BLT Meeting Notes 11.18.14 Attendance: Katie May, Merilee Hudson, Samantha Egelhoff, Laura Robinett, Trinia Washington, Kimber Kierstad, Anne Lyons, Tara Kohls, Donna Dugan, and Angie Jenkins Facilitator: Katie May Note taker: Tara Kohls 1. Reviewed Norms 2. Reviewed Minutes from October BLT meeting – Approved 3. Reviewed Changes to the Decision Making Matrix A question was posed re: Curriculum Non-Mandated – All Staff or Impacted Staff? The matrix was amended to reflect that Impacted Staff would make the decision re: Curriculum Non-Mandated. A question arose re: BLT deciding the staff Professional development. Answer: stated in contract, Goals from C-SIP, Staff still gives input to BLT reps The matrix was accepted/approved as amended. 4. PD Calendar BLT Rep share out from constituents One request/suggestion from a constituent was to list who is expected to be at which meetings A question arose surrounding cultural competency professional development In the past a couple of different things happened – district initiated (Aug days), books clubs It was suggested to read a book/train/discuss with everyone on staff. It was also suggested to use the day between semesters for an all staff cultural competence meeting/training. A discussion around program breakout meetings started. Awkward for specialists? More ideas for PD? A question arose re: being paid for trainings. Some trainings that have been paid for in the past include ELL Constructive Conversations, Common Core. Would the staff be paid for the SBAC training(s)? The BLT agrees and sees a need for cultural competency among staff. The BLT also sees a need for professional development surrounding multiple learning styles. It was suggested to use early release days. The training that Cassie Martin did a couple years ago was discussed. Donna will contact to check dates for Cassie to come again. Katie will ask Sarah Pritchett for advice. Katie will work with Angie to set a time to conduct the BARGNA activity Katie will contact Ralina Joseph (Naima Joseph’s mom – 3rd grader) to see about doing a “Race in the Media” type of activity with individual classrooms. 5. C-SIP 6. SBAC 7. 8. 9. 10. There was some discussion around a Cultural Panel and Leschi Elementary’s recent cultural competency training. Before moving on we restated who was responsible for what re: setting up Cultural Competency and Multiple Learning Styles PD. Math changes were made as directed by the staff There will be a Math Night in March The goals on the C-SIP were set as the same levels as the Spring MSP. A question arose re: how to C-SIP goals affect teacher evaluation growth goals? Katie will look into it. Another question arose – Why do we use SBAC in C-SIP goals? It was suggested that when we recreate the C-SIP that the goals be created by grade level teams and/or PLC. A discussion re: the drop down menus on the C-SIP ensued. Reminder of the upcoming training(s) Update on Keyboards – We applied and were accepted for a keyboarding pilot group (grades 3-5). In addition, Merilee might start using the program in the library. A question arose – who is paying for the keyboards? Should be hearing soon. $6,000 ~60 keyboards for the 2 iPad carts. Boundary Changes Frustrations were expressed Katie proposed that we write a letter (similar to the letter that Lowell’s principal wrote) to give support to Bailey Gatzert Katie will write the letter and talk to our PTSA (to advocate for Bailey Gatzert since they don’t have a PTSA) Loose questions C-SIP – When does the staff look at the new C-SIP? Answer: The C-SIP is due in April. We will probably start our goals in Jan-Mar. It is a public document can be viewed at any time. Next month’s agenda: envision waiver Next month’s note taker: Kimber