John Icely Curriculum Vitae Biography and Curriculum Vitae John Icely iii John Icely Curriculum Vitae Biography of John Icely Marine Scientist Senior Researcher with the Centre of Marine and Environmental Research at University of Algarve (CIMA, Portugal) -Member of Institute of Marine Sciences (IMAR, Portugal), -Company Director: Sagremarisco – Viveiros de Marisco Lda. A small medium enterprise operating at the interface between Science, Industry and Policy. -Company Partner: Finistera - Consultoria e Projectos S.A. A small medium enterprise active in offshore bivalve aquaculture. I am a Senior Researcher at the Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, CIMA. University of Algarve (UAlg), Faro, Portugal. At present, I have short–term post-doctoral scholarship with the Institute of Marine Research, University of Coimbra, Portugal. I am also a director and partner in a Small Medium Enterprises (SME), Sagremarisco-Viveiros de Marisco Lda and, recently, a partner in another SME, Finisterra - Consultoria e Projectos, S.A The former is described in more detail below whilst the latter is currently involved in setting up offshore aquaculture for bivalves. Description of the Aims and Objectives of Sagremarisco-Viveiros de Marisco Lda Sagremarisco Lda is located at Sagres on the extreme SW of the Iberian peninsula where it operates at the interface between industry, education and scientific research:industry-maintenance support for the local aquaculture industry and fishing fleet; as well as running trials in marine conditions for materials that are under development for maritime use; education- support with equipment and human resources for coastal field studies by both local and foreign universities, and other educational institutions; scientific research - active participation in scientific research projects in the coastal zone. The overall objective of the company is to contribute to the sustainable development of the coastal zone, without destroying irreplaceable natural resources. iv John Icely Curriculum Vitae Contents 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................... 1 2. ACADEMIC DEGREES ............................................................................................... 1 3. TECHNICAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES.................................................................... 1 4. KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES .................................................................................. 2 5. SCHOLARSHIPS ........................................................................................................ 2 6. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY ......................................................................................... 2 7. PROFESSIONAL AND RESEARCH MEMBERSHIPS ....................................................... 4 8. SUPERVISION AND EXAMINER BOARD ..................................................................... 4 9. FIELDTRIPS TO PORTUGAL: ORGANIZATION AND TEACHING THROUGH SAGREMARISCO Lda ..................................................................................................... 4 10. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................ 5 11. PUBLICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 5 12. SCIENCE COMMUNICATION ................................................................................... 8 13. ORGANIZATION OF MEETINGS, WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES.......................... 9 14. ANNEX .................................................................................................................10 Table 1. Supervision and Examination of Doctoral Candidates ..................................... 12 Table 2. Supervision and Examination of Master Students ........................................... 13 Table 3. Supervision and Examination of First Cycle Research Projects ........................ 15 Table 4. Fieldtrips to Portugal: organization and Teaching through Sagremarisco Lda 16 Table 5. Participation in Research Projects Associated Educational Institutions .......... 19 Table 6. Participation in Research Projects Associated with Industrial or Government Institutions ...................................................................................................................... 20 Table 7. Participation in International Scientific Research Projects .............................. 21 Table 8. Published Books ................................................................................................ 22 Table 9. Published Books Chapters ................................................................................ 22 Table 10. Published Articles ISI (Institute of Science Index Journal) .............................. 22 Table 11. Published Articles in Proceedings ................................................................... 28 Table 12. Articles Accepted, in Revision, under Review, in Preparation or in Submission ........................................................................................................................................ 30 Table 13. Scientific Reports ............................................................................................ 30 Table 14. Oral Presentations as Invited or Keynote Speaker on Research Topics ......... 32 Table 15. Other Oral Presentations on Research Topics ................................................ 33 Table 16. Posters ............................................................................................................ 40 Table 17. Organization of Scientific Meetings, Workshops and Conferences ............... 45 v John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 18. Attendance without formal presentations of Scientific Meetings, Workshops, and Stakeholder Meetings.............................................................................................. 46 vi John Icely Curriculum Vitae 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name John David Icely Gender Male 21-11-1952 British Married Apt 21, 8650-999 Vila do Bispo, Portugal Date of Birth Nationality Marital Status Home Address Telephone +351 91 911 00 27 e-mail 2. ACADEMIC DEGREES 1970-1973 BSc (Honours) Zoology with Marine Zoology University of Wales, Bangor, UK. 1974 - 1977 PhD Marine Biology University of Wales, Bangor, UK. 1991 PhD Biology, Equivalence granted for PhD University of Algarve, Portugal. 3. TECHNICAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Equipment skills: Use of analytical and field equipment, particularly, the preparation of biological material for viewing by microscopy (light, scanning and transmission), for biological oceanography (O2, salinity & pH meters, CTD, radiometer) and, recently, a weather station and CIMEL for a NASA coordinated AERONET site in Portugal. Professional qualification for SCUBA diving (Health and Safety Executive, UK). 1 John Icely Curriculum Vitae 4. KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES Mother tongue: English Other Languages: Other languages Reading skills Writing skills Verbal skills Comprehension Portuguese Good Good Good Excellent French Good Basic Basic Good Kiswahili Basic Basic Good Good Spanish Basic Basic Basic Good 5. SCHOLARSHIPS 1974 - National Environmental Research Council Scholarship for Doctoral Studies at the NERC Unit of the Marine Science Department of the University of Wales, Bangor. 2013 - Erasmus Mundus II Scholarship in Water and Coastal Management (WACOMA), Action I, Ningbo University, China. 2014 - Erasmus Mundus II Scholarship in Water and Coastal Management (WACOMA), Action I, Ningbo University, China. 6. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY 1977- 1981 Partner in the fishing boat Kernow. Anglesey, Wales, UK. Fisheries, director. Capture and commercialisation of lobster and salmon. 1981- 1982 Commonwealth Secretariat, Malborough House, London, UK. Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation, Scientific consultant. Research into the infestation by marine boring organisms of timber wharves treated with CCA (chromated copper arsenate) preservative in Papua New Guinea. 1983-1984 Department of Zoology, University of Reading. Research, Post-doctoral grant. Uptake of heavy metals by the garden snail, Helix aspersa. 2 John Icely Curriculum Vitae 1984-1986 Anglesey Marine Biological Supplies / Anglesey Diving Services, Wales, UK. Biological supply and diving, director. Supplier of marine organisms for scientific study and aquaria / diving services. 1987-1994 Aquiinveste Lda, Videsa Lda, Aquasagres Lda and Ostracultura Lda, Portugal. Aquaculture, biological consultant and diver. Installation and operation of “long-lines” for offshore bivalve aquaculture at Sagres. 1995-present Sagremarisco Lda, Beco 1o de Maio, S/N Praia de Salema, 8650-192 Budens, Portugal. Partner & managing director commercialization of shellfish. Promotion of services and research associated with the Portuguese shellfish Industry and aquatic resources. October 2009- IMAR (Marine Institute), Department of Zoology, University of Coimbra, 2012 3004-517, Coimbra, Portugal. Research scientist, Post-doctoral Scholarship. Representative for IMAR in the EU FP7 Contract Nº226675 Knowledge based Sustainable Management for European Seas (KnowSeas). 2010-present Finisterra Lda, Apartado Z-259, 8400-066 Fontes de Estombar, Portugal. Partner & scientific consultant for setting up offshore aquaculture for bivalves. 3 John Icely Curriculum Vitae 7. PROFESSIONAL AND RESEARCH MEMBERSHIPS Professional Societies EARMA- European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (Member) EUCC- The Coastal & Marine Union (Member) EUCC- The Coastal & Marine Union - Portugal (Member of Executive Committee) NSA - The National Shellfisheries Association, USA (Member) EAS - European Aquaculture Society (Member) Research Centres Fundação Oceanis (1998 – 2009) Centre of Oceanography, Sagres (Member of Executive Committee) CMQUA (1999 – 2003) – Centro Multidisciplinar de Química Ambiental, Universidade do Algarve (Member) CIMA (2004 – Present) - Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (Member) IMAR (2008 – 2013) - Institute of Marine Research (Member) 8. SUPERVISION AND EXAMINER BOARD 8.1. Supervision of Researchers 6 PhD students (Table 1 in Annex); 23 master students (Table 2 in Annex); 8 first cycle research project students (Table 3 in Annex). 9. FIELDTRIPS TO PORTUGAL: ORGANIZATION AND TEACHING THROUGH SAGREMARISCO Lda 26 fieldtrips organized (Table 4 in Annex). 4 John Icely Curriculum Vitae 10. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Research Interests Phytoplankton; Water & sediment chemistry; Toxicology & Pollution; Aquaculture & biofouling; Biological oceanography; Marine remote sensing; Management of coastal resources; Link between science and policy for the adaptive management of water resources. 10.1. Participation in Research Projects I have participated in 9 projects associated educational institutions (Table 5 in Annex), 9 projects associated with industrial or government institutions (Table 6 in Annex) and 16 international scientific research projects (Table 7 in Annex). 11. PUBLICATIONS Co-authored a book (Table 8 in Annex) and a book chapter (Table 9 in Annex); Co-authored 59 peer reviewed articles in ISI journals (Table 10 in Annex) or Proceedings (Table 11 in Annex); Current publication plan (December 2014) includes 1 paper submitted; 1 paper in submission; 1 paper accepted ; (Table 12 in Annex); Authored or co-authored 12 reports to various stakeholders including EU, US EPA and ESA (Table 13 in Annex). 5 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Number of Publications from 1978-2015 Number of Publications per year 6 5 4 3 5 2 4 4 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 2 2 1 1 0 Year Figure 1: Number of ISI Publications from 1978-2015. 