Testing Information for Admission to the COEHS Praxis Core or ACT/SAT/GRE The Praxis Core test is required by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for admission to teacher preparation programs. Effective September 1, 2013, the state superintendent has approved the use of Wisconsin passing scores on the ACT, SAT, or GRE to fulfill the requirement of the Praxis Core tests in Reading, Writing, and Math. We can only accept scores from the previous five years. Passing Set Scores are as follows. If you meet these requirements, you do NOT need to take Praxis Core. ACT Test: Composite Score of 23 with a minimum score of 20 on English, Math, and Reading SAT Test: Composite Score of 1070 with a minimum score of 450 on Math and Verbal GRE Test: Composite Score of 298 with a minimum score of 150 on Verbal and 145 on Math What if I need to take Praxis Core? When should I take Praxis Core? Passing scores as indicated above for the ACT/SAT/GRE tests or passing scores on all three Praxis Core tests are required for Admission to the College of Education and Human Services. It is recommended that the Praxis Core be taken no later than the second semester of your freshman year. Failure to take this test in a timely manner will delay your eligibility to apply to the COEHS. When scheduling, allow enough time to receive official scores prior to the Program Entry Application Date (September 15 for fall and February 15 for spring). Which tests are required in Wisconsin? Computer based Test Code 5712 5722 Test Name Passing Score Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing 156 162 5732 Core Academic Skills for Educators: Math (calculators prohibited) 150 Your Praxis scores can be sent to up to three institutions you select during the registration process. UWO’s recipient code is #1916. How do I schedule to take the Praxis Core? How much does the Praxis Core cost? Testing is available through Testing Services, Polk Library, Room 3, 424-1432. Computer based test – register online at www.ets.org/praxis COMPUTER BASED VERSION – Testing dates & times based on availability at Testing Services Reading 56 Questions 120 Minutes Math Writing Cost 56 Questions 40 Questions & 2 Essay One test: $85 Two tests: $125 120 Minutes 40 Minutes & 60 Minutes Combined test $135 (all three exams taken the same day) Fee Waivers A limited number of fee waivers are available for enrolled undergraduate or graduate students who meet eligibility requirements. To be eligible: 1) you must be receiving financial aid, 2) you must be an enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student, 3) you must meet the income guidelines (see Praxis Information Bulletin), 4) the registered test must be required by an authorized score recipient. See: http://www.ets.org/praxis/about/fees/fee_waivers/ for Fee Waiver Request Forms and directions. All fee waivers are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Special Registration information if your Primary Language is Not English (PLNE) or if you have a disability If your primary language is not English, or if you have a disability, non-standard testing accommodations, including extended test-taking time, are available to test takers who meet ETS eligibility criteria. If you are requesting non-standard testing 8/22/14 accommodations, you must register by mail through ETS and have your accommodations approved prior to testing. Please visit www.ets.org for more information. Test dates for PLNE are extremely limited so plan in advance . How do I study for the Praxis Core? There are several ways to study for the Praxis Core. It is highly recommended that you do study. Praxis Core Study Guides—At Polk Library or any bookstore Sample questions online at www.ets.org/praxis Online course at www.testprepreview.com/praxis_practice.htm FREE PRAXIS Core WORKSHOPS – N/E 201 Fall 2014-Spring 2015 Workshop Schedule Test Reading Writing September 9/15/2014 3:00-4:00 NE 212 9/16/2014 3:00-4:00 Sage 2215 October 10/14/2014 3:00-4:00 Sage 2215 10/15/2016 3:00-4:00 NE 212 November 11/11/ 2014 3:00-4:00 Sage 2215 11/10/ 2014 3:00-4:00 NE 212 January 1/07/2015 1:00-2:00 N/E 222 1/07/2015 2:00-3:00 N/E 222 February TBA March TBA April TBA May TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA In addition, Praxis Core practice tests and other self-help materials are available at the Reading Study Center throughout the year for student use as well as individual assistance. Call 424-1031 or stop by N/E 201 for an appointment or go to www.uwosh.edu/programs/readingstudycenter/ppst_praxis.php . When will I receive my scores? Your official score report will be available online via your “My Praxis Account” 2-3 weeks after the test date. Your scores will also be sent to up to three institutions you selected during the registration process (UW Oshkosh recipient code is #1916). Online scores are downloadable for 90 calendar days. After 90 days, they will no longer be available and you will need to request additional score reports for a $40 fee (per request). We highly recommend saving a copy of your score report for future reference. When scheduling, allow enough time to receive official scores prior to the Admission to COEHS Application date. Do I have to retake Praxis Core if I do not pass? Yes, students must retake parts of Praxis Core for which passing scores have not been met. You may take the Computer-based Praxis Core only once per 21 days. Students will not be eligible to apply to the COEHS until they have passed all sections of Praxis Core or qualify for the Exceptions Policy. Exceptions Policy – according to Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Chapter PI 34 Teacher Education Program Approval and Licenses, a teacher education program is authorized, but not required, to grant exceptions to the requirement to pass all sections of the Praxis Core tests. Exceptions may be granted to no more than 10% of the total number of students admitted to their licensure program each semester (i.e. 124 students admitted equals 12 possible exceptions). Effective January 2013, the COEHS intends to provide a Praxis Core Exceptions Policy that will apply to students who provide documentation of status as a student with a disability, an educational disadvantage, or primary language not English. Details of the Exceptions Policy will be available on the COEHS website and posted on the COEHS bulletin boards. 8/22/14