Block and MP Experiments

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Quiz on Block and MP Experiments- Stats
1. block
2. matched pair
3. block
5. learning method (online or regular)
4. matched pair
6. test results
7. prior knowledge
1. An experiment takes all students at Lake Travis High school and splits them up into two groups males and females. They then
randomly split up the two separate groups into sections and each section tries different new food items in the cafeteria. Reactions
are compared and the cafeteria makes judgements on which food to continue to make based on results. Is this a block or a
matched pair experiment?
2. An experiment looks to see if people can run faster on soft grass barefoot or with sneakers on. A selection of 100 people are
timed in a 50yd dash with and without shoes in random order. Is this experiment a block or matched pair experiment?
3. A stratified random sample corresponds to which experiment design? Block or matched pair experimental design?
4. A teacher did a study on students’ readiness for an advanced math exam. All students took a pretest. Students with similar
scores were then placed in two groups. Group 1 then did not take a practice exam before the test, group 2 did. Results were
compared. Is this a matched pair or a block experiment?
Use the following situation for 5-7
An educational researcher wants to discover which learning method is better if students learn through an online class or from a
regular class with a teacher. Students are placed into two groups for a unit at random. One group learns material online during
class while the other group learned from a teacher then they were tested. After the test was completed results showed that
students who were in the online group outperformed students in the classroom group.
5. What is the explanatory variable in this experiment?
6. What is the response variable in this experiment?
7. What could be a confounding variable that may explain the difference in results being unrelated to online vs regular?