140 Citations of the Publications in the CV 120 Number of Citations 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Number of the Publication in the CV Figure 2: Citations of the ISI Publications in the CV on 16th october 2014. (Source: Google scholar) 6 John Icely Curriculum Vitae ISI Journal SNIP SJR IPP Number of articles published in the journal Number of the article published in the CV IF (2013) 5 IF Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society bbiological sciences 6.314 7.960 2.16 3.74 6.384 1 6 Biogeochemistry 3.730 - 1.497 1.727 3.491 1 18 Limnology and Oceanography 3.615 - 1.568 2.259 3.858 1 29 Ecological Indicators 3.230 3.384 1.762 1.351 3.416 1 30 Marine Policy 2.621 2.948 1.468 1.407 2.585 2 37,38 Journal of Marine Systems 2.476 2.769 1.425 1.602 2.888 1 15 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2.475 2.540 1.059 1.266 2.312 2 23,28 Marine Biology 2.393 1.016 1.247 2.303 2 3,7 Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2.253 2.782 1.426 1.322 2.63 9 Hydrobiologia 2.212 - 1.109 0.912 1.956 2 1,12,17,21, 22,31,33,36 40 14,35 Continental Shelf Research 2.115 2.491 1.47 1.221 2.251 2 11,34 Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2.109 2.133 1.186 0 2.051 2 19,27 Ocean Science 1.962 2.209 1.043 1.578 2.077 1 32 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1.960 - 1.052 0.994 2.084 1 10 Ocean & Coastal Management 1.769 2.029 1.248 0.691 - 1 41 (2013) (2013) (2013) 7 John Icely Curriculum Vitae ISI Journal SNIP SJR IPP Number of articles published in the journal Number of the article published in the CV IF (2013) 5 IF International Journal of Remote Sensing 1.359 - 1.044 0.776 1.433 1 39 Scientia Marina 1.247 1.391 0.79 0.634 1.225 1 8,13 Environmental Technology 1.197 - 0.664 0.494 1.247 1 9 Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 1.129 - 0.831 0.598 1.073 1 2 Journal of Natural History 0.927 - 0.867 0.432 0.871 1 5 Environmental Forensics 0.732 - 0.512 0.31 0.62 2 20,24 Journal of Coastal Research 0.755 - 0.847 0.533 1.006 3 16,25,26 Crustaceana 0.465 - 0.514 0.3 0.487 1 4 (2013) (2013) (2013) Table 2: Papers published in ISI journals and the respective impact factor. IF – Impact Factor; 5 IF – five years impact factor; SNIP – Source Normalized Impact per Paper; SJR – SCImago Journal Rank; IPP – The impact per publication. Source: 12. SCIENCE COMMUNICATION Delivered 14 invited or keynote speeches and oral presentations (Table 14 in Annex); Convened 44 conference sessions (Table 15 in Annex); Co-authored 53 posters in conferences (Table 16 in Annex). 8 John Icely Curriculum Vitae 13. ORGANIZATION OF MEETINGS, WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES I have organized 6 meetings, workshops and conferences (Table 17 in Annex). I have attended 11 scientific meetings, workshops and stakeholder meeting without formal presentations (Table 18). John David Icely 9 John Icely Curriculum Vitae 14. ANNEX 10 John Icely Curriculum Vitae List of Tables Table 1. Supervision and Examination of Doctoral Candidates ......................................... 12 Table 2. Supervision and Examination of Master Students ............................................... 13 Table 3. Supervision and Examination of First Cycle Research Projects ........................... 15 Table 4. Fieldtrips to Portugal: organization and Teaching through Sagremarisco Lda .... 16 Table 5. Participation in Research Projects Associated Educational Institutions .............. 19 Table 6. Participation in Research Projects Associated with Industrial or Government Institutions ......................................................................................................................... 20 Table 7. Participation in International Scientific Research Projects .................................. 21 Table 8. Published Books ................................................................................................... 22 Table 9. Published Books Chapters .................................................................................... 22 Table 10. Published Articles ISI (Institute of Science Index Journal) ................................. 22 Table 11. Published Articles in Proceedings ...................................................................... 28 Table 12. Articles Accepted, in Revision, under Review, in Preparation or in Submission 30 Table 13. Scientific Reports................................................................................................ 30 Table 14. Oral Presentations as Invited or Keynote Speaker on Research Topics ............ 32 Table 15. Other Oral Presentations on Research Topics ................................................... 33 Table 16. Posters ................................................................................................................ 40 Table 17. Organization of Scientific Meetings, Workshops and Conferences ................... 45 Table 18. Attendance without formal presentations of Scientific Meetings, Workshops, and Stakeholder Meetings ................................................................................................. 46 11 John Icely Curriculum Vitae 1. SUPERVISION AND EXAMINER BOARD Table 1. Supervision and Examination of Doctoral Candidates 1 Sofia Loureiro. Primary Production in Naturally Eutrophic (upwelling) Coastal Waters and Coastal Lagoon Waters Subject to Anthropogenic Eutrophication. ERASMUS PhD. Year: 2006. 2 Anna Gladkikh. Cyanobacterial Communities in Biofilms and Plankton of Littoral Zone of Lake Baikal. ERASMUS PhD Student. Year: 2012. 3 Sónia Cláudia Vitorino Cristina (Y3). Optical Properties of the Ocean and Coastal Waters in the Southwest Coast of Portugal Using Satellite Ocean Colour Remote Sensing Data. Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate MACOMA, Funded by Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal. (Ongoing) 4 Priscila Raquel Fernandes Costa Goela (Y3). Spectral Signature of Phytoplankton Communities in Southwest Coast of Portugal: Impact on Remote Sensing Data. ERASMUS Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate MACOMA, Funded by Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal. (Ongoing) 5 Bruno Fragoso (Y1). Management of an offshore bivalve aquaculture in a Marine National Park in Portugal. Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate MACOMA. (Ongoing) 6 Sergei Danchenko (Y1). Innovative tools for the assessment of phytoplankton biodiversity Margaret Owur: Valuation of ecosystem services of mangroves. Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate MACOMA. (Ongoing) 12 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 2. Supervision and Examination of Master Students 1 Ragg, N.L.C. (Co-supervisor) The fouling of European flat oyster grown on hanging culture on the Algarve coast of Portugal. MSc. University of Wales, Bangor. Year: 1993. 2 Clarke, S. (Co-supervisor) Nutrients in the Ancão Basin and Western Channels of the Ria Formosa, Portugal. MSc Marine Environmental Protection, University of Wales, Bangor. Year: 2001. 3 Cullen, L. (Co-supervisor) Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Dissolved Oxygen in the Western Area of the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal. MSc Marine Environmental Protection, University of Wales, Bangor. Year: 2001. 4 Lencart e Silva, J. (Co-supervisor) Exchange Processes Between the Atlantic Ocean and the Ria Formosa. MSc Marine Environmental Protection, University of Wales, Bangor. 74 pp. Year: 2001. 5 Unsworth, R. (Co-supervisor) Sedimentary Lipid and PAH Biomarkers as Temporal Indicators of Change Within the Western Area of the Ria Formosa Lagoon, Portugal. MSc Marine Environmental Protection, University of Wales, Bangor. 89 pp. Year: 2001. 6 Booth, S. (Co-supervisor) Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Sediment Quality in Relation to Habitat Mapped Using LANDTAT 7 Images of the Ria Formosa Lagoon, Southern Portugal. MSc Marine Environmental Protection, University of Wales, Bangor. Year: 2002. 7 Duce, C. (Co-supervisor) Sources and Transport of Organic Matter in the Ria Formosa Lagoon, Portugal. MSc Marine Environmental Protection, University of Wales, Bangor. 92 pp. Year: 2002. 8 Fletcher, M. (Co-supervisor) Nutrient Flux Dynamics in the Ancao Basin in Relation to Sediment Community Types in the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal. MSc Marine Environmental Protection, University of Wales, Bangor 145 pp. Year: 2002. 9 Tunstill, L. (Co-supervisor) Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Biochemical Oxygen Demand in the Ria Formosa Lagoon, Portugal. MSc Marine Environmental Protection, University of Wales, Bangor.145 pp. Year: 2002. 10 Gordon Murray, Lee (Co-supervisor) The Role of Sediment-Seawater Interaction in the Nutrient Dynamics of the Ancão Basin, Ria Formosa, Portugal. MSc Marine Environmental Protection, University of Wales, Bangor.Year: 2005. 13 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 2. Supervision and Examination of Master Students 11 Fragoso, Bruno (Supervisor) Avaliação de acumulação de organismos (biofouling) em painéis de recrutamento de PVC e eficiência de materiais não tóxicos em redes numa aquocultura de ostra (Sagres). MSc Marine Biology, University of Algarve. Year: 2007. 12 Singh, C.L. (Co-supervisor) Assessment of the Ecological Quality Status of rocky shores in south Portugal and implementation of Water Framework Directive. Joint Erasmus Mundus MSc, Universities of Algarve, Bergen, Cadiz and Plymouth. Year: 2008. 13 Ndui, Aikayo (Co-supervisor) Comparison of sea surface temperature to seasonal upwelling and rainfall at Sagres, Portugal. Joint Erasmus Mundus MSc Water and Coastal Management, Universities of Algarve, Bergen, Cadiz and Plymouth. Year: 2009. 14 Feng, Jing (Co-supervisor) Comparison of Methods of Eutrophication Assessment in a Coastal Lagoon. Joint Erasmus Mundus MSc Water and Coastal Management, Universities of Algarve, Bergen, Cadiz and Plymouth. Year: 2009. 15 Fikadu, T. (Co- supervisor) Application of DPSIR framework integrated with multiple regression model to simulate Guadiana catchment- estuary continuum, South Eastern Iberia. Joint Erasmus Mundus MSc Water and Coastal Management, Universities of Algarve, Bergen, Cadiz and Plymouth. Year: 2009. 16 Omuombo, A. (Co-supervisor) The potential for the management of Lake Baringo, Kenya using Systems Approach Framework and DPSIR. Joint Erasmus Mundus MSc Water and Coastal Management, Universities of Algarve, Bergen, Cadiz and Plymouth. Year: 2009. 17 Robele, S. (Co-supervisor) The potential for the management of the Ria Formosa Lagoon, Portugal using DPSIR and Systems Approach Framework. Joint Erasmus Mundus MSc Water and Coastal Management, Universities of Algarve, Bergen, Cadiz and Plymouth. Year: 2009. 18 Stewart, A. (Co-supervisor) Problems and Potential Solutions to Management of the Stalked Barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) Resource along the SW Coast of Portugal. Joint Erasmus Mundus MSc Water and Coastal Management, Universities of Algarve, Bergen, Cadiz and Plymouth. Year: 2009. 19 Thaman, B. (Co-supervisor) Comparison between the management of a conservation area Fiji and the Costa Vicentina, Portugal. Joint Erasmus Mundus MSc Water and Coastal Management, Universities of Algarve, Bergen, Cadiz and Plymouth. Year: 2009. 14 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 2. Supervision and Examination of Master Students 20 Luis, Cátia (Co-supervisor) Fitoplancton do estuário do Mondego Segundo a Diretiva Quadro da Água. MSc in Marine Science and Coastal Zones. University of Aveiro. Year: 2011. 21 Clímaco, R. (Co-supervisor) Pattern of mussel fouling on offshore aquaculture for oysters at Sagres. Mestrado em Aquacultura e Pescas, University of Algarve. 22 Santos, M. (Co-supervisor) Legislação e certificação em aquacultura. Mestrado em Aquacultura e Pescas, University of Algarve. Year: 2013. 23 Elwany, Saber (Co-supervisor) Laboratory Design for the Quality Control of Mussels produced in Sagres, Portugal" Joint Erasmus Mundus MSc - European Master in Quality in Analytical Laboratories, Universities of Algarve, Barcelona, Bergen , Cadiz. Year: 2013 Table 3. Supervision and Examination of First Cycle Research Projects 1 Marreiros, S. (Co-supervisor) Estudo do crescimento em profundidade de Mytilus galloprovincialis (Mytilus edulis v. galloprovincialis) em cultura de ‘long-line’. Degree. University of Algarve. Year: 1993. 2 Afonso, A. (Co-supervisor) Eutrofizacão natural de águas costeiras por fenómenos de upwelling na Costa Vincentina. Degree. University of Algarve. Year: 1998. 