Scripture / Ethics Note

Walker Street
Clunes 2480
Relieving Principal: Michelle Slee
Telephone: 6629 1278
Fax: 6629 1040
Scripture / Ethics Classes in 2015
23 February 2015
Dear Parents and Carers,
This year we will have Scripture Classes AND Ethics Classes on Tuesday afternoons at 2.25pm.
Students can elect to go to Scripture OR Ethics OR neither, in which case they will remain in
class and finish off work.
Scripture lessons are provided by Presbyterian Minister, Mark Cooper-White from Bangalow
and Ethics lessons will be provided by Mrs Kim Goodrick. Both Mark and Kim have Working
with Children Checks and a teacher will be in the classroom as well. Lesson content has been
authorised and is available at parent/carer request. Lesson duration will be 30 minutes.
At this stage Mark is providing general scripture lessons. Ethics is taught at Stage levels, so for
the moment there will only be one class dependent on greatest numbers. We have another
parent who has enquired about teaching Ethics and once she has completed her training we
will be able to offer a second class.
We thank you for taking the time to respond to this letter.
Michelle Slee
Relieving Principal
Scripture Classes in 2015
I would be interested in my child/ children______________________________________
in class/es_________________ attending the following if available.
Scripture Group with Mark Cooper-White
Ethics Class with Mrs Kim Goodrick
My child/ren will not be attending either Scripture or Ethics
Signed ___________________________
(Parent / Carer)
Date: _______________