What’s Your Blood Type? UW Milwaukee employees have an opportunity to discover something important about themselves – their blood type. Maybe you’re O Negative. Only about 7% of the population has O Negative blood. However, your O Negative blood means you are a universal donor and can help any patient in need. This makes O Negative the “go-to” type used in emergency situations where time is of the essence – so your blood is needed for trauma patients or when premature babies have complications that require blood. Maybe you’re O Positive. Your O positive blood is needed more frequently than any other type. About 38% of the population has O positive blood. In addition, your blood can be given to 84% of the population – this makes O Positive donors very important. Maybe you’re A Positive. A Positive blood is in high demand – about 33% of us have A Positive blood, so there is a significant need for matched A Positive blood products. If you’re B Positive, you have one of the rarer blood types – not even 10% of the population, about 9.4% total, have B Positive blood. If you are A Negative, B Negative or AB Negative, you have an extremely rare blood type. All A-, B- and AB- types together make up less than 10% of the population. It’s important to have all types of donors so even patients with rare blood types can get matched blood products. If you do not want to donate or can not donate blood but would like to volunteer to assist you will be providing valuable University Service. I can always use help in Set up & Take Down Crew, Registration/Welcome Table, Advertising, Decorations/Themes, and Refreshments area. For more information or to request special accommodations, contact Barb Willkomm at willkomm@uwm.edu or 414-229-5652. See you there!