3 Amado, N. (Co-supervisor) Relação entre índice de condição, estado de maturação e microbandas de crescimento da concha de dois bivalves (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg 1793 e Mytilus galloprovincialis, Lamarck, 1819), em cultura de “Long-Lines” (Videsa-Sagres). Degree. University of Algarve. Year: 1998. 4 Manco, S.C. (Co-supervisor) Recrutamento e crescimento de Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) em aquacultura ‘long-line’ (Videsa) na região se Sagres. Degree. University of Algarve, Portugal. Year: 2000. 5 Watson, C. (Co-supervisor) Nutrient availability and microplankton community structure. Degree in Biology of Water Resource Management. Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. Year: 2001. 6 Webster, R. (Co-supervisor) Eutrophication: the effects of dissolved inorganic nutrients on chlorophyll and bacteria. Degree. Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. Year: 2002. 15 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 3. Supervision and Examination of First Cycle Research Projects 7 Hinson, B. (Co-supervisor) Effect of sediment variation on the composition of the microphytobenthos in a shallow coastal lagoon: the Ria Formosa, Portugal. Degree. University of Wales, Bangor. Year: 2005. 8 Diakova,V. & Servetnyk, M. (Co-supervisor) Seasonal and tidal influence on composition of seawater and groundwater in Ingrina and Zavial beaches (SW Portugal). Erasmus Exchange Project between Ukraine and Algarve. Year: 2008. 2. FIELDTRIPS TO PORTUGAL: ORGANIZATION AND TEACHING THROUGH SAGREMARISCO Lda Table 4. Fieldtrips to Portugal: organization and Teaching through Sagremarisco Lda 1 University of Glamorgan, Wales 18th–24th February 2004 (30 Master students) 2 University of Napier, Scotland 8th March 2004 (15 undergraduate students) 3 University of Galway, Ireland 24th April 2004 (15 Master Students) 4 University of Kalmar, Sweden 2nd-8th November 2004 (12 undergraduate students) 5 University of Glamorgan, Wales 9th-13th November 2004 (30 Master Students) 6 University of Geneva, Switzerland 18th - 25th September 2005 (15 Master Students) 7 University of Kalmar, Sweden 1st -6th November 2005 (12 undergraduate students) 8 University of Glamorgan, Wales 7th-11th November 2005 (30 Master Students) 16 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 4. Fieldtrips to Portugal: organization and Teaching through Sagremarisco Lda 9 University of Glamorgan, Wales 2006 (12 Master students) 10 University of Glamorgan, Wales 3rd- 9th February 2007 (9 Master students) 11 University of Napier, Scotland 12th March 2007 (12 undergraduate students) 12 University of Algarve, Portugal 26th September 2007 (27 undergraduate students) 13 University of Napier, Scotland 10th March 2008 (10 undergraduate students) 14 University of Glamorgan, Wales 6th-12th February 2008 (10 Master students) 15 University of Ulster, N. Ireland 20th-25th April 2008 (12 undergraduate students) 16 University of Algarve, Portugal various dates October-November 2008 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management (16 Master students) 17 University of Glamorgan, Wales 21st -27th February 2009 (9 Master students) 18 University of Ulster, N. Ireland 26th April-1st May 2009 (18 undergraduate students) 19 University of Algarve, Portugal 26th October 2009 (40 undergraduate students) 20 Universities of Algarve and Cadiz 1st May 2010 Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management (17 Master students) 17 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 4. Fieldtrips to Portugal: organization and Teaching through Sagremarisco Lda 21 University of Ulster, N. Ireland 26th-27th April 2010 (18 undergraduate students) 22 University of Ulster, N. Ireland 8th-9th April 2011 (13 undergraduate students) 23 University of Glamorgan, Wales 19th -24th February 2012 (16 undergraduate and 15 Master students) 24 University of Ulster, N. Ireland 3rd-4th May 2012 (26 undergraduate students) 25 University of Glamorgan, Wales 25th February until 3rd March 2013 (21 undergraduate students) 26 University of Glamorgan, Wales 25th February until 3rd March 2014 (21 undergraduate students) 18 John Icely Curriculum Vitae 3. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Table 5. Participation in Research Projects Associated Educational Institutions 1 1994-1995: Biomarkers in the Rio Arade estuary, Algarve ,Portugal Funded by School of Ocean Science, University of Wales, Bangor, UK. 2 1998-2000: Oceanography of the Costa Vicentina, SW Portugal. Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia (Contract PRAXIS MAR 1695/95). Sub-Contract with the University of the Algarve for oceanographic sampling off Sagres. 3 1999-2006: Field trials in Portugal for the University of Portsmouth on the effects of marine boring organisms on timbers. Funded by the University of Portsmouth UK. 4 2007-2009: Technical support for the PhD study of Ana Brito on “The Development of an assimilative capacity model for the sustainable management of nutrients within the Ria Formosa” 5 2007 (6th-28th November): Technical and Scientific support for two projects from the University of Kalmar Sweden “Influence of allelochemicals produced by the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense on natural bacterial communities in the upwelling of the SW Iberian Peninsula” and the –“The effects of removing marine top predators on the structure and composition of microbial communities” 6 2007-Ongoing: Field trial on behalf of Portsmouth University UK and Amaethon York University UK concerning “Digestion in marine wood borers" 7 2008: Management of a project at Nekton Lda (Algarve , Portugal) on behalf the University of Kalmar, Sweden concerning “ Trials for the biomass production of a range of microalgal species” 8 2009-2011: “System dynamic response to an ample artificial RE-establishment of the upstream CONNECTion between the two arms of the Mondego estuary (Portugal): Implications for recovery, ecological quality status, and management (RECONNECT)” Fundação da Ciência e da Tecnologia, Portugal (Contract PTDC/MAR/64627/2006) Responsible to IMAR Coimbra Task 3 on phytoplankton. 9 2011: 3M RECITAL- Minho, Mondego, and Mira estuaries observatory: Long term variation of ecological status as a response to natural and human induced changes. Implications for management and restoration (Contract LTER/BIA-BEC/0019/2009) Responsible to IMAR Coimbra for Task 3 on phytoplankton. 19 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 6. Participation in Research Projects Associated with Industrial or Government Institutions 1 1993-2001: Field trials on the effects of marine boring organisms on treated timbers. Funded by Chemical Specialities Inc, Virginia, USA. 2 2003 – 2006: Field trials in Portugal on the effects of marine boring organisms on tropical timbers. Funded by TRADA (Timber Research and Development Association) UK. 3 2005- 2007: Field trial for Materials Innovations Centre, Holland concerning “Novel non-toxic materials for anti-biofouling in aquaculture. 4 2006-Ongoing: Consultant on the management of the stalk barnacle fishery along the Cape Saint Vincent to the Junta de Freguesia de Vila do Bispo and the Associação de Marisqueiros de Vila do Bispo, Algarve, Portugal. 5 2008 –2010: Field trial on behalf of TRADA (Timber Research and Development Association) UK and the Environment Agency UK concerning “Identifying novel hardwood timbers that are resistant to marine wood borer attack”. 6 2008-Ongoing: Consultant and partner with Finistera Lda on “long-line” aquaculture for bivalves at Sagres. (Obtained a licence for offshore aquaculture) August 2010. 7 2009-2011: Avaliação do Estado Ecológicos das Massas de Água costeiras e de transição e do potencial ecológico das massas de água fortemente modificadas (EEMA). 8 (2009 - 2011). Responsible to IMAR-Coimbra for phytoplankton sampling at some Portuguese coastal and transitional waters. 9 2010-2011: Consultant to Administração de Região Hidrográfico (ARH) on the Implementation of the Water Framework Directive. 20 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 7. Participation in International Scientific Research Projects 1 1981-1982: Study into the destruction of wharves built with treated- timbers by sphaeromatid isopods in Papua New Guinea. Financed by the Commonwealth Fund for Technological Co-operation. 2 1993-1994: Stock Dynamics, Interactions and Recruitment in North East Atlantic Squid Fisheries (EUROSQUID), EU contract number (AIR 1 CT920573). (Sub-contractor to the University of Algarve, Portugal). 3 1995-1998: Impact on Non-target Organisms of Anti-marine Wood Borer Treatments (PINTO), EU contract number (MAS2-CT0100). (Sub-contractor to the University of Algarve, Portugal). 4 2000-2003: Oceanographic applications to eutrophication in regions of restricted exchange (OAERRE) EU contract number (EVK3-CT-1999-00002) (Partner in the project) 5 2004-2007: Collective Research on Aquaculture Biofouling (CRAB) EU contract number (COLL-CT-2003-500536). (SME partner) 6 2004-2007: 6th Framework Programme STREP Project - Ecosystem Approach to Sustainable Aquaculture (ECASA) (Sub-contractor to IMAR-FCT University of the Algarve Portugal). 7 2006-2011: 6th Framework Programme Project - Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment (SPICOSA) EU contract number (F6-2005-GLOBAL-0369922) (SME partner responsible for leading Field Training Experience) 8 2008-2013: European Space Agency “Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERIS Marine Products at Portuguese and Oceanic and Coastal Sites” ESA contract number (21464/708/I-OL - CALL ID 1048228) (Coordinator for this project) 9 2008- Present: 7th Framework Programme Project - Water bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery (WISER). (Responsible to IMAR-Coimbra for the Biological Quality Element, Phytoplankton) 10 2009-Present: 7th Framework Programme Project - Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe’s Seas Project.(KnowSeas) Development of advanced ecosystem models and methodologies for the management and the sustainable use of marine resources. (Postdoctoral scholarship from IMAR-Coimbra). 11 2012 – Present: 7th Framework Programme Project – Community Based Management of Environmental Challenges in Latin America (COMET–LA) (SME Partner responsible for leading WP1) 21 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 7. Participation in International Scientific Research Projects 12 2013 – Present: Norwegian Research Council “Marine Polywood” Field trial in the Algarve. 13 2013: 7th Framework Programme Project “AQUAculture USEr driven operational Remote Sensing information services.” (AQUA-USERS). (SME partner responsible for chairing the Users Panel) 14 2014 – 2016: MERIS Validation and Algorithm 4th reprocessing - MERISValidation Team (MVT) (CONTRACT NO: ARG/003-D25/1406/SAGREMARISCO) 15 2015– Present: European Space Agency "Sagres Validation Ocean Colour Portugal (SagValOCPort)” Agency ID nº. 13556. (Member of OLCI Validation Team) 16 2015 – Present: (EU Horizon 2020 project grant agreement under negotiation). Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Sustainable Aquaculture (AquaSpace) H2020 – SFS- 2014-2 Project nº 633476 4. PUBLICATIONS Table 8. Published Books European Best Practice in Aquaculture Biofouling (Partners of CRAB project including Icely, J.) 60pp. Table 9. Published Books Chapters Icely, J., Nott, J., 1992. Decapod Crustacea: digestion and absorption, digestive system and associated organs. Vol. 10, (eds.F.W.Harrison and A.G. Humes), Chapter 6, Wiley-Liss, New York: pp 147-201. ISBN: 978-0-471-56117-0 Table 10. Published Articles ISI (Institute of Science Index Journal) 1 Icely, J., Jones, D., 1978. Factors affecting the distribution of the genus Uca (Crustacea: Ocypodidae) on an East African shore. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 6, n. 3, pp. 315-325. DOI: 10.1016/0302-3524(78)90019-1 ISSN: 0272-7714 Accession Number: WOS:A1978EV07100007 22 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 10. Published Articles ISI (Institute of Science Index Journal) 2 Icely, J., Nott, J., 1979. The general morphology and fine structure of the antennary gland of Corophium volutator (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. 