Key Focus: Geography We will be learning about the meaning of the term coasts and key vocabulary associated with it. We will identify coastal areas around the UK and learn how they have been formed and changed over the years. We will debate human impact upon our coastal areas and the animals that live there. This topic will also involve some map work. KEY FOCUS: Science KEY FOCUS: Art/D&T Through the topic, we will be considering the Water Cycle and understanding its role in our local area and wider world. We will also be considering forces as more discrete sessions. We will be looking at the art work of Alfred Wallis and his life. We will then be producing some art work using printing skills and weaving with plastic. . Sycamore CLASS Y4/5 TERM 1 2015 THIS TERM OUR TOPIC IS: CREEPING COASTS! HOMEWORK PROJECT DETAILS: KEY FOCUS: LITERACY We will be considering the text ‘Flotsam’ to consider stories with a fantasy setting. We will also look at poetry based on our topic and explanation texts to consider coastal erosion. We will also be working on speaking and listening skills as we debate the human impact upon coastal areas. USEFUL WEBSITES: Select 4 coastal areas around the UK, from contrasting areas – perhaps one from North, South, East and West of the UK. Highlight these areas on a map and consider the counties and cities nearby. Research these areas to consider how it has changed over the years and how humans have impacted upon its landscapes and/or how it has been changed by natural causes. Select one to write a report on, either based in the past or the present, to consider how different it is or was. Ensure that you consider why it has changed and why it will change in the future. tml asts/index.html x.htm CROSS-CURRICULAR LINKS: ICT – researching erosion and key vocabulary. Creating a media presentation on a coastal area. PSCHE: debating who owns our coasts.