Minutes from November 2014 BLT Meeting

BLT Meeting Notes 11.18.14
Attendance: Katie May, Merilee Hudson, Samantha Egelhoff, Laura Robinett, Trinia Washington, Kimber
Kierstad, Anne Lyons, Tara Kohls, Donna Dugan, and Angie Jenkins
Facilitator: Katie May
Note taker: Tara Kohls
1. Reviewed Norms
2. Reviewed Minutes from October BLT meeting – Approved
3. Reviewed Changes to the Decision Making Matrix
 A question was posed re: Curriculum Non-Mandated – All Staff or Impacted Staff? The
matrix was amended to reflect that Impacted Staff would make the decision re:
Curriculum Non-Mandated.
 A question arose re: BLT deciding the staff Professional development.
Answer: stated in contract, Goals from C-SIP, Staff still gives input to BLT reps
The matrix was accepted/approved as amended.
4. PD Calendar
BLT Rep share out from constituents
 One request/suggestion from a constituent was to list who is expected to be at which
 A question arose surrounding cultural competency professional development
In the past a couple of different things happened – district initiated (Aug days), books
It was suggested to read a book/train/discuss with everyone on staff. It was also
suggested to use the day between semesters for an all staff cultural competence
 A discussion around program breakout meetings started.
Awkward for specialists? More ideas for PD?
 A question arose re: being paid for trainings. Some trainings that have been paid for in
the past include ELL Constructive Conversations, Common Core.
Would the staff be paid for the SBAC training(s)?
 The BLT agrees and sees a need for cultural competency among staff.
 The BLT also sees a need for professional development surrounding multiple learning
It was suggested to use early release days.
 The training that Cassie Martin did a couple years ago was discussed. Donna will contact
to check dates for Cassie to come again.
 Katie will ask Sarah Pritchett for advice.
 Katie will work with Angie to set a time to conduct the BARGNA activity
 Katie will contact Ralina Joseph (Naima Joseph’s mom – 3rd grader) to see about doing a
“Race in the Media” type of activity with individual classrooms.
5. C-SIP
There was some discussion around a Cultural Panel and Leschi Elementary’s recent
cultural competency training.
Before moving on we restated who was responsible for what re: setting up Cultural
Competency and Multiple Learning Styles PD.
Math changes were made as directed by the staff
There will be a Math Night in March
The goals on the C-SIP were set as the same levels as the Spring MSP.
A question arose re: how to C-SIP goals affect teacher evaluation growth goals? Katie
will look into it.
Another question arose – Why do we use SBAC in C-SIP goals?
It was suggested that when we recreate the C-SIP that the goals be created by grade
level teams and/or PLC.
A discussion re: the drop down menus on the C-SIP ensued.
Reminder of the upcoming training(s)
Update on Keyboards – We applied and were accepted for a keyboarding pilot group
(grades 3-5). In addition, Merilee might start using the program in the library.
 A question arose – who is paying for the keyboards? Should be hearing soon. $6,000 ~60
keyboards for the 2 iPad carts.
Boundary Changes
 Frustrations were expressed
 Katie proposed that we write a letter (similar to the letter that Lowell’s principal wrote)
to give support to Bailey Gatzert
 Katie will write the letter and talk to our PTSA (to advocate for Bailey Gatzert since they
don’t have a PTSA)
Loose questions
 C-SIP – When does the staff look at the new C-SIP?
Answer: The C-SIP is due in April. We will probably start our goals in Jan-Mar. It is a
public document can be viewed at any time.
Next month’s agenda:
 envision waiver
Next month’s note taker: Kimber