59, n. 3, pp. 745 -755. DOI: 10.1017/S0025315400045720 ISSN: 0025-3154 Accession Number: WOS:A1979HL96900018 3 Icely, J., Nott, J., 1980. Accumulation of copper within the ´hepatopancreatic caeca` of Corophium volutator (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Marine Biology, v. 57, n. 3, pp. 193-200. DOI: 10.1007/BF00390737 ISSN: 0025-3162 Accession Number: WOS:A1980KK27300005 4 Jones, D., Icely, J., 1981. Excirolana bowmani a new mangrove boring isopod from Kenya. Crustaceana, v. 40, n. 3, pp. 266-271. DOI: 10.1163/156854081X00732 ISSN: 0011-216x Accession Number: WOS:A1981LU58300005 5 Jones, D., Icely, J., Cragg, S., 1983. Some corallanid isopods associated with wood from Papua New Guinea, including three new species (Isopoda: Corallanidae). Journal of Natural History, v. 17, 837-847. DOI: 10.1080/00222938300770651 ISSN: 0022-2933 Accession Number: WOS:A1983RN27600002 6 Icely, J., Nott, J., 1984. On the morphology and fine structure of the alimentary canal of Corophium volutator (Pallas) (Crustacea:Amphipoda). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society b-biological sciences, London, Ser.B 306, n. 1126, pp. 49-78. ISSN: 0962-8436 Accession Number: WOS: A1984SV24500001 7 Icely, J., Nott, J., 1985. Feeding and digestion in Corophium volutator (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Marine Biology, v. 89, n. 2, pp. 183-195. DOI: 10.1007/BF00392889 ISSN: 0025-3162 Accession Number: WOS:A1985ATY9400008 8 Villa, H., Quintela, J., Coelho, M., Icely, J., Andrade, J., 1997. Phytoplankton biomass and zooplankton abundance on the south coast of Portugal (Sagres), with special reference to spawning of Loligo vulgaris. Scientia Marina, v. 61, n. 2, pp. 123-129. ISSN: 0214-8358 Accession Number: WOS:A1997XK53300003 9 Mudge, S., Hooper, L., Icely, J., 1998. Biomarkers associated with sewage in the Arade Estuary, Portugal. Environmental Technology, v. 19, n. 10, pp. 1055-1060. DOI: 10.1080/09593331908616763 ISSN: 0959-3330 Accession Number: WOS: 000076784500009 23 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 10. Published Articles ISI (Institute of Science Index Journal) 10 Brown, C., Eaton, R., Cragg, S., Goulletquer, P., Nicolaidou, A., Bebianno, M-J., Icely, J., Daniel, G., Nilsson, T., Pitman, A., Sawyer, G., 2003. Assessment of effects of chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated timber on non-target epibiota by investigation of fouling community development at seven European sites. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, v. 45, n. 1, pp. 37-47. DOI: 10.1007/s00244-002-0178-7 ISSN: 0090-4341 Accession Number: WOS: 000183724700004 11 Newton, A., Icely, J.D., Falcão, M., Nobre, A., Nunes, J.P., Ferreira, J.G., Vale, C., 2003. Evaluation of Eutrophication in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal. Continental Shelf Research, v. 23, n. 17-19, pp. 1945-1961. DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2003.06.008 ISSN: 0278-4343 Accession Number: WOS:000187365500019 12 Edwards, V., Icely, J., Newton, A., Webster, R. 2005. The yield of chlorophyll from nitrogen: a comparison between the shallow Ria Formosa lagoon and the deep oceanic conditions at Sagres along southern coast of Portugal. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 62, n. 3, pp. 391-403. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2004.09.004 ISSN: 0272-7714 Accession Number: WOS:000226923700002 13 Loureiro, S., Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2005. Microplankton composition, production and upwelling dynamics in Sagres (SW Portugal) during summer 2001. Sciencia Marina, v. 69, n. 3, pp. 323-341. DOI:10.3989/scimar.2005.69n3323 ISSN: 0214-8358 Accession Number: WOS: 000232061200001 14 Loureiro, S., Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2005. Effects of nutrients enrichments on primary production in the Ria Formosa Coastal Lagoon (Southern Portugal). Hydrobiologia, v. 550, n. 1, pp. 29-45. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-005-4357-1 ISSN:0018-8158 Accession Number: WOS: 000232980900004 15 Nobre, A. M., Ferreira, J.G., Newton, A., 2005. Simas, T., Icely, J.D., Neves, R. Management of coastal eutrophication: Integration of field data, ecosystem-scale simulations and screening models. Journal of Marine Systems, v. 56, n. 3, pp. 375-390. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2005.03.003 ISSN: 0924-7963 Accession Number: WOS: 000230581300010 16 Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2006. Oceanographic applications to eutrophication in tidal, coastal lagoons: the Ria Formosa, Portugal. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 39, ICS 2004 Proceedings, pp. 1346-1350. ISSN: 0749-0208 Accession Number: WOS: 000202961500022 24 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 10. Published Articles ISI (Institute of Science Index Journal) 17 Loureiro, S., Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2006. Boundary conditions for the European Water Framework Directive in the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal (physico-chemical and phytoplankton quality elements). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 67, n. 3, pp. 382-398. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2005.11.029 ISSN: 0272-7714 Accession Number: WOS:000236651900004 18 Murray, L., Mudge, S.M., Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2006. The effect of benthic sediments on the dissolved nutrient concentrations and fluxes. Biogeochemistry, v. 81, n. 2, p. 159-178. DOI: 10.1007/s10533-006-9034-6 ISSN: 0168-2563 Accession Number: WOS: 000241454900003 19 Mudge, S.M., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., 2007. Oxygen depletion in relation to water residence times. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, v. 9, n. 11, p. 1194-1198, 2007. DOI: 10.1039/b708178b ISSN: 1464-0325 Accession Number: WOS:000250509800006 20 Pereira, M. G., Icely, J.D., Mudge, S.M., Newton, A., Rodrigues, R. 2007. Temporal and spatial variation of phytopigments in the Western part of the Ria Formosa lagoon, Southern Portugal. Environmental Forensics Journal, v. 8, n. 3, pp. 205-220. DOI: 10.1080/15275920701506151 ISSN: 1527-5922 Accession Number: WOS:000249722800003 21 Mudge, S.M., Icely, J.D., Newton, A. 2008. Residence times in a hypersaline lagoon: using salinity as a tracer. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 77, n. 2, pp. 278-284. DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2007.09.032 ISSN: 0272-7714 Accession Number: WOS:000254816400010 22 Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2008. Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone, LOICZ: Lessons from Banda Aceh, Atlantis, and Canute. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 77, n. 2, pp. 181-184. DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2007.09.016 ISSN: 0272-7714 Accession Number: WOS:000254816400001 23 Loureiro, S., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., 2008. Enrichment experiments and primary production at Sagres (S.W. Portugal). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 359, n. 2, pp. 118-125. DOI:10.1016/j.jembe.2008.03.001 ISSN:0022-0981 Accession Number: WOS:000256743500005 24 Wayland, D., Megson, D. P., Mudge, S.M., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., 2008. Identifying the source of nutrient contamination in a lagoon system. Environmental Forensics, v. 9, n. 23, p. 231-239, 2008. DOI: 10.1080/15275920802122833 ISSN: 1527-5922 Accession Number: WOS:000257013900015 25 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 10. Published Articles ISI (Institute of Science Index Journal) 25 Cristina, S.V., Newton, A., Icely, J.D., Goela, P.C., 2009. Assessment of the water-leaving reflectances of the oceanic and coastal waters using MERIS satellite products in Sagres off the Southwest Coast of Portugal. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, ICS 2009 Proceedings, pp. 1479-1483. ISSN: 0749-0208 Accession Number: WOS: 000266722400117 26 Fragoso, B., Icely, J., 2009. Upwelling events and recruitment patterns of the major fouling species on coastal aquaculture (Sagres, Portugal). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, ICS 2009 Proceedings, pp. 419-423. ISSN: 0749-0208 Accession Number: WOS: 000266722300087 27 Newton, A., Oliveira, P., Icely, J., 2010. Monitoring of oxygen condition in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, v. 12, n. 1, pp. 355-360. DOI: 10.1039/b914015h ISSN: 1464-0325 Accession Number: WOS:000274682500037 28 Brito, A., Newton, A., Teet P., Icely, J., Fernandes, T., 2010. The yield of microphytobenthic chlorophyll from nutrients: enriched experiments in microcosms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 384, n.1-2, pp. 30-43 DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2009.11.010 ISSN: 1470-160X Accession Number: WOS:000275965300004 29 Weissbach, A., Rudström, M., Olofsson, M., Béchemin, C., Icely, J., Newton, A., Tillmann, U., Legrand, C., 2011. Phytoplankton allelochemical interactions change microbial food web dynamics. Limnology and Oceanography, v. 56, n. 3, pp. 899-909. DOI: 10.4319/lo.2011.56.3.0899 ISSN: 0024-3590 Accession Number: WOS:000290678100011 30 Brito, A.C., Brotas,W., Caetano, M., Coutinho,T.P., Bordalo, A. A., Icely, J., Neto, J.M., Serôdio, J., Moita,T., 2012. Defining phytoplankton class boundaries in Portuguese transitional waters: An evalutation of the ecological quality status according to the water Framework Directive. Ecological Indicators, v. 19, pp. 5-14. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.07.025 ISSN: 1470-160X Accession Number: WOS:000302891100002 31 Newton, A., Carruthers, T., Icely J.D., 2012. The coastal syndromes and hotspots in the coastal zone. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, v. 96, pp. 39-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2011.07.012 ISSN: 0272-7714 Accession Number: WOS:000300484500005 32 Zibordi, G., Ruddick, K., Ansko, I., Moore, G., Kratzer, S., Icely, J., Reinart, A., 2012.In situ determination of the remote sensing reflectance: an inter-comparison. Ocean Science, v. 8, n. 4, pp. 567–586. DOI: 10.5194/os-8-567-2012 ISSN: 1812-0784 Accession Number: WOS:00030961640001 26 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 10. Published Articles ISI (Institute of Science Index Journal) 33 Brito, A., Quental, T., Coutinho, T., Branco, M., Falcão, M., Newton, A., Icely, J., Moita, T., 2012. Phytoplankton dynamics in southern Portuguese coastal lagoons during a discontinuous period of 40 years. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 110, pp. 147156. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2012.04.014 ISSN: 0272-7714 Accession Number: WOS:000308624900017 34 Goela, P.C., Icely, J., Cristina, S., Newton, A., Moore, G., Cordeiro, C., 2013. Specific absorption coefficient of phytoplankton off the Southwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula: A contribution to algorithm development for ocean colour remote sensing. Continental Shelf Research, v. 52, pp. 119-132. DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2012.11.009 ISSN: 0278-4343 Accession Number: WOS:000315010500011 35 Dromph, K., Agusti, S., Basset, A., Franco, J., Henriksen, P., Icely, J., Lethinen, S., Moncheva, S., Revilla, M., Roselli, L., Sorensen, K., 2013. Sources of Uncertainty in assessment of marine phytoplankton communites. Hydrobiologia, v. 704, n. 1, pp. 253264. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1353-0 ISSN: 1573-5117 36 Newton, A., Icely, J., et al., 2014. An overview of ecological status, vulnerability and future perspectives of European large shallow, semi-enclosed coastal systems, lagoons and transitional waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 140, pp. 95-122. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2013.05.023 ISSN: 0272-7714 37 Stewart, A., Fragoso, B., Clímaco R., Icely, J., 2014. Evaluation of stakeholder perspectives on the management of the stalked barnacles (Pollicipes pollicipes) resource in the Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e CostaVicentina, Portugal. Marine Policy, v.43, pp. 7179. