Ancient Greek Shield Rubric Name ______________________ Attributes 4 Distinguished 3 Proficient 2 Basic Contentaccuracy (weight: 2.0) (Out of 8 points) Accurately describes symbols on the shield and includes at least 3 important characteristics, including religious and spiritual beliefs, of Greek city-state. Accurately describes symbols on the shield and includes 2 characteristics or religious and spiritual beliefs of Greek citystate. Creativity and neatness (weight: 1.0) (out of 4 points) Shield is unique, visually appealing, and neat; accurately represents at least 2 Greek symbols that represent the religious and spiritual beliefs of the Greek city-state. Shield is unique, visually appealing, and neat; accurately represents 1 Greek symbol that represents the religious and spiritual beliefs of the Greek city-state. A short paragraph of 3-4 concise sentences. Includes accurate and inaccurate description of shield and 1 religious or spiritual belief of Greek citystate. Shield is unique and visually appealing, may not be neat, but does not include a symbol of a Greek god. A short paragraph of 3 sentences or less; includes some incomplete thoughts. Paragraph and sentence structure (weight: 0.5) (out of 2 points) A short paragraph of 4-6 sentences. Sentences are complete thoughts with varied structure and are concise. Mechanics: Grammar, spelling, capitalization & punctuation (Weight: 0.25) (out of 1 points) Correct grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are used throughout the paragraph. Comments: Paragraph contains 3 errors or less in grammar, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation; does not interfere with meaning. Paragraph contains 45 errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. 1 Needs Improvement Includes inaccurate information and lacks characteristics and religious and spiritual beliefs of Greek citystate. Shield lacks originality and neatness. Lacks accurate representation of Greek symbols. Incomplete sentences; sentences are not concise or coherent. More than 5 errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation; errors affect the ability to understand the paragraph.