Emotion Guided Reading Notes (part one)

Emotion Guided Reading Notes
Emotion Guided Reading Notes
1. Name 5 emotions that separate humans from the animal kingdom?
2. David Myers tells a story about losing his son and the emotions that were evoked in finding his
boy. What was the most scared or nervous you have ever been? Do you remember how that
made you feel physically?
3. Name 3 physiological responses that occur when we face challenges?
4. What was the best piece of news that you have received? Name two characteristics according to
Myers that you may have felt?
5. Define emotions6. Explain how the chicken and egg debate relates to theories of emotions?
7. Explain how William James contradicting the commonsense view of emotion?
8. Define the James- Lange theory- and explain how they believe I feel when I’m on my cell phone
in the city and see a police officer?
9. What did Walter Cannon think of this theory?
10. Define the Cannon-Bard theory and explain how they believed I feel when I’m on my cell phone
in the city and see a police officer?
11. Define the two-factor theory that Stanley Schacter and Jerome Singer came up with and explain
how they believe I feel when I’m on my cell phone in the city and see a police officer?
12. Draw Figure 12.1 into your notes using your own example that relates to a teacher being upset
with you?
13. Draw Figure 12.2 into your notes and be complete- Think of the sympathetic nervous system as
sympathizing with the plight your body is in and the parasympathetic system as a decrease in
emotional arousal.
14. Explain and draw Figure 12.3 paying particular attention to how arousal is adaptive and give
advice to a high anxiety student prior to taking a final?
15. Read Barrett’s 2006 study that proves fear, anger, and sexual arousal do not have distinct
biological signatures. We clearly know that they feel different, but are brain patterns may not
indicate that. Name three professions that could be tricked by this phenomenon?
16. Explain how physiological differences differ while we experience joy and fear?
17. Think of the happiest memory you have had for 5 seconds in the last year; how do you feel?
Think of a time you felt afraid in the last year; what did you notice?
18. When is the amygdala most active; when people are viewing angry faces or fearful faces?
Explain how this may help us from a evolutionary perspective when it comes to trusting out gut
feelings? (intuition)
19. Explain the difference in emotions when it comes to the right and left hemispheres of the brain
and name two emotions that prove this? (for memory purposes-draw the most negative person
you know and picture their right hemisphere on fire)
20. Explain the difference in emotions when it comes to people with positive personalities? (for
memory purposes- draw the most positive person you know with a symbol that portrays
21. If somebody you truly loved who was depressed had a stroke, what hemisphere of the brain
would be most beneficial for their quality of life?
22. What neurotransmitter tends to support this left hemisphere preference?
23. With your knowledge of how the nucleus accumbens works in terms of electrical stimulation,
what do you believe pharmacologists are trying to do for depressed people?
24. Explain how Hohmann study (severed spinal cords) contradicts Cannon- Bard’s theory paying
attention to a soldier saying that anger “does not have the same feelings it used to. It is a mental
type of anger.”
25. Explain the difference between the two scenarios- a stranger walks into class with flowers for
his or her child; or a stranger walks into class wearing a trench coat- How would James- Lange
differ from Cannon Bard on how we interpret those responses?
26. Define the spillover effect when it comes to physiological arousal and explain why I was upset
with my senior teacher when I perceived that his notes were not good after I played tennis
27. Explain the following quote- “Feelings that one interprets as fear in the presence of a sheer drop may
be interpreted as lust in the presence of a sheer blouse.” What businesses would benefit from this quote?
Explain how Zajonc’s research contradicts the spillover effect in terms of getting negative news?
What is the difference between a control question and a critical question?
Define polygraph –
Can I have a volunteer for the next question (Polygraph question- Write down what happens during the
Name 2 major problems with the polygraph paying attention and draw figure 12.4 into your notesExplain the story of Adrich Ames-
34. We just learned that it is possible to “pass” a polygraph test. What is another more effective
approach to lie detection? Why is this test more effective that the polygraph test?
35. Explain how researchers have looked further into the brain to see if the brain activity has any
relation with whether a person is lying or not? (go to figure 12.5) Remember the quote in the
caption “Liar, Liar Brains on fire”
36. As your watching T.V. there are commercials with subliminal messaging, Although you may think
that this commercial may have no effect on you, it does prime you to unconsciously think
something that the advertisers want. Explain how this would work for a weight loss program
37. Human instinctively use shortcuts; think back to intuition and heuristics. How can the
processing of emotion in the brain “take a shortcut”? (figure 12.6)
38. What does the amygdala do to make it easier for our feeling to control our thinking?
39. What is Zajonc’s belief about the relationship of emotional reactions and thinking? (Personalize)
When have you experience something like hearing a noise, jumping fearful of what threat it
could be, then realizing it was just the wind. This would support his belief.
40. (back in question 37) According to Richard Lazarus, which “road or path” does most of our
emotional life operate through? How does this relate to your last example in question 39?
41. Looking at figure 12.8. Sketch in your example for the event appraisal and emotional response,
knowing which order those go in for both processing.
42. How can an experience, such as being abused as a child, have an impact of how a person
perceives another person’s look? (figure and caption 12.9)
43. Have you ever been able to look at someone’s face and know what mood they were in? What
different facial parts can you look at to know what mood that person is in?
44. What is a downside to computer communication? Have you ever made a mistake by reading
something and thinking the person seemed upset when they were really actually happy? How
does this show the importance of actually hearing the tone of someone’s voice in a
45. Myers described the story of Christopher Bono. Was it a coincidence that Larsen, who saw
through Bono’s calm exterior, was a woman?
46. Has your mother ever been able to tell that you were lying, even right after you just told the
same lie to your dad? Why does this occur?
47. Have you ever seen a girl who is really emotional? Remember her as an example that for the
most part, women have greater emotional responses in both positive and negative situations.
48. Look at figure 12.10. Then read the caption, is it correct in saying that the angry face looks more
like a males face?
49. . Do men’s and women’s brain activity differ when assessed during an emotional event? Is this
evidence to show women, overall, are more emotionally (figure 12.11)
50. Do facial expressions also have different meanings in different cultures? (figure 12.12)
51. Explain what the Guinean proverb meant “For news of the heart, ask the face.” Have you ever
seen an athlete’s face in the Olympics after they had just lost a big game? Do you think you
could tell how they felt based off of their facial expression?
52. Watching movies, do you judge the feelings/emotions of characters based off of the situation?
How do movie directors achieve this (through what phenomenon)?
53. Have you ever seen cultural differences within nations? Give an example of something you have
54. What three things influence emotion? (think PBS like PBS the kids channel)
55. Have you ever tried to make yourself happy when you were in a bad mood? What did you do?
56. What would Williams James suggest you to do?
57. Have you ever been really upset and you showed it through a physical expression (i.e. punching
the wall)? Explain how this made you felt, did you feel more upset (Darwin’s theory) or did you
feel that you vented out your anger (catharsis theory)?
58. Facial feedback- As you fake smile you begin to feel better. The fake it till you make it example.
This is shown by the group of people you saw in the video that laughed on purposed in a group
for 15 minutes, and they left in a better mood. Explain how this has to do with the muscles in
the face.
59. Behavior Feedback Phenomenon- To go back to Zambardo’s experiment of role playing. The
guards were acting in a very powerful position. This gave them feedback that because there
were acting more powerful they were more confident and began to believe their role. Give an
example of behavior feedback phenomenon that’s happened to you.