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2013.03.016 ISSN: 0308-597X 38 Gari, S.R., Newton, A., Icely, J., Lowe, C.D., 2014. Testing the application of the Systems Approach Framework (SAF) for the management of eutrophication in the Ria Formosa. Marine Policy, v. 43, pp. 40-45. DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2013.03.017 ISSN: 0308-597X 39 Cristina, S.C.V., Moore, G.F., Goela, P.R.F.C., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., 2014. In situ validation of MERIS marine reflectance off the southwest Iberian Peninsula: assessment of vicarious adjustment and corrections for near-land adjacency. International Journal of Remote Sensing, v. 35, n.6, pp. 2347-2377. DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2014.894657 ISSN: 0143-1161 Accession Number: WOS:000333995200017 40 Goela, P.C., Danchenko,S. Icely, J., Lubian, L.M., Cristina, S., Newton, A., 2014. Using CHEMTAX to evaluate seasonal and interannual dynamics of the phytoplankton community off the South-west coast of Portugal. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 151, pp. 112-123. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2014.10.001 ISSN: 0272-7714 27 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 10. Published Articles ISI (Institute of Science Index Journal) 41 Gari, S.R., Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2015. A Review of the application and evolution of the DPSIR framework with an emphasis on coastal social-ecological systems. Ocean & Coastal Management, v. 103, pp. 63-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.11.013 ISSN: 0964-5691 Table 11. Published Articles in Proceedings 1 Cragg, S., Icely, J., 1982. An interim report on studies of the tolerance by Sphaeroma (Crustacea:Isopoda) of CCA- treated timber. International Research Group on Wood Preservation. IRG/WP/491, 26pp. 2 Icely, J., 1987. A project entitled “The dangers of development to a natural reserve: the Ria Formosa, Algarve, Portugal”. Rolex Awards for Enterprise. 3 Albuquerque, R., Cragg, S., Icely, J., 1996. Leaching from CCA-treated wood submerged in seawater: effects of high loadings, and a comparison between laboratory and marine conditions. International Research Group on Wood Preservation IRG/WP/96-50080, 17pp. 4 Brown, C., Eaton, R., Cragg, S., Goulletquer, P., Nicolaidou, A., Bebianno, M-J., Icely, J., Daniel, G., Nilsson, T., Pitman, A., Sawyer, G., 2002. Fouling assemblage development on copper-chromium-arsenic-treated timber submerged in European waters. International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Document No. IRG/WP 02-50181, 20 pp. 5 Newton, A., Icely, J., 2002. Impact of coastal engineering on the water quality of the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal. The Changing Coast (eds Veloso–Gomes, F., Pinto, F.T., Neves, L.) 6th International Conference LITTORAL, Porto, Portugal, 22-26th September 2002, v. 3, pp. 417-421. 6 Williams, W.R., Cragg, S. M., Borges, L. M., Icely, J., 2004. Assessing the resistance of a number of lesser known species of tropical hardwoods to Teredo spp. International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Doc. No. IRG/WP 04 10pp. 7 Williams, J.R., Cragg, S. M., Borges, L. M., Icely, J., Sawyer, G., 2007. Marine exposure assessment in southern Portugal of the natural resistance of a number of lesser known species of tropocial hardwoods to teredinid and limnoriid borers. International Research Group on Wood Preservation, Doc. No. IRG/WP 07 10pp. 8 Goela, P., Icely, J., Cristina, S., Newton, A., 2010. Absorption coefficients of particulate matter off the southwest coast of Europe: a contribution to validation of the MERIS Sensor. Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium, Special publication SP- 686, nº 144 European Space Agency 5pp. 28 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 11. Published Articles in Proceedings 9 Cristina, S., Icely, J., Goela, P., Newton, A., 2010. Validation of the MERIS satellite products in oceanic waters off Cape Sagres on the south-west coast of Portugal. Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium, SP-686, nº 107 European Space Agency 5pp. 10 Moore, G., Icely, J., Kratzer, S., 2010. Field inter-comparison and validation of in water radiometers and sun photometers for MERIS validation. Ed. H. Lacoste-Francis, Proceedings of ESA Living Planet Symposium, Special publication SP-686, nº105, European Space Agency 5pp. 11 Cristina, S., Goela, P., Icely, J., Moore, G., Newton, A., 2010. Evaluation of MERIS marine products in coastal and oceanic waters off Cape Sagres on the south-west coast of Portugal. Proceedings of Ocean Optics Conference XX, Anchorage, Alaska, 27th September- 1st October. 12 Goela, P., Cristina, S., Icely, J., Newton, A., 2010. Light absorption by particulate and dissolved organic matter in coastal and oceanic off the southwest coast of Europe: A contribution to MERIS sensor validation. Proceedings of Ocean Optics Conference XX, Anchorage, Alaska, 27th September-1st October. 13 Dromph, K., Agusti,S., Basset, A., Borja, A., Franco , J., Henriksen, P., Icely, J., Lehtinen, S., Moncheva, S., Revilla, M., Sørensen, K., 2012. Sources of uncertainty in assessment of phytoplankton communities. Eds. Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Hartmann, A., Strackbein, J., Field, C., Hering, D. Current questions in water management. Book of abstracts to the WISER final conference,Tallinn, Estonia, 25th-26th January 2012 Eesti Maaülikool, Estonia, pp. 47-49. 14 Icely, J., Luis, C., Henriksen, P., Dromph, K., Fragoso, B., 2012. The classification of the Biological Quality Element phytoplankton for the Water Framework Directive in the transitional waters of the Rio Mondego, Portugal. Eds. Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Hartmann, A., Strackbein, J., Field, C., Hering, D. Current questions in water management: Book of abstracts to the WISER final conference,Tallinn, Estonia, 25th-26th January 2012 Eesti Maaülikool, Estonia, pp.78-81. 15 Icely, J.D., Moore, G.F., Goela, P.C., Cristina, S.V., Newton, A., 2012. Contribution of Earth observation to understanding the upwelling conditions of the SW coast of Portugal. Ed. H. Ouwehand Proceedings of ESA, SOLAS & EGU Joint Conference: Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science, SP- 703. European Space Agency 4 pp. 16 Brito, A., Brotas, V., Cristina, S., D’Alimonte, D., Goela, P., Icely, J., Kajiyama, T., Moore, G., Newton, A., Sá, C., 2013. OCPortugal consortium: activities and challenges. Ed. H. Ouwehand Proceedings of ESA Sentinel-3 OLCI/SLSTR and MERIS/(A)ATSR Workshop European Space Agency 6pp. 17 Icely, J.D., Moore, G.F., Danchenko, S.A., Goela, P.C., Cristina, S.V., Zacarias, M., Newton, A., 2013. Contribution of remote sensing products to the management of offshore aquaculture at Sagres, SW Portugal. Ed. H. Ouwehand Proceedings of ESA Sentinel-3 OLCI/SLSTR and MERIS/(A)ATSR Workshop European Space Agency 6pp. 29 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 11. Published Articles in Proceedings 18 Brotas, V., Couto, A., Sá, C., Amorim, A., Brito, A., Laanen, M., Peters, S., Poser, K., Eleveld, M., Miller, P., Kurekin, A., Groom, S., Atland, A., Dale, T., Sorensen, K., Ledang, A., Hansen, L., Huber, S., Kaas, H., Andersson, H., Icely, J., Fragoso, B., 2014. Deriving Aquaculture indicators from Earth Observation in the AQUA-USERS project (AQUAculture USEr driven operational Remote Sensing information Services) Table 12. Articles Accepted, in Revision, under Review, in Preparation or in Submission 1 O’Higgins, T., Tett, P., Farmer, A., Cooper, P., Dolch, T., Friedrich, J., Goulding, I., Hunt, A., Icely, J., Murciano, C., Newton, A., Psuty, I., Raux, P., Roth, E., 2013. Temporal constraints on ecosystem management: Definitions and examples from Europe’s regional seas. Submitted in Ecology and Society. 2 Cinnirella, S., Sardà, R., Suárez de Vivero, J., Brennan, R., Barausse, A., Icely, J., Luisetti, T., March, D., Murciano, C., Newton, A., et al., 2014. Steps towards a shared governance response for achieving Good Environmental Status in the Mediterranean Sea. Ecology and Society. Accepted in Ecology and Society. 3 Cristina, S., Icely, J., Goela, P.C., DelValls, T. A., Newton, A., 2014. Using remote sensing as a support to the implementation of the European Marine Strategy Framework Diretive in SW Portugal. In submission in Continental Self Research. Table 13. Scientific Reports 1 SPICOSA Heritage lectures (Academic training videos- meeting lectures- stakeholder meetings). 2 WISER - Deliverable D4.1-2: Assessment of pigment data potential for multi-species and assemblage indices. Authors: Henriksen, P., Lehtinen, S., Kaitala, S., Kauppila, P ., Agusti, S., Revilla, M ., Icely, J., Basset, A ., Moncheva, S ., Sørensen, K . - Deliverable D4.1: Sources of uncertainty in measurements of phytoplankton communities. Authors: Dromph, K., Agusti, S., Basset, A., Borja, A., Henriksen, P., Icely, J., Lehtinen, S., Moncheva, S., Revilla, M., Sørensen, K. 30 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 13. Scientific Reports 3 KnowSeas - Deliverable 3.2: Final design of methodology and tools for scaling marine ecosystems, assessing past and current trends, and estimating future trends. Editor: Alison Gilbert Authors: Barausse, A., Blenckner,T., Daskalov, G.F., Gilbert, A., Herman, P., Heymans, S., Icely, J., Jackson, E., Kenny, A., Kershaw, P., Langmead, O., Los, H., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Mee, L., Newton, A., O’Higgins,T.,Troost,T., Van Beusekom, J., Vermaat, J. - Deliverable 6.5 : Development of Enhancing Stakeholder Capacity (ESCA) tool and demonstration (September 2010) Authors: Icely, J., Newton, A., Arguelles, M. and Icely, D. 4 European Space Agency Scientific Reports to the European Space Agency (ESA) for Contract Nº 21464/08/I-OL . - Report 4 January 2010 Intermediate (15th April 2009 - 31st January 2010) Technical assistance for the validation of MERIS marine products at Portuguese oceanic and coastal sites. Icely, J., Cristina, S., Goela, P., Newton, A. - Report 5 August 2010 –Final (15th April 2008-14th April 2010) -Section I: Summary of sampling campaigns at Sagres: emphasis on potential match up with ENVISAT overpasses. Icely J., Cristina, S., Goela, P., Newton, A. - Section II: Intercalibration of Portuguese and Swedish TACCs, and commissioning of sun photometers at Sagres. Icely, J., Moore, G., Kratzer, S. - Section III: List of publications and extended Abstracts - Report 1 new CCN (15th April 2010 – 30th November 2011). Technical assistance for the validation of MERIS marine product at Portuguese oceanic and coastal sites. “Sampling campaigns at Sagres during 2010 and 2011, including inter-calibration and data processing over the same period”. Section I, Text 28 pp.; Section II, Tables and Figures, 71pp. Icely, J., Cristina, S., Goela, P., Moore, G., Newton, A. - Report 2 new CCN (30th November 2011-November 2012). Technical assistance for the validation of MERIS marine product at Portuguese oceanic and coastal sites. “Sampling campaigns at Sagres during 2010 and 2011, including inter-calibration and data processing over the same period”. 26pp. Icely, J., Cristina, S., Goela, P., Moore, G., Danchenko , S., Newton, A., Zacarias, M. - Final Report - Icely, J., Cristina, S., Goela, P., Moore, G., Danchenko, S., Zacarias, M., Newton, A., Summary of the project outputs between 2008-2012 for Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERIS Marine Products at Portuguese Oceanic and Coastal Site. Final Report, May 2013, Annex A 81 pp., Data - Tables 102 pp., Annex B - Dissemination and Education 6pp. and copies of posters & publications . 31 John Icely Curriculum Vitae 11. SCIENCE COMMUNICATION Table 14. Oral Presentations as Invited or Keynote Speaker on Research Topics 1 Invitation to 2nd European Crustacean Conference Liege, Belgium 2nd-6th September 1996 Presentation: Icely, J., 1996. “A review on the origin and function of the F-cells in the crustacean midgut.” 