative movement or connectivity study Quantitative habitat study Qualitative habitat description Qualitative habitat description Qualitative habitat description Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative movement or connectivity study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Qualitative habitat description Qualitative habitat description Qualitative habitat description Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Quantitative habitat study Least-cost or circuit theory resistance values Least-cost or circuit theory resistance values Least-cost or circuit theory resistance values Least-cost or circuit theory resistance values Weight 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.125 0.125 0.125 3.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.125 0.125 0.500 0.500 0.250 0.250 3 Table 3. Landscape units and resistance cost values used to develop resistance surfaces. Low resistance values indicate optimal movement terrain, while high values indicate increasing resistance to movement. L. fletcheri 1.0 C. parinsignifera 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.2 8.9 1.0 1.0 6.0 10.3 5.3 3.9 1.6 3.8 42.2 53.3 9.0 5.8 2.0 2.2 9.2 5.8 4.9 2.9 3.5 2.8 2.3 1.5 6.8 5.6 4.6 2.6 4.8 5.1 7.8 5.8 4.9 7.7 Built Up Area† 39.0 36.9 Extraction Sites*, Mine Area† Sealed Minor Road† Secondary Road† 11.0 11.9 13.9 16.7 7.4 11.8 Principal Road† 28.8 28.2 Dual Carriageway† 72.1 91.6 Railway† 21.2 33.3 Landscape unit Matching features and data source Recently inundated terrain MDB-FIM2 inundation extent Inland Waterbodies*, Water Points – Pool, Waterhole, Well & Spring, Lakes – Wetland, Claypan, Waterhole & Shallows† Small or shallow natural waterbodies or wetlands Large or deep natural waterbodies Small or shallow watercourses Large or deep watercourses Water storage infrastructure Water supply infrastructure Saline waters Arid or semi-arid hummock grassland Arid or semi-arid tussock grassland Arid or semi-arid shrubland Arid or semi-arid woodland Temperate woodland Temperate forests Cleared or bare land Dryland crops Irrigated crops Dryland grazing Irrigated grazing Urban or industrial infrastructure Mining or waste Sealed minor roads Secondary roads Principal roads or highways Freeway or dual carriageway Railway lines Lakes – Lake† Watercourse Areas – Minor, Watercourse Lines – Minor† Watercourse Areas – Major, Watercourse Lines – Major† Lakes - Town Rural Storage, Flood Irrigation Farming, Ash Dam & Earth Tank†, Large Dams - Town Rural Storage‡ Canal Line, Canal Area† Salt Lakes*, Lakes – Salt & Salt Disposal Basin† Hummock Grasses – Sparse & Open* Tussock Grasses – Scattered, Sparse & Open, Grassland – Scattered, Sparse & Open, Alpine Grasses – Open, Sedges – Open, Forbs – Sparse & Open* Shrubs – Scattered, Sparse & Open, Chenopod Shrubs – Scattered, Sparse & Open* Trees – Scattered, Sparse & Open (arid/semi-arid)* Trees – Scattered, Sparse & Open (temperate)* Trees – Closed* Cleared Line, Lakes – Reclaimed Scalded Claypan, Old Dry Lake & Under Cultivation† Rainfed Cropping, Rainfed Sugar* Irrigated Cropping, Irrigated Sugar* Rainfed Pasture* Irrigated Pasture* * Dynamic Land Cover Dataset (GA 2011), † GEODATA TOPO 250K (GA 2006), ‡ MDB Waterbodies Project (GA 2010) 4 References Amey A, Grigg G (1995) Lipid-reduced evaporative water loss in two arboreal hylid frogs. 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