1 Supplementary material 2 Methods 3 Floral arrays 4 Flowers were arranged in a 5 × 4 grid spaced 7 cm apart at the base (5 cm apart at the 5 top), and consisted of 3D-printed 5 cm diameter discs (Makerbot, NY, USA) placed on 6 inverted plastic tubes (8 cm in height), with a coloured circle (the ‘corolla’, printed on 7 laminated waterproof paper: National Geographic Co., USA). The centre of the corolla 8 contained a ‘nectar well’ (diameter: 4mm) and an ‘anther’ (a 25 mm chenille stem: 9 Creatology, China). Flowers were always oriented in the same direction, such that the 10 11 nectar wells faced bees as they entered the arena. To scent ‘unrewarding’ anthers used in the experiment, we stored artificial anthers 12 overnight in a sealed container of pollen, separated from the pollen by mesh. Treating 13 anthers in this way likely does not make them indistinguishable from rewarding anthers 14 by scent alone, but previous experiments [1] suggest that such treatment is necessary for 15 bees to land on anthers lacking pollen and thus facilitates learning which flowers contain 16 pollen rewards based on the associated floral visual cue. 17 18 Behaviour recorded 19 From the videos we recorded each flower visit made by a bee, including: 1) the colour of 20 the flower (blue or yellow); 2) whether the bee attempted to collect nectar or pollen; and 21 3) whether they were successful at gaining the reward or not (‘rewarded’ or 22 ‘unrewarded’). 23 Nectar collection was identified as the bee landing on the ‘corolla’ of the flower 24 and probing the nectar well. We defined nectar visits as ‘rewarding’ when the bee drank 25 the nectar reward (probing the well for >2 seconds; inspection of wells and preliminary 26 observations indicated that bees generally empty the well on their visits, taking 10-30 27 seconds to do so) and as ‘unrewarding’ when she probed a well containing water (bees 28 generally left immediately after doing this). If a bee visited a flower and probed for nectar 29 where she had already emptied the well of its reward (but where there was probably some 30 residue), we excluded this from analysis of training, because it is not clear whether bees 31 experience such visits as rewarding or unrewarding, and because they are a different type 32 of error to visiting the CS-. Across all bees’ visits to collect nectar, less than 1% were re- 33 visits to previously emptied nectar wells. 34 Pollen collection was easily identified as the bee flying directly to the anther and 35 ‘scrabbling’ [2,3] at the pollen with her legs in a stereotyped manner, as in [1] (see 36 supplementary video). In packing the pollen onto their corbiculae, bees were also seen 37 extending their proboscis and grooming with their front legs. In our assay, this usually 38 occurred on the flower’s anther or in flight, but occasionally the bee would land to groom 39 elsewhere (on a flower’s corolla or the arena wall). Because bees only collected and 40 searched for pollen from the flowers’ anthers, we defined a ‘visit’ to a flower type as the 41 bee touching the anther with its antennae or legs (either by landing or hovering in front of 42 the top of the anther). If the anther contained pollen and the bee was seen to scrabble with 43 its legs, the visit was recorded as ‘rewarded’. If the anther had no pollen on it and the bee 44 touched it with its antennae or legs the visit was recorded as ‘unrewarded’. If the bee 45 briefly touched the rewarding anther with her antennae or legs but did not scrabble to 46 collect pollen from it then this visit was excluded from analyses, because it was not clear 47 whether the bee had failed to detect the pollen or had detected its presence but decided 48 not to collect it (i.e. whether this visit was perceived as reinforcing or inhibiting to the 49 bee). Unlike when nectar-foraging, pollen-foraging bees did not empty anthers containing 50 pollen on a single visit. Instead, a bee would generally collect pollen from all rewarding 51 anthers, and then return to anthers they had already visited to collect more pollen; these 52 visits were also scored as ‘rewarding’. Across all bees’ visits to collect pollen, 58% were 53 rewarding, 28% were unrewarding and 14% were to rewarding flowers but without the 54 bee collecting pollen. 55 56 Nectar and pollen collection on the artificial flowers can be seen in the supplementary video. 57 58 Data analysis 59 We carried out all LMMs in R version 2.15.1 (R Development Core Team 2014). LMMs 60 were carried out using the lme() function in nlme package, specifying type III sums of 61 squares and sums contrasts in cases where we included interactions [4]. For all models, 62 maximal models were run initially, and then non-significant interaction terms were 63 removed in a step-wise fashion. In cases of significant interactions, simplified models 64 were re-run to determine the significance of the individual factors in these interactions. 65 To do this, we divided the data into two groups by one of the two-level factors in the 66 significant interaction, and ran two separate analyses in order to determine the 67 significance of the remaining main effects. Results are reported for models with non- 68 significant interaction terms removed. 