2 Invitation to First Institute of Oceanography State Oceanic Administration Quindao and Ningbo University, Ningbo, China 13th-18th December 2004 Presentations: Icely J., Cragg, S.M., 2004. “Evaluation of environmental risk of CCA (copper –chromearsenic) preservative.” Icely, J., 2004. “Collective research on aquaculture biofouling.” Newton, A., Ferreira, J., Icely, J., 2004. “Ecosystem approach to sustainable aquaculture.” 3 AQUA 2006 Linking tradition and technology Florence, Italy, 9th-16th May 2006 Workshop: “Towards European best practice in aquaculture biofouling.” Presentation: Watson, D., Icely, J., 2006. “Reducing biofouling in shellfish cultivation.” 4 Festival do Mar de Vila do Bispo, Portugal Vila do Bispo, Portugal, 15th-18th June 2006 Presentation: Fragoso, B., Icely, J., 2006. “Aquacultura “off-shore” em Sagres.” 5 4th IGBP Conference on Sustainable Livelihoods in a Changing Earth System (Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone –LOICZ-Special Session) Cape Town, South Africa, 5th- 9th May 2008 Presentation: Icely, J., Fragoso, B., Icely, D., 2008. “How will potential changes in the coastal upwelling system along the SW coast of Portugal affect the culturally important stalked barnacle fishery?” 6 SPICOSA ECB (Executive Coordination Board) Meeting for presentations to the Reviewers of the project Brussels , Belgium 8th-9th April 2008 Presentations: Icely, J., Newton, A., Smith, H., 2008. “SPICOSA Node 5 - Knowledge Transfer, The first year.” Icely, J., Newton, A., Smith, H., 2008. “SPICOSA Node 5 - Knowledge Transfer, Plan for the next eighteen months.” 7 American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting (Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone –LOICZ-Special Session) Nice, France 25th-30th January 2009 Presentation: Icely J., 2009, “Reflecting with hindsight on coastal problems related to biomass extraction and biomass.” 32 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 14. Oral Presentations as Invited or Keynote Speaker on Research Topics 8 LOICZ 2009 1st Crosscutting Workshop on Coastal Lagoons at Rabat Morocco 11th -15th May 2009 (Topic leader and 1 Oral presentation) Presentation: Icely J., Newton, A., 2009. “Assessment of eutrophication in coastal lagoons using the ASSETS screening model.” 9 VII Jornadas Nacionale de Ciências del Mar Bahia Blanca, Argentina, 30th November-4th December 2009. (Invited Keynote Speaker on Aquaculture) Presentation: Icely, J., 2009. “Potential for offshore aquaculture with ‘long-lines’: An example from Portugal.” 10 SPICOSA Science Steering Committee Meeting Paris, France, 4th-5th March 2010 Presentation: Newton, A., Lowe, C., Icely, J., 2010. “Node 5 (Projected Activities for 2010) WP 12 Academic Training.” 11 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota, Columbia, 29th-30th November 2010 Presentation: Newton A., Icely, J., 2010. “How to write a successful project for the European Union 7th Framework Project for funding research.” 12 Seacoat Advanced Training workshop Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK, 7th September 2011 Presentation: Manjua, A., Icely, J., 2011. “Biofouling and Portuguese shellfish production.” Table 15. Other Oral Presentations on Research Topics 1 OAERRE (Oceanographic Applications to Eutrophication in Regions of Restricted Exchange) Kick off Meeting Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland 9th- 10th November 2000 Presentation: Icely, J., 2000. “Sagremarisco (SGM) Portugal: overview of plans.” 2 OAERRE (Oceanographic Applications to Eutrophication in Regions of Restricted Exchange) Consortium Meeting University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal 9th- 12th October 2002 Presentation: Icely, J., 2002. “An introduction to WP2 on the pelagic biology of the Ria Formosa.” 3 OAERRE(Oceanographic Applications to Eutrophication in Regions of Restricted Exchange) Consortium Meeting Tromso, Norway 7th-9th May 2003 Presentation: Icely, J., Newton, A., 2003. “WP2 Pelagic biology of the Ria Formosa.” 33 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 15. Other Oral Presentations on Research Topics 4 Southern European Coastal Lagoons Conference: the influence of River basin- Coastal Zone interactions. Theme 2a: Nutrients and Eutrophication Ferrara, Italy, 10th-12th November 2003. Presentations: Icely J.D., Edwards V., Newton A., Caetano S., Mendes, P., Pereira, G., & Rodrigues, R., 2003. “Aspects of the pelagic biology of the mesotidal lagoon, Ria Formosa, in Southern Portugal.” Loureiro, S., Newton, A., Icely, J., 2003. “Effects of nutrients reaching the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (S. Portugal): enrichment experiments and primary production.” 5 American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and The Oceanography Society ASLO/TOS Ocean Research Conference Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 15th-20th February 2004 Presentation: Newton, A., Icely, J., 2004. “Coastal eutrophication the good, the bad and the ugly.” 6 International Coastal Symposium Itajaí ‐ Santa Catarina, Brasil, 14th‐18th March 2004 Presentation: Newton, A., Icely, J., 2004. “Oceanographic applications to eutrophication in tidal, coastal lagoons, the Ria Formosa.” 7 CRAB (Collective Research on Aquaculture Biofouling) Consortium Meeting Madrid, Spain 2nd – 3rd November 2004 Presentation: Icely, J., Manjua, A., Pereira, A., 2004. “CRAB presentation of aquaculture partners from Portugal.” 8 European Conference on Coastal Zone Research an ELOISE Approach Portoroz, Slovenia, 14th -18th November 2004 Presentations: Newton A., Icely J., 2004. “Nutrient dynamics in the Ria Formosa lagoon. Implications for Surveillance Monitoring of Chemical Quality Elements in accordance with the Water Framework Directive.” Nobre, A.M., Ferreira, J.G., Newton, A., Simas, T., Icely, J., Neves R., 2004. “Integration of field data and ecosystem models for eutrophication management.” 9 American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Society, A pilgrimage through global aquatic sciences Santiago da Compostela, Spain, 19th-24th June 2005 Presentation: Beaz, D., Beaz, V., Dürr, S., Icely, J. (Speaker), Lane, A., Thomson, J.,Watson, D., Willemsen, P., (Coordinator) 2005. “Collective research on aquaculture biofouling.” 10 Eutrophication Case Study Workshop Ispra, Italy 19th-20th January 2006 Presentation: Cristina, S., Newton, A., Icely, J., Oliveira, P., 2006. “Case study for the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal – Water Framework Directive Activity.” 34 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 15. Other Oral Presentations on Research Topics 11 AQUA 2006 Linking tradition & technology Florence, Italy, 9th-13th May 2006 Presentations: Durr, S. (+ all CRAB consortium including Icely, J.) 2006. “Patterns of recruitment and development of biofouling at European aquaculture facilities.” Watson D., (+ all CRAB consortium including Icely, J.) 2006. “Fouling and a antifouling in in aquaculture- a review.” 12 Conference on Aquaculture “Potential and Innovation” Porto, Portugal, 23rd May 2006 Presentation: Pereira, A., Viegas, M., Manjua, A., Fragoso, B., Icely, J., 2006. “CRAB biofouling and Portuguese shelllfish production.” 13 Symposium “13th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Biofouling”. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 24th-28th July 2006 Presentations: Dürr, S. et al including Icely,J., 2006. “Patterns of recruitment and development of biofouling at European aquaculture facilities” (different material from that communicated at AQUA 2006 in Florence). Watson, D. et al including Icely, J., 2006. “Fouling remediation through the use of grazers in shellfish aquaculture” (different material from that communicated at AQUA 2006 in Florence) 14 Symposium: “Fisheries and Aquaculture International” Glasgow, UK 16th-19th May 2006 Presentation: Watson, D. et al including Icely, J., 2006. “Collective research on aquaculture biofouling.” 15 International Symposium on Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems Nyborg, Denmark, 20th-23rd June 2006 Presentation: Goela, P., Newton, A., Icely, J., 2006.“The effect of drought on nutrients in the Ria Formosa.” 16 CRAB (Collective Research on Aquaculture Biofouling) Technical & Steering Committee meeting Las Palmas, Grã Canarias, Spain, 20th-21st February 2007 Presentation: Icely, J., Fragoso B., 2007. “CRAB project report from Sagremarisco Lda.” 17 ECOSUMMIT Conference Beijing, China 22th-27th May 2007 Presentations: Icely J., Newton, A. Mudge, S., Oliveira, P., 2007. “Episodic hypoxia: a problem for lagoon management.” Cristina S., Newton, A. Icely, J., 2007. “Integrative tools and methods in assessing ecological integrity in estuarine and coastal systems." 35 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 15. Other Oral Presentations on Research Topics 18 1ST LAGUNET Conference , 3rd European Conference on Lagoon Research Naples, Italy 19th-23rd November 2007 Presentations: Icely, J., Hinson, B., Mudge, S., Newton, A., 2007. “Effect of sediment characteristics on the microphytobenthos community in the Ria Formosa Lagoon, Portugal”. Mudge, S., Icely, J., Newton, A., “Vulnerabilities in Transitional Waters – oxygen depletion.” 19 ESA (European Space Agency) Intercalibration Workshop Askö Island, Sweden 29thJuly- 1st August 2008 Presentation: Icely, J., Fragoso, B., Newton, A., 2008.“Validation of MERIS Marine Products at Portuguese Oceanic and Coastal Sites.” 20 American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting, (Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone –LOICZ-Special Session) Nice, France 25th-30th January 2009 Presentation: Weissbach, A., Rudstrom, M., Olofsson, M., Icely, J., Tillman, U., Legrand, C., 2009. “Microbial food web interactions in the presence of the allelopathic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarensis.” 21 MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) Validation Team Meeting Faro, Portugal 2nd -5th March 2009 Presentation: Icely, J., Cristina, S., Goela, P., Fragoso, B., Newton, A., with contributions from Kostianoy, A., Caetano, S., Costa, C., Gladkick, A., 2009. “Validation of MERIS marine products at Portuguese oceanic and coastal sites.” 22 WISER (Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery) Kick-off Meeting Palma de Mallorca, Spain 9th-13th March 2009 Presentation: Icely, J., Newton, A., 2009. “WISER phytoplankton and the Rio Mondego.” 23 ICS 2009 10th International Coastal Symposium Lisbon, Portugal 13th-18th April 2009 Presentations: Fragoso, B., Icely, J., 2009. “Upwelling events and recruitment patterns of the major fouling species on coastal aquaculture (Sagres, Portugal).” Cristina, S., Goela, P., Icely, J., Newton, A., Fragoso, B., 2009. “Assessment of the optical properties of the ocean and coastal waters using MERIS satellite products in Sagres off the south west coast of Portugal.” 24 SPICOSA (Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment) 5th SAF Meeting Istanbul, Turkey 3rd-5th February 2010 Presentation: Icely, J., Newton, A., 2010. “Field training experience and beyond.” 25 WISER (Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery) WP 4.1 meeting Faro, Portugal 16th-17th March 2010 Presentation: Icely, J., Luis, C., Fragoso, B., 2010. “WP4.1. Field sampling at the transitional waters of the Rio Mondego, Portugal 18-19th September 2009.” 36 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 15. Other Oral Presentations on Research Topics 26 The Living Planet Symposium 2010 Bergen, Norway, 28th June - 2nd July 2010 Presentation: Moore, G., Kratzer, S., Icely, J., 2010. “Application of the BPAC: derivation of TSM, chlorophyll, fluorescence yield and atmospheric properties”. 27 ECSA (The Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association) 47 Symposium Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 14th-19th September 2010 Presentation: Icely, J., Luis, C., Fragoso, B., Henriksen, P., 2010. “How uncertainty might affect the classification of the Biological Quality Element phytoplnkton for the Water Framework Directive in the transitional waters of the Rio Mondego, Portugal”. 28 SPICOSA (Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment) Final Conference Malta, 9th-10th November 2010 Presentation: Gault, J., Lowe, C., Glegg, G., Icely, J., Newton, A., 2010. “Node 5Contribution to training in SPICOSA.” 29 MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) Validation Team Meeting, Joint Research Council Ispra, Italy 8th-10th March 2011 Presentations: Icely, J., Cristina. S., Goela, P., Newton, A., 2011. “MERIS validation activities in Portugal” Moore,G., Icely, J. “TACCS-Portugal: measurement method, data analysis and analysis”. 30 103rd National Shellfisheries Association Meeting Baltimore, USA, 27th-31st March, 2011 Presentation: Icely, J., 2011. “Has shellfish modelling any relevance to the busy financially strapped aquaculture farmer?” 31 Workshop ESA (European Space Agency): GKSS MERIS Validation Lauenburg, Germany, 29th-31st March 2011. Presentation: Icely, J., Moore, G., Cristina, S., Goela, P., Newton, A., Kratzer, S., 2011. “Validation of MERIS marine products at Portuguese oceanic and coastal sites” 32 2nd International Symposium on Integrated Coastal Zone Management Arendal, Norway, 3rd – 7th July 2011 Presentation: Gault, J., Icely, J., Newton, A., Glegg, G., Lowe, C., Reis, J., Hills, J., Le Tissier, M., 2011. “Life after SPICOSA. The SAF (System Approach Framework) legacy.” 33 LOICZ Open Science Conference 2011 “Coastal Systems, Global Change and Sustainability” Yantai, China 12th-15th September 2011 Presentation: Icely, J., Moore, G., Cristina, C., Goela, P., Newton, A., 2011. “Recent Improvements in monitoring ocean colour in coastal waters by earth observation”. 37 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 15. Other Oral Presentations on Research Topics 34 MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) Validation Team Meeting Lisbon, Portugal, 18th October 2011 Presentations: Icely, J., Moore, G., Cristina, S., Goela, P., Newton, A., 2011. “Validation of MERIS marine products at Portuguese oceanic and coastal site”. Moore, G., Icely, J., 2011. “The Development of a prototype autonomous optical floating profiler.” Moore, G., Cristina, S., Icely, J., 2011. “Performance of ICOL at the Sagres site, Portugal”. 35 MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) Validation Team Meeting Frascati, Italy, 23rd March 2012 Icely, J., Goela, P., Cristina, S., Newton, A., 2012. “Chlorophyll Measurements at Sagres, PORTUGAL.” 36 104th National Shellfisheries Association Meeting Seattle, USA, 25th-29th March, 2012 Presentation: Icely, J., 2012. "Science and offshore mussel culture at Sagres, Portugal” 37 ECSA (Estuarine and Coastal Science Association) 50th Symposium Venice, Italy, 4th-7th June 2012 Presentation: Newton, A., Elliott, M., Tett, P., Icely, J., 2012. “Future Proofing Coastal Lagoons.” 38 Presentation of the Portuguese Ocean Colour Group (Sagremarisco & colleagues) to the Portuguese FCT Lisbon, Portugal, 28th June 2012 Presentation: Icely, J., Goela, P., Cristina, S., Newton, A., 2012. “Technical assistance for the validation of MERIS marine products at Portuguese oceanic and coastal sites.” 39 Community-based Management of Environmental Challenges in Latin America, Stakeholder Meeting Monte Hermoso Argentina, 30th August 2012. Presentation: Icely, J., Newton, A., 2012. “Acuicultura en mar abierto” 40 ECSA 53 and Ocean & Coastal Management. Estuaries and coastal areas in times of intense change Shanghai, China, 13th-17th October 2013 Session Title: “LOICZ East Asia Yantai Node Session River mouths and coastal sustainability” Presentation: Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2013. “River mouth syndromes and coastal sustainability” Session Title: “Economic development and ecological and socio-cultural risks: the sociocultural-economic-ecology interface” Presentation: Icely, J.D., Newton, A., 2013. “Community based management of environmental challenges in Latin America” 38 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 15. Other Oral Presentations on Research Topics 41 EuroMedLag 2013 European Conference on Coastal Lagoon Research Lecce, Italy, 16th – 19th December 2013. Presentation: Newton A, Icely, J.D., 2013. “DPSIR revisited” 42 106th Annual Meeting of the National Shellfish Association USA, Florida, Jacksonville, 29th March – 3rd April 2014. Presentation: Icely, J., Fragoso, B., 2014. “Approaches to monitoring offshore bivalve aquaculture at Sagres, Portugal. 43 ECSA 54 Conference - Coastal systems under change: tuning assessments and management tools. Portugal, Sesimbra, 12th – 16th May 2014. Theme 3: Shifts in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Presentation: Goela, P.C., Cristina, S., Danchenko, S., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., DelValls, T.A., 2014. “The use of bio-optical parameters to determine shifts in phytoplankton community during bloom events off the Southwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula”. Theme 6: Improving management and decision processes: advances in predictive tools Presentation: Cristina, S., Goela, P.C., Icely, J., Newton A., DelValls T.A., 2014. “The use of validated remote sensing products for supporting the implementation of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive using the Southwestern coast of the Iberian Peninsula as a case study.” Presentation: Fragoso, B., Icely J.D., Newton, A., DelValls, T.A., 2014. “Incorporation of scientific knowledge into the regulation and management of sustainable offshore aquaculture at Sagres, Portugal.” 44 The Ocean Optics Conference XXIII USA, Maine, Portland, 28th-30th October 2014. Presentation: Brotas, V., Couto, A. B., Sá, C., Amorim, A., Brito, A., Laanen, M., Peters, S., Poser, K., Eleveld, M., Miller, P., Kurekin, A., Groom, S., Atland, A., Dale, T., Sorensen, K., Ledang, Anna, Hansen, L., Huber, S., Kaas, H., Andersson, H., Icely, J., Fragoso, B., 2014. “Deriving Aquaculture indicators from Earth Observation in the AQUA-USERS project (AQUAculture USEr driven operational Remote Sensing information Services)” 39 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 16. Posters 1 UK´96 Oceanography Bangor, 1st-5th September 1996. Poster: Newton, A., Dodge, J.D., Icely J. D., 1996. “Upwelling, nutrients, dinoflagellates and aquaculture.” 2 European Conference on Coastal Zone Research: an ELOISE Approach Rende, Italy, 5th-7th September 2001. Poster: Newton, A., Icely, J.D., Vale, C., Nobre, A., Nunes, J.P., Ferreira, J.G., 2001. “Eutrophication in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal.” 3 IMAR (Institute of Marine Research) Annual meeting Lisbon, Portugal, 13th December 2001. Poster: Newton, A., Icely, J., Vale, C., Nobre, A., Nunes, J., Ferreira, J., 2001“Eutrophication in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal.” 4 Challenger Centenary Conference on Marine Science Plymouth, U.K., 9th-13th September 2002. Poster: Pereira, M.G., Mudge, S.M., Icely, J.D. & Newton, A., 2002 “Seasonal variation of phytopigments in the waters of the Ria Formosa, Portugal.” 5 6th International LITTORAL Conference Porto, Portugal, 22nd-26th September 2002. Poster: Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2002. “Impact of coastal engineering on the water quality of the Ria Formosa lagoon, Portugal”. 6 Federation of European Microbiology Societies International Conference Taormina, Sicily, Italy, 25th-29th October 2002. Poster: Caetano, S., Mendes, P., Icely, J.D., Galvão, H., & Newton, A., 2002. “Nanophytoplankton seasonal variations in the Ria Formosa lagoon – South Portugal.” Poster: Mendes, P., Caetano, S., Icely, J.D., Galvão, H. & Newton, A., 2002. “Primary and bacterial production in the Ria Formosa (SE Portugal): coupled or not?” 7 European Conference on Coastal Zone Research: An ELOISE Approach Gdansk, Poland, 24th-27th March 2003. Poster: Edwards, V., Icely, J.D., Webster, R., & Newton, A., 2003. “A comparison of the yield of chlorophyll from nitrogen between the lagoonal waters of the Ria Formosa and the oceanic waters off Sagres on the Southern coast of Portugal.” Poster: Icely, J.D., Edwards, V., Caetano, S., Mendes, P., & Newton, A., 2003. “The use of bulk parameters to compare seasonal changes in the Ria Formosa lagoon on the south coast of Portugal.” Poster: Mendes, P., Icely, J.D., Pereira, G., & Newton A., 2003. “A comparison of seasonal changes in primary and bacterial production at three contrasting sites in the Ria Formosa lagoon, Southern Portugal.” Poster: Nobre, A., Ferreira, J-G, Icely, J.D., Newton, A., & Lencart-Silva, J., 2003. “Land-ocean interactions for a shallow mesotidal lagoon – analysis by ecological modelling.” 40 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 16. Posters 8 Estuarine Research Federation Conference “Estuaries on the Edge” th th Seattle, USA, 14 -18 September 2003. Poster: Loureiro, S., Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2003 “Nutrient availability and phytoplankton composition in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (S. Portugal), spatial and seasonal variability.” 9 Southern European Coastal Lagoons Conference The influence of River basin- Coastal Zone interactions Theme 2a: Nutrients and Eutrophication Ferrara, Italy, 10th-12th November 2003. Poster: Loureiro, S., Newton, A., & Icely, J.D., 2003 “Effects of nutrients reaching the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (S. Portugal): enrichment experiments and primary production.” 10 GEOHAB (Marine Geological and Biological Habitat Mapping) Open Science Meeting “Harmful Algal Blooms HABS in Upwelling Systems” Lisbon, Portugal, 17th-20th November 2003. Poster: Dodge, J.D. Icely, J.D. & Newton, A., 2003 “Eight years of dinoflagellates from a Portuguese upwelling system.” Poster: Loureiro, S., Newton, A., & Icely, J.D., 2003. “Upwelling regime at Sagres (SW Portugal): microplankton composition and production during Summer 2001.” 11 European Conference on Coastal Zone Research: An Eloise Approach Portoroz, Slovenia, 15th-18th November 2004. Poster: Loureiro, S., Newton, A., Icely, J.D., 2004. “Nutrient and microplankton dynamics in the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (S. Portugal): Natural and Enriched samples” Poster: Newton, A., Icely, J., 2004. “Nutrient dynamics in the Ria Formosa Lagoon: Implications for Surveillance Monitoring of Chemical Quality Elements in Accordance with the Framework Directive” 12 AQUA 2006 Linking tradition & technology Florence, Italy, 9th-13th May 2006. Poster: Durr, S. (+ all CRAB consortium including Icely, J.)2006. “Patterns of recruitment and development of biofouling at European aquaculture facilities.” Poster: Watson D., (+ all CRAB consortium including Icely, J.)2006.“Fouling remediation through the use of grazers in shellfish aquaculture.” 13 SCOR- Science Council for Ocean Research Working Group 115 Mini-Symposium: “Standards for the survey of and analysis of plankton” Plymouth, England, 19th-20th May 2006. Poster: Dodge, J.D., Icely, J., Newton, A., Legrand, C., 2006. “Dinoflagellates over eight years from a Portuguese upwelling system.” 14 Symposium “13th International Congress on Marine Corrosion and Biofouling”. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 24th-28th July 2006. Poster: Dürr,S. et al including Icely, J.,2006. “Fouling and antifouling in aquaculture - a review” 41 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 16. Posters 15 Royal Society of Chemistry Conference of the on “Environmental Forensics” University of Durham, England, 18th-21th September 2006. Poster: Wayland, D., Megson, D.P., Mudge, S.M., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., 2006. “Identifying the source of nutrient contamination in a lagoon system.” 16 International Workshop on Extensive and Semi-extensive aquaculture in Southern Europe Tavira, Portugal 20th-21st January 2010. Poster: Fragoso, B., Clímaco, R., Icely, J., Manjua, A., 2010. “Management strategies for biofouling developed by the EU CRAB project with examples from an intertidal (Ria Formosa) and an offshore (Sagres) site on the Algarve, Portugal.” 17 International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management Estoril, Portugal, 11st- 17th April, 2010. Poster: Stewart, A., Fragoso, B., Clímaco, R., Icely, J., 2010. “Evaluation of stakeholder perspectives on the management of the stalked barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) resource in Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vicentina, SW Portugal.” 