69 To assess whether bees learned to associate floral colour with nectar and pollen, 70 we compared the proportion of correct flower visits made across trials and treatments. We 71 fitted a linear mixed model (LMM) with the response variable ‘proportion of correct 72 choices made’ and the explanatory variables: trial (a continuous variable between 1 and 73 6); treatment (PYNB or PBNY); reward type (nectar or pollen) and the random factors 74 ‘bee’ and ‘colony’(‘Model 1’). As we had two significant interactions (LMM: 75 treatment*reward type: F1, 208 = 5.642; p < 0.05; trial*reward type: F1, 208 = 15.355; p < 76 0.001), we then ran two additional LMMs for each treatment group separately. 77 To determine whether bees visited different flowers in the test phase between the 78 two treatments and for the two different rewards, we initially ran a model with the 79 response variable ‘number of visits in the first 10 visits’ and the same explanatory 80 variables as ‘Model 1’ except excluding ‘trial’ and including ‘flower colour’ (blue, 81 yellow, orange or purple). As this model showed that the colour of flower the bee visited 82 differed both depending on whether they were searching for nectar or pollen and between 83 the two treatment groups, via a 3-way interaction (treatment*reward*colour interaction: 84 F3, 126 = 92.332; p < 0.0001), we proceeded to address the two treatment groups separately 85 in two further models. 86 These two models showed that within each treatment group, the colour of flower a 87 bee visited differed when she was searching for nectar versus pollen (LMM of PBNY 88 data: reward*flower colour interaction: F3, 63 = 36.739; p < 0.0001; LMM of PYNB data: 89 F3, 63 = 58.198; p < 0.0001). To better understand these interactive effects and because we 90 were interested in specifically which colours bees chose over others when searching for 91 each reward type, we then carried out four individual models for each reward type within 92 each treatment. All of these models showed that bees did not visit colours equally: PBNY, 93 nectar: F3, 27 = 34.054; p < 0.0001; PBNY, pollen: F3, 27 = 11.869; p < 0.0001; PYNB, 94 nectar: F3, 27 = 62.947; p < 0.0001; PYNB, pollen: F3, 27 = 16.964; p < 0.0001). We used 95 pair-wise comparisons between flower colour factors to determine where these 96 differences lay. To determine whether short-term “reward specialists” (bees that collected only 97 98 nectar or pollen from blue flowers) differed in their learning and test performance vs. 99 bees that collected both nectar and pollen, we compared the proportion of correct visits 100 for either nectar or pollen (for nectar- and pollen-“specialists”, respectively) to bees that 101 had collected both rewards. We used LMMs as described above but included only 102 explanatory variables ‘trial’ and ‘behaviour’ (specialist or short-term “generalist”) and the 103 random factor ‘bee’. 104 105 106 107 Colourimetry 108 We measured the reflectance spectra of the four flower colours used in the experiment 109 and irradiance at the array using a single beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Ocean 110 Optics, Dunedin, FL, U.S.A.) (Figure S1). The spectrophotometer was connected by 111 means of a USB cable to a computer running SpectraSuite software (Ocean Optics). We 112 then plotted the reflectance spectra into bee colour space taking into account the 113 photoreceptor spectral sensitivities of B. impatiens [5] and irradiance, using AVICOL v.6 114 (AVICOL: A program to analyse spectrometric data; free program available from the 115 author at dodogomez@yahoo.fr) (Figure S2). These analyses confirmed that for bees, the 116 human-purple target was more similar to the human-blue target, and the human-orange 117 target was more similar to the human-yellow target (for chromatic contrasts see Table 118 S1). 119 120 121 Figure S1: Reflectance spectra of the four colours used in the experiment. Colours refer 122 to human visual perception. 123 124 Table S1: Chromatic contrasts of the four colour stimuli used relative to each other. All 125 data are in hexagon units, and are calculated as described elsewhere [6]. Comparison Chromatic contrast yellow-orange 0.102 yellow-blue 0.234 yellow-purple 0.286 orange-blue 0.334 orange-purple 0.389 blue-purple 0.078 126 127 Results 128 129 Comparison between foragers that collected one vs. two reward types In the test phase, PBNY-trained bees that had collected both rewards during 130 131 training made significantly more errors during the test phase than bees that foraged for 132 pollen alone, as they visited yellow and orange flowers more frequently for pollen (Mann 133 Whitney U-Tests: orange: n=10,5, U=0, p < 0.005; yellow: n=10,5, U=0, p < 0.005). 134 PYNB-trained bees that either collected only nectar or both rewards did not differ in their 135 test performance, making the same number of attempts to collect nectar from yellow and 136 orange flowers (Mann Whitney U-Tests: orange: n=10,8, U=22.50, p = 0.102; yellow: 137 n=10,8, U=29.50, p = 0.312). 138 139 References 140 141 1. Muth, F., Papaj, D. R. & Leonard, A. 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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 98, 3898–3903. (doi:10.1073/pnas.071053098) 155