18 KnowSeas - Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas project First science conference Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 7th- 9th April 2010. Poster: Icely, J.D. & Newton, A., 2010. “Good Ecological Status.” Poster: Newton, A., Icely, J.D., Cristina, S., 2010. “Good Environmental Status.” 19 The Living Planet Symposium Norway, Bergen, 28th June until 2nd July 2010. Poster: Goela, P., Icely, J.D., Cristina, S., Newton, A., 2010. “Absorption coefficient of particulate matter on the south-west coast of Europe: A contribution to the validation of the MERIS sensor.” Poster: Cristina, S., Icely, J.D., Goela, P., Newton, A., 2010. “Validation of MERIS satellite products in oceanic waters off Cape Sagres on the south-west coast of Portugal.” Poster: Moore, G., Icely, J., Kratzer, S., 2010. “Field inter-comparison and validation of in water radiometers and sun photometers for MERIS validation.” 20 Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association 47th Symposium “Integrative Tools and Methods in Assessing Ecological Quality in Estuarine and Coastal Systems Worldwide” Figueira da Foz, Portugal, 14th-19th September 2010. Poster: Goela, P., Cristina, S., Luís, C., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., 2010. “Effect of rainfall on the water quality of a coastal lagoon in the context of climate change.” Poster: Cristina, S., Goela, P. C., Luís, C., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., 2010. “Assessment of water quality and Biological Quality Elements of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon in accordance with the Water Framework Directive.” 21 Ocean Optics Conference Anchorage, Alaska, 27th September until 1st October de 2010. Poster: Cristina, S., Icely, J.D., Goela, P., Newton, A., 2010. “Evaluation of the MERIS marine products in coastal and oceanic waters off Cape Sagres on the south-west coast of Portugal.” Poster: Goela, P., Icely, J.D., Cristina, S., Newton, A., 2010. “Light absorption by particulate and dissolved organic matter in coastal and oceanic sites off the Southwest Coast of Europe: A contribution to MERIS sensor validation.” 42 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 16. Posters 22 KnowSeas (Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas) project Second Scientific Workshop Istambul, Turkey, 23rd-25th February 2011. Poster: Icely, J., Newton, A., Arguelles, M., Icely, D., 2011. “Ecosystem-Based Management System: Enhancing Stakeholder Capacity tool – (EMBS:ESCA tool)” 23 KnowSeas (Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas) project Third Scientific Workshop Helsinki, Finland, November 2011. Poster: Icely, J., Icely, D., Newton, A., Le Tissier, M., O’Higgins,T., Sarda, R., Whyte, H., Wilson, H., 2011. “WP6 Web Package:” 24 ESA, SOLAS, EGU Joint Conference, Earth Observation for Ocean Ocean- Atmosphere Interactions Science Frascati, Italy, 29th- 02nd December 2011. Poster: J.D. Icely, G. F. Moore, P.C. Goela, S. V. Cristina, A. Newton., 2011. “Contribution of Earth Observation to understanding the upwelling conditions off the SW coast of Portugal.” 25 WISER (Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery) final project meeting and conference “Current Questions in Water Management” Tallinn, Estonia 23rd-26th January 2012. Poster: Icely, J., Luís, C., Henriksen, P., Dromph, K., Fragoso, B., 2012. “The classification of the Biological Quality Element phytoplankton for the Water Framework Directive in the transitional waters of the Rio Mondego, Portugal.” Poster: Dromph, K., Agusti, S., Basset, A., Borja, A., Franco , J., Henriksen, P., Icely, J., Lehtinen, S., Moncheva, S., Revilla, M., Sørensen, K., 2012. “Sources of uncertainty in assessment of phytoplankton communities.” 26 ESA (European Space Agency) – ESRIN workshop: Sentinel-3 OCLI/SLSTR & MERIS/(A) ATSR Frascati, Italy, 15th-19th October, 2012. Poster: Icely, J.D., Moore, G.F., Danchenko, S.A., Goela, P.C., Cristina, S.V., Zacarias, M., Newton, A., 2012. “Contribution of remote sensing products to the management of offshore aquaculture at Sagres, Portugal.” Poster: Brito, A., Brotas, V., Cristina, S., D’Alimonte, D., Goela, P., Icely, J., Kajiyama, T., Moore, G., Newton, A., Sá, C., 2012. “OCPortugal Consortium: Activities and Challenges”. 27 KnowSeas (Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas) 4th Scientific Workshop Brugge, Belgium, 27th-30th November 2012. Poster: Sardá, R., Icely, J., Le-Tissier, M., White, H., Icely, D., Newton, A., March, D., Jansen, R., Steuben, M., O’Higgins, T., 2012. “The web platform tool (” Poster: Newton, A., Icely, J., O’Higgins, T., Zacarias, M., 2012. “Management of the norwegian sector of the North Sea” 43 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 16. Posters 28 ESA Living Planet Symposium Edimburgh, 9th-13th September 2013. Poster: Icely, J.D., Cristina, S.V., Goela, P.C., Moore, G.F., Danchenko, S.A., Newton, A., 2013. "Validation of MERIS products at Sagres, SW Portugal between 2008-2012" Poster: Icely, J.D., Moore, G.F., Cristina, S.C., Goela, P.C., Newton, A., 2013. "Linking MERIS validation at Sagres, SW Portugal with validation of OLCI and SLSTR sensors on Sentinel -3" 29 Annual Meetings: First Annual Meeting of DEVOTES (Development of innovative tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good environmental status) Project. ( 2013 Spain, Bilbao, 26th – 28th november 2013. Poster: Goela, P.C., Danchenko, S., Newton, A., Icely, J.D., Cristina, S., 2013. “CHEMTAX: The use of pigments to monitor phytoplankton biodiversity” Poster: Fragoso, B., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., DelValls, T.A., 2013. “Incorporation of scientific knowledge into the regulation and management of sustainable offshore aquaculture at Sagres, Portugal” 30 ESA ESRIN Workshop: Sentinel 2 for Science Workshop Italy, Frascati, 20th – 23rd May 2014. Poster: Icely, J.D., Moore, G.F., D’Alimonte, D., Cristina, S.V., Goela, P.C., Danchenko, S., Fragoso, B.D.D, Newton, A., 2013. “The potential contribution of Sentinel 2 to the management of offshore aquaculture in the coastal waters off Sagres” 31 ICES Annual Science Conference: Sustainability in a changing ocean Spain, Coruna , 22nd-26th September 2014. Poster: Laanen, M., Peters, S., Poser, K., Reus, N., Ghebrehiwot, S., Hommersom, A., Eleveld, M., Miller, P., Kurekin, A., Groom, S., Clements, O., Brotas, V., Amorim, A., Brito, A., Sá, C., Atland, A., Dale, T., Sorensen, K., Ledang, A., Powell, M., Hansen, L., Huber, S., Nyborg, L., Kaas, H., Anderson, H., Icely, J., Fragoso, B., 2014. “AQUA_USERS “AQUAculture USEr driven operational Remote Sensing information Services. 32 Aquaculture Europe 14 Spain, Donostia, San Sebastián, 14th– 17th October 2014. Poster: Fragoso, B. D. D., Icely, J.D., Newton, A., 2014. “Adding ecological and economical value to offshore aquaculture at Sagres, Portugal” 33 7th EuroGOOS Conference: Operational Oceanography for Sustainable Blue Growth Portugal, Lisbon, 28th-30th October 2014. Poster: Laanen, M., Peters, S., Poser, K., Reus, N., Ghebrehiwot, S., Hommersom, A., Eleveld, M., Miller, P., Kurekin, A., Groom, S., Clements, O., Brotas, V., Amorim, A., Brito, A., Sá, C., Atland, A., Dale, T., Sorensen, K., Ledang, A. B., Powell, M., Hansen, L. B., Huber, S., Nyborg, L., Kaas, H., Andersson, H., Icely, B., Fragoso, B., 2014. “AQUAculture USEr driven operational Remote Sensing information Services.” 44 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 16. Posters 34 First Mares Conference Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation Portugal, Olhão, 17th – 21st November 2014. Poster: Icely, J.D., Fragoso, B. D.D., Newton, A., Zacarias, M., 2014. “Monitoring Approaches to understanding interactions of bivalve offshore aquaculture and the environment at Sagres, Portugal” Poster: Fragoso, B. D.D, Neto, J., Icely, J., Newton, A., “An initial characterisation of the Biological Quality Element, phytoplankton, in the Portuguese estuary of the River Mondego” 35 ESA – EUMETSAT Sentinel-3 Validation Team Meeting Germany, Darmstadt, 3rd-4th December 2014. Poster: Icely, J.D., Cristina, S.C., Goela, P.C., Moore, G.F., Danchenko, S., Fragoso, B., Newton, A., 2014. “ Towards validation and data product assessment of Sentinel – 3: Contribution of Sagres Team” 12. ORGANIZATION OF MEETINGS, WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES Table 17. Organization of Scientific Meetings, Workshops and Conferences 1 CRAB (Collective Research on Aquaculture Biofouling) project meeting Faro, Portugal, 4th-6th April 2005 Organizer (including a field trip to field site at Sagres) 2 MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) Validation Team Meeting Faro, Portugal 2nd -5th March 2009 Organizer (including a field trip to field site at Sagres) 3 SPICOSA (Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment) project Workshop “Application of the KERCOAST deliberation tool in conflict management in the coastal zone” University of Algarve, Portugal, 1st-2nd September 2009 Organizer 4 WISER (Integrative Systems to assess Ecological status and Recovery) WP 4.1 meeting Faro, Algarve, Portugal 16th-17th March 2010 Organizer 5 KnowSeas (Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas) Workshop Sagres, Portugal, 16th-22nd June 2011 WP3 16-20th June Workshop to finalize Deliverable 3.2: “Final design of methodology and tools for scaling marine ecosystems, assessing past and current trends, and estimating future trends.” WP6 21st-22nd Workshop to discuss the Ecosystem-Based Management System (EBMS). 45 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 17. Organization of Scientific Meetings, Workshops and Conferences 6 Comet_LA (Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas) Workshop Faro, Portugal, 13th-15th February 2014 Annual coordination meeting and workshop on Methodologies Organizer Table 18. Attendance without formal presentations of Scientific Meetings, Workshops, and Stakeholder Meetings 1 OAERRE (Oceanographic applications to eutrophication in regions of restricted exchange) meeting Nice, France 29th March 2001 Steering Committee 2 OAERRE (Oceanographic applications to eutrophication in regions of restricted exchange) Consortium meeting Kristineberg Marine Station, near Göteborg,Sweden, Sweden 12th- 14th September 2001 Steering Committee 3 CRAB (Collective Research in Aquaculture Biofouling) Kick-off meeting Brussels, Belgium 24th-25th June 2004 4 CRAB (Collective Research in Aquaculture Biofouling) Consortium meeting Alicante, Spain, 10th-11th October 2005 5 CRAB (Collective Research in Aquaculture Biofouling) Consortium meeting Las Palmas, Grã Canarias, Spain, 20th-21st March 2006 6 CONSENSUS Final stakeholder meeting Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Europe Ostend, Belgium 20th 2008 Invited as a Portuguese stakeholder in aquaculture 7 9th International Conference of LITTORAL on A Changing Coast: Challenge for Environmental Policies Venice, Italy 25-28th November 2008 Icely, J., Represented Sagremarisco and CIMA of the University of Algarve at the SPICOSA workshops on “Integrating science and police” and on “Integrated assessment and system modeling 8 KnowSeas (Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe's Seas) WP 3 meeting Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) Amsterdam, Holland, 1-2nd October 2009 (Icely, J. attendance) “Modelling workshop for WP3” 9 MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) Validation Meeting Oslo, Norway 19th-21st October 2009 (Icely J. attendance) Workshop on “Atmospheric corrections in coastal waters: modelling and validation.” 46 John Icely Curriculum Vitae Table 19. Attendance without formal presentations of Scientific Meetings, Workshops, and Stakeholder Meetings 10 ARC-2010 field inter-comparison and laboratory calibration workshop Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT), Venice, Italy 19th-22nd July 2010 Joint Research Council (JRC), Ispra 26-29 July 2010 (Icely,J. participation) “Assessment of in situ radiometric capabilities for coastal water remote sensing applications (ARC-2010).” 11 AQUA_USERS Project Meeting Faro, Portugal 11th-12th November 2014 47